Extreme Demon

Chapter 245 Paragraph 1

Do demons also have items with divine power? Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to grab it, and suddenly the ring flew up out of thin air and fell into his palm.

We'll see when we go back. For now, we'd better deal with the scene first. He put away the ring, took a step to the left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he reappeared, he was behind a car that had fallen to the ground.

Reach out and take a shot.

The entire carriage exploded into pieces, revealing a person hiding inside.

The man was carrying two guns, his face was pale, and he rolled around on the ground several times, trying to support his body. Surprisingly, it was Fang Tan who had escaped before.

He originally thought he could escape, but he didn't expect that there was an extremely hard layer blocking the way outside the silver line. In desperation, he could only find a carriage to hide, but he didn't expect to see this scene.

Don't kill me!! Fang Tan was still vomiting blood in his mouth, struggling and shouting.


Lu Sheng stabbed his palm into his eye and then pulled it out.

In an instant, a large amount of demonic energy poured in, and Fang Tan's body froze, quickly drying up and decaying.

Huh. Soon the corpse was scattered in the wind and turned into black ash, and it was more complete black ash than the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong.

Lu Sheng faintly felt a pure demonic energy flowing back into his body.

Huh? This is...? The classics do not mention that an opponent killed with demonic energy can feed back more demonic energy.

Such characteristics are mentioned in books and are only found in real demons.

Lu Sheng paused slightly. Now was not the time to think about this. He raised his head and looked elsewhere.

No!! Don't kill me! Don't!!! Zhan Hongsheng fell out from the back of the truck, his face turned pale.

What made Lu Sheng dumbfounded was that she was originally wearing a white short skirt, but now there was a faint wet spot growing under the skirt.

Zhan Hongsheng was actually frightened to the point of peeing.

Originally, he killed Fang Tan because he witnessed his secret, so he killed and silenced it to prevent it from spreading.

But now, another bystander actually showed off his voice, which is troublesome.

After all, Zhan Hongsheng was Zhan Kongning's sister. He had a good impression of Zhan Kongning, and Zhan Hongsheng seemed to have been nervous when he encountered the disguised python demon before, and seemed to have thought of reminding him.

Lu Sheng's five senses are far beyond those of ordinary people, so he can clearly see all the movements and movements around him.

He has his own principles for killing, rather than killing unscrupulously because of necessity.

After thinking about it, Lu Sheng waved to Zhan Hongsheng.

Come here. He said calmly.

It seems that I can only use Yinhe Net again.

During this period of time, Yinhe.com seemed to have undergone a lot of changes, and it happened to be tested on Zhan Hongsheng. Anyway, as long as he didn't kill him, Zhan Kongning's favor would be repaid.

And now that there is a black film, even if it is exposed, it will not be as bad as before. At most, it is said to be a hidden strength, but it can only let the enemy know the trump card, which is a bit troublesome.


Qingyuan School’s fleet.

Liu Shanzi and Granny Qingkong stood side by side, looking in the direction of the explosion. A group of disciples followed behind him, and almost all of them were looking in the direction of the explosion.

The billowing smoke was quickly contained and became smaller and smaller.

What's going on? Although Granny Qingkong's name contains the word grandma, her face is actually similar to that of a forty-year-old lady. She is wearing a one-shoulder goose-yellow dress that drags to the ground, and the goose-yellow waistband completely highlights her. She has a slender waist, black hair without a trace of white, and no wrinkles on her face. Only her overall appearance looks slightly older, but it is also covered up by her gentle and charming temperament.

I just received news that there was a sneak attack. And they used holy weapons. Everyone on the third level has analyzed it. The attack speed was very fast and the time was very short. Several elders on the third level guessed that it might be a delay type. The holy soldier. Liu Shanzi replied in a low voice.

Delay type. The most common one is probably the Time Control Axe. Granny Qingkong nodded.

Many aristocratic families have time-controlling axes, so it's hard to judge. Liu Shanzi frowned.

While the two were talking, new disciples arrived, including Zhan Kongning, Zhan Hongsheng, and Lu Sheng.

Greetings to the teacher. Greetings to the master.

The three of them saluted the two of them respectively.

Why did you arrive now? Liu Shanzi looked at Lu Sheng's tattered clothes.

Teacher, we encountered a silver line road closure on the way. We couldn't get in or out in front, so we took a detour, but we didn't expect that we encountered other troubles in the middle. Lu Sheng answered quickly.

Zhan Hongsheng paused, glanced at Lu Sheng, and immediately stuttered in reply.

I am the same, but I was lucky in the end. Fortunately, I met senior brother Lulu. After the snake demon died, the silver line faintly receded and returned to its original normal convoy. They also left proudly. Zhan Hongsheng specially changed into long sleeves and long pants before coming. The urine stains on his body were really embarrassing.

I just heard the teacher talking about the Holy Weapon Time Control Axe? What is that? Lu Sheng asked.

Liu Shanzi valued and satisfied Lu Sheng very much, so he naturally knew all about his problems.

While everyone in the third level is still dealing with troubles, I'm going to tell you about the function of the Time Axe. He asked He Xiangzi to listen too.

At this time, disciples from other schools were arriving one after another, but since there were only two people from Yuan Mo Sect, it was concise and clear, so there was no need to worry too much about the danger to the disciples outside.

The Ax of Time is a type of holy weapon. Its function is to create a special area that ordinary people cannot recognize. It is the kind of illusion that even if I stand in front of you, you will feel that I am very far away.

The function of this area is to slow down time. When an hour passes outside, only a few seconds pass inside. Liu Shanzi said in detail.

There are such holy soldiers? Lu Sheng was shocked. Wouldn't it mean that you can use it to do things in some busy places, and no one can notice it? Then this can't be noticed by ordinary people, including aristocratic families?

Liu Shanzi and Granny Qingkong both laughed.

Of course not, some schools and families who practice special secret techniques can recognize the power of the time-controlling axe.

Moreover, the effect of the Time Control Ax can only be used for one day once it is activated. And the accumulated practice required after that will take at least several years.

There are so many restrictions. A female disciple of Qingyuan School whispered.

There are indeed many, but the Time Control Ax is already considered a very practical type among the auxiliary holy weapons. Not counting its own strength, but only its special abilities. Granny Qingkong said with a smile.

By the way, where is Fang Tan? Suddenly Granny Qingkong realized something was wrong, Hongsheng, wasn't Fang Tan still with you before? Why didn't you see him coming?

Zhan Hongsheng was horrified. This is what she is afraid of. If her previous lies are exposed, then what will happen to her?

She stole a glance at Lu Sheng, lowered her head and took a few deep breaths before answering.

Brother Fang went back very early, and I didn't see him either.

Really? Granny Qingkong naturally saw that Zhan Hongsheng was unnatural. Not just him, many people also saw the strangeness of Zhan Hongsheng.

It's okay, isn't he just a man? Senior sister will introduce you to a few more. With Xiao Hongsheng's appearance and strength, are you afraid that you won't find a good one? a female disciple of the Qingyuan School comforted.

When she said this, everyone present suddenly realized that it seemed that Fang Tan had dumped Zhan Hongsheng.

Zhan Hongsheng remained silent, seeming to acquiesce. But she couldn't help but glance at Lu Sheng from time to time, which was even more misunderstood.

Many female disciples of Qingyuan School have seen this.

Zhan Kongning also sighed helplessly. If my sister is interested in Brother Lu Sheng, she might be able to help her connect, but Fang Tan must really let go.

He and Fang Tan were good friends, and they were not involved in this aspect of the relationship originally. However, by chance one day, Fang Tan saw Zhan Hongsheng attending a party. He was shocked and started looking for Zhan Kongning several times to insinuate Zhan Kongning.

Zhan Hongsheng also seems to admire Fang Tan. Seeing that the two of them were about to get together, they didn't expect that this happened suddenly.

Zhan Hongsheng's behavior caused some misunderstandings among the people around her, and they misunderstood that she seemed to be smitten with Lu Sheng.

Compared to Fang Tan's arrogant and domineering attitude, more people from the Qingyuan School preferred Lu Sheng from the Yuan Mo Sect.

Although Lu Sheng didn't pay much attention to others, he didn't have that sense of superiority and distance.

After discovering this, Liu Shanzi and Granny Qingkong exchanged glances, and both smiled implicitly. They are quite willing to promote the marriage between the two rows of disciples.

Everyone stood beside the motorcade for a while, and the explosion there seemed to gradually subside.

It's not good! Many horses were found dead here, carriages and carriages were overturned and exploded, and there were traces of fighting on the ground! A disciple of the Qingyuan School shouted loudly from a distance.

Lu Sheng glanced at Zhan Hongsheng, but the other party said nothing. After judging the shouts of the disciples who reported the news, he estimated the direction. It should be that the traces left by his previous fight with the python demon were exposed.

Teacher, would you like to go over and take a look? he asked proactively.

Let's take a look! Liu Shanzi said solemnly. Before, he thought that only one area in the direction of the explosion was attacked. But now it seems that this secret enemy is very clever.

A group of people hurried to the venue where Lu Sheng had fought.

The scene was a mess. At least a dozen carriages were silently destroyed. Most of the cattle and horses pulling the carriages bled to death. After inspection, it was found that they were shaken to death by the huge force. There are also many traces of holes and ravines left on the ground.

After a brief inspection, Liu Shanzi asked everyone to stop moving and wait until the third level investigators arrived.

About tea time, a group of men and women wearing white clothes and white round hats approached quickly.

The leader exchanged a few greetings with Qingkong's mother-in-law, Liu Shanzi, and then began to inspect the remaining traces on the spot.

It's also the remnants of the Time-Keeping Axe. But only the special effects remain, and there are no traces of the Time-Keeping Axe itself. A man in white who took the lead explained a few words, and then asked several school leaders to quickly lead people on their way. It would be best to leave here. , and then left in a hurry.

Liu Shanzi discussed with Granny Qingkong and the leader of the Yuxiang Sect and decided to leave the main force immediately.

They believed that the enemy attack this time was mainly caused by the third level of the upper three levels. This level of opponents was definitely not something they, the lower third level schools, could afford to offend.

And later, I heard news that there was a lot of movement from the Bailian School, and there was extremely strong radiation from the holy weapons remaining.

Before leaving, Lu Sheng proposed to go out and see the remaining traces of the holy weapon. He was curious about how strong the real and complete holy weapon was, although the time-controlling ax was only an auxiliary holy weapon.

Liu Shanzi hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

Because the place where the holy soldiers left their traces gathered almost all the strongest people in the team, so nothing would happen.

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