Extreme Demon

Chapter 247 Ten Methods and Nine Intentions 1

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Bailing City.

The crowded and noisy streets are like a long pale red river, extending from the city gate to the depths.

Most of the shops on both sides of the street have also hung up red lanterns to celebrate this year's harvest and reunion.

Five cents, give me five cents. Grandma, I want it~~

Next to an old woman on the street, there was a little boy with pigtails wrapped around him. The two of them were standing in front of a vendor buying candy flowers, unable to move.

The old woman was quite helpless and seemed not to want to buy it, but her grandson was dragging her away.

Five cents per bunch of sugar flowers, ten cents is one penny of silver. Ten cents is one tael. At the side restaurant, Chen Quansong looked away and shook his head slightly, Nowadays, prices are getting higher and higher. At that time, we only used two taels. centimeters.”

Lu Sheng sat across from him. He had just returned from the alliance when he received news from the Shangyang family, asking him to come and contact Chen Quansong, the person in charge of Bailing City.

Lu Sheng knew very well that it was obviously his performance at the alliance that alarmed Shangyang Jiuli.

As the person in charge of the entire Bailing City, Chen Quansong was very satisfied with Lu Sheng. He had never wanted to compete with him for power and gain since he had been here for so long, and he was completely independent in his cultivation.

This made him always very close to Lu Sheng. Without conflicts of interest, it is the instinct of people like them to make friends with outstanding people.

Brother Chen, do you know why Sir Jiuli asked me to come here? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Actually, it's not a big deal, but it's wrong to say it's not important. This is related to Brother Lu's future development, so Master Jiuli asked me to inform Brother Lu first, so as not to make you unprepared and find it difficult to accept it when the time comes.

Oh? Lu Sheng vaguely felt some eyes peeking at him in the dark, but thinking that this was Chen Quansong's territory, and maybe one of his security experts, he didn't pay attention.

What's going on? Brother Chen, can you tell me something?

I can't say anything about it yet, because I haven't decided yet, but I believe that with Brother Lu's conditions, there shouldn't be any problems. Chen Quansong said with a smile.

Brother Chen, thank you. Lu Sheng was a little tired of this kind of guessing game, so he simply didn't care about him and changed the subject, I wonder if Brother Chen knows about the attacks that happened after the alliance?

This is the work of the Lin family. Although most people don't know it clearly, as one of the nine families, our Shangyang family has its own intelligence channels, so we understand this. Brother Lu, just don't let the news spread. Chen Quansong sighed in a low voice. Recently, Master Fei and Master Jiu Li have also been working on this matter. The Lin family's actions have been too big, and they have almost offended the bottom line of the school. These schools are not so easy to mess with behind the scenes. He stopped talking and didn't say more. explain,

Lu Sheng wanted to ask more questions, but was immediately diverted by Chen Quansong.

By the way, I'm planning to open an inn near Bailing City recently. I wonder if Brother Lu would be willing to take part? Chen Quansong said with a smile.

Inn? Of course you can. Lu Sheng smiled, I happen to have some roots in the North. This line in the north can be a lot more convenient. Nowadays, inns are the most profitable industry in this troubled world. Demons and ghosts are rampant, and ordinary people are the only The way to travel is to find a reliable inn and carriage agency with strong strength, and then choose a route that has been developed and mature. Otherwise, if you walk out of the wilderness out of thin air, you will encounter all kinds of horrors and dangers before you can go very far.

I think so too. Chen Quansong laughed. Speaking of it dong dong dong.

Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door interrupted him.

Sir, we have some clues about what happened with Master Quanyi. The Yamen wants you to come over quickly. The guard outside said hurriedly, seeming a little anxious.

The smile on Chen Quansong's face suddenly subsided. I'll be there right away. He forced a smile and said to Lu Sheng. Brother Lu, I'm sorry. My brother-in-law has encountered some trouble and is currently trying to solve it. It's a pity that I can't have a drink with you this time. It seems that it can only be done next time.

It's okay, it's okay. I have family matters. Brother Chen, don't worry about it. Lu Sheng hoped that he would leave quickly and not disturb him and waste his training time.

I'm sorry. Chen Quansong had no choice but to stand up and bow to Lu Sheng, before hurriedly leaving.

Lu Sheng sat in his seat and soon saw from the window that below the restaurant, Chen Quansong hurriedly got into a carriage and left.

It seems that as the person in charge of Bailing City of the Shangyang family, there are a lot of troubles that need to be dealt with and suppressed, he said with some emotion.

Is the Shangyang family strong enough? One of the nine families in the Central Plains, the entire Song Dynasty was almost ruled by nine families, and the Huang family was actually the real royal family behind the scenes.

But even such a powerful wealthy family can have troubles. After all, it is nine families, not one.

Picking up the wine glass, Lu Sheng drank it all in one gulp.

Waiter, check out.

The waiter standing guard outside the door quickly entered.

Sir, the bill has been paid by that gentleman. Also, that gentleman asked me to tell you: I'm sorry. Next time I'll buy you a drink to make amends.

I'm sorry? Lu Sheng was a little confused. Didn't Chen Quansong apologize just now? Why do it again.

In terms of superficial strength, he is only a little stronger than the opponent. Of course, after the alliance, he will be stronger, but not to the point where he can be so respectful.

After all, in terms of status, both of them are generals under Shangyang Jiuli.

One is responsible for Bailing City, and the other is responsible for Northland. Equal status and voice. Chen Quansong doesn't need to be so humble.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't find out the reason, so Lu Sheng didn't bother to think more.

Forget it, let's go back. I still haven't absorbed the spiritual power. If the people who attacked the convoy are the Lin family, then the so-called wandering gods before should also be the Lin family. He felt a little anxious.

Compared with the Lin family, the Shangyang family is actually slightly inferior. In terms of overall strength, the Huang family ranks first, but is unable to succeed, followed by the Lin family, and then the Shangyang family.

This is the situation that Lu Sheng summarized after collecting information that he had known for so long.

And if it was really the Lin family who lost so many masters, they would definitely become angry and place a heavier bet.

The Shangyang family will never compete with the huge Lin family just because he is an ordinary subordinate. At most, they will give up on him after some benefits are transferred.

So Lu Sheng understood that once he was exposed, he could only rely entirely on himself.

When I used Yinhe Net to control Zhan Hongsheng before, the effect seemed to be good, and the control was deeper. Once it backfired, the inner energy mixed with demonic energy became more powerful than before. For those with bloodline, as long as they are not above my level, It's safe. And the most important thing is that it's concealed enough. You don't have to worry about it for the time being. But in the end, we need a completely safe method. Lu Sheng walked out of the restaurant, thinking about the feasibility of using Yinhe Net to develop eyeliners.

But after thinking about it for a while, there was no way to avoid the consequences of someone stronger discovering the Yinhe Net.

All the way out of the city, Lu Sheng's foot speed gradually increased. With a slight step, the ground cracked and a lot of dust flew up. He flew hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye, faster than a galloping horse.

After a while, we arrived at the headquarters of Yuan Mo Sect, a large cave on the cliff.

There were two more gatekeepers at the entrance of the cave, both young men wearing black attire.

Seeing Lu Sheng, the two people quickly stepped forward and saluted.

Hello, second senior brother.

Thank you for your hard work. Lu Sheng nodded and quickly walked into the cave.

Recently, due to the improvement in the ranking in the alliance, Yuan Mo Sect has attracted many young people to join. Many children of run-down families have joined, which has once again greatly improved the number of Yuan Mo Sect.

From the two disciples before, there were more than ten disciples at once.

Liu Shanzi simply arranged for someone to guard the door, which was also a reception and test.

After entering the cave, Lu Sheng did not go to the teacher's cave, but went directly to the stone forest deep in the Poison Mist River where he usually practiced.

He arrived at the side of the stone forest with ease. The small opening on the cave wall still showed traces of his practice.

This is the deepest part of the Yuanmo Sect's cave. Apart from the slow sound of the poisonous mist river, there is no other sound.

Lu Sheng breathed a long sigh of relief, slowly took out the jade box from his arms and placed it on the ground.

He came here this time because his demonic heart was about to hatch again. In the past few days, he had hatched three hearts one after another. Adding the previous three, there were already six. Of the nine hearts, three more will be completely hatched.

It's coming. It's coming. When the Devil's Heart Dao is completely achieved, I don't know how far my body can reach it. Can it resist the power of the source? He looked at the jade box as if he were looking at some kind of savage beast.

What was placed in the jade box was the remaining traces of the holy soldiers that he had scraped off before, that kind of white powder. The jade box can effectively prevent the powder from losing its power. But it cannot be completely isolated.

Put the jade box on the small table aside, which he cut out by hand from stone.

Then Lu Sheng took out the ring he got from killing the python demon.

It was a light blue gem ring, a women's ring made of oval sapphires set on silver metal with a snake pattern.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing special about it, but Lu Sheng gently brought it in front of him, and a trace of demonic energy came out of his body and stained the ring.


A circle of delicate and intricate patterns suddenly appeared on the sapphire of the ring. It turned into a garland, slowly turning and shining on the gemstone.

The light blue halo made Lu Sheng's face look blue.

First absorb the spiritual power. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and pinched the gem hard.


Suddenly, a strong spiritual power surged in from his hand.

Now, he no longer needs to cut his body to bleed out and absorb it. He can absorb the divine power with just concentration and a little contact. However, if the amount is too large, strange phenomena will eventually occur.

Just like now, Lu Sheng's hand was constantly filled with traces of black energy, and blue light shone in it, looming.

This vision lasted for several breaths before slowly fading away.

More than sixty units. Opening his eyes, Lu Sheng let go of the ring. The sapphire ring that might have had some mysterious effect had now changed from brand new to worn out.

Putting the ring away, Lu Sheng sat down cross-legged and began to check the condition of the demonic heart in his body.

The six demonic hearts that were awakened before are:

The snake of jealousy has the ability to cause confusion and interfere with the mind.

The wrathful lion's ability is poisonous fire, and he assists in fighting and fighting.

The Shadow of Madness has the ability to accelerate body healing and recovery.

The restless deer's ability is to accelerate the movement speed and strengthen the movement and jumping in a small area.

The panic dog's ability is to enhance the sense of smell and the other five senses are slightly improved.

The Lonely Sheep's ability is to strengthen the body's ability to absorb and improve poison resistance, such as absorbing poisonous mist river water faster, and being more resistant to other poisonous gases.

Although the ability of these six demonic hearts to produce incubation is not very strong, it still greatly improves Lu Sheng.

Especially in adapting to various environments and fighting continuously, there has been a significant improvement.

Among them, Poison Fire and Chaos Mind enhance the ability to fight in groups; healing, movement and jumping, as well as the body's ability to absorb poison resistance enhance continuous combat capabilities; as for the enhanced sense of smell and slightly improved five senses, it improves the ability to chase and kill.

It can be said that these abilities have not directly improved Lu Sheng's strength, but they have also made him more comprehensive.

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