Extreme Demon

Chapter 244 Cleanup 2

And that's a big demon, right?? A terrifying existence that can make Brother Fang lose his ability to resist just by resonating with his heartbeat!? And he's actually struggling to support himself under Lu Sheng's hands??!

What kind of strength is this? ? .

Zhan Hongsheng suddenly thought of all the cynicism he had made towards Lu Sheng in the past. Now that he recalled it, his mind went blank and his heart was extremely frightened.

If Lu Sheng had secretly attacked her in the first place, she would not dare to think about it anymore.


At this time, the snake demon spurted out blood lines from all its seven orifices, barely managed to distance itself from Lu Sheng, and fell upside down not far away.

It was just that he was attacked by a counter-attack just now, and his defense was not as strong as Lu Sheng's, so he could only bear the palm forcefully.

The terrifying palm power, accompanied by a massive amount of demonic energy and an extremely hot breath, poured into his body, and was now frantically destroying all the tissues and organs in his body.

Even his self-healing ability as a big demon can't keep up.

With just one move, he was seriously injured.

With a pop, the snake demon knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and vomited out a large mouthful of purple blood. As soon as the bloody water fell on the grass, it immediately corroded the grass until black smoke was emitted. It seemed that along with the high temperature, the grass clippings were quickly scorched, blackened, and turned into ashes.

Oh? Lu Sheng shook his giant tail like a battering ram, and his legs, which were so strong that they were even bloated, moved slowly, looking at the snake demon as if it was something strange.

In this state, I didn't hold back just now, but you were able to block my palm? At this time, compared to the snake demon, he was three times his size.

Comparing the two, Lu Sheng feels more like a big demon.

What the hell are you doing!? The snake demon breathed heavily and quickly pressed a scale on his right arm.

Suddenly, bloodstains composed of purple runes began to appear on his body, as if they were tattoos seeping out from under the scales.

After the tattoo appeared, the snake demon reluctantly stood up and suppressed the injury just now.

Me? Lu Sheng stepped on the ground, his leg-like hooves slamming down, making a heavy and terrifying impact. He was gradually approaching the snake demon.

I'm a human being. Can't you see? He said matter-of-factly.

The corner of the snake demon's eye twitched.

How do you look like a human being? ?

Are they two thighs thicker than an elephant? Or is it the giant battering ram-like tail at the back? And your beautiful teeth are almost as good as those of a crocodile.

Okay, it's been too long. Tell me your purpose of pretending to come in, and I can let you die quickly. Lu Sheng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

To be honest, any opponent whose strength and speed cannot keep up with him are useless in front of him.

As long as you smash the opponent and inject inner energy desperately, no matter how strong your recovery power is, you can wear him to death. As for the lack of internal energy, just keep beating it until it recovers.

My purpose. It seems that you can solve the problem of the wandering god back then. The snake demon suddenly realized.

The purple tattoo on his body became brighter and brighter, as if bleeding, and his size began to slowly expand.

Do you think you've got me? I just tried to disguise myself and restrain my strength. The snake demon sneered. He suddenly opened his mouth and let out a breath of red breath.

It was a mixture of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong inner energy and demonic energy that Lu Sheng had penetrated into his body.

Besides, I only used three points of my power just now. Now that I have found the real owner, I will completely kill you today!

The snake demon's body suddenly changed violently, and his humanoid legs suddenly melted and merged, turning into a thick, dark python tail.

The python's tail quickly extended and coiled up in circles. Soon the entire snake demon turned into a giant python that was at least ten meters long.

boom! !

The thick snake tail slammed towards Lu Sheng. With the power and speed of a cannonball, it also produced a dull whistling sonic boom in the air.

Stupid! Lu Sheng opened his mouth and grinned ferociously, You used three points of force, but I didn't use any force at all just now.

His right arm contracted, and the arm began to swell and bulge, as if there was a ball of muscle inside. The ball made a thunderous rumble, which was the muffled sound of the blood in the muscles vibrating.

The ball suddenly flowed from his arm to his palm, and Lu Sheng's right palm also shot out with a bang.

The palm and the snake's tail collide head-on.

Boom! !

The collision between strange power and strange power. A circle of invisible sonic booms exploded in a disc shape. The wood of the carriage carriages on all sides exploded with cracks. The horses that were originally stiff and motionless also bleed from their orifices, and their eyes exploded into blood mist.

The snake demon and Lu Sheng were in a stalemate for just two breaths, then the skin all over their bodies burst apart, exploding large amounts of blood mist, and their whole bodies howled in pain.

From the tail all the way up the spine, huge and terrifying power poured in like a tide, squeezing and shattering all the internal organs and flesh in his body in an instant.

The gray-white demonic power of the middle third level emerged, and he quickly began to recover from his injuries. This demonic power seemed to be extremely corrosive, burning the skin of Lu Sheng's hands.

But it was no use. With such a burning speed, it would take three days and three nights to see if it could burn through Lu Sheng's leather armor.

This time there are no tricks. The pure and terrifying force was accompanied by huge shocks and squeezes.

Most of the snake demon's entire lower body and its tail exploded with a bang, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood that spattered away.

ah! !

The snake demon howled miserably and fell far away, collapsing a carriage and stopping just at the edge of the silver line.

His body seemed to hit outside the silver line and was blocked by something hard.

Lu Sheng walked towards him slowly with heavy steps.

This is just his normal form. The anode state was only used on a small arm just now, and it completely determined the outcome of the battle. He was not wrong. The strength in the normal form is just a normal display, just like raising one's hands to eat.

What he is really strong at is the anode state, the integration of yin and yang and the explosion of gas and liquid. Compared with those, he really didn't use any of his strength at this time.

Speaking of which, your strength is pretty good. At least you are the first one who can withstand two blows from my pure strength with only your physical body. Lu Sheng calmly shook his long tail, like a lion before feasting on its prey. .

You guy!! The snake demon managed to straighten up, supporting his upper body with both arms, and stared at Lu Sheng viciously.

Are you not convinced? Lu Sheng asked back.

Of course he won't accept it. Another voice came from behind Lu Sheng. It's very similar to the voice of the snake demon, but richer.

Because if he hadn't been at a disadvantage with that palm at the beginning, he could have been stronger. Another big demon with a snake head appeared behind Lu Sheng again.

Brother, be careful! This guy is weird! the snake demon from before quickly reminded him.

Take care of yourself. The other snake demon quietly gave his brother a retreating look. This time he found out the real culprit. As long as he returns smoothly, it will be a big victory.

The reason why he came out was to cover his younger brother's successful retreat. Judging from the strength that the other party had just shown, it would be difficult for his younger brother to leave independently.

The two snake monsters sandwiched Lu Sheng in the middle. But neither of them dared to move. Lu Sheng's natural aura alone was beyond their imagination. The demonic energy mixed with another unknown aura, forming an inexplicable power.

Have you thought about it? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

?? The two snake demons were stunned, not knowing what he meant.

Have you thought about how to die? Before Lu Sheng could finish his words, he flashed forward, and his three-meter-long body disappeared from the place like lightning.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of the snake demon brother and grabbed his head with one claw.

Don't even think about it! The snake demon brother quickly followed suit. When he opened his mouth, a red shadow shot out and stabbed Lu Sheng's vest.


Hongying was grabbed by Lu Sheng with his backhand. Throw it hard.

Chaos Yang Head!! The snake demon brother's entire head suddenly detached from his body and flew towards Lu Sheng. A new head grew on his body, and then he wrapped up his younger brother with his tail and ran away.

The speed of the two snake monsters is very fast. As the three major monsters, their speed is naturally far beyond that of ordinary humans.

In the blink of an eye, it crossed dozens of meters and flew into the distance.

But faster than them was Lu Sheng.

Mingxu's ground stepping skills gave him terrifying straight-line speed far beyond his previous abilities. After crushing the snake's head, he blocked the way of the two snake monsters with just one breath.

The huge tail slammed down.

Boom! !

The two snake demons stretched out their hands to resist at the same time. Lu Sheng's speed was so fast that they had no time to dodge and had no choice but to resist.


Amidst the sound of bones breaking, the python demon who focused on physical fitness completely met his nemesis. All their secret techniques were used to improve physical fitness, but when they encountered Lu Sheng, who was physically stronger, something was completely wrong.

In the past, they used their bodies to crush others, but now for the first time, they were crushed by others.

The two snake demons rolled to the ground at the same time, half of their bodies were smashed into the ground, and they could not get up.

Lu Sheng's giant tail created a deep ravine four to five meters long on the ground. Large gaps opened radially on both sides of the gully.

The snake demon eldest brother spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, his right paw quickly turned red, and he suddenly grabbed at Lu Sheng who was approaching.

But he pinched her.

Oh? Poisonous sorcery? Lu Sheng looked at the red smoke lingering on his paws.


He actually tore off the snake demon's entire arm.

It's over. Lu Sheng faced the two snake monsters with his other hand. Two large masses of mist, one red and one black, were spinning rapidly in his palm, and he pressed down hard.

boom! ! ! !

Black and red smoke suddenly exploded, completely covering the snake demon and the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters.

No!! The snake demon's painful howl was faintly heard, but it soon became weaker and weaker and gradually disappeared.

After about ten breaths, the black and red mist dissipated, and there was nothing else inside. The grass is just a little darker.

Lu Sheng also returned to his original normal human body shape. To be honest, the two snake demons were both pretty strong, but it was a pity that they faced him.

If it were replaced by a big demon of other sorcery types, maybe this realm could take a while longer, but it would face two python demons who only know how to fight head-on.

Lu Sheng fully utilized his strongest strengths and killed both of them in three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes.


Suddenly Lu Sheng was stunned and saw a light blue gemstone ring on the ground, exuding a strong aura of divine power.

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