Extreme Demon

Chapter 243 Cleanup 1


A vague figure suddenly appeared slowly from Fang Tan's side, and hissed like a snake.

Before they even got close, Fang Tan and the two of them felt chills all over their bodies, and goosebumps gushed out in large patches all over their bodies.

A strong demonic aura spread along the ground, completely covering the surrounding small area.

The strange thing is that the demonic energy is tightly contracted within this range, but it is not leaked to the outside world at all.

What is this!? Fang Tan felt his teeth chattering. With such a strong demonic energy, other than the big demon, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Monster energy is a very special kind of mist. They look like fog, but they are not mist. For humans, monster energy is more like a special mist that mixes monster body odor and power fluctuations.

This smell is off-white, similar to mist, but you can smell a subtle smell. It is a natural smell produced by the monster's own species, and some are corrosive and other dangerous, and are often even misunderstood as miasma.

At this moment, Fang Tan and the others smelled a fishy smell, a very obvious smell of snakes.

Let's go! Fang Tan grabbed Zhan Hongsheng and rushed in the other direction.

But suddenly a heartbeat-like rhythm suddenly spread.


Fang Tan's face turned pale and he almost fell to the ground. He opened his mouth and vomited out a mouthful of blood. He knelt on the ground and couldn't move for a moment.

Brother Fang! Help me! Zhan Hong's voice caused severe pain in his chest, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his face was so pale that he had no strength at all, and he fell to the ground.

This is the resonance of the big demon's heartbeat. The red sound! You hold on... I will call the teacher and the others right away. You must hold on! Fang Tan reluctantly got up, and his black membrane suddenly shook, and black energy lingered all over his body. For a short time, With a little more strength, he rushed in a direction away from the big demon and disappeared on the grassland in a blink of an eye.

Brother Fang Zhan Hongsheng was already speechless, but looking at Fang Tan's running back, something seemed to break in her heart.

What identity should I use? Suddenly, a low, hoarse and weird voice slowly sounded.

Zhan Hong was horrified, knowing that the big demon had arrived. Those who could be called big demons were at least snake level or above. Some of the big demons at this level had extremely powerful bodies and would have their own abnormality such as heartbeat resonance. Once an elephant enters its hunting range, it will be shaken by its heartbeat and become numb all over, its internal organs will bleed, and it will become weak and weak, just like prey stuck in a spider web. Wait for the big monster to slowly approach to prey.

This is a hunting technique derived from the big monster who lacks speed. But when magnified, it becomes an impeccable nightmare sorcery.



The sound of the heartbeat gradually came closer, and suddenly, the resonance of the heartbeat suddenly shrank, faded and disappeared.

Zhan Hongsheng gasped for breath and was ecstatic in her heart. She didn't have time to analyze the reason. She suddenly used up her remaining strength and rolled back towards the side of the truck. She barely hid behind a pile of goods and sat down.

It's almost exposed. I'd better turn off the resonance first. The voice came faintly.

After taking a breath, Zhan Hongsheng turned his head and peered quietly in the direction of the sound through the gap in the cargo.

A big man with the head of a snake suddenly appeared in her sight.

The head of the black python is the body of a human man, wearing a gray-black robe, but the strong lines underneath can still be seen through the robe.

Zhan Hongsheng felt relieved after taking a look. The eyesight of snake monsters is extremely poor. Most of them rely on other means to detect the outside world, such as body temperature and smell.

Zhan Hongsheng quickly activated the secret skills of blood. One of the secret skills is to regulate her own breathing and body temperature. She happens to be a disciple of the Qingyuan School. She is good at temperature control. If it were any other secret skill, she would really not be able to hide herself. .

After finally relaxing, Zhan Hongsheng remembered Fang Tan's previous act of giving up on escaping alone, and couldn't help but feel sad. But her mood fluctuated greatly, and the secret technique began to change erratically again, which frightened her so much that she felt that her attention had been diverted and she did not dare to think too much.

‘Why is there a snake clan demon here? ’ Zhan Hongsheng forced himself to focus on this issue.

‘This is obviously a gathering place for the school’s team, and with so many powerful sect leaders and elders here, a snake demon, even if it is a big demon, should not dare to come in rashly. ’

Through the gap, she carefully looked at the big demon who had restrained the resonance of his heartbeat.

But this look almost made her heartbeat stop.

I saw that the head and body shape of this big demon was constantly changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, from a tall and burly man to a slimmer female figure.

The head is constantly changing color, the scales turn into human skin, and the facial features gradually transform into a familiar face. Her long black hair grew quickly and hung down behind her.

This is!!? Zhan Hongsheng was horrified. She recognized the name of the person transformed by the demon.

That's Hexiangzi! It’s He Xiangzi, the current senior sister of Yuanmo School! !

“What the hell is this.?!”

She is the one who is most convenient. The big demon seemed to be very satisfied with his transformation skills. He checked it up and down and found no flaws. He immediately smiled and walked towards the carriage in the direction of Yuan Mo Sect.

Senior sister? Why are you here alone, where is the teacher? Suddenly a familiar voice came from the other direction.

Zhan Hongsheng was also startled. She recognized who the owner of this voice was. It was none other than Lu Sheng, that annoying disciple of Yuan Mo Sect.

That paralyzed-faced Lu Sheng who thinks he's great and always treats people coldly and indifferently!

Oops! She thought that Lu Sheng didn't even know that He Xiangzi was transformed by a big demon. If something unexpected happened if he got close,

She didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He must be notified as soon as possible! She tried hard to move her body, but she was too seriously injured during the heartbeat resonance, so she couldn't move at all.

It's Junior Brother Lu. Where's the teacher? Do you see where the teacher is? 'He Xiangzi' asked with a smile.

I made a special trip to buy some small gifts for the teacher. I hope he will like it.

Oh, I saw him in a carriage to the north before, and he was still chatting with the leader of the Hanging Sect, Fuyou Zhenren. Lu Sheng replied.

Really? Then I'll go find him first. 'He Xiangzi' said with a smile.

Okay. Lu Sheng didn't seem to be alone. There was a woman with a skin as complex as snow beside him.

That's just in time. I'm going to find my teacher and ask what happened with the explosion just now. There are so few people around. Maybe everyone has gone over to investigate the situation. The woman said softly.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

Zhan Hongsheng watched the woman leave quickly, and Lu Sheng gradually walked in the opposite direction, feeling slightly relieved.

The 'Hexiangzi' transformed by the big demon walked towards the north as if nothing had happened.

Zhan Hongsheng also calmed down a little. If the two snake-level faction leaders were together, they might have a chance to see through the demon's disguise.

That's right. Suddenly Lu Sheng's voice sounded again. Hearing Zhan Hong's voice, he suddenly tensed up.

Senior sister, when did you wear this kind of clothes? Why don't I remember that you like this kind of outfit?

Me? 'He Xiangzi' was stunned, Is there anything wrong with my clothes?

Lu Sheng smiled. Of course not. You usually wear long sleeves and long pants, especially on your right arm.

What's there? 'He Xiangzi' asked in confusion.

Isn't there a scar there that you can't heal? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

Scar? 'He Xiangzi' was startled. She raised her right arm and touched it, Isn't this it? Come and see.

Lu Sheng didn't know why, so he looked at the opponent's arm again, and there was actually a scar there.


Chi! !

Suddenly a red light flashed in an instant.

The figure of 'He Xiangzi' crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant and appeared in front of Lu Sheng. The scarlet snake in his mouth wrapped around Lu Sheng's neck like a whip.

The distance between the two of them was almost close to each other in the blink of an eye.

Then tell me what shape the scar is. I will definitely imitate it this time. A weird smile appeared on the snake demon's face.

Bang! !

He grabbed Lu Sheng's heart hard.

clang! !

The sharp claws grabbed Lu Sheng's chest, but there was a shocking sound of metal clashing. The snake demon's expression suddenly changed.

Lu Sheng lowered his head and looked at the sharp claws on his chest, and then looked at the snake-headed snake demon in front of him that had transformed into its original form. A strange look appeared on his face.

It was discovered anyway. I didn't intend to expose it.

!!? The snake demon opened his eyes wide, but he still hadn't figured out what happened. Then he felt a terrifying force surge out from the opponent's body.

Before he could react, he saw Lu Sheng's entire body expand violently like blowing air.

His lower body turned into two extremely thick giant hooves in the black air, like an elephant. Behind him, a giant tail measuring one meter tall was covered with ferocious black thorns.

The upper body seemed to be a monster covered with a layer of armor, with countless muscles bulging, enlarging and turning black, especially the arms and neck, as if they were wrapped with black and purple pythons.

Three jet-black horns on the forehead quickly bulged, and the mouth was split to the ears, full of sharp and jagged fangs. Just a glimpse of it from the seam of the mouth would make people feel cold all over.

In just a few breaths, Lu Sheng transformed from his original image of a frail scholar into a ferocious monster over three meters tall.

You!! The snake demon didn't have time to think too much, and quickly used the power-increasing magic. The scales on its body stood up quickly, and the muscles surged wildly under the skin. It gathered strength and demon power, and crossed its arms in front of it.

Bang! ! ! !

A sound like an amplified version of the impact of a war drum exploded.

The snake demon put his arms together and was hit in the middle by Lu Sheng's thick claws. He didn't fly upside down, but stayed in place like a stake, motionless.

Just his whole body was shaking violently, as if he was under some kind of huge and terrifying pressure.

Zhan Hongsheng, who was hiding in the dark, was also stunned.

From the beginning, he was worried that Lu Sheng would be attacked and killed by the snake demon, but then the situation took a turn for the worse, and Lu Sheng actually transformed into this terrifying form in an instant.

She didn't understand what was going on?

Isn't Lu Sheng a new disciple of Yuan Mo Sect? Although he has an eccentric personality, is not gregarious, and has a bad temper that does not know his own abilities, he is annoying to look at.

But it suddenly became like this. The span in the middle was completely unacceptable to Zhan Hongsheng.

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