Extreme Demon

Chapter 242 Attack 4

It's not impossible, but it's very low. Xu Fenghe shook his head. Anyway, it's extremely dangerous now.

Soon several more faction leaders were attracted to check the situation. Xu Fenghe explained the conclusions of the investigation to everyone one by one.

Many faction leaders present fell silent.

The other party dared to attack when so many sect leaders and elders gathered together, which shows that their strength and heart are extremely ordinary. A sect leader said in a low voice.

But since this person only dares to hide his head and tail and attack in secret, it means that he is not strong enough to fight against all of us, so he chooses to escape. Otherwise, he could just come and kill him openly. Huang Fudai, the chief blood infant of the West Jiyuan He rushed over with a team of people. This time he was the team leader and the plenipotentiary representative to send the leader to Baimai.

What Brother Huang said is absolutely true. The other two chiefs also arrived one after another.

Such a big explosion would be impossible for all the experts around to miss it. Naturally, he arrived in a hurry.

Bai Xiu, the destined son, looked around.

“As soon as I received the news after the explosion, I took people to patrol the surrounding area and found no trace of anyone leaving.

This time, excluding the team staying at the Tianlian School and some schools with completely opposite directions, we were all together, a total of twenty-seven schools.

In a huge team of hundreds of people, it is easy to hide one or two people.

You mean, there's a traitor!? Blood Infant Huang Fu frowned.

Maybe. Bai Xiu said coldly.

At this time, more sect leaders arrived one after another. Even those who didn't come sent their disciples to ask what happened.

The situation became increasingly chaotic and noisy. In the name of Xijiyuan, Huang Fu ordered everyone to maintain order and retell what had happened before.


Huanshui Gongjing and Huan Huan were sitting opposite each other in the carriage, both looking solemn.

Something happened to the Dongxiu School. Is it really that? Jing Lao said in a low voice.

The person who attacked and killed in the night was extremely powerful. The force that can send such a lineup is definitely not trivial. Huan Lao frowned. It's hard to say that this isn't the other party's revenge on Dongxiu School.

It's just how on earth did they deal with so many people from the Dongxiu school with so many sect leaders gathered together? You must know that Dongxiu is led by the leader of Chunyi Island, who has reached the third level in his early years. It is better than ordinary people The faction leaders of the lower third level are all strong. There is no way they can completely disappear without even making a sound. This is what Mr. Jing is worried about.

Both of them fell silent, lost in thought.

After a while.

Could it be that one? Huan Lao suddenly narrowed his eyes and seemed to have thought of something.

What did you think of? Jing Lao was stunned. He knew his brother's character. Unless it was an extremely serious matter, he would never show such an expression.

Huan Lao took a deep breath, moved closer to Jing Lao, and moved his lips slightly.

boom! ! !

In an instant, he suddenly hit Mr. Jing on the chest with a palm.

Then, with lightning speed, he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of silver light, directly covering Jing Lao's head as he howled in pain.

The voice was suppressed before it could spread.

After being wrapped in silver light, it suddenly exploded and turned into a circle like a barrier, covering the entire area of ​​dozens of meters in radius.

You!!!??? Mr. Jing finally broke free, but a bloody hole was punched through his chest, and the surrounding flesh and blood tried to heal rapidly.

Before he could say anything, Huan Lao hit him hard on the back of the head with another palm.

His brain exploded, and most of Jing Lao's head was completely sunken.

The opponent's explosion was so fast and sudden that he didn't even have time to react before he was hit. He never expected that his biological brother from the same mother would suddenly attack.

Caught off guard, Jing Lao completely lost his ability to resist and was hit one after another on his body. He was almost inhuman form, just like a ball of flesh that was constantly trying to recover.

It's just a blessing from the power of the holy weapon, but it works so well. Huan Lao opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of silver light again, wrapping the meat ball. His face also quickly changed, turning into the form of an old man wearing a bamboo hat.

The main thing is solved, it's time to deal with the other things.

At this time, the disciples of the school who heard the noise outside rushed over one after another, and the noise continued to break through the air.


Behind the convoy.

Chong Yuezi looked at the snake-like convoy of the school from afar.

Which direction is the Hundred Refining School? he asked in a low voice.

The two snakeheads standing behind him answered slowly.

The flag on your right hand diagonally in front of the weathered rock, the team under it is the Bailian School.

The snake-headed man who spoke was tall and a powerful general under Chong Yuezi.

Unlike Chong Yuezi, both of them are much taller than their boss. Their bodies are densely covered with black snake scales, and they are not good at first sight.

Chong Yuezi smelled carefully in the direction of Bailian School, and suddenly a strange look appeared on his face.

Interesting, does this school actually hide so many powerful small aristocratic families?

As a big demon allied with the Lin family, Chong Yuezi is not afraid of ordinary aristocratic families. Except for the nine families in the Central Plains, the military commanders of the other families are strong, but they cannot be dispatched easily.

The Weapon Master is very strong, but he is mainly based on divine weapons, not human beings. Ordinary aristocratic families don't have enough foundation, so they must make large-scale ritual sacrifices and serve the magic weapons comfortably before they can take action.

By that time, he would have already gotten the news and fled. You must know that the movement of the magic weapon and the magic blade is not that big.

Therefore, big monsters with names and surnames are not too afraid of small aristocratic families. What they are really afraid of is a big family like the Lin family, which has a terrifying background.

It is true that the nine families of the Central Plains have a structure dominated by divine weapons, but they don't need to use divine weapons at all. They have a bunch of holy weapons under their hands. They can take out a few of them at will and chase them all the way. They can easily kill someone like him. The big demon. Although there will be a certain cost afterwards, compared to the exchange for killing a big demon, this cost is negligible.

Master Long, is there a hidden family within the Bailian School? Why didn't the Lin family's intelligence channels receive any clues before? Another tall snake-headed man asked in a low voice.

Because I am different. Chong Yuezi smiled, My sense of smell can smell countless smells that humans cannot recognize. Although the smell of aristocratic families and the smell of schools are similar, there are very subtle differences. Although they are other They concealed it well in all aspects, but in the end they couldn’t hide it from me.”

What about Yuan Mo Sect? one of the snakeheads asked.

Chongyuezi sniffed in the direction of the other team.

Everything is normal. It's almost the same as the ordinary elementary school. It's probably the wandering god that was killed by the holy weapon. Okay, I'll deal with the Hundred Refining School, and you guys deal with the Yuanmo Sect. Remember to move quickly, and meet at the same place when you're done. He ordered quickly, with an interested look on his face.

Yes, Master Long! The two snake-headed men bowed their heads in response.

Chongyuezi took one last look at the sky.

The time-controlling ax can only last for two hours, so pay attention to the time.

Don't worry, Mr. Long! the snake-headed man said quickly.

The two of them are the strongest python monsters under Chong Yuezi. They have infinite strength and leather armor as strong as gold and iron. They have practiced hard in Xuanyue Lake in the south for hundreds of years and have mastered the magic. They are far from ordinary snake-level sect leaders. Comparable.

The two of them looked at Chong Yuezi's figure, which was like lightning, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and then straightened up.

The Holy Soldiers need to accumulate strength in the Holy Weapon Pool. It was still early since the last time You Shen died, and it is impossible for the Yuan Demon Sect to bring out the Holy Soldiers.

In other words, the only one we need to face is a faction leader who is only at the lower third level. The two of them slowly opened their mouths, and the scarlet snake letter slowly spit out, revealing a sinister smile.

It's been a long time since I've eaten raw food. I really miss it. For them who have already entered the Xuanjing level, they can fight against the powerful characters in the middle and third level without losing in actual combat.

It's not easy for the two of them to work together to deal with a lower-tier three character.

Fang Tan frowned and looked at the direction of the distant explosion.

What's wrong? Zhan Hongsheng asked in a low voice.

The two of them were riding horses alone and chatting. Suddenly there was an explosion, and the horses were frightened and did not dare to move forward.

Let's go take a look first. Fang Tan said calmly. It seems that the secret technique exploded out of control. I heard someone talking in the distance.

The two of them were on the grassland outside the convoy. They were not with He Xiangzi, Chen Yunxiang and the others. Instead, they were following alone outside the convoy, walking in their own two-person world.

Seeing an explosion in the convoy at this time, Fang Tan quickly rode his horse closer, but the horse was unwilling to move another step. Apparently frightened by the loud noise. The same goes for Zhan Hongsheng.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to dismount. Fortunately, the convoy was also stopped and they tied the two horses to the back of the truck.

Fang Tan walked straight towards his school, Zhan Hongsheng followed behind, looking around.

The strange thing is that there were a lot of people when the two came out. Now when I return to the school, I can’t see anyone around me.

Why is there no one around? There are a lot of people in the distance. It's so deserted here. Are they all running to watch the excitement? Zhan Hongsheng couldn't help but whisper from behind.

Maybe, let's walk faster and go back and take a look first. Fang Tan felt something was wrong and whispered.

Yeah! Zhan Hongsheng also noticed something was wrong.

They walked through the carriages, and although people in the distance could see them, it was like looking at the image in a mirror, blurry, and if you look closely, you can also find slight distortions.

Zhan Hongsheng saw a man eating and laughing. But after walking a certain distance, she accidentally saw the man again, and he was still eating and laughing.

The dry biscuit in the man's hand has been stuffed into his mouth since just now. After eating it for a long time, the dry biscuit is still such a big piece, and its shape has not changed much.

Hiss she felt a little nervous. Follow Fang Tan quickly.

The short skirts and tight tops that I originally wore for dressing up now felt a bit cold without them.

The two of them passed through the periphery of the carriage and were about to reach the convoy where Yuxiangmen Qingyuan School was located, when Fang Tan suddenly stopped.

He lowered his head and looked slowly, his eyes shrinking.

This is...!? A thin silver line loomed on the ground, dividing the school's location from where he stood.

He looked to the left along the silver line, which drew a large circle and encompassed the entire area.

Inside and outside the line, they are completely two worlds. And they were standing inside the circle.

What the hell is this!! Fang Tan's heart tightened, and the little thoughts he had about Zhan Hongsheng completely disappeared at this time.

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