Extreme Demon

Chapter 241 Attack 3

It's just a short road from here to Bailing City. We're all together, so there won't be any problems. We can go all the way together. Great Elder Liu Shanzi said, Besides, even if we don't want to go all the way, it's useless. We can go down the mountain from here to Bailing City. , there is only one way. Only after we arrive at Bailing City can we act completely alone.

There is only one way. Lu Sheng was stunned.

Yes. To be precise, there is only one road that is the closest, and the rest require long detours. Liu Shanzi recalled.

Teacher, you make the decision. Lu Sheng thought for a while and said.

Anyway, with so many people walking together in the end, there shouldn't be any trouble. The troublesome thing is the last part of the journey, where we have to change roads when we get to Bailing City.

Okay. You guys pack up first, and I'll arrange the parking space for the trip. Liu Shanzi turned around and left the courtyard.

Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi quickly packed their luggage and prepared to leave.

Halfway through, Chen Yunxiang rushed over and said that a group of carriages had been arranged to go down the mountain, and he could go with the first batch of Shangsanren School, and asked if they wanted to come together.

Liu Shanzi, who rushed back after hearing the news, made a quick decision to leave together, the sooner the better.

There are many connections in the Yuxiang Sect, and many female relatives of masters come from them, so they take good care of the people in the sect. It was expected that he could get the carriage so quickly.

After the Yuan Mo Sect and Yu Xiangmen merged, they were also joined by the Qingyuan School and a small school that they had never heard of. It must have been because of Yu Xiangmen that he was able to leave early.

After the three members of the Yuan Mo Sect first met with the leader of the Yuxiang Sect, they got two carriages from him. The convoy set off successfully.

With the carriage provided by Yuxiangmen, several schools joined together to form a small group. They descended from the lonely peak of Tianlian School and headed towards Bailing City.


A cold breeze blows.

Tianlian School went to the pale yellow plain between Bailing City.

Lin Huandao rode a pure black night horse, pacing slowly beside a weathered boulder.

Ye Rufei is an excellent breed from the distant Gale Dynasty. It can travel hundreds of miles at night and can see at night. It can run on many complex terrains, so it is highly respected among the families of the Song Dynasty.

It's just that this kind of horse is extremely difficult to raise, and the fodder it eats needs to be planted in forest lands far away in the south.

Lin Huandao carried a silver-white tomahawk on his back. The blade of the tomahawk was glowing with a faint phosphorescence. There was also a striped golden snake on the long handle, which was constantly twisting and twisting like a living creature.


He exhaled a long breath, and the white mist dispersed from his mouth and slowly disappeared into the air.

The young master must think that I will take action on the last stretch of the road.

Isn't it? A child's voice came from behind the horse.

Of course not. Lin Huandao turned around and looked behind him.

Not far behind him, on the grass, stood a petite monster with a snake head and body.

The demon has a strange shape and is completely different from ordinary snake demons.

It has three heads in total, a green snake head in the middle, and the heads of a little boy and a little girl on the left and right sides.

What's weird is that both heads have weird and stiff smiles.

You're here, Chong Yuezi. Lin Huandao was accustomed to the other party's strange forms, and the aristocratic family often had friends with big demons. Different forms are just a common thing.

It seems we arrived together. From the other direction, an old man carrying a bamboo basket and wearing a bamboo hat, with his back hunched over, slowly walked to the side step by step and stood there.

Anu has arrived too. It's almost time. Lin Huandao looked up at the sky. Dongxiu School, Huanshui Palace, are two strong bones. I will intercept the people from Huanshui Palace, you decide for yourself.

The three-headed snake monster Yuezi glanced at the old man in the bamboo hat.

I'm going to Dongxiu.

No, I'd better go to Dongxiu. The owner of Chunyi Island who is leading this trip happens to be an old acquaintance of Lao Chan. Annu, an old man in a bamboo hat, retorted.

I'm not interested in weak people. Chong Yuezi was a little impatient.

Unfortunately, the same is true for the old man. The brains of the weak are simply unpalatable. Anu sneered.

As one of the great demons who have good relations with the Lin family, both of them are top experts who dominate one side. Being invited by Lin Huandao to take action from so far away to conspire for big things is driven by interests. Choosing a weak team means that After worrying about it, your gains will be very small.

The big demons advocate force, respecting the strong, and fighting with the strong is something they are proud of. When interests are involved at this time, we will never give in.

Let's do this. Bailian School and Yuan Mo Sect merge together, and the two of them can solve it together. Lin Huandao suggested.



Both demons recognized this allocation.

If possible, the leader of the sect should try to capture them alive. There must be holy soldiers within these schools, otherwise they would not have caused such great losses last time. We need to interrogate the whereabouts of the holy soldiers of their schools. Lin Huandao warned.

I hate living, so forget it. I'll choose Hundred Refining School and Yuan Mo Sect. The three-headed snake demon said displeased.

It's getting late, let's get going. Lin Huandao said calmly.

The two monsters looked at each other, turned around and walked slowly in two different directions.

Lin Huandao watched the two of them gradually walking away until they were completely out of sight, then he held the battle ax behind his back and gently pulled it out. Go in the other direction.

Huanshui Palace is not a soft persimmon, it must be carefully planned.


Lu Sheng was sitting in the carriage, demonic energy slowly flowing and swirling in his veins, making his face faintly glowing with darkness.

Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong continuously cooperates with the operation of demonic energy. Under Lu Sheng's active control, the progress of the two is completely consistent.

The meridians and blood vessels were nourished at the same time, making him feel that his body seemed to be slowly transforming towards a stronger state.

The carriage drove slowly, bumping and trembling from time to time. Chen Yunxiang's loud laughter could occasionally be heard outside. People from several schools outside gathered together and chatted happily.

Lu Sheng didn't like wasting time by gathering together like this. In his opinion, if he had this free time to chat, it would be better to do more practice, so as not to regret it due to lack of strength when he encounters trouble.

From the beginning to the end of the alliance, except for the few games he won at the beginning, from the middle to the end, Lu Sheng kept playing hard, staying in the room to practice hard, and not going out to communicate with others.

In the end, even the teacher Liu Shanzi couldn't stand it anymore. In fact, after Lu Sheng showed his strong physical fitness, Liu Shanzi felt that he saw hope.

Lu Sheng's 'naturally' strong physical fitness, coupled with Yuan Mo Sect's extremely universal demonic energy, coupled with his excellent talent for secret arts, in the near future, Yuan Mo Sect will definitely be able to cultivate a person who will impress everyone. The top chief was astonished.

Especially after asking He Xiangzi what method Lu Sheng used to defeat his opponent, his eyes lit up. Such a genius who is suitable for fighting and fighting is extremely popular even in the third level school, let alone the Yuan Demon Sect.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a knock on the carriage door.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes from practice.

Which one?

It's me, Shengya. Yue Shengya's voice came from outside the carriage.

Please come in. Lu Sheng slowly finished his exercise and adjusted his sitting posture.

The carriage door slowly opened, Yue Shengya walked into the carriage with a hearty smile, and then looked around.

It's just Junior Brother? That's just right.

She walked to the opposite side of Lu Sheng and sat down cross-legged, taking out a copper document from her sleeve.

This is the ownership document of Chiyang Iron Mine, recorded in the copper book. The specific location and the number of years of mining are all recorded here.

Lu Sheng reached out and slowly took the copper document, opened it and glanced at it. It recorded the specific location of Chiyang Iron Mine, who the owner was, the approximate estimated output, total reserves, etc. The names were transferred to his.

Thank you.

He put the document into his arms and tucked it close to his body.

Junior Brother Lu stays alone in the carriage and doesn't go out to chat with everyone. Don't you feel bored? Yue Shengya asked with a smile.

It's okay. Lu Sheng said nonchalantly, I've long been used to being like this.

Isn't junior brother getting married? Why aren't your family members with you? Yue Shengya asked softly.

After settling in this trip, we plan to reach the Central Plains. The Northland, regardless of conditions, is indeed very different from the Central Plains. Lu Sheng said simply.

Yue Shengya also nodded. It's true, whether it's the academy's scientific research, population settlement, or all aspects of knowledge and knowledge. The Northland is far inferior to the Central Plains. Unfortunately, if my family hadn't been deeply rooted in the South, I would have planned to settle in the Central Plains.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was a deafening dull explosion in the distance outside.

The carriage was beaten violently, and the horses were so frightened that they barked loudly like Herod and stopped in place. The carriage also began to shake and became unstable.

The sound of the explosion even shook people's hearts.

Lu Sheng quickly opened the car curtain and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the distance, under the gray sky, one can see thick black smoke rising from one place in the distant sect's ranks.

That's the position of Dongxiu School. Yue Shengya frowned, Did something happen?

Dongxiu School is one of the top three schools, so it shouldn't happen easily. Lu Sheng pondered. Maybe there was an accident.

The secret technique explodes out of control? I have heard that some geniuses in the upper third level have a physique that can make the power of blood extremely unstable. No matter how much blood power is developed, it will become explosive power. Yue Sheng Ya smiled.

Is there such a thing? Lu Sheng was surprised. He had never seen this in the book.

Dongxiu school array.

The carriages were scattered all over the ground, and the black ashes of the corpses were piled beside the carriages.

The Chunyi Island Master who led the team has disappeared. There are a total of thirty-two disciples under his command. Only three of them survived. It was because these three people happened to go to other schools to visit relatives.

The attack occurred in a very short time, just a few blinks of an eye, from start to finish, everything was over.

Xu Fenghe, the leader of Xijiyuan, squatted down with an ugly expression on his face and inspected the black dust on the ground.

And there are no traces of resistance around. The opponent who can make a snake-level powerhouse like Chunyi Island Master lose the power of resistance in an instant. This level is definitely not something anyone in our team can compete with.

We must return to the school as soon as possible, otherwise unless the leader of the school comes in person, none of us present will be a murderer's opponent!

Is it so serious? Could it be that the owner of Chunyi Island is tracking the murderer, so his whereabouts are unknown. A man who is the leader of the third level school asked in a low voice.

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