Extreme Demon

Chapter 240 Attack 2

After leaving the Juerong Cave, Lu Sheng was still thinking about what the young man said before. Naturally, he would not really believe that the other man was a young man. There were many evil people with good looks, let alone masters of the school with the power of blood. .

This person is definitely an old monster who is far older than him, but he is well maintained and still looks like a teenager.

This Ye sect seems to be the large force in the real records. It is their philosophy to prevent the sect from treating the world as livestock for feeding and harvesting.

It's just that Yuan Mo Sect is the most suitable place for development for me now, so I don't need to have other ideas for the time being.

In many ruins deep within the Yuan Mo Sect, you may be able to find items that can absorb the divine power, but we haven't finished exploring them yet. As for the secret arts, I haven’t reached the end yet, so I don’t need to think about anything else for the time being.

Remembering the location of Ye Sect's Juerong Cave in his mind, Lu Sheng walked all the way back to the Union Square on the top of the mountain.


There is a very broad square in front of the Miaoyin Hall, covered with red stone slabs.

The square is in the shape of a square, with four sculptures of different shapes erected on the four corners. They are the four leaders of the Tianlian School who have made the greatest contributions in history. Among them are the two saints of Tianlian.

In front of the Miaoyin Hall, the leaders of the three major and triple schools were sitting on each side, overlooking the league arena where the competition was taking place below.

At the seat of Xijiyuan, a bald middle-aged man looked calm, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be stained with a large red, extending to his temples. He was dressed in a large brocade robe, with two golden rings on each arm.

This person is the chief of Xijiyuan, Blood Infant Huang Fu. He is also the strongest chief who is currently ranked number one. It is rumored that he entered the snake level very early. Now that several years have passed, he still doesn't know what level of cultivation he has reached.

At the second-ranked Tianrong School, there was an elegant man sitting on the seat, wearing a wide white Confucian robe and an apricot belt around his waist. On it were numerous flying needles, each of which was as long as the palm of a hand. This person's name is Gongsun Nian, and his reputation is second to none. He is a low-key person and has no news about his deeds. It is just that Bai Xiu, the destined son, publicly admitted that he is not as good as him, which has led to his recent rise in fame.

The third seat is Wanshun Palace. Bai Xiu, the destined son, is as cold as jade, carrying a sword that is much longer than an ordinary sword on his back. The long black hair was tied into a ponytail and stood up high. His hands were spread out on his knees, and his eyes were slightly closed. He seemed not to pay attention to the chiefs of other schools fighting below.

At this time in the square, it was the 19th person versus the 20th person from the Sanzhong School.

The leaders of the school are all at the Seventh Line level. Their secret skills are bright and complex, and each has its own style. However, they are all suppressed by the four giant statues and can only exert less than half of their usual power.

Nearby around the square are the spectator seats of the Middle Third School, and after that are the seats of the Lower Third School. The layers are extremely clear.

The seat of the Yuan Mo Sect where Lu Sheng was located was already at the outermost edge of the square, and behind it were the cliffs and canyons.

When Lu Sheng came back, He Xiangzi was not there either, and there was a lone Yuanmo Sect flag hanging in the seat.

The fight in the Union Square in the distance was not interesting, and these secret techniques had no reference for him. They were all secret techniques developed by digging for blood.

Out of boredom, Lu Sheng simply crossed his legs and began to practice his inner energy. While carefully observing the changes in Mo Yi's heart.

After it became quiet, he really noticed something unusual again.

The first demonic heart is a human-faced snake, which is the snake of jealousy. The second is the wrathful lion, and the third. If it develops according to the normal rules, it is the shadow of madness. If it is not normal, then it is the shadow of madness. Other desires unearthed deep within me”

Lu Sheng sensed it carefully and found that the third demonic heart had indeed cracked again.

There are a total of nine demonic hearts. After they are all hatched and condensed into the final demonic heart, it will be the moment when the demonic heart path will explode. It will also be the highest state since the emergence of the secret technique of the Yuanmo Sect. Lu Sheng was quite worried. expect.

The secret technique of Yuan Mo Sect can completely transform the body and blood from the depths of the physical body. The internal energy is constantly strengthened on the basis of the blood body and continuously develops and extends the power system. When the two are combined, what will happen? The situation is really exciting.”

He crossed his legs and observed carefully for a while, and estimated that the third demon heart would be hatched today and tomorrow.

After sitting cross-legged for more than an hour, another scene came to an end on the Huimen side. From afar, people from various schools of thought could be heard shouting and shouting, some laughing and shouting, some regretting and scolding.

There was a lot of people and excitement over there, but the Yuan Mo Sect side was quiet and motionless.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the sky gradually darkened. People from various schools of thought also slowly returned to their seats.

Among the people milling about in the square, He Xiangzi, the Zhan brothers and sisters, and Fang Tan and Chen Yunxiang were all together, talking in low voices about the situation in the competition.

There was a bloody cut on the side of Fang Tan's face that had not completely healed. It was obviously a scar from participating in the competition before.

Seeing everyone returning, Lu Sheng stood up slowly.

Brother Lu, where did you go? I looked everywhere for you and couldn't find you? Zhan Kongning said regretfully, You didn't see the wonderful thing just now. And Brother Fang's hard battle, and finally defeated the opponent, Successfully improved the ranking.”

Really? I went to hang out at the foot of the mountain before. Lu Sheng replied casually. Is it all over?

Now we are waiting for the ranking results of the sect leader exchange meeting. Taken together, we will get the overall ranking of the school. Chen Yunxiang said with a smile. You can almost leave tomorrow.

Junior brother, don't you like lively places? He Xiangzi asked in a low voice, approaching.

It's not bad. Lu Sheng looked at the disciples of various schools who were still discussing the competition in small groups, and felt that the alliance competition had become the main event festival for the Baimai disciples who did not have many entertainment activities.

Then we can pack our bags and prepare to go back tonight. Lu Sheng said casually.

It's so urgent. He Xiangzi told the truth that he still wanted to play. After finally going out, so many people gathered together, and the ranking of the school was stabilized, so he had no worries. I feel really reluctant to return to the school in such a hurry.

Yes, it's not easy to get together. Why don't we all have a good time together. Chen Yunxiang suggested, I have many pretty junior sisters in Yuxiangmen. Do you want to introduce me to you, Junior Brother Lu? ? she teased with a smile.

I'm already married. Besides, this trip is not just for fun. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Okay, okay, stop talking. Now it's time to have dinner. Tianlian School has arranged three different flavors in three places: sweet, spicy, and sour. You can choose what you want. What do you want to eat? ? Zhan Hong interrupted him.

I want it sour!

I want spicy food.

Everyone reported themselves.

Lu Sheng glanced at Zhan Hongsheng and Fang Tan but said nothing.

I won't go, Senior Sister Hexiang, remember to come back early. He warned, turned around and left slowly.

He Xiangzi looked at his back in embarrassment, then looked at her friends and others. For a while, I didn’t know how to choose.



Lin Beikai put down the spoon in his hand, closed his eyes and slowly chewed the food in his mouth.

There were two people sitting around him on both sides of the banquet.

There are two women, one black and one white. Both of them only have half of their hair, with a hairline from their forehead to the back of their neck. The left side has no hair but only the scalp, and the right side has waist-length blue hair as black as ink.

Both women have sunken eye sockets, and sharp fangs are faintly exposed at the corners of their mouths.

The alliance will end soon. Lin Beikai said in a low voice. Lin Huandao has brought the holy soldiers over. All aspects have been deployed. We are just waiting for you two.

The woman in black had a cold expression on her face, and her hands kept gently rubbing the porcelain bowl in front of her.

Logically speaking, we God Yan should not interfere in the private affairs of the young master and others.

Lin Beikai smiled slowly.

This is not a private matter. Lin Huandao's arrangement is indeed impeccable, but it will not be that simple to fly to Yangyang. So I invite you two to come. I just hope that you two can help me keep an eye on the movements of the Shangyang family. Once their judge has I hope you two can inform me as soon as possible so that I can be prepared.

The black and white women looked at each other.

It's just surveillance, of course there's no problem, but the young master spent so much money and asked me to come here, isn't it just for this little thing?

Of course not. Lin Bei laughed. The plan is progressing steadily, and all aspects of the secrets have been arranged. They are just waiting to be stimulated.

The purpose of inviting you two to come is to prevent accidents.

Are you ready? Okay. The woman in white said coldly.

With the strength of the two of you, I feel relieved. In addition, Lin Bei started to pick up the wine glass, Lin Huandao, if there is anything you need help with, I would like to ask you to take care of me.

The two Yan gods also knew about the conflict between him and Lin Huandao. When they heard this concern, they naturally understood that it was not true concern, and the two of them nodded slightly.

If there is a chance, we will intervene. They were originally on Lin Beikai's side. They did not take action before, just to hide, and they needed to play an unexpected role at critical moments, like now.


The next day.

The alliance was completely over. Lu Sheng did not participate in the entire process and was practicing internal energy in the assigned room.

In the afternoon, He Xiangzi came in and informed him that it was over, and he walked out slowly.

Where's the teacher? What's our ranking? Lu Sheng asked casually.

He Xiangzi's eyes lit up when he mentioned this.

We have reached the 59th rank! Teacher defeated three faction leaders and got a lot of industries and mines! This trip is really a turnaround!

Very good, then when are we going back? Lu Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief. The alliance went smoothly from beginning to end and there was no trouble.

He has also remained vigilant, not daring to reveal his strength to avoid being targeted. I didn’t expect that nothing happened from beginning to end.

Did they really give up? Impossible. He didn't believe it in his heart.

Junior brother, I also think we should go with Shi Zhiguang Sect. They happen to be in the direction of the three major sects and can take us along. This is equivalent to having most of the elites of the sects together, which makes it much safer. He Xiangzi said seriously. .

Lu Sheng frowned and thought for a moment. What about the teacher's opinion?

I also think we should go with the main force. Liu Shanzi slowly walked into the courtyard and looked at Lu Sheng and the two with a look of relief, Thanks to you for this trip, Xiao Sheng.

I'm also a member of the Yuan Mo Sect. The teacher said this out of nowhere. Lu Sheng smiled. However, I do think that there are too many people, which is not conducive to us hiding our whereabouts.

The great elder of Liushanzi pondered for a moment.

That's right. In this case, it's better to act alone. We have fewer people and can move faster.

He paused, Then we'd better act alone so we can stay hidden.

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