Extreme Demon

Chapter 239 Attack 1

The civil strife phase is over.

Each university sect took people to the Miaoyin Hall, where the alliance gathered.

In the Silent Mountains, Miaoyin Palace is the largest stronghold of Tianlian School here. It is also the main place used daily to train middle-level disciples.

The Baimai sects took each group as a unit and headed to the Miaoyin Palace not far away.

At this stage, it is basically a matter of going up to the third level. They compete for the top ranking. The other middle and lower levels are just for the onlookers.

However, due to the resource allocation and the results of the exchange meeting with the faction leaders, all schools have to continue to participate until the final allocation results are released. Therefore, this area has become an opportunity for the elites of the third level school and the few elites to break through to the middle third level to show themselves.

By asking about the situation, He Xiangzi clarified the general situation from the wins of the surrounding schools, and finally felt relieved knowing that Yuan Mo Sect's wins had surpassed at least four schools. There was also a beaming look on his face.

Having stabilized his ranking, one of Lu Sheng's goals was achieved, and the rest was nothing to do with him.

Because he still had to wait for the final result, he also followed the crowd to the Miaoyin Palace.

The Yuan Mo Sect was assigned to a position with several familiar sects by people from the Tianlian School. After they settled in one after another, nothing happened. The time when they were nervous and worried before suddenly became boring.

After watching a few so-called third-level fights, Lu Sheng also felt that it was nothing more than that. After all, it was just a restricted level. From the perspective of him, who was considered a strong person among the snake level, it was naturally not interesting.

He simply stayed in his room and practiced hard. It was very busy outside, but the place where he stayed was peaceful.

While others were just watching the fun, it was better for him to take this alliance as an opportunity to go out for self-cultivation.

A few days later, the alliance still had to wait for at least two days to end, and the third demon's heart had not yet moved. Being bored, Lu Sheng decided to wander around to pass the time.


The mountain behind Miaoyin Hall.

There are thickets of shrubs and big trees with green buds, lush and swaying in the wind.

At a glance, everything is green, dark green, emerald green, dark green, and tender green. Different kinds of green look particularly vibrant against the backdrop of white waterfalls.

The entire Miaoyin Hall is a large hall built on an isolated mountain. Except for a small path going up the mountain, the rest is wild wasteland at the foot of the mountain.

In addition, there is a small river like a green jade belt that flows rapidly around the mountain.

Lu Sheng wore an ordinary Confucian scholar's robe and light green, and walked slowly on the winding mountain path by the river.

There were wooden stakes driven at intervals along the path, and chains were connected between the wooden stakes. Some parts of the chains were rusty and glowed dark red.

‘. Chentian Jinwen Palace. Wins.’ A faint sound came from the distant mountain top. It was the sound coming from the qualifying competition of the competition being held in Miaoyin Palace.

Lu Sheng was not surprised. He walked to a wooden pile and leaned against it to admire the clear and crystal light green water of the river. In his spare time, he also likes the relaxing way of completely letting himself go and thinking about nothing, as if the whole person is like a machine slowly stopping, and he can persist for a long time after taking a short rest.

In the afternoon, there will be a competition between the top ten schools. Why don't you go and see it? There was a faint voice in the distance. It seemed to be a woman, not very old.

What's there to see? They are so superior. No matter how we look at it, it won't change the gap between identities. Haven't you seen that many people from the Triple School are too lazy to look at it? Another male voice replied in a low voice, Instead of caring about these things Boring things, why don't you and I be gentle and gentle. We haven't been intimate for a long time. The man's voice gradually became rippled.

Don't do this. Don't touch! Don't touch there!! The woman resisted in a low voice.

Lu Sheng was speechless when he came back to his senses. He glanced in the direction where the sound came from and vaguely saw two men and women in light yellow clothes hugging each other and having an affair.

He recognized this kind of clothes. Only the servants in Miaoyin Palace would wear this color and style.

He didn't go over to disturb the other person. He could hear the other person talking, but it was because of his overly powerful five senses. But at such a distance, the other party couldn't detect him at all.

Standing by the river, the sounds there became louder and louder, and the moans became more and more ecstatic. Lu Sheng had no choice but to move and continue to relax.

Walking along the river bank towards the Miaoyin Hall in the courtyard, a series of black wooden huts appeared in the distance.

These huts are finished in the shape of a glyph, with more than ten huts each forming a character, and each character is arranged into a huge triangle.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the iron chain, holding the wooden stake with his hand and looking into the distance.

It seems good to be quiet like this once in a while and breathe the wild air. He took a deep breath, and the clear air with the fresh scent of vegetation poured into his lungs, and he suddenly felt relaxed all over his body.

Ding, ding, ding.

Faintly, there was a sound in the distance blown by the wind. It sounded like a knocking sound.

Lu Sheng looked towards the place where the sound came from. There was a narrow path that was almost obscured by shrubs and grass on both sides. It looked like no one had passed by for a long, long time.

The sound came from deep in this path.

He looked around and couldn't find a sign posted nearby by the Tianlian School. Generally, the Tianlian School would put up a sign next to important or dangerous places with matters needing attention written on it.

Lu Sheng was bored when he was idle, his demonic heart couldn't rush, and Yin Qi items couldn't be found for a while. You must wait until the alliance ends before you can leave for free activities.

He hesitated, walked to the path, pushed aside the trees and grass, and walked in slowly.

Anyway, I'm just wandering around. I just want to take a look at the scenery of Miaoyin Palace.

Following the path all the way in, turning left and right, bypassing a flower bed and passing through a cave, Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly opened up.

A huge cave appeared in front of him. The cave was about five or six meters high and it was dark inside. Three large characters are carved on the top: Juerong Cave.

The sound of tinkling is no longer so frequent now, but only occasionally floats out from the cave once or twice. There is no one around, and the ground is also covered with a thick layer of dead leaves, which make a clicking sound when stepped on. .

This is where the Tianlian Twin Saints lived thousands of years ago. Suddenly a clear and gentle male voice came from behind Lu Sheng.

Two Saints of Tianlian? Lu Sheng turned around and saw a strange young man with white clothes, white hair and dark red eyes standing behind him.

This young man was dressed in white as snow, with long hair reaching his waist, and a slender figure, but he was about the same height as Lu Sheng.

The Tianlian School once produced two earth-shattering figures, the Two Saints of Tianlian. The young man said softly.

At that time, aristocratic families were competing for hegemony, and the school was just in its infancy. Demons and ghosts were rampant, and the two saints Tianlian traveled around the world. They felt the suffering of the world, so they established an organization called Shuangye Palace.

I've heard of this. Lu Sheng nodded. Fangye Palace is the predecessor of Baimai. It gathers the power of a large number of dilapidated families. It is extremely powerful.

This is the predecessor of Ye Faction. The young man said softly. But when the Ye faction was born, it was under great pressure. The strongest families at the time united to put pressure on the two saints. In desperation, the two saints decided to act secretly.

Then does this have anything to do with me? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Naturally, his five senses had already heard the person coming behind him, but the other person did not deliberately cover up his footsteps, nor did he have any malicious intent, so he ignored him.

The young man smiled.

Senior Brother Liu said before that he saw an interesting young man in Qiongyi Palace, and it seems that it is you. Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, the leader of the Chiri Sect in the North, and a general under the command of Shangyang Jiuli of the Shangyang family. The current chief of Yuan Mo Sect, am I right about this?

That's right. Lu Sheng nodded. Then what? These can all be investigated, and anyone with a little bit of power and determination can investigate them clearly.

Do you want to know how our school, Baimai, has been able to remain independent and not be annexed despite the threats from the aristocratic family? the young man said softly.

I'm a little curious, but I still don't want to know. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Uh. The young man hesitated. What he was planning to say next, he didn't know how to say it for a moment.

I now understand why Senior Brother Liu said you are interesting.

Lu Sheng said calmly: The more you know, the harder it will be to escape.

But you have already caused trouble. The young man shook his head, The Three Saint Sect has already targeted you. Now in the North, do you know how dangerous your subordinate forces and family are? To be honest, if it weren't for the Three Saint Sect, Intelligence, we may not notice you yet.”

Of course I know. But as long as the Shangyang family is still behind me, I won't worry about it for a while. Lu Sheng said calmly.

The Shangyang family can't always be dragged into pulling tiger skins. Sooner or later, they will find out. The young man said seriously.

Then find a new backer before they find out. Lu Sheng replied.

So I came to find you. The boy smiled.

Can you fight against the Three Holy Sects? Lu Sheng asked.

What do you think? the young man asked in return. He smiled happily, as if he suddenly saw something he was interested in after a long time. The purity and sincerity revealed in his eyes made Lu Sheng slightly moved.

He had never seen a person's smile be so pure.

We are the Ye Sect. We are an alliance composed of the strongest people in the Hundred Meridians. There are even members of our family in the aristocratic families. The young man continued.

But this doesn't mean that you can't fight against the military commander. Without the military commander, everything is just a fantasy. Lu Sheng hit the nail on the head.

Uh. The boy paused for a moment. Silence fell.

After a long time, he slowly sighed, You are right, but you will not get much more resources and development in Yuan Mo Sect. If you join us, you will get more and greater training. We still have I will protect your relatives, friends and subordinates in the North. Why not?

Nothing in the world is obtained without reason. What I obtain must be spit out after all. Lu Sheng shook his head.

In that case, okay, you go back and think about it carefully. If you figure it out, you can come here at any time. The Tianlian School is not closed to anyone. You can come here at any time. The young man said with regret.

Okay. Lu Sheng didn't say anything. Multiple friends, multiple paths, not to mention the other party is the Ye faction. The Ye sect has always upheld the principle that we should not kill innocent people indiscriminately towards the world and mortals. Dharma sacrifices and blood sacrifices are evil and unorthodox ways of development. They advocate getting rid of divine weapons and demonic blades, getting rid of legal and blood sacrifices, and strive to strengthen themselves.

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