Extreme Demon

Chapter 238 Plot 4

Peacock Mountain? The school where the strongest Shu Xian belongs?

The three of them all had their own guesses as to what Lu Sheng was doing in the past.

Brother Zhan, Hongsheng. At this time, Fang Tan hurriedly walked up the stairs below the attic. I just finished over there, so I came over to see how Brother Zhan is doing?

Zhan Kongning looked ashamed. Brother Fang, I feel ashamed that I failed to qualify this time.

Fang Tan raised his eyebrows and didn't care.

It's Yuan Ba, right? This person has some strength, and he recently broke through to the seventh line. Brother Zhan must have lost to him, right?

Not bad. Zhan Kongning nodded.

Brother Fang is here just in time. Come and see, the man named Lu from Yuanmo Sect is going to challenge Bai Qingtang from Peacock Mountain. How many moves do you think Lu Sheng can handle? Zhan Hongsheng also saw what happened on the field, and immediately said loudly.

Oh? Lu Sheng? Fang Tan was stunned, and suddenly remembered that he was the person who made Zhan Hongsheng unhappy before. He looked far away in the direction known to everyone.

Bai Qingtang Shu Xian's junior sister, I don't know how strong she is, but as the second in command of Peacock Mountain, she should be pretty good.

As for Lu Sheng, he looked carefully at the man in the square. Blue light flashed slightly in his eyes.

He has hidden some strength, and his skills are not bad, but facing Bai Qingtang, he probably won't be able to pull off thirty moves. He said calmly.

Furthermore, this person doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and has provoked Peacock Mountain. Yuan Mo Sect will stop at this stage.

I, Lu Sheng, the chief of the Yuan Demon Sect, challenge Bai Qingtang of Peacock Mountain. Lu Sheng walked up to everyone in Peacock Mountain and said loudly.

Bai Qingtang, who was talking to the junior sister next to him, was dressed in white and had a pair of scimitars hanging from his waist. The handles were also white and inlaid with rubies. Her long, jet-black hair lay softly on her sides, and her slender and well-proportioned figure leaned lazily on the wicker chair, showing off her charming curves.

Yuan Mo Sect? Challenge me? Lu Sheng's voice was heard. Bai Qingtang was a little dazed. Although in theory, the challenger was not allowed to refuse, she could definitely use ruthless measures to cripple the opponent and completely lose the opponent's school's strength.

Therefore, except for the top forces Shu Xian and Yuan Ba, there are almost no cases of solo challenges among the others.

It's not that I can't, but I don't dare. So what if I win? When I left, I was challenged and surrounded by other senior brothers and sisters. In the end, no matter whether I won or lost, it ended badly.

Bai Qingtang lazily got down from the wicker chair, her slender legs were round and slender, and the exposed skin on her legs was like the finest ivory, moist and jade-like.

Challenge me? Have you thought about it? Junior Brother Lu of Yuan Mo Sect. She stood up and stopped the junior sister beside her who wanted to move forward first.

Try it. Lu Sheng said seriously. Now he only uses the six-pattern black film. The opponent also has six-patterns, but the six-patterns are absolutely perfect. He is already an extremely mature and powerful peak master in all aspects.

Simply using Yuan Mo Sect's methods and secret techniques, he was not sure that he could truly defeat the opponent. At this level, the power and speed of the cathode state cannot absolutely determine the outcome, so he just said to give it a try.

As for He Xiangzi who was following behind him, she was already stunned. She didn't expect Lu Sheng to actually come over with such a big fanfare and start to challenge Bai Qingtang.

Yuan Mo Sect, I heard it is the lowest sect that is about to fall out of the Hundred Meridians. This Lu Sheng has never heard of his name before, maybe he is a disciple who has been hiding. The junior sister beside Bai Qingtang introduced him in a low voice.

Then come. Bai Qingtang said nonchalantly. It just so happens that I am free. She stretched, walked out of the Peacock Mountain array, and stood opposite Lu Sheng.

A space quickly vacated around the two of them.

Please give me some advice. Bai Qingtang pulled out his two swords, and the light of the swords shone around him like a flower for a few moments. The speed is so fast that one can only see the afterimage.

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng covered his whole body with a black film, stepped on it, and rushed over.


A large amount of black energy around him spread out like tentacles, shooting at Bai Qingtang from all directions. In an instant, dozens of demonic auras rushed towards Bai Qingtang from all sides.

Puff puff puff puff!

A large amount of demonic energy was easily exploded by the two swords, making it impossible to get close.

No matter whether it was front, back, left, right, up or down, all the demonic energy could not get within half a meter of Bai Qingtang. She stepped forward with a relaxed expression, while still having time to watch the fight between Shu Xian and Yuan Ba ​​in the distance.


Suddenly, Bai Qingtang's complexion changed slightly, his attention instantly focused, and he lightly jumped to the left.

boom! !

The ground where she was originally located suddenly had a huge hole several meters in diameter. A large amount of gravel flew away, hitting other people around like bullets.

Caught off guard, many Peacock Mountain disciples were slightly injured.

What a powerful force, what a fast speed! Bai Qingtang flashed rapidly, avoiding Lu Sheng's crazy attacks.

Both of them moved so fast that even ordinary Peacock Mountain disciples could not see clearly. But they are extremely sensitive to airflow, and most of them have airflow bloodline, and they can sense the battle situation between the two from the changes in the air.

Lu Sheng's left and right arms were like knives, chopping, slicing, slapping and knocking, and he used various moves continuously. It is truly faster than a violent storm.

Bai Qingtang was also extremely fast, dodging all Lu Sheng's moves. The double swords around her seemed to be alive, automatically detonating the demonic energy around her.

Keep it watertight.

It's very powerful, but it's useless if it can't hit anyone. At a very fast speed, Bai Qingtang suddenly grabbed it with five fingers, stretched out his hand and popped it out.

Between his eyebrows, a little blue light flashed away.


A large flow of air exploded between her five fingers, and the white air flow was like smoke, completely wrapping and lingering in her palm.

Secret Technique: Wu Sheng.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng retreated at the same time and met Bai Qingtang head-on with his palms.

The white energy and demonic energy quickly entangled, and soon the demonic energy was largely dispersed by the white energy. At the same level, the Demonic Qi Fruit of Yuanmo Sect is indeed far inferior to the secret techniques of other schools.

This kind of demonic energy is ultimately borrowed from outside, rather than being developed and formed by one's own bloodline like Bai Qi.

The control of the borrowed demonic energy is far less flexible and concise than the white energy.

Lu Sheng also used the six-layered black film and demonic energy, but the demonic energy filled the air and was completely suppressed by the white energy.

The two of them fought for a while, and more and more white gas surrounded Lu Sheng. The temperature of this white gas was extremely low, and it contained a special aroma. The aroma had a hallucinogenic effect.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng was hit in the chest. Staggered back a few steps.

Your Excellency is very powerful. Lu Mou admits defeat. He said with his fists clasped. After delaying for so much time, he should have satisfied Li Xiuying's request, right?

Li Xiuying did not mention that she must win, and no one can guarantee this. He only had to hold Bai Qingtang for a while to fulfill his promise.

Junior brother Lu is very strong, Qingtang just won by luck. Bai Qingtang secretly glanced at Lu Sheng's chest with fear. Apart from the torn clothes, there was no mark on the skin.

This guy is so thick-skinned.

However, Lu Sheng's purpose of delaying her was achieved.

Not far away, Yuan Ba ​​and Shu Xian were fighting, and the winner had already been decided. Shu Xian's face turned pale and he lost a move. Yuan Ba ​​also escaped completely when Lu Sheng held Bai Qingtang down.

Instantly understanding the cause and effect, Bai Qingtang snorted coldly and glanced at Lu Sheng.

It turned out to be this calculation.

Entrusted by others. Lu Sheng said casually. Let's go, Senior Sister Hexiang. He turned around and headed back to where Yuan Mo Sect was.

Oh oh oh He Xiangzi looked confused, not knowing what happened.

The second stage of civil strife was basically a melee, but everyone instinctively adhered to the principle of chief versus chief.

At this level, the chief's strength is much stronger than other disciples. In fact, in this second stage, the number of people has little impact, and the main thing is the master.

Lu Sheng held off Bai Qingtang, allowing Yuan Ba ​​to win. It was Li Xiuying who helped Yuan Ba ​​defeat Peacock Mountain.

The second stage ended quickly. Bai Qingtang became angry and cooperated with Shu Xian to sweep all other schools.

The top three were determined by Haishu Sect, Peacock Mountain, and Wanfeng Valley.

The chief of Haishu Sect is Yuan Ba, Peacock Mountain is Shu Xian and Bai Qingtang, and Wanfeng Valley is Shen Youyou.

As for Yuan Mo Sect, because they had not won a single game, they were tied for the bottom with the other four schools.

After the melee at this stage, the Taoists from the Tianlian School began to count the winners and losers, and the other schools watching from the periphery also poured into the square.

The injured were taken away to recuperate. The winning schools were issued tokens to participate in the next stage of the competition.

The rest who do not qualify for the top three will be issued spectator nameplates.

Qingyuan School and Yuxiangmen also found Lu Sheng and two people from Yuanmo Sect, and Li Xiuying and Yue Shengya from Bingyou Valley also came over.

Brother Lu, thank you for this trip. I will have a disciple deliver the promised things after I leave. Li Xiuying smiled broadly and clasped her fists towards Lu Sheng.

Nothing. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yue Shengya stood aside with a smile, looking at Lu Sheng with a hint of appreciation in her beautiful eyes.

I wonder what Junior Brother Lu is planning to do soon? she asked softly.

Continue to watch the battle. Wait for the teacher to return and return together. Lu Sheng said simply.

It just so happens that after the alliance is over, I have to go to Bailing City for business. How about joining you at the end? Yue Shengya said generously.

Of course. Lu Sheng had something to say.

Brother Lu! Zhan Kongning and others also arrived.

But unlike the joyful faces of He Xiangzi and others, Zhan Kongning and Chen Yunxiang both had worried faces.

He Xiang, you guys are in trouble this time. Peacock Mountain is not an ordinary school. Shu Xian is extremely powerful and very vindictive. He offended her. Now that your faction leader is not here, I'm afraid something will happen. Chen Yunxiang whispered.

Ah? He Xiangzi was suddenly startled, and her expression changed a little.

This trip back, I think Brother Lu and He Xiang should come with us. We will go with Brother Fang. With Brother Fang in charge, even Shu Xian won't dare to go too far. Zhan Kongning suggested.

Fang Tan also came late to Zhan Hongsheng, and when he heard this, he also raised his eyebrows.

I don't care, a few more people won't make any difference.

Lu Sheng glanced at this person. No need, we can make our own arrangements. He had his own plans and naturally he would not change them rashly.

Do you think that if Shu Xian interferes with the rules of the Alliance, even if he targets you, it won't be serious? Fang Tan smiled and said, Naive.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, feeling that Fang Tan was a little unkind to him.

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