Extreme Demon

Chapter 230 Alliance 4

The woman, Chen Yunxiang, seemed to have a very good relationship with He Xiangzi. The two quickly got together and had a lively chat, and no one else could get in the way.

The women at Yuxiangmen also greeted He Xiangzi one by one, then found some seats to sit down and rest, and ordered some side dishes.

I've also heard about the flying locusts. Chen Yunxiang showed disgust. I really didn't expect that he would be this kind of person. It's a waste that I admired him before.

This matter has passed, don't mention it again. He Xiang said helplessly.

To be honest, you guys have always been at the bottom of our Yuxiangmen. If you can't hold on this time, we will be miserable. Hexiang, tell me the truth. Do you have the confidence to hold on? Chen Yunxiang whispered. asked.

I don't know either, He Xiangzi said helplessly. It's good that I'm here now.

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by another voice.

Hey, isn't this the Hexiang of Yuan Mo Sect? It hasn't collapsed yet? I heard that the coward Fei Locust rebelled against the sect a while ago. Also, what's the use of joining a school that can't even provide resources? ? Another group of people rushed upstairs, and the man at the head sneered.

Li Du of the Different Acupoint Sect! He Xiang's face turned pale as soon as he saw this man.

Next to her, Chen Yunxiang quickly stretched out her hand to comfort He Xiangzi, shook her head at her, and explained to Lu Sheng in a low voice.

The last time we met, He Xiang was defeated by this person. Both arms were cut off. It was a miserable defeat.

Lu Sheng nodded, understanding the identity of the other party.

The alliance is coming soon, and all the university factions have gathered in Bailing City to settle down, waiting for the alliance to begin. It didn't take long before he met his old friends and rivals from the Yuan Mo Sect one after another.

Lu Sheng looked at the other party calmly and mocked him for a few words before sitting down again. Neither he nor He Xiangzi said a word.

Because the teacher and disciple were separated, the great elder, as the leader of the school, went to the alliance headquarters alone in advance. As disciples, they were led by the chief separately and went later. Therefore, at this time, the chief's prestige and team leadership ability will be extremely tested.

In addition, the urban area here is the default gathering place for the Lower Three Schools, so it is expected that they will encounter old opponents in such a short period of time.

Lu Sheng just wanted to stabilize and continue the inheritance, and didn't think too much about the rest. He didn't want to be too conspicuous, lest he expose something he shouldn't.

People from the Yixue Sect came and stayed at this inn.

Soon the Zhan family brothers and sisters also arrived. Because of her relationship with the elder of Yuan Mo Sect, Grandma Qingkong also arranged for her chief to lead the team and go with the Yuan Mo Sect's team so that they could take care of each other.

But in fact, everyone could see that she simply wanted to take care of the disciples of the Great Elder Liu Shanzi.

He Xiang, Brother Lu. Zhan Kongning cupped his fists and smiled at Lu Sheng He Xiangzi, I was delayed on the way and came a little late. I'm sorry.

Brother Zhan, you're welcome. Lu Sheng also stood up and asked them to come over and sit down.

As soon as the Zhan brothers and sisters and the people from the Qingyuan School sat on the edge, the entire second floor was immediately filled.

Yuan Mo Sect, Qingyuan School, as well as Yuxiangmen and Yixue Sect, which were previously visited, just filled most of the entire second floor.

Qingyuan School and Yuxiangmen were not familiar with each other, but because He Xiangzi was in the middle and most of the Yuxiangmen were girls with beautiful looks, the attitude of the male disciples of Qingyuan School was quite mild, and the atmosphere became warm for a while. .

Lu Sheng waved his hand to let the people from the Red Whale Gang go down first. This place was no longer accessible to ordinary people.

No matter how weak the people here are, facing worldly masters like the Red Whale Gang, the blood power of the disciples of the school will have an absolute crushing advantage, which is not on the same level at all.

The people from the Red Whale Gang would not do much good if they stayed here, but would attract attention. He then let them go first.

As everyone chatted and ate, He Xiangzi began to spread some relevant details about the alliance to Lu Sheng.

The process of the alliance is divided into three parts: internal struggle, external advancement, and defense.

“The first internal struggle is the upper three layers, the middle three layers, and the lower three layers, each competing for ranking within their own division.

The second outsider, the top three who emerged from the internal struggle, are all qualified to challenge the last school of the previous level. If successful, they can challenge one by one and earn a new ranking.

The third is to maintain your status. After fighting for a new ranking, it is to stabilize, stabilize your new ranking, and accept three challenges from other schools below.

He Xiangzi spoke very clearly and clearly, and Lu Sheng understood it immediately.

In this case, wouldn't those schools with more masters take advantage? Lu Sheng asked rhetorically.

That's right. A person's physical strength is limited, and a school only has one chief. It will be difficult to reach a higher ranking in the end, but because of its strong strength, it will not be too low. This is also the key to the Baimai test.

Teach a good disciple, not bad, but not very good either. Only when the disciples are strong and numerous can it be a powerful school. He Xiangzi explained.

In addition, resources are also distributed according to ranking. Chen Yunxiang of Yuxiangmen added.

Then senior sister, our Yuxiangmen's ranking is not high, why do we have so many resources? A charming little girl stood up and asked playfully.

Chen Yunxiang's cheeks turned red when she heard this. In such a large public, she couldn't directly answer that it was the old lover of the faction leader, right?

Although everyone knows it, saying it so blatantly will have a bad impact after all.

Not to mention the embarrassment on Yuxiangmen's side.

This time, our first opponent should be Li Du from the Alien Cave Sect. He Xiangzi reminded Lu Sheng in a low voice.

If we can tie with him, our ranking this time should be stable. It's just that I'm not his opponent. It might be possible if Fei Locust. He Xiangzi said helplessly.

Tie with him? It's easy. I'll do it. Lu Sheng said calmly. The flying locust is only at the five-line level of Yuan Mo Sect, and is equivalent to a four-line master from other schools.

At this level, Lu Sheng was just an inconspicuous little player.

What he was worried about was not these messy opponents, but the black-handed game gods that might appear secretly.

He Xiangzi already knew that Lu Sheng was stronger than her, but she was still a little worried.

Junior brother, this competition must use the secret technique of Yuan Mo Sect. I know you had strength before joining the sect, but that doesn't count.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded. Don't worry. What he is planning now is to keep the Yuan Mo Sect's ranking on the surface and not let it lose its inheritance. As long as it's not too eye-catching, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Just keep going steadily, just hold on, this is his plan.

After dinner, the group went into the room to rest, and those who went out to hang out and shop also left.

This inn is also Baimai's property, so you can speak freely here. In fact, many places in Bailing City are owned by academic schools or aristocratic families.

After Lu Sheng had eaten, he obviously felt that he was not full, so he planned to make up for it in the name of going out for a walk. He also went to contact the men of the Red Whale Gang to get some nutritional supplements.

He Xiangzi was not as relaxed as him, and carefully discussed countermeasures with Chen Yunxiang in the inn.

As soon as Lu Sheng walked to the entrance of the inn, the Zhan family brothers and sisters also followed him out. It seems that he is waiting for someone.

Brother Lu, we are specially waiting for Senior Brother Fang Tan from Shi Zhiguang Sect. If Brother Lu has nothing to do, why not come together? Zhan Kongning suggested gently.

Shi Zhiguang Sect? Lu Sheng remembered that it was mentioned on the list that this school was in the middle triple array and seemed to be ranked quite high. I didn't expect Zhan Kongning to have contact with such a level.

But it's normal to think about it. Zhan Kongning himself is quite good, and it's understandable that his inner circle is at a higher level.

No need. I want to go for a walk alone first. Lu Sheng replied with a smile.

Brother Lu, you spend a lot of time wandering alone, but Senior Brother Fang is a friendly person. Now during the critical alliance period, building a good relationship may also play an unexpected role. Zhan Kongning said tactfully.

Now it is a critical time for Yuan Mo Sect to stabilize its ranking. A little more support may be able to help a little more at this critical moment.

No need, I'm still used to walking alone. Lu Sheng said casually, Then I'll say goodbye first.

Zhan Kongning was helpless and could only clasp his fists. Okay, Brother Lu, go and come back early. We may go to the alliance location early tomorrow morning.

Okay! Lu Sheng turned around and walked towards the street selling food.

Zhan Hongsheng looked at his back on the road and felt more and more disgusted with this man.

Who are these people! We are helping him. Brother, you take the initiative to introduce people to him, but what is his attitude?! If you don't have the strength, just forget it. You don't know it. You always think you are strong, but the consequences will come. Only then did I realize that I was overestimating my abilities. She frowned and said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Maybe Brother Lu has his own plan. Zhan Kongning said helplessly.

Zhan Hongsheng still wanted to speak, but she saw two men in green clothes, one tall and one short, walking towards her.

The taller, long-haired man had a stern face. He had a short gun on his waist and a long gun on his back. His eyes were cold and his appearance was quite handsome. He seemed to look cold to everyone.

Seeing the Zhan brothers and sisters from a distance, a hint of joy flashed deep in the eyes of the long-haired man, but he immediately hid it cleverly.

Wait until you get closer.

Brother Fang, you're welcome. Zhan Kongning took the initiative to greet him.

Although the other party has the same six lines as him, their actual strength will be different due to the strength of the school's secret techniques. This difference can even reach the difference in the number of lines. Just like Yuan Mo Sect and other schools.

As the chief, the cultivation levels of the middle third level and upper third level schools are almost all between the sixth and seventh lines, because the levels are not very different, and they stay at this level for a long time.

So in fact, when comparing the strength of the chiefs, they are more divided into some subtle stages.

From the sixth to seventh lines, they subdivided it into three stages: ordinary chief, powerful group, and top level.

These three stages are actually divided by performance and reputation.

But now Fang Tan is a truly powerful faction. If his name is mentioned, other schools of thought will give a honest evaluation: This person is very capable, not mediocre.

And this is also the result of many years of hard training in Shi Zhiguang Sect.

Senior Brother Fang, long time no see. Zhan Hongsheng showed a charming smile and walked forward.

Hongsheng, how many times have I told you, just call me Brother Fang. Fang Tan looked cold and calm, but he was secretly happy.

My brother is right over there. He will get jealous if you call you eldest brother. Zhan Hong laughed.

Zhan Kongning touched his nose helplessly.

By the way, Brother Fang, I heard that your opponent this time, Wu Haozi, has made a breakthrough. If you want to stabilize your previous ranking, you have to be careful.

Wu Haozi? Fang Tan looked calm. To deal with him, three shots are enough. His face was indifferent, naturally showing a hint of the demeanor of a peerless master.

But he is proud enough. Among the middle three schools, there are not many people who can take my three shots. He said softly.

Seeing Zhan Hongsheng on the side, he couldn't help but have a look of admiration in his eyes.

Senior Brother Fang is still awesome, unlike some people.

Oh? The red voice is talking about the man who left just now? Fang Tan's eyes flashed.

That's right, Lu Sheng of Yuan Mo Sect, a barbarian from the north, thinks he is so powerful. I think Yuan Mo Sect will have a hard time gaining a firm foothold this time. Zhan Hong pouted and said dissatisfiedly, My brother helped him so much, but he didn't know anything about it. The Yuan Mo Sect is in such a state of ruin. I really don't know where he got the confidence.

Really? Fang Tan's expression remained unchanged, but he remembered Lu Sheng's name.

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