Extreme Demon

Chapter 231 Alliance 5

Early the next morning, all the disciples of the school walked out of the inn one after another, got into the ox carts and carriages they had rented earlier, and drove towards the outside of the city.

The endless flow of school convoys suddenly became the strange scenery of the entire Bailing City.

Many ordinary people who didn't know what was happening also came out to watch the fun. Some elderly people still know a little bit about the inside story and understand that this is a gathering held by those high-ranking school forces.

Lu Sheng, together with He Xiangzi and the little umbrella girl, got on the carriage heading to the meeting place.

Their carriage was black, with a symbol of Yuan Mo Sect on the side, which was a purple burning human face.

The entire human face logo occupies almost the entire area on the side of the carriage, and is very conspicuous from a distance.

Lu Sheng sat in the car, looking out the window while calming down his breath.

There were many children watching the excitement on the streets on both sides of the window. They were also accompanied by their families and parents. The children's eyes were extremely curious and pure, and they had no idea who was sitting in the motorcade. Only in the eyes of their parents can one see awe and caution.

They hugged their children tightly for fear that they would collide with the convoy.

In Bailing City here, do even ordinary people know about the sect's family? Lu Sheng asked casually.

He Xiangzi sat opposite him, holding a cup of tea in her hand. The tea was cold but she didn't know how to drink it. She didn't know what she was thinking.

When she heard Lu Sheng's question, she came back to her senses.

In their eyes, we are aristocratic people who are above us. We have no contact with them except for food and drink.

So when ordinary people look at us, they see more of another completely isolated class. He Xiangzi thought for a while and replied.

That's right. It's impossible for the school to recruit ordinary people. Without blood, there is no potential. So for ordinary people, no matter how powerful the school is, it has nothing to do with them. It's like looking at another world. Lu Sheng understood a little bit. head.

Actually, it's okay. There are also mortal gangs here, but they are not rampant. In order to facilitate the management of ordinary people by the family school, the gangs and the imperial yamen cooperate here. Ordinary people mostly practice martial arts and then join gangs. He Xiangzi replied .

I understand. Lu Sheng said clearly.

The two of them looked at the scenery outside the window for a while. The vehicle they were traveling in, driven by the driver, followed the Qingyuan School team in front, so there was no need to worry about getting lost.

Speaking of which, we are going to the Silent Mountains this time, and the meeting places this time are in three places in the mountains: Echo Palace, Mo Sheng Valley, and Qiong Yi Palace.

We are in the lower third level, ranked 64th, corresponding to Qiongyi Palace, which is also in the lower third level. I heard that Qiongyi Palace was still the top Taoist palace left by the previous dynasty, but it was later destroyed by fire during the National War and was rebuilt later. part of it. The place is huge. He Xiangzi whispered.

Do you know our opponent? Lu Sheng said calmly.

We should hand out the list when we arrive. He Xiangzi was not sure.

We are ranked sixty-four, how many rankings does Baimai have in total? Lu Sheng suddenly thought of this.

.Sixty-four in total.

Okay. Lu Sheng was speechless. No wonder the Yuan Mo Sect was in such a miserable state and was ranked last.

The school's convoy moved forward, and soon arrived in front of an endless mountain range. Everyone got off the car and walked along the neat gray stone steps towards the mountain.

People from each school have their own unique movements.

The power of blood brought by the magic weapon greatly enhances recovery and allows different individuals to obtain different blood secrets.

Of course, there are secret arts that are specially used for traveling.

The secret arts of the school are not as good as those of the aristocratic families. They are of the same type, but their cultivation levels are different because of the compatibility between their bloodline and the secret arts, as well as other conditions.

Lu Sheng and others got off the carriage of Yuan Mo Sect and saw from a distance that the teams of the sect in front were showing off their magical powers.

Some of them jumped into the mountains and forests with light bodies like mortal warriors.

Some walked slowly and leisurely towards the mountains and forests step by step. Their steps seemed slow, but their speed was not slow, and they soon disappeared into the mountains.

There is also a school of thought who leads white deer one after another. After getting off the carriage, they ride the deer into the mountains.

Of course, these were only a small number. Lu Sheng could see at a glance that most of the school's teams were on foot.

A disciple from the Qingyuan School in front came over at this time.

Senior Sister He Xiangzi, Senior Brother Lu, and Senior Brother Zhan have asked me to tell you that they will go ahead and stay in Qiongyi Palace, and we will get together when they get there.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

He was the chief this time, which was not announced to the outside world in order to catch others off guard. So the decisions along the way seemed to be made by He Xiangzi, but in fact they were all made by him.

This method was thought up by He Xiangzi. Although Lu Sheng thought it was useless, seeing that He Xiangzi was so persistent, it was hard to refuse.

After the disciples of the Qingyuan School left, the middle-aged driver came down and walked up to the two of them.

You two, if you can't find the place, I can guide you. All you need is a black coin.

No need, we can find it ourselves. He Xiangzi touched the money bag and shook his head.

Yuan Mo Sect has no source of income. Since the resource points were taken away, it can't even cover the expenses for training, and the black coins are used less and less.

Well, I wish your faction a successful start. The coachman returned to the car with some disappointment, turned around and left.

This car does not belong to the Yuan Mo Sect, but is a pick-up and drop-off vehicle specially arranged by the Third Level School of Baimai. The coachman is not an ordinary person, but a disciple who comes out to perform tasks within the school.

The upper three levels are all big sects with many disciples, and they are far from as dilapidated as the Yuan Mo Sect.

Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi were standing on the grass. A convoy of vehicles around them began to turn around and return. Many of the remaining disciples of the school were also rushing towards the stone steps at a faster or slower pace.

Let's go too. Lu Sheng glanced around and said calmly.

Yes. The teacher is still waiting for us inside. He Xiangzi nodded.

The two of them followed the team and began to move towards the mountains.

The mountain forest is lush and green, and the dark green tree branches are swaying in the wind. The stone steps extend all the way, and there are people guarding them every short distance.

Fortunately, we didn't give the unjust money. He Xiangzi was glad when he saw this, It's a black coin. There are obviously so many guards. Even if you get lost, you can ask them so that you won't find the place.

Maybe I just want to make some hard-earned money. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Not long after walking, a clearing suddenly opened up in front of us.

A piece of gray-white palace pavilion stands in the open space. At the gate directly in front of the pavilion, there is a tall archway with the three characters Qiongyi Palace written on it.

There were several old men sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the palace. They all had gray hair and a big beard, and they were wearing Taoist robes and they were imposing.

There was already a school of thought that had arrived earlier, handing something in front of the old man.

Qiongyi Palace is the territory of the Tianlian School in the Upper Three Schools. These should be the people of the Tianlian School who are responsible for the alliance. He Xiangzi whispered beside Lu Sheng.

The two people here arrived, and immediately a Taoist came forward to approach.

Two friends from the Yuan Mo Sect, please submit the documents to the elders, and then go to the resting place to meditate. The internal disputes of the alliance will officially begin tomorrow. The general alliance meeting will be held later today.

The Taoist handed a nameplate engraved with Yuan Mo Sect to Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi.

This man was still young. He looked behind the two people and found that they were coming in just two people. Then he asked with some confusion: I would like to ask, when will the others from your sect arrive?

There will only be two of us participating, Lu Sheng said calmly.

He Xiangzi was at the side, but she had the urge to hide her face and want to run away. Only two people from one school of thought actually participated in the alliance. This can be regarded as breaking a historical record in disguise.

Only two people? The Taoist was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted. He was not surprised. Anyway, there were all kinds of people in the school, including some who were unique.

He is not a disciple of the school, but a member of the subordinate forces. He cannot afford to offend any member of the school here. So he remained respectful no matter what.

Okay, this is the Yuan Mo Sect's token, please keep it. Unlike the name tag, this one represents which stage you two are participating in.

He Xiang, here! Chen Yunxiang and two junior sisters who were not far away walked out of the palace gate together and waved towards this side.

Lu Sheng and the two quickly completed the handover and walked forward to meet Chen Yunxiang.

Why are you here? Where is your station? We have some connections at Yuxiangmen, so we can arrange for everyone to live together. Chen Yunxiang asked in a low voice, wanting to take good care of her sisters.

No arrangements have been made yet, He Xiangzi said helplessly, I just arrived and you called me here.

As the last school, almost falling out of the Hundred Meridians, Yuan Mo Sect has basically no one paying attention except for a few friendly schools.

So much so that Lu Sheng was a little doubtful whether he was really participating in a large gathering. The whole process felt like playing single-player. Almost all the schools were in the front, except Yuan Mo Sect.

Junior sister Yunxiang, come on, let me introduce you to my new sister!

Chen Yunxiang still wanted to speak, but was quickly pulled over by a woman from another school, and many familiar people gathered around her.

When people greeted her, Chen Yunxiang had to return the greetings. With the frequent return greetings, He Xiangzi and Lu Sheng could only be left aside.

Forget it, let's go register first. He Xiangzi felt helpless.

Lu Sheng nodded and glanced around. Except for some young Taoist priests who were walking and arranging accommodation, there were no ordinary people here at all. They were all disciples of the school with a strong aura.

Yuan Mo Sect

The two came to the old man who was registering and reported their school names.

The old man lowered his head and looked through the roster.

The Yuan Mo Sect is at C-27, so your station is in the fifth district, Huilan Garden. Hooves, you take the two of you there.

Yes. A little Taoist priest on the side quickly stepped forward.

At this time, the rest of the schools have almost registered. Yuan Mo Sect is the last one again.

Do you feel a little isolated? He Xiangzi smiled bitterly at Lu Sheng.

It's okay. Lu Sheng smiled.

Except for friends, no school wants to make friends with us, because they think that we will fall out of control soon anyway, and it doesn't matter whether we make friends or not. He Xiangzi said with a bitter smile.

Lu Sheng was also speechless. It is really desolate for Yuan Mo Sect to fall into this situation.

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