Extreme Demon

Chapter 229 Alliance 3

What should we do now? Are we still going shopping? Xiaoqin still misses shopping.

Yan Kai was helpless and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This little junior sister is good at everything, and she won't neglect him just because he is low in strength, or even below the rank of probationer, but the only problem is that his ideas are too out-of-the-box.

Where do you want to go? He asked helplessly after taking a breath to calm down his previous mood swings.

I want to go drink some fruit wine. The peach blossom sour plum wine here is famous far and wide! By the way. Xiao Qin suddenly calmed down. I just wanted to ask, senior brother, what happened to your injuries!


She suddenly grabbed Yan Kai's arm and lifted the clothes off his forearm.

Yan Kai's strength was not as good as hers, so he was caught and couldn't get away, so he had no choice but to be watched by her.

His originally fair forearms were covered with dense centipede-like purple scars. These scars range from as short as a palm to as long as they extend into the clothes, towards the shoulders.

Hey Xiaoqin Yan Kai had no choice but to see the anger in his junior sister's eyes.

It just so happens that that bitch Rongrong is not with you anymore. The current senior brother belongs to Xiaoqin. The junior sister immediately smiled sweetly again, hugged his hand and shook it.

And how did senior brother know that person just now? You can tell Xiaoqin. There was a hint of refusal in Xiaoqin's smile.


Yan Kai knew his junior sister's temper. It is not without reason that she can be called a genius in the school, one of the top figures in their lineage. Nowadays, this somewhat split personality is its true strength.

The two of them left the place all the way and found a wine shop that specialized in selling peach blossom sour plum wine. They went in and opened a private room, then put on a jar of fruit wine and started drinking each other.

Speaking of why I met that person, we have to start from the very beginning, when I traveled to the Northland and encountered the big event. After Yan Kai drank a few drinks, he looked at his junior sister who was still not blushing but solemn. With a small face, he explained with a wry smile.

From when he first met Lu Sheng of the Lu family in Jiulian City, to helping catch ghosts and rescuing people later, to fighting for the Red Dragon Tribulation.

Red Dragon Tribulation? Are you talking about the fake divine weapon? Xiaoqin couldn't help but interject, Didn't all the schools of thought determine that it was a fake divine weapon?

But there are always people who don't believe it. The Zhen family, a noble family in the North, happened to have been injured and fell asleep in the previous national war, and the magic weapon was also damaged a lot. They participated in the fight. What if the fake magic weapon was just a rumor? It’s also a glimmer of hope, which is normal.”

Yan Kai shook his head and said, As for the other forces, I don't know yet, but I have heard people mention that they are all chaotic forces in the North, and there are many masters sent by the aristocratic families to test them. After all, the pseudo-divine weapons and holy weapons are also extremely powerful. It’s so powerful.”

What an irony, senior brother, continue. Xiaoqin laughed.

From how he traveled all the way, Yan Kai learned later that the eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Sheng, had risen all the way, joining the Red Whale Gang and becoming the leader of the Red Whale Gang. The span between them is simply legendary.

He recalled all the way, and in the end, he finally talked about the strange incident of Master Buxiao.

Don't laugh?? Xiaoqin raised her pretty eyebrows, I have read in ancient books that there has always been an organization called the Three Saint Sect among the great demons. This organization is very mysterious, and it holds great secrets. It is elusive. .Find a master who doesn’t laugh, it seems he is one of the Three Saint Sect Demon Mirrors.”

This should be it. This time I was involved in the trouble of the Three Saint Sect. Yan Kai sighed helplessly. Although my strength has greatly increased thanks to someone's blessing, I don't want to experience such a thing again, and I think the same goes for Senior Brother Wanhezi.

That guy Wan Hezi is here too, Xiaoqin was stunned.

Yeah. You can never imagine what he has become now, especially after going through this test. Yan Kai sighed, and finally told the story of the hardships he encountered with Master Buxiao one by one. .

It turns out that the master who doesn’t laugh is just a start switch. When the number of blood sacrifices is enough, he will open an infinite loop illusion.

This illusion is both real and fake, but there are two doors hidden in it, one leading to reality and the other leading to the mysterious unknown world.

That world. According to a brother who survived with me, they called that door the Door of Pain. Inside is another world completely different from ours, a place where big monsters flock to. Yan Kai lowered his voice. vocal channel.

Three Saint Sects, I understand. So this is the meaning of Three Saint Sects. Does it refer to the Three Saint Sects? Xiaoqin was stunned for a moment, and then realized what he meant.

So there is such a meaning? Yan Kai was also stunned. That brother saved me three times, three lives, so I risked my life to help him.

Is he a demon? Xiaoqin suddenly asked.

Yes. Yan Kai was silent for a moment and replied, But he never eats people.

Senior brother, please continue. Xiaoqin nodded.

After that, we solved many puzzles, and finally came to the stage of testing our strength. As the strongest person around at that time, Lu Sheng was placed in the illusion as the strongest person guarding the gate.

My brother told me that people who copy and enter the illusion are only half as strong as their original form. Lu Sheng is just a mortal gang boss, it should be easy to get through, and then, he went.

Having said this, Yan Kai wiped his face with a look of pain.

In the end, I only had time to pull out one of his legs.

Seeing this, Xiaoqin quickly stretched out her hand to gently comfort Yan Kai's hand.

No wonder, senior brother, you saw that person

Strength, speed, steel skin that cannot be broken, and terrifying roars. You can't imagine that the sound alone can shock people to death. That man. This is only half of that man's strength. Yan Kai covered his face , if he hadn't found the hiding place that the brother told him in the fantasy, neither he nor Senior Brother Wanhezi might have survived.

Is it possible that he is stronger than that man back then?

Xiaoqin didn't believe it.

That person back then. Yan Kai closed his eyes and was silent for a while.

Not much better than that man. This Lu Sheng, I suspect he is not human at all.


Lu Sheng was sitting by the inn window, looking at the groups of cars and horses passing by below.

He also held the general list of the alliance in his hand, which marked the location of their Yuan Mo Sect.

We are the first group of people to appear. The venue is C-27. He pressed the list in his hand on the table.

He Xiangzi sat opposite him, and the umbrella girl Yingying followed beside him. In addition, the people from the Red Whale Gang were guarding the outside. Ning San and others have already begun to open up a situation in Bailing City. Using the funds from the gang, he opened a small casino, which can be regarded as leaving the old business of the Red Whale Gang.

With the help of the Shangyang family, it is extremely easy for the small casino to earn some pocket money and daily expenses.

He Xiangzi glanced at the few mortal men standing guard around him, and couldn't help but feel helpless.

I didn't expect that in the end, I would have to rely on your mortal power, junior brother, to take care of me.

Sister, what did you say? Since you designated me as the chief when you came here, this is what you should do. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Now his eight demonic hearts are about to hatch. Although the cathode state can suppress the breath, the invisible and huge sense of depression cannot be restrained no matter what.

When Ning San and others from the Red Whale Gang saw him, they felt uncomfortable just standing in front of him. They even felt nauseous and dizzy after being there for a long time.

That was the evil whisper that quietly filled Lu Sheng's incubating demonic heart. This kind of whispering sound was mixed with all Lu Sheng's distracting thoughts and desires, and then amplified and bred countless times by the demonic energy. The sound produced was at a frequency that the human ear could not hear, and the effect was extremely evil.

In fact, not only the mortals of the Red Whale Gang couldn't bear it, but even He Xiangzi, who was sitting next to Lu Sheng, felt panicked.

The umbrella girl Yingying felt better because she was weird, but she also lowered her head and did not dare to look at him or talk to him more. But they didn't know whether it came from Lu Sheng.

The reaction of the two people made Lu Sheng secretly vigilant. He could only contain this strange phenomenon if he took the initiative to restrain it. Once he relaxed, it would naturally escape. Even the cathode state can't be helped.

This trip is still hosted by Wanshun Palace, Xiji Academy, and Tianrong School. These three schools are the top three Baimai School. They have been the leaders in the past few years. He Xiangzi introduced, We Yuan Mo Sect is in the queue of schools in the lower third level. Our opponent this time was originally the Jiu Zhong School, but because their sect leader’s whereabouts are unknown, our current opponent is changed to the Alien Cave Sect.”

The Different Acupoint Sect? Lu Sheng had never heard of the name of this school.

The Yixue Sect, the Kaiyang School, and the Red Sword Forest. These are our old rivals. When the Yuanmo Sect was pretty good before, we fought against them many times under the leadership of our teacher. He said. At this point, He Xiangzi suddenly saw a group of people passing by below the window.

Look, it just so happens that that team is from the Kaiyang School. Their chief Yi Chengshan is very powerful and is one step ahead of us every time.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction of He Xiangzi's finger.

Sure enough, I saw a group of men and women dressed in black, walking slowly on the sidewalk. This group of people all have a huge Yang character on their backs, and the symbol is obvious and easy to recognize.

This is the former opponent of Yuan Mo Sect. As one of the Hundred Meridian Schools, Yuan Mo Sect naturally has its own level circle.

He Xiangzi? You are finally here!? At this time, a group of people came up from the stairs in the inn. One of them, a middle-aged woman, looked at the Yuan Mo Sect in surprise.

Yunxiang? Hexiangzi also quickly stood up, looking surprised.

The team came over quickly, and it was the middle-aged woman who led the team. Unexpectedly, when the group went upstairs, they were all women. From the oldest to the youngest, there were seven or eight people in the group.

Let me introduce you. He Xiangzi quickly introduced his identity to Lu Sheng and the other party.

This is my junior brother Lu Sheng, who is also our Yuan Mo Sect's candidate this year. This is the chief of the Yuxiang Sect, Chen Yunxiang, who has always been on good terms with our Yuan Mo Sect.

It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu. Chen Yunxiang nodded towards Lu Sheng as a courtesy.

Lu Sheng also stood up and smiled back, and then he and the other women paid some courtesy before sitting down again.

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