Extreme Demon

Chapter 228 Alliance 2

There are no changes on the body. It seems that this Demonic Heart Tao mainly cultivates the Demonic Mind and Demonic Heart.

According to the classic records of the Demon Heart Way, the most important part of this secret technique is to condense a strong enough Yin Demonic Intent. The stronger and more the Yin Demonic Intent is, the stronger the Demonic Heart will be in the end. The more controllable elemental magic power you have in your body.

The strength will be stronger.

Go on. It only consumes a dozen units of divine power. Lu Sheng calmed down and continued to improve the Demonic Heart.

Demonic Heart Dao, according to what the great elder mentioned before, those who can condense three demonic hearts and finally condense the demonic heart are already at the average level of the year.

In other words, the disciples who have cultivated the third level of Demon Heart Dao are already the original core disciples, and their strength can reach the peak of the fourth pattern.

This thing is very time-consuming to practice, and those with five demonic hearts, who are in the Yuanmo Sect's Tingyou Gong lineage, are considered geniuses.

And the seven or eight demonic hearts are the top elites who will definitely reach the snake level.

In the process of practicing the Devil's Heart Dao, one does not directly improve one's strength. Instead, one continuously condenses the Devil's will, reserves and accumulates oneself, until it explodes at the moment when the Devil's mind is gathered.

But these are not problems for Lu Sheng.

Soon, after consuming more than ten units of divine power, the third demonic heart condensed and emerged again.

Lu Sheng had absorbed too much Yuan Demon Qi in his body before, and it was now effortless to condense it. His physical body is much stronger than others, which also results in the amount of demonic energy he can store in his body being many, many times more than that of others.

Lu Sheng could feel that these three demonic hearts had an extremely close connection with him. They were like three hearts growing outside the body. A large amount of demonic energy flowed from his body through some mysterious drive into the three demonic hearts. In the heart of the mind, it is continuously absorbing demonic energy from the outside world and entering it into the body for transformation and replenishment.

There is still a lot of divine power, let's continue.

This was the time to accumulate strength, so Lu Sheng naturally did not hesitate to spend money.

Soon, more than a dozen units used their divine power to smash down again, and the fourth demonic heart also gathered.

The fifth one also came out.

The sixth one.

The seventh one.

The eighth one.

The ninth one.

Lu Sheng condensed all nine demonic hearts in one breath. Eight hearts and a human-faced snake suspended in mid-air surrounding him.

Since seven or eight demonic hearts are equivalent to a genius who will definitely enter the snake level, then I directly mentioned the highest nine. I don't know what level it can reach.

He looked at the remaining spiritual power and saw that there were only a few units left. The rest he used up in one go.

A heavy feeling of exhaustion surged up from the bottom of his heart, and Lu Sheng knew that this was caused by his heart concentrating too much demonic energy in one breath.

Even if his body is extremely strong, he still can't bear to compress the hard work that others have put in for many years into such a short period of time.

The eight demonic hearts generally take 12 hours to gestate and adapt, which is one day.

Then you can truly condense the ultimate demonic heart in your body. At that time, it will be the time when the devil's heart will be completed. The Devil's Heart Dao is the foundation of everything, and the following Tingyou Gong is just an application technique. It's the next most difficult.

Now, it's time to go back and have a good rest and wait for the adaptation time to complete. Lu Sheng took a deep breath, dragging his tired body, lightly jumped down from the cave, and headed towards the Yuan Mo Sect's library.

The spiritual power has also been completely consumed. In a short period of time, it is already the ultimate to be able to increase it to this level. After that, it depends on how powerful the demonic heart will be after it is condensed.

Lu Sheng knew in his heart that he had used the modifier to reach the peak state of the Yuanmo Sect's Tingyou Gong lineage. The Devil's Heart Dao has reached the ninth level, which may be a level that many people have only theoretically deduced before.

You must know that once the devil's heart is condensed in the end, there will be no turning back when the bow is fired. How many devil's hearts are condensed at the beginning are dirty, and there will be so many for the rest of your life.

The basis for condensing the heart of demonic intent is the total amount of pure elemental demonic energy absorbed by the previous Tongyou Jue.

If there is enough demonic energy, the condensed demonic heart will become stronger and stronger. However, if the original demonic energy is insufficient, the quantity and intensity of the natural demonic heart will be affected.

Lu Sheng remembered that he had read books such as the Historical Records of the Yuan Mo Sect and mentioned that the founder of Tingyou's lineage had condensed eight demonic hearts within a few years. As a result, he was praised as the leader of the entire Yuan Mo Sect at that time. One of the three strongest.

At that time, Yuan Mo Sect was at its peak, and snake-level powerhouses were not uncommon. In addition, they had good relations with some aristocratic families, and the area they occupied was even equivalent to that of smaller, weaker aristocratic families.

He was confident that his physical strength was far superior to that of others, so the nine demonic hearts that were finally condensed, both in quantity and strength, were definitely far beyond ordinary people's imagination. It must be the pinnacle of the secret art of Tingyou Gong.


Central Plains·Bailing City.

This way, this way!

Senior Brother Yan Kai! I'm here!

Yan Kai dragged his tired body out of the restaurant and yawned. He was about to go to the Xu's bun shop nearby to have breakfast when he suddenly heard a woman's voice calling him loudly not far away.

He opened his eyes and followed the sound.

In the crowded crowd, a petite girl in a white dress was waving and shouting at him.

Senior Brother Yan Kai!! I'm here! Here! The girl has a baby face and is young, only about twenty years old, but she looks almost like a teenage girl. He is only half as tall as an average person.

At this time, she was standing in the crowd and had to jump up to try to attract Yan Kai's attention.

Xiao Qin? Yan Kai was startled and recognized that he was the young apprentice his teacher had only accepted in recent years.

As a true disciple of their mountain, Yan Kai was one of the most hopeless among them. If it weren't for the fact that he also had a similar bloodline, and if it weren't for the rarity of this bloodline, it would be a problem for him to even be able to enter the door.

It's me, it's me! the girl who shouted Xiaoqin hurriedly pushed through the crowd and rushed to Yan Kai in a few seconds.

Only then did Yan Kai notice that this little junior sister was holding a little girl behind her.

This girl is wearing a red dress, holding a red umbrella in her hand, has black hair, a pretty face, and a slightly pouty mouth. She is a rare beauty.

Senior brother, let me introduce to you. This is my friend Yingying, a good sister I just met in Bailing City! Xiao Qin happily introduced to Yan Kai.

You are Xiaoqin's senior brother. Interesting. Are you here to join the alliance? The umbrella girl Yingying, Hongfangbai to be exact, looked at Yan Kai in front of her with a condescending gaze.

After she left the school from Lu Sheng, she became bored and occupied Yingying's body to sneak out and have various activities. She had also been to the Central Plains back then, but had never been to Bailing City. Now times have changed. Many years have passed. The elders of the school who were chasing her at the beginning have all died and retired to seclusion. After she understood this, she gradually let go. Get unscrupulous.

Anyway, she has never been afraid of anyone except Lu Sheng in her life.

Young girl also joins the alliance? It's not that Yan Kai wants to join, but the family teacher is short of manpower, so he was specially called back to help.

The Baimai Conference should be a spectacle and gain some insights. Xiaoqin interjected. Besides, Mr. Bai Xiu of Wanshun Palace is also out of seclusion and wants to join the current alliance. Oh, it's true.

Xiaoqin's face turned red and she looked like a nymphomaniac.

Alas Yan Kai took a look and knew that the junior sister was a nymphomaniac again.

Wanshun Palace is one of the top three university sects, ranked third and extremely powerful. Among them, Mr. Bai Xiu is known as the next generation's destined leader of the school, and he has inherited the title of Tianming, the chief title of the school.

Bai Xiu, the son of destiny, is one of the three strongest chiefs in Baimai. Now he has become a snake-level powerhouse and is unparalleled in the limelight.

The alliance will start in a few days. Junior sister, master, are you in good health? Yan Kai interrupted her helplessly.

It's okay, senior brother, you will know if you go and see for yourself. I just often talk about the great wish you made at the beginning, senior brother, and complain that you have put such a big burden on yourself. Xiaoqin said softly, But before the alliance, he The old man will definitely come, you can just go and see him when the time comes.

Thinking of what happened back then, Yan Kai also fell silent with complicated eyes.

Okay, let's go shopping together. I haven't been to Bailing City for a long time. The meeting place is not far away. We can stay here and visit around. Xiao Qin suggested.

Okay. Yan Kai could only smile bitterly. Now that he was out alone, it was convenient and he could go wherever he wanted.

What about Miss Yingying? Yan Kai looked at the umbrella girl. He always felt a heavy pressure on this little girl of unknown origin. A feeling of threat that made him uncomfortable.

Okay, I also like shopping, let's go and see it together. Yingying.

Before Hongfang finished speaking, he was interrupted by another deep male voice.

Her originally relaxed expression suddenly darkened, and she turned to look at the street ahead.

Facing the direction of the three people, I don't know when, several people were walking towards them. Among them, a man at the head had a plain face, a slender figure, and a heavy sense of depression around him. Surprisingly, it was Lu Sheng who came out of the school.

Have you had enough fun? He glanced at the umbrella girl lightly.

Hongfangbai, who was in a good mood just now, now looked gloomy and could only snort and walk over obediently.

I'm going back first. You can do whatever you want.

Yingying. Xiaoqin wanted to pull her sleeves, but Yan Kai grabbed her.

Don't go there. He looked solemnly and glanced at the Yuan Mo Sect's logo on the corner of Lu Sheng's clothes, with a slight sweat on his forehead.

Xiao Qin looked back and was immediately frightened by the strangeness of her senior brother. One could only watch the umbrella girl Yingying follow Lu Sheng and his group, walking further and further away, and soon disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Only then did Xiaoqin break away from Yan Kai's big hand.

Senior brother, what happened? Is that person Yingying's family?

The Yuan Mo Sect didn't expect that he would come to the Central Plains and join Baimai and become a member of the Yuan Mo Sect. Yan Kai murmured in a low voice.

Lu Sheng, a general under Shangyang Jiuli, the tycoon of the Shangyang family. His cultivation is unfathomable. He is the overlord of the Red Whale Gang who is extremely dominant in the North.

The most important thing is that the shadow this person left on him was extremely terrifying.

If he hadn't laughed at his master, perhaps Yan Kai would have thought that he was a trustworthy person. But after that incident, Wan Hezi and he both truly understood the nature of Lu Sheng during that test.

During the test, Lu Sheng, who was the strongest person around at the time and was simulated as a gatekeeper, gave them a bloody lesson they could not imagine.

Until they left the infinite loop illusion, they still left indelible sequelae in their hearts.

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