Extreme Demon

Chapter 227 Alliance 1

The Great Elder stood quietly on the second floor of the library, looking at a heavy book spread out in front of him.

It contains dense records of the heavy price paid by the former Yuan Mo Sect in order to test the power of the divine weapon and the demon blade.

Not just Yuan Mo Sect, in fact many schools have such a booklet within them. As long as it's an old school of thought, it's the same.

His eyes fell on the lines on the last page of the book.

‘Listen to the Youmai Wangui, I went to Du Qishan, and dueled with the noble family, winning three times in a row, but the other party became angry and humiliated, and activated the holy soldiers to attack and kill him. ’

‘The Soul Seal Pulse Jiufangzi was fighting with others on the bank of the Changhe River when he was fought by the divine weapon Mu Shanbi and other magic blades. The aftermath spread and all eight people who participated in the fight were killed. ’

'Listen to Youmai Yusongzi, who helped his friends to persuade him to make peace in the mountains and forests of Beimeng. After the talks collapsed, he was angered by the other party. One of them drove a holy soldier to pursue him, and everyone got separated while running away. More than half of the more than 20 masters were killed or injured, and there was no news about the rest. . Suspected to be dead. ’

Most of the top experts who had mastered the secret arts in the history of Yuan Mo Sect died from the power of the magic weapon or the holy weapon.

So when Lu Sheng asked him what would happen if a master of secret arts faced the power of a holy weapon, the helplessness in the great elder's heart was beyond words.

The source-level power is simply beyond the reach of human beings. The reason why the divine weapons and demon blades are called gods and demons is precisely because such power is beyond the reach of mortals. The great elder sighed.

At the beginning, Baimai, a school of thought, collected a large number of fragments of divine weapons and condensed them into holy weapons. However, after paying such a high price, all they got was the decline of the old sects.

The great elder has not been able to see clearly the gap between the Yuanli level and the Origin level.

After passing the alliance, I will revitalize the school. I hope to carry forward the school in my lifetime. The great elder actually regarded Lu Sheng as the future chief heir of the school.

Tongyou Jue.

It is said to be able to turn on one's own bloodline switch, release the power of bloodline, and let the potential power be displayed.

Contrary to Lu Sheng's expectations, when he turned on his bloodline switch, he truly felt his nature as an ordinary person, and there was not much power in his bloodline.

It’s ‘not too much’, not ‘not at all’!

In the darkness, large tracts of light green moss were covered and splashed by the black river water, emerging and covering up from time to time, reflecting the surrounding caves in bright and dark colors.

Along with the sound of rushing water, a large amount of water from the river of poisonous mist poured into Lu Sheng's body.

His body seemed to have dense insect-like black and purple spots crawling up from his legs.

Patches continued to spread, covering Lu Sheng's body.

He extracted the essence of poison from a large amount of poisonous mist river water, refined it into countless demonic energy, and then filtered it through the black fleshy conch in the chest, turning it into an extremely rich and pure black gel-like substance.

Lu Sheng didn't know if his current situation was normal, but according to the records in the classics, Tongyou Jue shouldn't make such a big move, and ordinary disciples could induce the demonic energy within a few meters of the surrounding area.

Like him, he caused a river of poisonous mist within a radius of dozens of meters around him. I guess no one has done it before.

Considering that his physical body is much stronger than that of ordinary school disciples, Lu Sheng can also understand why there is such a big fuss.

The first Netherworld spell usually lasts for several hours, which the great elder recorded in the classics, but Lu Sheng's own Netherworld spell almost ended in only thirty breaths.

After that, a large amount of demonic energy stored in his body quickly turned into viscous liquid elemental demonic energy.

Perhaps my physical body is too strong. The transformation speed can be smoother and accelerated. There is no need to worry that the body cannot withstand the pressure.

Lu Sheng looked at the water tide that was slowly calming down around him and wondered in his mind.

He could feel that a completely different blood flowed in his veins than before, which was the blood that had been fused with Yuan Demon Qi.

Of course, the new blood after the fusion of Yuan Demon Qi can effectively improve his body's recovery power. For ordinary disciples, this has a good effect, but for Lu Sheng, it doesn't make much difference whether he has it or not.

Next, is the way of the devil's heart, which is also the final foundation. He took a deep breath, and with a thought in his mind, a huge ball of devil's intention suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, the demonic intention has changed again as the transformation of the demonic energy has ended.

From the previous fish-like form to the current slender snake-like form.

A transparent snake with its own face made Lu Sheng feel a little weird.

After Tongyou he stretched out his hand, and the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong suddenly started.


An invisible flame ignited in his hand, but this time there was a faint blackness around the flame.

It has very little impact on the Chiji Nine Evils Technique. He looked at the flames and slowly retracted his hand.

After that, he simply mobilized the Yuan Demon Qi. This was the first time he used this core power of the Yuan Demon Sect.

The power of the secret technique surged in his body, and then Lu Sheng's entire right hand was dyed black and purple, and there seemed to be a black light surrounding it.

At this point, there are three attack methods: Yuan magic power, demonic intention, and physical body. Yuan magic power is similar to the internal power in the school, and its power is not bad. With my current strength, I can only use Yuan magic power to deal with the four or five patterns of the family. , maybe barely evenly matched.”

Lu Sheng compared his previous opponents. The fourth and fifth lines of the noble family were equivalent to the fifth and sixth lines of the school. If they were replaced by Yuan Mo Sect, they would be higher, equivalent to the seventh level of Yuan Mo Sect.

But this is the limit. I have such a strong power because my body is far stronger than that of ordinary school disciples. He pondered for a moment, Then, let's start the final path of the devil's heart.

The method of practicing the Dao of Demonic Mind is to condense the demonic intention and control the distracting thoughts in the mind.

The Tao of Demonic Heart believes that there are nine kinds of distracting thoughts and desires in people, so there are nine levels in practicing the Tao of Demonic Heart. Each layer represents the need to peel off a layer of distracting thoughts and desires from one's own heart and condense them into one demonic intention.

When the nine demonic thoughts are gathered together, the final demonic heart can be formed.

Now my first demonic intention has been formed. In other words, after I have achieved the great achievement of Tongyou, I will be in the first level of the demonic mind.

Lu Sheng made a slight move with his feet, and immediately jumped up and landed in the small cave where he had practiced before.

Next, I can directly use the Yin Qi, oh, no, use the divine power to increase it. He didn't waste any time and opened the modifier directly.

Suddenly he stopped, looked down at the ground under his feet, and was startled.

As the highest method for discovering bloodline, secret art is undoubtedly extremely mature in the manipulation and application of evil energy.

They use the power of Yuan Demon Qi to stimulate blood, transform and fill the entire blood, thereby achieving the goal of not letting go of any hidden blood.

And that's the case with Lu Sheng.

After the transformation of the demonic energy, it merged into the blood vessels and then transformed the whole body. As a result, the deepest hidden bloodline in his body was also discovered.

The bloodline that was dug out, even if it was extremely thin, was still bloodline after all.

Lu Sheng looked at his feet quietly. There was an extremely subtle trace of fluorescence in the footprints there.

This fluorescence is golden yellow, I don’t know what it is, and it is rapidly fading and dimming. It is estimated that it will naturally extinguish after a few breaths.

Lu Sheng could clearly feel that this light was not caused by any kind of power within his body.

It's not the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong, nor the Baoping Qi, nor the Yuan Demon Qi that was just cultivated.

It's another weird and pure kind of power that also belongs to you.

It's a very weak force. I can feel it. It's something inspired by the demonic energy from my blood. It's very weak. It means that my bloodline is very thin. If it weren't for the demonic energy that fills my whole body, I guess it's very weak. It's impossible to discover it in your lifetime. He stood there, his mind a little wandering.

His blood actually contains the power of the divine weapon and the demonic blade. What this means is naturally self-evident.

Perhaps this power is extremely weak, has been passed down for many generations, and is no different from ordinary people.

But does this phenomenon mean that my ancestors have also been combined with the children of the aristocratic family of the Divine Weapon and the Demonic Blade? Or does it mean that all human beings in the entire world actually have a similar bloodline?

Suddenly he thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the discovery of this bloodline is something that humans have hidden deep in their bloodline?

Lu Sheng stood there and pondered for a moment, and finally gave up speculation for the time being. The most important thing now was to improve his strength first.

There are too many powerful people in the Central Plains, and the Soldier Master is overwhelming. If he cannot find the strength to resist the Soldier Master, once he is exposed, the danger he will encounter will be catastrophic.

Not only would he die, but everyone in the Lu family might die.

Let's begin the Demon Heart Way.

Lu Sheng looked at the modifier floating in front of him and quickly located the box where Tongyou Jue was located.

The frame of Tongyou Jue is the frame of the previous Wuyi Ghost Face Jue. The two are the same thing, but the name is changed to Tongyou Jue.

He found the modification button of the modifier with ease and pressed it hard.


The modifier trembled slightly and became modifiable.

Promote Tongyou Jue to the next level. Lu Sheng once again pressed the button behind the Tongyou Jue box with his mind.

The box suddenly blurred.


Suddenly he felt a cool breath coming from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

He soon discovered that this was not a feeling, but reality.

A large amount of black air quickly surged out from his eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears, and then condensed in the air in front of him.

Forming a huge black heart.

The heart swallowed and absorbed a large amount of black energy, and gradually began to beat.

It was as big as a human head, completely black, with a purple symbol emerging from its surface. It looks exactly the same as before the demonic intention recorded in the Demonic Heart Dao was formed.

Is this the second demonic intention? Lu Sheng knew that this thing was in the incubation stage, so he ignored him and continued to look at the box of the demonic mind.

‘Tongyou Demon Heart Path: The second level, special effects: Demonic Body Level 2, Yin Demonic Intent Level 2. ’

All the other polarized body enhancements were gathered on the demon body. And the evil intention completely covered and swallowed up the previous evil intention.

With a thought in Lu Sheng's mind, the demonic intention from before appeared with a human face and a snake body, and thin murmurs continued to spread.

The human-faced snake and this devilish heart are exactly his two evil spirits now.

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