Extreme Demon

Chapter 224 Limits and Laws 2

These three people are usually the strong ones who failed to compete for the position of military commander. Among those who can participate in the competition for the position of military commander, which one is not a top master, an amazing genius from a family? The oldest of these geniuses are even hundreds of years old due to the power of the magic weapon to slow down their aging. After that comes the commander of the army.

This is just the Su family.

Zhan Kongning said helplessly: The Central Plains area is more than ten times larger than the Northern Territory, and it is connected to the South Sea, making it even larger. The strength of one Su family can crush the Northern Territory countless times. The occupied territory and the number of cities , I don’t know how much richer it is than the Northland.”

But there are too many people after all. Why don't they go to areas like the Northland and crowd them all in the Central Plains? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

In order to suppress. Speaking of this, Zhan Kongning's face quickly became solemn, I learned from my brother that the nine families in the Central Plains are not called casually. Each of them is responsible for suppressing the chaos. The mission of the Divine Weapon Chaos Demon Blade.”

Chaos of God's Soldiers and Chaos of Demon's Blade? This was the first time Lu Sheng heard this statement.

Yes. Zhan Kongning nodded, Actually, Senior Liu Shanzi knows these things better, but Brother Lu has never asked him before, so he doesn't know. I will tell you briefly here.

Thank you, Brother Zhan. Lu Sheng nodded and thanked.

You're welcome. Zhan Kongning calmed down, Speaking of the suppressed Chaos God Weapons and Chaos Demon Blades, we must mention a concept. The divine weapons and demon blades that are influenced by others and slightly controlled by aristocratic families are called What is right and not controlled is chaos.

Brother Lu only needs to think about it, a magic weapon without a wielder and no active ritual support, what is the only thing it will do to maintain its own power?

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Sacrifice yourself?

We call it a blood sacrifice. Zhan Kongning said in a low voice. They are killing people everywhere, and no one can stop them. Moreover, the power of the magic weapon and the magic blade is the power of law. Not to mention ordinary people, even snake-level family heads are far inferior. That is not a power that humans can resist.

The nine families in the Central Plains suppressed the nine military tombs. Each of them suppressed more than one magic weapon and magic blade. While they were suppressing, they were also using the power of their own magic weapons to devour other magic weapons. But this kind of devouring , far less quickly than the strength of the military tomb.

This is how those magic weapon fragments came from. Zhan Kongning explained. After the nine families have devoured and cultivated day after day, year after year, their own magic weapons have become far more powerful and perfect than other magic weapons. This is one of the reasons why the status of the nine families is stable and unchanged.

That's all I know, the rest are just speculations without guarantee of authenticity, and there's no point in telling them.

That's a lot. Lu Sheng nodded. Thank you, Brother Zhan, for clarifying my doubts.

You're welcome. Brother Lu can get more detailed information about these things by asking Senior Liu Shanzi. Zhan Kongning said with a smile.

So speaking of it, the real high-level forces of the Nine Central Plains Families don't look down on our Baimai at all. They just don't bother to pay attention.

Compared with them, we are more like the imperial army facing the gangs and sects of Jianghu. To put it nicely, he is a green man. To put it harshly, they are just a bunch of rabble. Just too lazy to pay attention to it.

Speaking of which, in recent years, the younger generation of aristocratic family members, in order to build their own personal power, have attached great importance to our Baimai. But that is only temporary. Shang Yangfei and Lin Beikai are among them. Outstanding.

Zhan Kongning's words gave Lu Sheng an overall understanding of the school and family for the first time.

The nine families of the Central Plains were suppressed by their commanders and envoys. They were high up, overlooking everything. The Hundred Meridians of the school are of no importance to them and can be destroyed at any time.

But compared to Zhan Kongning's opinion, Lu Sheng believed that Baimai had some reason why the family would not easily destroy them.

After talking with Zhan Kongning, Lu Sheng gently closed the book and decided to talk to his teacher, the great elder Liu Shanzi, in person.

About how to keep the school in the alliance.

It's actually not difficult to protect the Yuan Mo Sect. The only opponent we really need to face is the Nine Bells School. However, I heard the news before that Hong Qing, the leader of the Nine Bells School, suddenly disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown. Originally, this trip In the alliance, the main reason is that they will send people to blame us. Now Hong Qing is missing.

Therefore, nothing should happen to this alliance.

The great elder said solemnly. The main thing to worry about is those men in black. They call themselves wandering gods, and they seem to be driven by a certain force. Since they will attack us once, they are very likely to attack us a second time.

Lu Sheng sat cross-legged in front of him, but he felt helpless.

It's not possible, it's certain, inevitable.

Three Snakes and one Seventh Mark were killed in a row. The opponent would never let go of such a huge loss.

A force that can drive such a large force to a place like Yuan Mo Sect is definitely not a small force.

But now that they know that our Yuan Mo Sect is protected, they probably won't take action so quickly after being repelled. The great elder seemed quite optimistic. It's just that kind of halberd. I remember seeing it once in a certain lower third-level school.

Teacher, what level is the main messenger who can drive snake-level warriors to dispatch? Does Baimai have any precautions against such a surprise attack? Lu Sheng asked directly.

Yes, there is, but it is unlikely to work. Even within the school, there is a distinction between the Leaf sect and the Blood sect. I suspect that those wandering gods are members of the Blood sect in the school. The great elder whispered. Once an internal ideological dispute is involved, the danger will never be less than when facing monsters.

Will the Nine Families of Central Plains be involved? Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Maybe. The great elder also fell silent.

A behemoth like the Nine Families of Central Plains is a taboo that no one wants to mention.

After a long time, Lu Sheng finally spoke slowly.

Teacher, have you ever seen a soldier in charge? How strong are they?

The force that can drive a snake-level warrior is very likely to have a military commander. He needs to take precautions and make preparations in advance.

The great elder pondered for a moment.

I don't know how strong the Weapon Master is, but I know the Holy Weapon. The strength of the Holy Weapon is basically forged by imitating the Weapon Master's method. Its power is equivalent to one of the hundred divine weapons and demon blades.

Although our Yuan Mo Sect has lost its holy weapons, we still have fragments. I can take you to see them. You'll understand if you get in touch with it yourself.

Sacred weapon fragments? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

After my Yuan Mo Sect's holy weapon was shattered, the remnants left behind, although not much, can at least give you a taste of the power of the original holy weapon. The great elder stood up slowly. Let's go, I'll take you to see it.

He has completely regarded Lu Sheng as the core successor, and there is nothing to hide in front of him.

The two left the cave, got in through a small hole on the side of the cave wall, and walked along the intestine-like tunnel in the small cave for dozens of breaths. A faint blue light soon came from the front.

The two came to a cave entrance. Looking in from the cave entrance, they could see an empty and spacious cave hall inside.


The Great Elder took the lead and jumped out, followed closely by Lu Sheng. The two of them landed gently on the cave wall. After two pops, they stood firmly on a platform in the cave.

This is it. The great elder said solemnly. Looking around, It's been a long time since I've been here.

Lu Sheng also carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

The cave is very large, dozens of meters high. There are symbols carved with blood everywhere on the dark brown cave walls. In some places, dried corpses are strung on protruding stone spikes.

Inside the dark cave, a faint blue light shines at the top. I don’t know what the light source is. The entire cave ceiling is glowing.

In the center below is a huge disc-shaped array with an egg placed in the center.

A giant egg as tall as a person with a pale surface.

On both sides of the egg, there were human-like hands and feet. They were all resting on the side, not sure whether they were dead or asleep.

It's called a pill. It has extremely powerful vitality. I don't know its origin. Anyway, it has been around since my ancestor was a child. The great elder explained simply. We mainly rely on its body fluids to soak the fragments of the holy weapon to prevent accidents.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but take another look at the dome. He has seen many eggs, but this is the first time he has seen eggs with arms and legs.

The dome looks very clean, and there seems to be no dirt, dust or gravel.

Every once in a while, it will clean itself. It's best not to get too close. The great elder warned.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded. Then he followed the great elder and walked towards a small pool at the edge of the magic circle.

The pool was oval in shape, filled with transparent viscous liquid. There were gem-like metal fragments on the bottom of the pool, which were shining with a light blue light.

Lu Sheng now understood where the blue light at the top of the cave came from.

The pool was very small, only a few meters long and wide, but the fragments inside were densely packed, like broken glass, with dozens of pieces of different sizes.

If you want to experience the power of the holy soldiers, you can get closer. Don't touch the water. Approach slowly first. The great elder stopped more than five meters away from the pool and whispered.

Yes. Lu Sheng was extremely curious and looking forward to it. He also wanted to know how far his current strength was compared to the Divine Weapon Demon Blade and the Weapon Master.

It just so happens that I can experiment here.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Lu Sheng stabilized his mind and walked slowly towards the pool.

The radiation range of the pool is within two steps of the surrounding area. You can reach in and give it a try. What is the power of law. The great elder's voice came from behind him.

Lu Sheng walked towards the pool with concentration, one step, one step, one step.

Suddenly, he stopped just two steps away from the pool. It wasn't that he didn't want to stop, but the hair on his body stood up.

The strong sensation in his body made him feel like he was walking towards a volcano.

A tingling sensation in the scalp that only occurs when faced with a life-or-death crisis was constantly aroused. Lu Sheng could clearly feel that countless goosebumps were appearing all over his body.

Right in front of him, in a little bit of air, in a seemingly invisible and transparent place, an unimaginable and huge terrifying force was flowing.

He swallowed, slowly raised his hand, and touched the air in front of him.

The index finger stretches out very slowly.

With his current physical strength, even in the cathode state, there is still a snake level. Coupled with the inner energy covering and intensification, the real power can make ordinary snakes unable to break through the defensive hard skin. Let alone hurt him.

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