Extreme Demon

Chapter 223 Disguise 2 (Thanks to ujm123 for the red reward~)

Perhaps to grab credit, or perhaps out of fear, the man in black was assigned the task of dealing with a little girl, and the main meritorious task was snatched away by those two people.

But it didn't matter to him. He had no intention of making any achievements in the first place.

ah! ! !

Suddenly there was a violent howl in the distance.

The man in black stopped and looked up into the distance.

Is it solved? It seems it's time to go back. He turned around and prepared to walk in the direction of the trail where He Xiangzi was.

Suddenly, his steps stopped, and a black film suddenly appeared all over his body.

Turn sharply and raise your hand.

Bang! ! ! !

A blazing red light circled rapidly, with a terrifying roar, and crashed into his arms.

Amidst the huge impact, the transparent airflow was squeezed into a disc and exploded in all directions.

The power of the red light was so great that all the clothes on the arms of the man in black were torn apart, and the black membrane was like a bubble deformed by the wind, twisting and tearing crazily.


He crossed his arms and put them in front of him, and kicked the ground hard with his back feet, but his whole body was still pushed back by the huge force.

The stones blocking the road were crushed under his feet, and the man in black was under terrible pressure all over his body.

Sacred bell, open! A huge fuzzy black bell appeared behind the man in black.

The black bell suddenly exploded, releasing tentacle-like transparent threads that fell on his back one after another.

The man in black's strength seemed to increase suddenly, and he finally tried to stabilize his body.

The spinning red light finally slowed down, and he grabbed it firmly in his hand.

Feeling the tight touch of his hands, the man in black took a closer look and saw that the weapon in his hand was actually the red halberd of the two companions.

His hands were so hot that black smoke erupted, and the halberd was all red from the violent friction and impact. The entire halberd body was deformed and bent.

This! The man in black took a deep breath and looked up at the direction from which the halberd was flying. He knew without looking that the two companions were in danger.

Go! He suddenly shouted.

Not far away, the three of them had beaten He Xiangzi until he was covered in blood. He was dying and almost unable to recover. They were about to succeed when they suddenly heard their master telling them to withdraw.

The three of them glanced at He Xiangzi on the ground unwillingly, but had to obey their master's order and retreat quickly.

This Yuan Mo Sect. The man in black finally took a deep look at the direction where the halberd was flying. He knew this was just a warning. From the time he heard the sound of the halberd, and the actual distance between his hands, he could basically estimate the distance from which the weapon was thrown.

Such a long distance, there is still such a huge power. Is this a warning? The man in black led three disciples, no longer thinking about it, and quickly retreated towards the entrance of the cave.

Huh. Huh.

He Xiangzi knelt on the ground, sweat mixed with blood dripping to the ground.

Finally, it's over. She felt that she had never been so tired.

Even when she had a falling out with her teacher, she was not so exhausted when she was alone outside with her husband.

The feeling that if she slowed down even a little bit every minute, she might fall into a desperate situation, she had to force herself to use her full potential. To deal with every incoming attack.

He Xiangzi knew very well that if the other three hadn't had the intention of teasing her from the beginning, she might have been eliminated in just a few encounters.

And that final scream and bang. Perhaps the departure of those three people was also related to that voice.

Senior sister, are you okay? Suddenly a familiar voice came to her ears.

He Xiangzi forced herself to look up, but vaguely saw Lu Sheng, who should have left long ago, standing in front of her.

Junior Brother Lu? No, isn't Junior Brother Lu already gone? Don't try to mislead me with illusions!! He Xiangzi struggled to get up and roared.

I haven't lost yet!! Even though her face was so swollen that her eyes were covered, leaving only two gaps, her eyes looking out from the inside showed a firm determination to die.

Lu Sheng looked at He Xiangzi, and he suddenly felt an inexplicable admiration for her.

Anyone, regardless of strength or status, if he can really make a decision for himself without fear of life and death, then he is worthy of admiration.

Because everyone has only one life. Lu Sheng walked over and gently stretched out his hand to hug He Xiangzi to comfort her.

He Xiangzi could no longer see clearly.

She lost too much blood and was seriously injured. Her eyes had long lost the vision they should have. She just instinctively felt someone coming next to her. She raised her eyes and looked up, but she could no longer get up from her feet and could only half kneel on the ground.

Okay, senior sister, it's me, it's me. Lu Sheng's voice came, conveying a strong sense of peace of mind. It's okay. It's really okay.

He Xiangzi's stiff and tense body gradually softened following Lu Sheng's words.

Lu Sheng comforted her for a while before she understood that it was not an illusion.

It's really you, junior brother, why are you back? Where's the teacher? Is the teacher okay?! He Xiangzi asked hurriedly.

Teacher is fine too. Lu Sheng said gently. I also encountered an enemy. After I eliminated the opponent, I felt uneasy, so I came back to take a look.

Have you encountered it too?? He Xiangzi suddenly became nervous again, Don't blame the teacher, I am the bait! They shouldn't know the location of the secret passage. By the way, it must be the locust! She immediately gritted her teeth. It's the traitor. He may also know the existence of the secret passage!

Okay, okay, have a good rest. Lu Sheng comforted, and He Xiangzi was so exhausted that she slowly fell into his arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Sheng picked her up, turned and quickly returned to the cave wall, put her into her own cave, and then went to see the unconscious teacher.

The great elder was covered in injuries and lay motionless on the bed. He didn't know how long it would take him to wake up.

At this time, Song Zian appeared lightly and walked quickly to Lu Sheng from behind.

What happened? How did the teacher become like this? he asked with an ugly face. Also, I heard a sound in the cemetery just now, but the time was not up. Without the teacher's blessing, I couldn't come out at all.

Senior Brother Song Zian, something big happened in the school. Where are Senior Sister Baimian and the others? Why don't they come out? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice without looking back.

Senior Sister Baimian. Don't you know? Song Zian took a deep breath and sat on the ground, Senior Sister Baimian, in fact, is not a living person at all. She is a weird revenant who died in the school a long time ago and cannot communicate. Although she She is still doing many things of the school every day, but those are fixed behaviors during her lifetime. Her body is like nothingness and cannot be touched in ordinary areas. Unless you enter their specific weird area.

Just like the small holes on the side when you first entered the cave, the white-faced senior sister you saw at that time could only move in her own small area.

Weird? Lu Sheng didn't expect this explanation.

We can only come out after dark. The sound of the bell is the boundary between your activity time and ours. I'm okay, I can still stay conscious, but Senior Sister Baimian... Song Zian said with an ugly expression. Even if the teacher enters her area, she will not distinguish between friend and foe.

Is it dark now? By the way, why are there no bells ringing today? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

Song Zian was also suddenly startled, Yes, why is there no sound today?

Lu Sheng suddenly stood up, walked to the window and looked out.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the cave wall and beside the stone pillar, there was a woman with her head wrapped in white cloth standing. Her hand was holding a wood-chopping ax upside down, and her body was stained with blood.

Lu Sheng frowned and looked at her. The other party was obviously calm, but he clearly felt the huge burning and roaring in her body.

He seemed to be able to feel that suppressed anger, even from such a distance.

Sure enough, she's here. Song Zian also stood next to Lu Sheng. Maybe senior sister still remembers some memories and some important people in the past, so she didn't ring the bell this time for the first time.

What does she want to do? Lu Sheng didn't believe that Weird, who was out of control, would remember any feelings. Wasn't that the case with the little girl from Songjiazhuang before? Even her own brother was almost killed by her. Killed his own family.

I don't know if I dare approach her at this time.

Song Zian shook his head, But how on earth did we get through this trouble this time? When those people passed by the cemetery, I could feel the terrifying power on their bodies from a distance. It was like the powerful black film power of the teacher.

I don't know. This is what happened when I came back. The teacher was in a coma, and Senior Sister He Xiangzi almost died. Lu Sheng shook his head, pretending not to know.

Of course he knew that Song Zian was not around. With his current body perception, it would be difficult to hide anything around him.

The snake-level man in black who left before didn't notice his position, but he noticed him first. This is the result of the bloodlines of aristocratic families not strengthening themselves, but relying on secret techniques and the power of the bloodline mutated by the radiation of magic weapons and magic blades.

Originally, as long as the body was strong to a certain level, the five senses could be strengthened, and the perception could reach incredible levels.

Then what should we do next? Song Zian looked at Lu Sheng. This disciple, who had only been here for a few months, could give people a sense of peace of mind even though he had only been around for a short time.

I guess a mysterious person saved us, but since the other party is unwilling to leave his name and identity, there is no need to speculate. When it is time to know, he will know. Lu Sheng said seriously, The most important thing now is The teacher and senior sister are recovering from their injuries.

Those men in black were repulsed, and they will definitely be more wary next time. Before we find out the details of the people who helped us, they probably won’t do it again easily.

That makes sense! Song Zian nodded. It's a pity that I can only come out at night and can't help you much. However, you can write to the leaders of the Qingyuan School and ask them to help you.

Qingyuan School?

Well, the leader of the faction, Granny Qingkong, and the teacher were young. Cough cough cough. Song Zian didn't say any more, so he pretended to cough.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw the elder on the bed with a dark face, staring at Song Zian.

You speak without restraint! the great elder scolded.

Teacher! Are you awake? Lu Sheng and the others hurried over.

Wake up, I'll be the one to do it next. Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Sheng, Zian. The elder exhaled softly.

Thank you again for last week’s 10,000-point reward list~Thank you to the following friends for their strong support~(°ー°〃)


Drunken person

Xiaoxiao dusk rain sprinkles the distant sky

Countless bodhisattvas

A pestle and a needle


Ran Shanning

By the way, how do you pronounce the words alliance leader Yiqi? I don’t read much, can you give me some advice? ╭(°A°`)╮

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