Extreme Demon

Chapter 225 Limits and Laws 3


Amidst the slight corrosive sound, Lu Sheng suddenly retracted his finger. His index finger had completely shrunk.

His expression darkened, he thought for a moment, and then raised his hand again.

From an angle that the Great Elder could not see, his middle finger rapidly deformed, became larger and blacker, and his nails became extremely sharp, like a blade.

This is the state of unity of yin and yang. Since practicing the secret, Lu Sheng has become more comfortable in controlling the subtle muscles, and can finally deform himself in a very small range and control local changes in his body.

The yin and yang unite, plus the internal energy burns!

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with cruelty.

If you want to try it, try a big one. Now his strongest state is the combination of yin and yang plus the burning of gas and liquid. The physical body in this state was enough to crush the triple snake level in the body a long time ago. Now, although I have never seen it He was on the third level, but Lu Sheng guessed that he might be at about the same level.

I want to give it a try and see how big the gap is between me and the Soldier Master when I'm at full strength.

He extended his finger again.


The huge force in the air was like a stone mill, slowly turning.

Lu Sheng felt as if his fingers were being pressed down hard by a huge weight. A sharp pain surged through my heart. He quickly pulled it out and took a look.

The entire middle finger was corroded to the point of dryness and blackness, and even the power of the gas and liquid inside disappeared instantly, as if it had mysteriously disappeared.

This A chill arose in his heart, and only then did he truly realize the huge gap between manpower and magic weapons and magic blades.

This doesn't look like a product of cultivation! Lu Sheng thought about the huge and ruthless power just now. That kind of counterattack is more like some kind of coping mechanism, like a small gear on the edge of a huge machine, slowly turning.

Could it be that this so-called magic weapon and magic blade is actually a war weapon handed down from previous civilizations?

Lu Sheng was very confident in his physical body. He believed that in this era and in this world, even among the demons from the aristocratic families, there were definitely very few who were stronger than his own physical body.

He almost represents the top batch of flesh bodies in this world. At such a level, he is still vulnerable to the power of mere fragments of holy weapons.

The power of the fragments of the holy weapon is far less than the holy weapon itself, and the holy weapon itself is only one percent of the power of the magic weapon.

One can imagine how terrifying the wielder of the divine weapon and demonic blade is.

Have you felt it? The power of the law. The great elder said in a low voice behind him. You must also know what level a family that controls such power, or rather, a family that relies on such power, stands on.

Teacher, isn't there any way to fight against the aristocratic family? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

The Magic Blade has an independent personality and thinking and cannot be controlled. But such a power is absolutely irresistible to humans.

So we are trying to build our own magic weapon, the so-called holy weapon. And the ending, as you can see before your eyes, we failed and only came up with something specious. Although it can barely be controlled, its power and flexibility are far inferior to them. The great elder replied helplessly, You can't imagine that period of history. In order to create the holy weapons, Baimai paid an unimaginable price.

Create your own magic weapon and magic blade? Lu Sheng repeated.

Yes, this is the only feasible way. The Divine Weapon Demon Blade is the strongest force known to all, and nothing can resist it. A force that masters such power is undoubtedly the strongest. The Great Elder nodded in affirmation.

Such a war weapon is indeed difficult to resist.

Lu Sheng looked at the small blue pool. He could imagine the hardships and sacrifices made by the schools as they desperately tried to create holy weapons.

What about the secret technique? Lu Sheng suddenly asked, The strongest person who has reached the highest level of the secret technique faces such power.

The master of Yuanmo Sect's Wuyin Lineage, Patriarch Yunshan, has done research in this area. The great elder replied.

The conclusion is that the secret technique leverages ordinary energy. As for the magic weapons and magic blades, they themselves represent root-level mana.

This is as ridiculous as a mortal trying to fight demons and monsters through martial arts. Reaching the pinnacle of martial arts training only gives the demons a few more bites to chew.

Ordinary Yuan Power? Root-level mana power? What is this classification? After hearing this, Lu Sheng paused and asked again.

It's just a simple concept of distinction. The great elder shook his head. For example, if we practice using ordinary fire, then the divine weapon uses true sun flames, which are great weapons that are only recorded in myths. This is the gap.

Lu Sheng nodded, probably understanding.

Ordinary Yuanli refers to all the forces that can be utilized and cultivated to become stronger the day after tomorrow, such as the inner energy of mortals and our demonic energy.

Root-level mana refers to all power that cannot be utilized, is extremely powerful, and has a level much higher than ordinary power. It's not a level at all.

Just like the Three-Yang Cauldron, the magic blade that once caused a severe drought in Yunzhou, the interior of this object contains endless Three-Yang True Smoke. In front of it, the family head's own strength is almost like a small splash in front of the sea, and is ignored. Not as good as.

Many aristocratic families in Yunzhou were destroyed in this way. Later, their commanders, Chusshi and Huihui, joined forces with other outside aristocratic families to barely suppress the Sanyang Cauldron.

At that time, the sky was filled with red clouds. Wherever they went, the earth was dry and cracked, and the water vapor evaporated. The red land was thousands of miles away, which is a small thing to say. The great elder said with emotion.

Okay, I've gone a long way. Having said all this, I just want to tell you that the secret technique trains ordinary level energy.

The essence of the magic weapon and magic blade is root-level mana. No matter how strong you are in training, you are only strengthening your Yuan Power, and Yuan Power and Mana Power are basically two things. No matter how much Yuan Power you have, no matter how strong your Yuan Power is, it will be useless when faced with Mana Power, just like you Is it possible to blow the steel into pieces if you blow on it?

Lu Sheng took a deep breath. These things the great elder told him were the essence of the school's long-term exploration. They were the lessons learned by countless ancestors who spent countless lives after trying to fight the divine weapons with human power to no avail.

Today, he is probably walking on the path of these ancestors.

For the first time, this was the first time that he truly resonated with the school of thought.

They are all the same type of people, and they are all making the greatest struggle to get rid of the world controlled by the magic weapon and the magic blade.

Okay, it's almost done. You have seen the power of the law. Let's go out first. The great elder sighed.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded.

Following the great elder's slight jump, the two quickly returned to the entrance of the cave they entered before.

On the way back, the meeting alliance was coming, and the great elder was also a little worried, so he mentioned it casually.

We will form an alliance soon. Then you and I will both be on the stage, and so will your senior sister Hexiang. The two of you will have to deal with a lot of blame.

Our Yuan Mo Sect is now in decline, which will definitely attract many sinister people who covet the resources of our school. Xiaosheng, no matter what, you must remember one thing - act within your ability.

Regardless of victory or defeat, resources are dead, and talents are the most important. Things and resources can be earned again, but if people are gone, they are really gone!

Lu Sheng nodded heavily.

The Great Elder continued: Now you two are the only ones left in our Yuan Mo Sect. I have taught you all the secret techniques that should be taught. How to practice them? If you have any questions about the lineage of Listening to You Gong, you can come to us. I asked. But for other pulse types, there is nothing I can do. I know that you are extremely talented, but you have to act within your ability and focus on one thing first to achieve greater success.

Disciple, please remember. Lu Sheng nodded respectfully. Although the Great Elder was not as powerful as him, his constant guidance and teachings had indeed given him a lot of help and avoided many detours. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to take him seriously and respect him as a teacher.

As long as you understand. In the future... in the future... The road ahead was confused, and the great elder didn't know what to say for a while.


Lonely Smoke City.


The huge attic is hundreds of meters high, and its ice-blue eaves are covered with all kinds of silk ornaments.

The attic is like an ordinary attic of a wealthy family enlarged dozens of times. It stands in the middle of the city and is the most eye-catching landmark building.

All other building towers are lower than this.

On the observation deck on the highest floor of the attic, a slender man with flowing sleeves and white clothes was quietly overlooking the large area of ​​houses and streets below.

The man's face is not handsome, but it is extremely cold, and his face has sharp angles. It is just a very ordinary facial features, and when combined together, it gives people a different kind of cold charm.

Anyone who sees him can't help but think of the frozen sapphire.

Lin Huandao. What happened to Youshen's loss? I need you to give a detailed explanation! The man looked at the scenery below, but his tone of voice was to the person behind him.

Master Kai, there is just a small change in the plan. It is expected that the You Shen's dispatch will encounter obstacles. The man behind him is a tall and muscular man in red with a beard. When he heard the inquiry, his expression remained unchanged and he just answered calmly. Besides, those so-called elite leaders of the school dare to call themselves wandering gods? They are nothing more than cannon fodder. If they die, they will die. There are still a lot of such garbage in Baimai anyway.

No matter how bad the cannon fodder is, it's still better than the garbage outside. Lin Beikai said coldly, turning back to stare at the big man behind him. Youshen is the power I built with my own hands. Are you stretching your hands too far?

Isn't the young master's power the power of the family? It's natural for Huandao to use it. Why should the young master be so angry? As for a little loss? Before Lin Huandao could finish his words, he was slapped with a piece of paper. face.

Is this the little loss you were talking about? Lin Beikai had a hint of murderous intent on his body. The elders of the family are getting more and more outrageous. How dare even his private power intervene? Do you really think he doesn't dare to take action?

Lin Huandao took the paper and unfolded it without getting angry.

Huanshui Palace was blocked and two wandering gods were seriously injured. Three people from the Dongxiu School were missing, three people from the Yuanmo Sect were missing, and the Bailian School was lost. Huh?!! Lin Huandao's eyes shrank slightly when he saw this, His face became serious.

I used a total of thirteen wandering gods and seven cold generals, including eight at the snake level. I didn't expect that the Hundred Refining School alone lost nine people?

Is this what you call a small loss? Lin Beikai stared at him with evil eyes.

This plan is to comprehensively integrate and eliminate key schools. We can win over those who can, and replace those who can't. The plan is to start the Young Master Plan. Although the loss is a bit bigger, isn't it always within the Young Master's tolerance? ?”

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