Extreme Demon

Chapter 222 Disguise 1

The halberd has turned red, with dazzling red light shining, and a complicated triangular pattern emerging in the center, which is the symbol of the magic weapon and the magic blade, which means that this weapon has been illuminated by the actual blessing of the light of the magic weapon.

How terrifying is a weapon that has been radiated by the power of a divine weapon?

The great elder quickly felt it.

Wind Snake Nine Yin Halberd!!

The halberd in the hand of the man in black was suddenly surrounded by gusts of wind. The invisible wind was bound around the blade like a ribbon, and with a piercing scream, it suddenly slashed towards the great elder.

Can't block it!! The great elder knew how powerful this blow was. The Wind Snake Nine Yin Halberd was at its strongest, not when the attack was launched, but at the moment when it was actually blocked.

Such a slash is not meant to fall on others, but to make it easier for the other party to block it!

retreat! !

The great elder jumped back, leaped back with all his strength, and curled up like a ball of black mane.

It's meaningless. The man in black stepped forward gently, appearing next to the great elder as if teleporting, and slashed down the halberd in his hand again.

As a last resort, the great elder raised his hands and tried to hold the blade.

But with just such a hold, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

The halberd suddenly became translucent and penetrated his hands. The speed and power on the blade exploded, increasing several times and falling heavily.

Chi! ! !

The red halberd drew a blood-like dark red sword curtain.

Bang! ! !

Then he was firmly grasped by a big blue-black hand.

Right at the great elder's neck, the blade of the halberd was only a few centimeters away from the skin of his neck, but these few centimeters were firmly held by a large, inhuman hand.

Have you had enough fun? Lu Sheng slowly walked out from behind the great elder. He gently retracted one hand from the back of his head and gently supported the teacher who had been knocked unconscious by him.

Hold the end of the halberd with the other hand, like holding a slender and weak branch, and gently bend it.


The surface of the halberd glowed red, and then broke with a crash.


The two men in black were shocked and retreated at the same time.

How could a human being physically fight against a weapon illuminated by the light of a divine weapon? !

It's a demon!! They actually still have demons!? The short figure not far away walked backwards step by step, his tone frightened.

It's not just about being physically strong. Another man in black said solemnly. He stared at Lu Sheng intently. No matter what the reason is for your Excellency to rescue this person, the destruction of Yuan Mo Sect is irreversible. Once the alliance is opened, it will only be a matter of time.

You little mouse that hides its head and shows its tail, even talking to you makes me feel sick. Lu Sheng shook off the fragments of the halberd in his hand.

Three nondescript snakes. Suddenly Lu Sheng was slightly stunned and looked into the distance.

Oh, that's wrong, there is still a good guy. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked slightly excited.

I haven't been active for a long time, don't let me down.


The three men in black suddenly retreated.

But it was too late, the ground beneath Lu Sheng's feet exploded, and the terrifying power of Mingxu's ground power suddenly cracked the earth, spreading into large black seams. With the help of the counter-shock force, Lu Sheng's speed also surged to a terrifying level.

He simply raised his right arm and held it horizontally at his side.

Bang! ! !

One of the men in black was knocked down alive like a fly in the air. The other person was hit in the back by Lu Sheng, and flew forward like a cannonball, hitting the short man in black in front of him.

The three of them landed on the ground one after another. A lot of bones crackled on their bodies, their flesh and blood were bruised and bruised in large areas, and they were huddled together.

Only then did Lu Sheng's figure emerge and gently fall to the ground.

He just bumped into it with great speed, that's all.

In his current cathode state alone, he has the perfect strength of the third level snake level of the family, his terrifying physical strength, and the extremely lethal Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong. He can easily knock down three snake level people with just one blow.

Just as he landed, a zigzag red light suddenly shot out, it was a halberd!

A man in black took advantage of the moment he landed and hit him with all his strength with a halberd. The secret technique he used was clearly the same one from before.

It seems to be a secret technique used to increase speed and strength. Lu Sheng reached out to grab it, but the blade suddenly became insubstantial, passed through his arm, and landed on his chest.


The blade struck Lu Sheng hard on the chest.

Do you know Little Chicken? Lu Sheng smiled and looked up at the man in black who was close at hand. One chick and three chicks are all the same.

Bang! !

He pinched the man in black's neck like lightning.

Your knife is as weak as a chicken.


The man in black released his halberd and frantically tried to break free from Lu Sheng's hand. But the huge power gap prevented him from moving that steel arm at all.

He felt that the blood all over his body was burning and hot, as if there was an extremely hot stove baking underneath him.

As for Lu Sheng, apart from the clothes on his chest being slashed, the other party didn't even cut open his skin.

Is this the only thing that disturbs my vacation? Lu Sheng grabbed the man in black and let him drag him to the ground, slowly walking towards the two people who got up on the other side.

Haven't you noticed yet? I am also at the third level, in the same realm, why are you so weak? Lu Sheng raised the person in his hand, and the Chiji Nine Evils skill was suddenly injected.

ah! ! ! !

The man in black screamed in pain, and the black film all over his body flashed crazily, trying to block the invasion of the Chiji Jiusha Kung. However, Lu Sheng's thousand-year power was so powerful, and the terrifying positive force burned countless holes in the black film in just a few strokes, and then swarming in.

You monster!! The other man in black was trembling. He tightened his grip on the halberd, but unconsciously stepped back.

That's just because you're too weak. Lu Sheng dropped the man in black, and the man's whole body burned up, struggling and twisting in the red flames.

He was very disappointed. The speed and power of these invading men in black were far behind his, and their lethality was also extremely weak.

Even at the snake level, Chaolong could beat five of them at once.

Except for the strong defense and recovery power that snakes should have, they have nothing else.

These things may be useful to other people, but facing him, the huge strength allows him to easily penetrate the defense, and resilience? The current lethality of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong can almost be said to be the nemesis of the blood's recovery power.

This is also the reason why the two lost so quickly.

Oh, I was wrong. It seems that your cooperation is pretty good. But the results are similar. Lu Sheng looked at the two people in front of him who had lost their fighting spirit. Suddenly it felt boring.

What he wants is an evenly matched fight, a fight to the death, a heart-warming fight to the death! !

Rather than this senseless abuse of food.

Forget it, let's end it as soon as possible. We are so weak that we are not even qualified to watch the battle.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground beneath Lu Sheng's feet exploded. His figure instantly appeared next to another man in black, and his right palm moved upward from bottom to top.


Black light shines crazily on the man in black, and symbol-like patterns flash across his body, all of which seem to be for defense.

But Lu Sheng's power was too strong, and this palm flew out like a mountain of power.

All the bright patterns were blown to pieces, and the man in black suddenly froze and stood still.

Lu Sheng landed gently behind him, and grabbed the short man in black with his other hand.

The guy wanted to run away, but when Dew gently stretched out his hand, he was so frightened that he became weak.

Don't kill me! I am Hong Qing, the leader of the Nine Bells School!! the short figure shouted.

Nine Bells School? Lu Sheng was stunned.


The man in black suddenly split into two pieces evenly from head to toe, and then burst into flames. Quickly turned into black ash.

It seems to be somewhat useful. Lu Sheng tried to inject the treasure bottle energy into the opponent's body.

Hong Qing did not resist at all, but cooperated very cooperatively by letting go of his protective power, allowing the treasure bottle energy to drive straight in, and then quickly formed a complex spider web-like Yinhe web inside his body.

With Lu Sheng's continuous injection of inner energy, the Yinhe Net quickly bonded tightly with the flesh and bones of Hong Qing's body, and the knot became deeper and deeper.

However, considering that the snake-level recovery ability is super strong, even if the body loses more than half of its flesh and blood, it can be quickly regenerated, Lu Sheng quietly injected a part of the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong.

Because Hong Qing did not cultivate his inner energy, the Chiji Jiusha Kung would circulate on its own in the Yinhe Net and would quickly become stronger and stronger.

As long as something goes wrong with him, Lu Sheng's thoughts can activate the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong's inner energy and burn him alive from the inside.

Although the black snake-level black film is extremely powerful because it can be condensed into a snake shape, its main defensive power is on the outside and does not provide strong protection for the inside of the body.

Is there one of you left? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Come back, sir, we have a total of three wandering gods. You killed two of them, and there is another one who is actually the strongest. He is one of the three giants among the wandering gods. Hong Qing answered quickly.

Then what? Lu Sheng glanced at the great elder lying on the ground. He actually wanted to kill the strong-looking guy over there. Maybe he could still move around in his anode state.

But now it seems that he is a little worried that the teacher will be picked up and killed if he leaves.

Are these two people also one of the leaders of the school? he asked casually.

Snake-level strength cannot come from an unknown person.

Yes, they are the leaders of Houqi School. Hong Qing replied in a low voice.

Lu Sheng was a little surprised. He just asked casually, but he didn't expect that there were really two faction leaders.

This Baimai is a bit interesting.

He looked towards the direction of the aura in the distance, and a completely different aura from the Yuan Demon Sect passed over there, burning conspicuously like a flame.

To the point where their perception is so sharp, abnormal changes in the surrounding environment can be clearly perceived, and if there is a sudden appearance of something abnormal in the environment, they can naturally know it clearly.

Let's have some greetings.

Lu Sheng grabbed the halberd stuck upside down on the ground with one hand and pulled it out gently.

The man in black walked slowly on the main road of Yuan Mo Sect. Occasionally, symbols of different sizes could be seen carved on the steep and rough stone walls on both sides.

From his position, he could see several disciples who were fighting He Xiangzi not far away. Those were all passed down by his disciples, and they were brought out for training.

As for the other two wandering gods who were traveling with him, they didn't like to stay with him. He was too strong, much stronger than them, and just standing next to him would make people feel stressed.

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