Extreme Demon

Chapter 221 Three Nights Four

Lu Sheng stepped forward and pressed his hand on the door.

He hesitated after all.

In fact, from the beginning, after learning about the Baimai Alliance, he made up his mind not to participate. The destruction of Yuan Mo Sect is inevitable. This is a natural selection. Even if he can save it in a short time, it will not help. Unless he completely stayed and reformed the entire school.

But Lu Sheng had no such plan.

He is just a passer-by, and the purpose of joining Yuan Mo Sect is not to learn secret techniques, but to understand the secrets of the family and learn more about the current situation.

After a pause, Lu Sheng let out a silent breath, slowly pushed the door open with his hands.


The iron door was heavy and rusty, and made a violent friction sound when it was pushed.

As the door slowly opened, Lu Sheng looked straight behind the door.

Oh?? Someone really came out of here?? Unexpectedly, a tall figure wrapped in black cloth was sitting on the ground outside the door bored.

Behind the iron gate is a dry and empty underground cave. From here, you can directly see the bright white skylight inside the cave.

But the only exit on this road was blocked by this man at this time.

Lu Sheng looked at this man steadily, without any reaction for a moment.

Huh? Are you scared out of your mind? The tall figure slowly stood up from the ground, with a ghost-headed sword stuck behind his back. That's right. It's normal to be frightened when you see me, Lord Demon Bear.

He pulled out the big knife from his back with his backhand and strode towards Lu Sheng.

Remember, the person who killed you is the wandering god, Xiong!

A circle of colorless air emanated from his body. The figure's body was more than two meters tall, and the shadow it brought covered Lu Sheng. The broadsword in his hand, which was as long as a person, was slowly raised. The huge blade was as wide as half of Lu Sheng's body alone.


The blade was raised high and crashed down towards Lu Sheng's head.

Lu Sheng looked at the blade coming towards him and suddenly grinned. His fine and sharp teeth were like some kind of ferocious beast.

He suddenly raised his hand.

clang! ! !

There was a loud noise, fierce air currents escaped between the two people, and the sound waves aroused by the huge force shook the entire cave slightly.

You!!!? You Shen Xiong's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Lu Sheng, who was blocking the blade with his hand.

Is this a knife? Or a toothpick? Lu Sheng looked at the blade with a gloomy look and pinched it gently.


The fine blade fragments fell down, and he actually pinched a gap in the hard broadsword.

Ah, it's broken. Lu Sheng looked at the fragments in his hand in surprise and threw them away. I originally planned to leave. Unfortunately, it's not that I don't want to leave, but he licked his lips and a fierce light began to appear in his eyes.

What the hell, I hate the trash like you that just takes out a toy and walks around!!

Boom! ! !

Almost at the same time, Lu Sheng's whole body suddenly expanded, becoming bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, he stretched to more than three meters, and slapped the monster bear on the waist.

Before the demon bear realized what was going on, it felt like the world was spinning. His whole body was shot out like a cannonball and hit the stone wall.

boom! howl! !

The demon bear opened its mouth wide and sank into the wall, its eyes almost bulging out of its sockets and exploding. It spurted out saliva and snot, and its whole body was bent like a shrimp.

Compared to Lu Sheng, who was more than three meters tall, the monster bear, which was only two meters tall, was as weak as a child standing in front of an adult.

Well, I haven't relaxed my muscles and bones for a long time. I keep shrinking my body and it feels like my bones are going to be crushed. Lu Sheng shook his arms and shoulders, seeming very satisfied with his current state.

This form of more than three meters is actually his true normal state. The previous height of an ordinary person was caused by him using martial arts such as bone-shrinking skills to forcibly compress his body to make himself look inconspicuous, just like ordinary people. .

But that is actually just like ordinary people walking with their bodies hunched over, which is not good for the body.


Several thigh-thick stalagmites blocked Lu Sheng from waving his arms, but he smashed them off and pushed them away.

You, you! What on earth is that?? The demon bear embedded in the hole in the stone wall opened its eyes wide with horror on its face.

His mouth was full of blood at this time, and there was blood and water pouring out from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Lu Sheng's attack seemed to be just a normal attack, but in fact, the fire poison of the Chi Ji Jiu Sha skill that was running on its own was enough to make the demon bear unable to eat it. Coupled with the spike effect of the Baoping Qi, his body's internal organs were instantly mashed. To be able to keep talking without dying is already a sign of the demon bear's amazing resilience.

Me? Lu Sheng walked over, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up. I'm just here for a vacation.

He grabbed the demon bear to the side of his face.

Why are you guys forcing me? Is it wrong to take a vacation after working hard for a long time?

I, we are. The demon bear seemed to have a premonition of something, became excited, and quickly opened his mouth to say something.

Anyone who disturbs my vacation will die! Lu Sheng didn't wait for him to finish speaking, grabbed his head and gave it a squeeze.


The demon bear's entire head was severely twisted and torn off by him.

call! The entire corpse burned in the blink of an eye, turning into black ashes within a few breaths.

Throw away the black ashes in your hands.

Lu Sheng turned around and looked around. Apart from this person, there seemed to be no one else. Then he snorted coldly and returned to his original state.

It's still early anyway, and I haven't even finished reading the book. Wouldn't it be a waste of all my early preparations if I just leave like this?

As if he had found a good reason for himself, Lu Sheng looked at the strong black cloth on the other party's body. The black cloth fell to the ground and had become tattered in some places. But at least it was better than the rags and scraps he was wearing.

He decisively picked it up and put it on his body.

The quality is very good. It shrinks and is elastic. It seems that children from aristocratic families often encounter such embarrassing things. This material must be specially made. I will ask Yang Jiuli to get one for me later. Lu Sheng was surprised. I found that the black cloth clothes were very strong and extremely elastic.

He checked the other items scattered on the ground.

This demon bear is just a small character. The wandering god he mentioned before seems to be the name of an organization. Since it is an organization, it must have accomplices.

It seems that the teacher arranged for me to take the secret passage here in anticipation of an enemy attack, but I didn't expect that this place would also be guarded. Although the person guarding the road is a weakling. But this kind of confidential information must have been revealed by someone .

Lu Sheng picked up the scattered items on the ground in a few strokes.

Apart from some broken pieces of waist cards, there was only a hole-in-the-wall money bag with some scattered black coins inside. There is also a piece of white silk that looks like a scarf around the neck.

Let's go back first. Lu Sheng stuffed everything into the outer pocket of his black cloth clothes, turned around and strode back to the original route.

This route is familiar to him, and he is very fast. Since he has mastered the Mingxu Land Stepping Skill, his explosive speed has become far beyond the normal state, more than twice as fast as his previous speed.


The Secret Palace.

Secret technique, Maya! The great elder slashed his right arm forward like a knife, but his legs lightly jumped into the air. First he shrank, and then he kicked hard.

At the same time, intense black energy as rich as ink erupted from his body. This is the poisonous demonic energy that he has stored in his body and practiced hard for many years.

But to no avail.

The two men in black cooperated leisurely and easily avoided his attacks. Their attack speed was so fast that they only used half of the great elder's secret technique before they blinked and found another way to deal with it.

Taken individually, each of these two people is not as powerful as the Great Elder, and they can only barely reach the snake level.

However, the power produced by the two of them working together, even the Great Elder, a veteran sect leader who has been in the lower third level for a long time, is unable to deal with it and can only continue to be at a disadvantage.

The Yin Demon Black Snake has been dispersed, and the Yin Demon Fire Lion that possessed and strengthened the body is almost exhausted.

The three of them were walking around in the Court of Punishment, looking like ordinary martial arts masters fighting each other. But the degree of danger involved is beyond the imagination of martial arts masters.

As long as the two sides are rubbed a little, whether it is a broken bone or cut meat, it can be restored to its original state very quickly. So the fight between the three people turned into a water mill.

This is the case for most of the bloodline school battles of aristocratic families. Unless the strength gap is huge, there is no way it will end quickly.

Who on earth are you!? The Great Elder was cut with another wound on his shoulder. The huge blade instantly broke the flesh and blood, cracked the bones, and a large amount of black mud-like things adhered to the wound from the halberd, preventing it from healing. .

We are wandering gods. A man in black turned over and took back his halberd and replied in a low voice.

Liu Shanzi, do you still remember the black triangle letter you received before? Another person said lightly. If you had agreed then, you would have become one of us now. How could you have ended up like this?

The great elder was stunned for a moment, and then remembered a strange thing he had encountered before.

At that time, he accidentally received a letter, which invited him to join a mysterious organization and fight to maintain the balance and stability of the Baimai School.

At that time, he thought someone was joking with him, so he ignored him. He even ignored the other person's subsequent contact. But now he didn't expect it.

He ruthlessly dug out all the flesh and blood around the wound, and new flesh and bones began to appear on his body visibly.

The Yin Demon Fire Lion brings him more speed and destructive power, especially the black poisonous fire, which is the poisonous mist fire unique to the Yuanmo secret technique Tingyou Gong. It can even attack the bloodline of the family, the magic weapon, the devil blade. , causing a huge threat.

But these two men in black are basically monsters. They don't care about the threat of poisonous fire. Their speed is about the same as him. Their destructive power is not great, but their cooperation is extremely terrifying. They can block any of his attacks at any time. It gives people the illusion of an iron wall.

You two, let's deal with him quickly. We can't stay here for too long. The short man in black urged loudly.

It's okay. One of the men in black suddenly stepped back, It's okay to end it early. The halberd in his hand spun at high speed, and the tip lit up with a dazzling red light.

A huge sense of threat suddenly surged into the heart of the great elder. Looking at the actions of the man in black, his expression suddenly changed as he remembered something.

Is this the iconic starting position?!? His lips were slightly opened, and the black fire all over his body quickly formed a large ball in front of him, trying to block the opponent.

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