Extreme Demon

Chapter 220 Three Nights Three

Walking slowly in the dark and narrow secret passage, Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi didn't say anything.

The secret passage is very long. It enters from the hole under the stone pillar of Yuanmo Sect and extends all the way to the deep underground. It is not known when it was dug. The walls are covered with light green moss.

Teacher seems a little strange. After a long silence, He Xiangzi suddenly spoke up.

. Lu Sheng glanced at He Xiangzi and thought, Did you just find out?

Anyone with a little sensitivity should be able to see that something is wrong with the Great Elder. This Hexiangzi seems to be really slow.

Recently, there are only two of us left in the school. The teacher has also taught us a lot of things. Junior brother, you have better qualifications than me, so the teacher should have taught you more things. He Xiangzi paused and walked in front. Without looking back, he continued, But I also know that if I were you, I wouldn't be able to memorize so much content in such a short time. So I don't envy the teacher for giving you such treatment.


Lu Sheng didn't know what to say.

Okay. He Xiangzi quickly walked to an old black door, This is the exit to the outside world. She pointed at the door and whispered, Junior brother, open the door and go in. Follow the steps inside. The road keeps going forward, and you can reach the ground after walking on a stick of incense.

I also have a mission, so I won’t talk about it for now. Junior brother, take care.

Well, thank you, senior sister. Lu Sheng nodded.

He Xiangzi stood in front of the gate and looked at the old gate carefully. She seemed to be in a daze for a moment, but her stay was short-lived, and she quickly turned around and returned to the original path, her figure gradually disappearing into the shadows.

Lu Sheng stood there and took a deep breath.

He actually knew that the Great Elder deliberately sent him away and found excuses to send him into the secret passage. The purpose was not only to preserve the secret magic of Yuan Demon in him.

At this time, they were so anxious to let him leave from the secret passage, so they probably discovered something abnormal.

It is possible for a sect master at the level of the great elder to feel troublesome, at least at the snake level. It's a pity that I am ready to leave.

Yes, he was indeed preparing to leave before forming an alliance.

The life and death of Yuan Mo Sect has nothing to do with him. He doesn't have to expose his strength for a school he has only joined for a few months.

Everyone can clearly tell how big the gap is between the three-stripe level and the snake level. This gap cannot be bridged in just a few months or in an instant.

Lu Sheng, who had only joined the school for a few months, suddenly showed snake-level strength and turned the tide. The consequences of that were unimaginable.

Therefore, even though he knew that the Great Elder might be in trouble, Lu Sheng still had no intention of taking action.

It would not be a bad thing if the Yuan Demon Sect, which should have been eliminated and submerged by history, completely disappears like this. He sighed softly, walked to the door, and pressed lightly.


The heavy door was slowly pushed open a crack. Lu Sheng looked back behind him, then turned around and strode into the door.



The heavy blockade chain was cut off at once.

The door to the Secret Arts Palace was knocked open, and three black figures slowly walked into the Court of Sin and Punishment. Look at the great elder Liu Shanzi standing in the middle.

Who is here!? The great elder shouted in a deep voice, Didn't you know that this is the earthly headquarters of Yuan Mo Sect?

The two black figures were silent, but looked at the person who followed last.

Liu Shanzi, don't blame me. If not, blame yourself for being too stubborn. A familiar voice sounded.

The great elder opened his eyes.

It's you!?

Stop talking nonsense and take action!! The man in black was short in stature, took a step back and did not take action himself.

The other two men in black jumped forward, and their movements were exactly the same. With a wave of his palm in the air, a stream of black energy flew out. A halberd was shot out from the black energy and fell into the hands of the two men.

Secret Technique·Crescent Moon!

The two of them swung their halberds at the same time like lightning. The black energy was rolling, and the tip of the halberd was shining with thin blood. It looked extremely ominous, and it quickly stabbed the great elder.

The great elder's expression remained unchanged. He grabbed it with one hand and a ferocious black snake swam out from behind him in an instant and pounced towards the two halberds.

The black snake is as thick as a human waist, with sharp black thorns on its head, like a lion with a mane. As soon as it appeared, it roared fiercely at the two men in black and collided head on.

Is this the secret technique of the Yuan Demon? It's just a trail, nothing more than that! What a waste of this huge magical pond! The short man in black sneered. Isn't it just to cultivate your own negative thoughts?

Without saying a word, the great elder urged the giant snake to fight towards the two of them.

As expected, the Yuan Demon Giant Snake was tightly entangled and blocked by the two men. The other party is right. The Yuanmo Sect's secret technique of Yuanmo, namely Tingyou Gong, is indeed based on cultivating one's own Yin thoughts as its main combat power.

The previous visualizations of yin fire, separation of distracting thoughts, etc. are all about purifying the spirit, using order to control disorder, and using purity to control chaos.

Although there are also methods to strengthen the physical body, they are much less compared to other schools of thought.

Listening to You Gong can cultivate the evil demons of your own distracting thoughts. Because of the different personalities and temperaments of individuals, the evil demons cultivated are also different. It all depends on the person's ability.

Because this secret technique does not involve bloodline aspects, it is extremely universal and can be practiced by all bloodline disciples.

Although in the end the Yin Demon becomes one with itself and can cultivate the path of the supreme Yuan Demon. The body is greatly strengthened. But in the early stage, when Yuanmo Secret Technique has not reached its peak, practitioners are much more fragile than other schools.

The two men in black rolled their halberds, and the red light drawn by the blades kept turning and straightening in mid-air. Each blow contained extremely terrifying cutting power.

After fighting for a while, the black snake was covered in wounds and was in danger.

It had scales that could not be broken even by a strong person with seven stripes standing up. At this time, under the ferocious slashes of the two men, they continued to crack and shatter, revealing the black and translucent flesh and blood bones underneath.

If used in a large-scale war, the power of the Yin Demon is enough to make any non-snake-level being despair. But facing the joint attack of the same two men in black, the Yin Demon Black Snake couldn't even sustain a stick of incense.

I know you have more than one evil demon. The short man in black sneered, Stop hiding it and twisting it, take it all out. Let me see what the so-called most powerful secret technique of the demon sect of merging into one is. Tricks.”

The great elder was silent, and waved his hand again, and another lion with a mane burning with black fire slowly stepped out from behind him.

Ouch! !

The lion roared and made an attack stance.

But the great elder stretched out his hand and pointed at it.

The black fire lion suddenly twisted, turned into a ball of black smoke, and quickly sank into his chest.

call! Black flames like those of a lion suddenly ignited all over the Great Elder's body. His muscles slowly swelled, and his complexion gradually returned to a youthful and smooth complexion, as if he had become dozens of years younger in an instant.

Come on, if you want to kill me, let's see how capable you are!

He Xiangzi walked quickly out along another path in the cave.

This trail is a secret path that few people have ever used. In the past, when the Yuan Mo Sect had a large number of people, many people would practice secret techniques of footwork similar to Qing Gong here. But now that there are no disciples, this secret path has lost its popularity.

The teacher asked me to deliver a letter to Lieutenant Dian of Songshi City, and asked my junior brother to go to Fengwu City. There are no people in the school, so he is the only one left. I don't know what the old man is thinking. He Xiangzi always knew that she was stupid and slow to react. Therefore, she does not understand many of the principles that everyone can understand.

Even many obvious things, she could only understand in confusion.

But even though she was stupid, she always knew one thing. That is, she will be nice to anyone who is nice to her.

Snap, snap, snap.

The sound of footsteps continued to echo on the path.

Suddenly He Xiangzi paused and looked up.

A dark figure wrapped in black cloth was slowly walking in the opposite direction to her. Judging from the direction it was going, it was the cave wall where Yuan Mo Sect lived, the main place.

Found it. The black figure also stopped when he saw He Xiangzi. I actually met him on my road.

He Xiangzi was stunned for a moment, then reacted and her face darkened.


You still have a junior brother, right? It seems that you are being treated as an outcast and bait. Black Shadow said calmly. Are you resentful? Liu Shanzi actually sold you out like this for a disciple who has only entered the sect for a few months, sacrificing you to cover that person's departure.

Hearing this, He Xiangzi finally understood why the teacher let her walk on this apparently obvious path alone.

At this moment, she thought a lot, and she wanted to ask the teacher why she did this. But thinking about the strange behavior of the great elder in the last moments, and the strange look on his junior brother's face at that time. She suddenly understood something.

Why do you hate it? He Xiangzi's face calmed down. “I’m not smart, and people always say I’m slow and stupid.

But from childhood to adulthood, only the teacher was kind to me. If that's what he wants from me, then I'm willing to do it.

The shadow fell silent for a moment.

Liu Shanzi, I have a good apprentice. He suddenly sighed with a slight hint of envy.

Forget it, I won't be involved if you guys handle it. He turned around, jumped lightly into the distance, and suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

In the darkness, several more figures slowly gathered around and looked at He Xiangzi.


A drop of water dripped from above and hit the back of Lu Sheng's hand. Then it was splashed away by the huge speed, turning into small water splashes and shooting around.

In the dark secret passage, Lu Sheng quickly passed through a large area of ​​rugged wetland.

In just half or even less time, he had reached the end of this secret path without using a stick of incense.

There was no light in the secret passage, not even glowing moss, just patches of wet, hard walls. Above are clusters of hanging stalagmites. Water drops are falling from above.

Lu Sheng ran, tiptoeing a little, and his whole body flew a long distance like an arrow from a string. If it weren't for the twists and turns of the secret path, he would be even faster than he is now.

After a while, the same old black iron door appeared in front of him.

There are no patterns on the iron door, no decoration, as if a piece of iron plate was directly moved over and used as a door to block the road.

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