Extreme Demon

Chapter 219 Three Nights 2

I have seen you, sir! Hong Qing bowed down and bowed respectfully when he saw this person.

No need to be polite. The middle-aged scribe said casually, Brother Hong, your actions have been too slow recently. You have to understand that my brother's plan will not just wait for you.

Hong Qing's heart tightened and he quickly said: It's mainly because I'm waiting for Quan Zi's cultivation to break through.

I don't care what your reasons are. You can't afford to delay important things. Even your entire Nine Bells School can't afford it. The middle-aged scribe said coldly.

Yes Hong Qing nodded slowly as he felt sweat on his forehead.

That woman is also invited to be the guest of honor this time. With the Baimai Alliance, with that person's methods, the Shangyang family will never miss this good opportunity. The eldest brother wants you to cooperate with the other groups to act together. The middle-aged scribe ordered. road.

Yes, I understand. Hong Qing quickly agreed.

It's good that you know. The scribe nodded with satisfaction, Okay, I've brought the message. You should act quickly. If necessary, you can apply for Youshen's cooperation.

Yes! Hong Qing only knew that it should be.

A dignified sect leader, even if he is only below the third level snake level, is still a sect snake level, but he is still much better than the Jing level.

But such a master, when facing this middle-aged scribe in white, was submissive and did not dare to straighten his waist. All this is just because this middle-aged scribe comes from the Lin family. The Lin family, one of the nine families in the Central Plains.

Others may think that among the Baimai School, the third-level schools are united to resist the pressure from aristocratic families. But only people like them, who are within the school, understand that almost everyone in the third-level school has the shadow of a noble family behind them.

Nowadays, the two most dazzling new stars of the Nine Families in the Central Plains are Shang Yangfei of the Shangyang Family. The other person is Lin Beikai from the Lin family.

Lin Beikai of the Lin family is a shining man with countless auras since birth. When he was only five years old, he believed that the family should not rest on its laurels and volunteered to study at the Mingshan School, the largest school of thought at the time. At the age of seventeen, he went out to study and travel, killing the southern demon kings Julin King and Qiushan King. These two are both existences of the third level in the snake level.

At the age of eighteen, he dived into the bottom of the sea and reached an agreement with the powerful Pearl Demon Clan who never communicated with others, opening up an extremely rich and huge financial path for the Lin family.

At the age of nineteen, he entered the upper third level. From then on, he was unfathomable and became one of the top powerhouses in the Song Dynasty today. His qualifications are even better than those of Shangyang Fei, and he is known as the number one genius among the nine families in the Central Plains. Now even most of the Lin family's industrial resources and strength have been transferred to Lin Beikai.

As the most dazzling young person among the nine families in the Central Plains. Lin Beikai and Shang Yangfei fought openly and secretly, with each other always winning or losing.

Hong Qing guessed that this Baimai Alliance meeting was most likely one of the battlefields where the two of them planned to fight against each other.

After the middle-aged scribe in white left, he also let out a long breath.

When these big guys fight, the people below us suffer. However, he had no choice but to rely on the strength of the Lin family. He was able to become the leader of the faction because of the support of the Lin family. Now it is even more difficult to get off the tiger.

When the school becomes prosperous, if there is an opportunity in the future, maybe we can rely on other schools.

There is also the matter of the Yuan Mo Sect's station, which must be dealt with as soon as possible. The old man is stubbornly refusing to give up, and it seems that he has to use extraordinary measures. With his mind spinning, Hong Qing looked around and quietly exited the corner. .


Yuan Mo Sect.

That's it for today's morning class. The elder put down the book in his hand calmly, Xiao Sheng stays here, He Xiang, you go and guard outside.

Yes. He Xiangzi responded honestly, stood up and exited the cave to wait.

The great elder looked at the proud disciple in front of him who he had just discovered. After this period of teaching secret techniques, he discovered that all the basic secret techniques were poured into Lu Sheng's mind.

Then, all that's left is the last one

The great elder fell silent and did not speak.

Lu Sheng also didn't speak. He had a premonition that today seemed to be different from usual. The great elder seemed to be making a serious decision.

Both were silent.

a long time

Xiao Sheng, is there no problem with your current practice? the elder said in a low voice.

No, everything went well. Lu Sheng answered seriously. Teachers, preaching, imparting knowledge and solving doubts. The great elder has done what he should do in this regard. Therefore, regardless of whether the other person is a blood person or not, he shows enough respect for him.

As long as it goes well. The great elder sighed. It's a pity. It would have been better if I had met Xiao Sheng earlier.

He lamented in his heart that no matter how good Lu Sheng's qualifications were, he could only break through to the third or fourth level of Wuqi Gong.

It would take at least a year for ordinary disciples to completely break through to the first level of Wucaigong. In these few months, Lu Sheng was able to break through to the third level, which was considered very impressive.

But such cultivation is of no help to the Baimai Alliance. Without a chief and no inheritors, the school has no hope.

I have taught you all the secret techniques that should be taught. As for the details of practice, you need to actually solve the problem after you actually encounter it. There is nothing you can do about it, so I won't mention it for now. The great elder said solemnly. He said, Today, I have one last thing that I want you to write down.

The content this time is different from before, this time it is very, very important. You must remember and not forget!

Yes, disciple must note it down! Lu Sheng nodded solemnly.

The Great Elder pondered for a moment, seeming to organize his thoughts and decide how to speak.

What exactly is a demon? I took you to the Secret Art Palace that day, and there was a demon sealed there. You must have had an initial impression. He said simply, The demon can be a human or a ghost, and more It can be a demon, or a child of a noble family. A demon is a creature that can disguise itself and transform, a mutated existence with a highly contagious nature, and once infected, the mutation is irreversible.

Disciple, do you remember that the information I saw in the library showed that the birth of demons will lead to demonic disasters? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

Not bad. The great elder nodded. Demons are extremely terrifyingly contagious. As long as the body is touched a little, it can cause a person to mutate quickly. They don't have any special powers and secrets. The only thing they rely on is their abnormal and terrifying powerful body. You will be able to come into contact with these in the future Here they are. More dangerous, more violent, more out of control than weird.

Lu Sheng said nothing and continued to listen to the great elder's explanation.

So our school has painstakingly studied monsters for several generations, and finally worked out a set of methods that can hide the aura in front of monsters. This is what I am going to pass on to you today. Although this thing is of little help to you for the time being, But no one can tell what will happen in the future. The great elder said calmly.

Disciple understands. Lu Sheng nodded solemnly.

Okay, let's get started. The great elder cleared his throat and began to formally explain the so-called secret method of hiding monsters. In fact, the essence of this secret technique is the secret technique of Yuan Demon.

It's just that he over-exaggerated the effect of the hidden aura, while omitting other stronger practical effects.

The secret technique of Yuan Mo is the highest achievement of Yuan Mo Sect. The depth and breadth of its contents naturally far exceed those of other methods.

Lu Sheng only remembered half of it before he felt something was wrong. How could the secret technique of concealing aura involve so many aspects?

The depth of this secret technique is much higher than that of ghost face techniques and other secret techniques.

He immediately guessed that this was the secret technique of Yuan Demon.

The key to this secret technique is to cultivate the magic light. The great elder explained the key points. The magic light can hide its own aura at a deeper level, and even monsters cannot detect it.

The overall secret technique is like this. If you have the opportunity to practice it, forget it. Let’s not talk about it now. Remember to visualize the picture. The great elder slowly took out a paper tube and unfolded it gently.

On the paper, a pattern of black swirling flames was clearly drawn. In the center of the flame's core, an ear could be faintly seen, a pale and bloodless human ear. It seemed like someone was listening through the vortex.

The name of this secret technique is Tingyou Gong. Don't forget, next, I will review the Causeless Kung Fu for you again.

Leader of the Six Mountains Sect, this invitation has arrived. Suddenly, a rich male voice came from outside the cave.

The great elder was stunned. He seemed to have not yet reacted when he heard the sound.

Leader of the Six Mountains Sect? The man outside the cave was a little confused.

Teacher? Lu Sheng also called softly.

Oh, please come in, envoy please come in. The great elder then came back to his senses and said

The door of the cave opened slowly, and a long-haired man with a beard walked in quickly. He first saluted the great elder, then placed a dark gold invitation on the table in front of the great elder.

The invitation has arrived. Please take my leave. The man slowly stepped back.

The elder looked at the invitation on the table blankly, seemingly stunned.

The time has finally arrived. He raised his head and looked blankly at Lu Sheng in front of him, then at He Xiangzi at the door, and all the furnishings in the surrounding cave.

The desk with snake pattern, the relief on the wall that has been polished by hand, and the ground still have the stab marks from when he practiced martial arts as a child.

Everything he was familiar with was now about to leave him.

Master. The great elder took a deep breath, Master. I'm going to a party. Xiao Sheng.

Disciple is here. Lu Sheng lowered his head and responded.

Next, is the second homework I assign to you. The great elder tried to calm himself down as much as possible.

This letter. He took out the envelope that he had prepared, put it on the table, and pushed it to Lu Sheng.

Take it with you and hand it over to the Lord of Fengwu City for me.

Lord of Fengwu City? Lu Sheng was stunned.

Yes, Fengwu City is quite far from Bailing City. You should set off today. Go early and come back early. Don't delay on the way. The Great Elder warned seriously.

Teacher, Lu Sheng was interrupted by the great elder before he could finish his question.

I'm going to a party and won't be back in a short time. Your senior sister He Xiangzi has other tasks and I can't take over for you. This task is very important, so don't slack off. The great elder warned again.


Suddenly, a metal teapot placed on the table inside the cave began to slowly emit steam.

The great elder looked at the teapot, closed his eyes, and was silent for a moment. Go, don't delay. By the way, our Yuan Mo Sect has a secret passage that you have never walked through.

In order to prevent danger in the future, Xiaosheng, you will take the secret path this time and familiarize yourself with the lower path first.


He Xiang, please take your junior brother there.

Yes. Teacher. He Xiangzi walked into the door, and Lu Sheng quickly stood up. Without saying anything, they turned around and walked out of the cave, quickly disappearing into the shadows outside the door.

The great elder was left sitting alone in the cave.

There was a cool breeze and silence.

After a long time, he slowly stood up and raised his head.

Grandmaster, he sighed, and for a moment he was choked with sobs and couldn't speak. Tears flowed freely.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Within Yuan Mo Sect, black shadows flashed rapidly, like bats in the dark night, constantly flying on the cave wall.

Yesterday's job account promotion was blocked. I will add it today. Everyone, hurry up. Just search for Author go away and follow it.

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