Extreme Demon

Chapter 218 Three Nights One

The sword that sealed the demon had no appeal to Lu Sheng. Although it had Yin Qi, it was very small, only a few units at most. When he drew the sword, it was basically absorbed.

He has no idea about the magic weapon and magic blade. This thing requires others to serve it wholeheartedly, and it also requires ritual and blood sacrifices at a fixed time. It is a completely evil system.

Returning along the original path, Lu Sheng speeded up and returned to the great elder outside the courtyard in only half the time.

Very good. The great elder looked at Lu Sheng with satisfaction. This test actually not only tested Lu Sheng's courage, but also tested his trust in his teacher's words. This is the most important thing.

And the result made him very satisfied.

Let's go. The great elder threw the mask to Lu Sheng. This thing can speed up your cultivation, keep it well. Don't lose it.

Yes! Lu Sheng nodded.

The two of them left slowly from the entrance of the Secret Art Palace one after the other.

Returning to the cave wall, Lu Sheng said goodbye to the great elder and returned to his room alone. Then he closed the door tightly and began to absorb the huge Yin Qi on the mask.

Sitting down cross-legged in the room, Lu Sheng carefully looked at the red mask in his hand. The human face carved on it was expressionless, and there was a weird complex triangle symbol on the forehead.

It's really a huge amount of Yin Qi. Lu Sheng praised, even the mysterious copper block he absorbed before was not as strong as this thing.

“There are two conditions for the formation of Yin Qi.

One is to place your spirit on her for a long time, and the other is to stay with her until your death, investing all your energy and energy in it. In this case, it is not very appropriate to simply call it Yin Qi.”

Lu Sheng gently stroked the mask, Then let's call it a magical power.

The essence of spiritual power should actually be the residue of spiritual thoughts mixed with essence. In addition to this, there is another kind of power that can also be absorbed by the modifier.

Lu Sheng recalled the scene when he first picked up the water ghost stone.

After a ghost is killed, there is a certain chance that there will be left behind residues with spiritual power, such as debris and ashes, or some special items. In other words, the scope of the spiritual power may also include all highly concentrated mental thoughts.

As long as the concentrated spiritual thoughts are concentrated, they can be absorbed by the modifier and turned into power. Suddenly Lu Sheng thought of a key point.

Is it possible? It's not that many ghosts don't leave their spiritual power behind after being killed, but their spiritual power doesn't have something suitable to preserve it!

Lu Sheng pondered for a while. If this was really the case, he suddenly thought of the most suitable way. Perhaps he could try to collect the maximum amount of divine power.

Don't think so much now, let's absorb the spiritual power in the mask. He concentrated his thoughts, placed his hand tightly on the mask, and then opened the pores on the skin on his palm.


Like a whale swallowing him, a massive amount of divine power surged into Lu Sheng's arms and then entered his torso. Then it was absorbed, swallowed and disappeared by the mysterious modifier.

In just ten breaths, all the divine power on the mask was absorbed by him. The entire mask also quickly lost its luster at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed to be many years older than before.

A rough estimate is that there are more than 120 units sending divine power.

Lu Sheng's face was filled with joy. This was the first time he had seen so much yin energy. This showed that this mask must have had a deep history and bond. Reminiscent of the great elder's expression when he held the mask, he guessed that this thing was probably a piece of sustenance that the great elder had missed.

Before, there were more than 20 units of divine power left that had not been used up. Now there are so many units. It seems that the increase in secret skills should be enough.

Putting the mask aside, Lu Sheng focused on the modifier in front of him.

The Ghost Face Art is the follow-up advanced secret technique of the Causeless Kung Fu. It is an intermediate skill. The methods of practice are included in the key points that the Great Elder asked me to recite and memorize. Since it is a Causeless Kung Fu, the visualization chart is also included. If you advance, you may be able to directly upgrade from the causeless skill.

He thought for a while, recalled the content and basis of the Ghost Face Art, and then clicked on the modification button with his mind.

The modifier suddenly trembled and entered the modifiable state.

First directly increase the level of causeless power and see the changes.

After he took the opportunity to look at the causeless power box, he saw a button behind it that could improve the deduction.

Lu Sheng concentrated his thoughts and became more fierce.


The small square frame suddenly blurred, as if the surface was covered with a layer of fog. The fog lasted for more than twenty breaths before it became clear again.

The clear box has been completely transformed into another secret technique.

‘The Causeless Ghost Face Art: The first level (the advanced secret technique of the Causeless Kung Fu), special effects: level one of extreme body strengthening, level one of demonic power. ’

Extreme body strengthening? Demonic power? Lu Sheng looked at the two special effects this time. Unlike internal strength, the only effect of practicing secret techniques at different stages is to obtain these very different special effects.

The previous physical strengthening effects have reached level nine, and even his current physical strength has been improved to a certain extent. Now this polarized body strengthening should be stronger.

Except for feeling warm, there seems to be no change. Lu Sheng felt his body carefully, and it was the same as before.

It's the devil's intention. With a thought, a transparent stream of human face appeared in the air around him.


The air flow from the human face was swimming around Lu Sheng and roaring like a fish, the sound it made was strange and contagious.

Lu Sheng felt that he couldn't control it at all and could only choose to release and withdraw it.

Nothing has changed from before. He carefully observed the demonic spirit. In addition to its larger size, it seemed that there were more weird murmurs.

According to the description of esoteric techniques, the main manifestation of demonic intention is the desire that practitioners want to satisfy but cannot satisfy for various reasons. This desire will be reflected in the temptation and shaken people who see them, thus Perform actions consistent with such desires.

For example, for practitioners who long for revenge, the evil spirit will greatly stimulate the desire for revenge in those who see it.

So, what are my desires?

Lu Sheng suddenly felt curious, but this kind of thing cannot be tested on people around him. The best way is to find some enemies to try.

But now is not the time. Let's continue to improve the secret skills first. He refocused his attention on the newly emerged Wu Causeless Ghost Mask.

It's indeed a fusion upgrade, so let's continue to try to increase the level. He gathered his thoughts and clicked on the button behind the box.


The box was blurred again, and when it became clear, it turned into the second level of the Causeless Ghost Mask.

‘The Causeless Ghost Face Art: Second Level, Special Effects: Level 2 Extreme Strengthening, Level 2 Demonic Intent. ’

This time Lu Sheng felt that his body was even more hot, and it felt as if all the water in his body was constantly evaporating and boiling.

Well, my body seems to be burning. He raised his hand and saw that his skin was as red as cooked shrimp. Bits of heat visible to the naked eye are constantly evaporating.

No. It doesn’t seem like it, but it is actually burning!

He saw that the skin was gradually becoming translucent, and the blood vessels and muscles were slowly filled with a network of yin fire. The green yin fire spread along the muscles and blood vessels, and had already spread all over his body unconsciously.

The yin-yang jade crane's treasure bottle energy is running at a crazy high speed, rapidly repairing the body tissues burned by the yin fire.

This is the danger of using modifiers to improve.

Originally, a skill took five years to complete, but the modifier improved the progress of all five years and compressed it into just a few breaths.

Such huge intensity is like a disease that can be cured slowly with slow medicine. The modifier replaces the slow medicine with the strongest medicine, which is even more serious. As a result, the burden on the body is extremely heavy.

This is the situation for Lu Sheng at this time.

If you improve too much and too quickly, your body will not fully adapt to repair, causing unpredictable troubles all at once.

A large amount of yin fire continued to burn Lu Sheng's body, turning it red and green. The black film condensed during the ninth level of Wuyi Gong slowly emerged, and was quickly dyed green, as if it was ignited, and slowly burned.

This weird burning lasted for more than an hour before slowly calming down.

Lu Sheng was exhausted all over. He felt even more tired than if he had been fighting with all his strength for days and nights. Large areas of something like black dirt seeped out from his body and condensed on the surface of his skin.

He quickly got up to get water and wiped his body with a towel, but the more he wiped it, the dirtier it became. In desperation, he had to go out, go behind the cave wall of Yuan Mo Sect, and wash his body by the river.

Although his whole body was tired and he didn't feel any qualitative changes, Lu Sheng could clearly feel that many parts of his body seemed to be much more relaxed.

This is a kind of tempering! he guessed.


Nine Bells School, Daigo Villa.

Light yellow petals like leaves, spinning delicately and flying down from the air.

In the courtyard on all sides, Hong Qing looked expectantly at the closed door, which was where his most proud disciple and his son Hong Yuanrui retreated.

Hong Yuanrui has been in seclusion for more than five days, but he still hasn't come out. Standing outside, Hong Qing can feel the powerful aura constantly stirring in the room. The aura is constantly increasing, with an extremely subtle and slow improvement every moment.

Rui'er's talent is extraordinary. He will definitely be able to break through this time and successfully enter a new realm. It just depends on how he enters and what his level will be after entering. Hong Qing thought in his mind and continued to wait.

The sky kept changing, and soon it went from early morning to noon.


Suddenly, the door of the room was broken open by a strong airflow. The door fell apart and fell to the ground. A yellow figure flew out and landed lightly on the ground.

Rui'er! Hong Qing hurriedly greeted him.

Dad! Fortunately, you have lived up to your destiny! The figure was a tall, thin, middle-aged man. At this time, his upper body was bare, and his bronze muscles were tattooed with various occult symbols of different sizes.

Apparently some unknown means were used during the breakthrough process.

So, Rui'er, you are finally about to reach the top of your generation. Hong Qing patted his son on the shoulder with satisfaction.

Hong Yuanrui nodded, showing confidence.

Even the chief of the university sect who has reached the third level is only at the level of the seventh level. I have now stepped into the sixth level. It will only be a matter of time before I enter that circle.

Hahahaha, you are indeed my Hong Qing's son, he is ambitious! Hong Qing laughed proudly. You can break through to the sixth pattern at this age. Your talent has surpassed that of ordinary people. Those chief geniuses are just because they have better resources and better opportunities than you.

This time, Rui'er, you have also made a breakthrough. Our Jiu Zhong School will definitely be able to win the third level position in this alliance. Coupled with the acquisition of Yuan Mo Sect's resident headquarters, the prosperity of the school is just around the corner!

What father said is absolutely true!

Master of the sect. Suddenly a disciple of the school trotted outside the courtyard gate, That master is about to arrive.

Oh? Hong Qing was slightly startled. Then he said in a deep voice to Hong Yuanrui. I have to go and receive you in advance.

Father, go ahead. I still need to stabilize myself. Hong Yuanrui nodded.

Hong Qing nodded, turned around and left the courtyard quickly.

Crossing the yard, he walked into the side garden, walked through the arches in the garden without stopping, and came to a small corner surrounded by flowers.

Here he stopped and waited for a while.

Soon, a middle-aged scribe with a pale complexion and wearing plain white clothes slowly walked into the corner.

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