Extreme Demon

Chapter 217 Homework 2

In the large side hall, pitch-black armored figures over two meters tall were wandering around the side hall step by step, dragging chains all over their bodies.

They seemed like unconscious undead, but also like defenders guarding this place. Moving around repeatedly.

The great elder took something out of his cuff, held it in his hand, then patted Lu Sheng, motioning for him to follow.

Lu Sheng nodded and saw that the elder was holding a small cloth bag in his hand. It seemed to be a sachet or something, and it had a strange smell wafting out.

Let's go. The great elder mouthed one word to Lu Sheng.

The two of them walked one behind the other, walking quickly between the two-meter-tall chain-armored men.

These armored men also turned a blind eye to them.

Leaving the side hall, there is an empty passage. The floor of the passage is empty, without a floor, and is filled with a pitch-black abyss of unknown depth.

The great elder put his feet down, tapped the wall several times with his strength, and easily passed through the passage of more than ten meters. Then he turned back and pointed to Lu Sheng at the footprints he had left on the wall.

Lu Sheng nodded and jumped up, his feet lightly touching the footprints on the wall, and he landed next to the great elder as gently.

Leaving the corridor, the two entered a small room again.

The room was dark red and not big, just like an ordinary living room. However, in the middle of the room, there was a stone platform with a long knife stuck across it.

The long knife stabbed into a large piece of black stone at a slight angle from left to right. It looked no different from an ordinary knife blade.

But when he got here, the great elder showed a solemn look and became extremely cautious.

He patted Lu Sheng and pointed at the long knife. Then he wrote a word on the wall next to him: Devil.

Devil? Is this a demon? Lu Sheng was stunned. He looked at the knife and saw nothing about it.

The great elder said no more, but pointed to the underside of the long knife. Then there was nothing more to say.

Lu Sheng followed his direction and saw nothing but black stones.

The Great Elder He Lu Sheng observed carefully and even motioned for him to take a closer look. Lu Sheng walked around the whole small room and couldn't find where the devil was. Except for that long knife.

Not long after, the great elder signaled that it was time for him to leave.

Lu Sheng then turned around and left the small room with doubts. The two of them returned along the original path, but when passing through the chain-armored figures in the side hall, the great elder took down something extra from a wall of the side hall.

The two left the Secret Art Palace and returned to the gate.

Here, take this. The great elder handed something to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took it and saw that it was a red mask with a human face.

The mask was made of unknown material, but it was as hard and cold as ruby.

But as soon as Lu Sheng took it and held it in his hand, he felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart. The mask was obviously cold in texture, but when he held it in his hand, he could still feel a strong burning sensation, burning the skin on his hands.

This is one of the trophies I obtained when I was encircling and suppressing monsters. I kept it as a souvenir. This is also the only thing in the Secret Art Palace that can be taken away safely. The Great Elder said calmly.

This mask is burning and emitting invisible flames all the time. The flames cannot be seen by ordinary people. You need to use your heart and secret skills to feel it.

Careful? Use secret techniques to feel it? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the mask in his hand again. The Causeless Kung Fu slowly started to work, and he closed his eyes and began to visualize the yin-fire human face of the Causeless Kung Fu.

But this time's visualization was completely different from his usual situation.

Originally, the Yinhuo human face was only the size of a human head, and the details were blurry. Only the outline of the facial features could be barely discerned.

But at this time, a lot became clear all of a sudden.

The Yinhuo human face's facial features, eyes, nose bridge, lips, and even skin details are all clear, just like a real face shrouded in flames.

Did you see it? The great elder's voice came to my ears.

I saw it. Lu Sheng replied in a low voice, I feel like holding this mask, invisible power is being transmitted from it to my Yinhuo face. It seems to have an amplifying effect, compared to usual.

Suddenly Lu Sheng's words stopped abruptly.

Because the Yinhuo face in front of him suddenly opened his eyes. Looking straight into his eyes, it was as if the human face he was imagining suddenly came to life.

This thing will make your visualization of the Yinhuo human face progress faster. The great elder's voice came again.

But Lu Sheng didn't pay attention to the voice at this time. All his energy was focused on the sudden change of Yinhuo's face.

The sudden change made Lu Sheng feel that the mask in his hand was undergoing an extremely terrifying change.

A large amount of powerful Yin Qi that had never been seen before emerged from the red mask. The Yin Qi was so thick that even the most that Lu Sheng had absorbed before could not compare to it.

This mask has been passed down for many, many years. It is said that it was excavated from a mysterious ruins and was later brought back to the school. It was regarded as a treasure by my grandfather at the time. It was then passed on to my father, and then to Me. The great elder explained in a low voice.

So, this thing has a long history? Lu Sheng asked.

It's very old. According to my grandfather's research, this material is at least thousands of years old. The great elder sighed, but did not notice anything strange about Lu Sheng at this time.

Thousands of years Lu Sheng can be sure that the mask in front of him has had many, many owners, and because of its specialness, many owners regard it as a treasure. That's why it was possible to accumulate such a huge amount of Yin Qi.

There are many such things in the school. Our Yuan Mo Sect has a long history. Because the founders of the school are the many remaining children of aristocratic families, they also brought many special items from their respective ancient families after they became the top leaders of the school.

If you like it, you can get it after paying a certain price. I can give you some as a reward, as long as you can complete the homework I assigned.


Lu Sheng finally came to his senses.

Of course, before, I just memorized magic spells, which was just the most basic content. Of course our Yuan Mo Sect also has practical lessons. The great elder led Lu Sheng all the way out.

If I could get such a reward for completing my homework, that would be my dream.

Lu Sheng clenched his mask tightly, feeling a little expectant in his heart.

Only now did he truly feel that he had made the right choice. A school with a long history like Yuan Mo Sect was indeed the most suitable for him.

Because in this school of thought, there are many treasures that have a long history and are continuously passed down.

And it just so happens that the worst person in the school is also a master far beyond ordinary people, so the Yin Qi items formed in this way contain far more Yin Qi than the outside.

Then now, your first task is to follow the route I took before and walk out of the Secret Art Hall again. The great elder said seriously. If you can complete it successfully without disturbing the taboo puppet, then this mask will be yours.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, feeling at least hundreds of units of yin energy contained in the mask, and nodded fiercely.

I understand, please wait a moment.

He put down his mask, bowed slightly to the Great Elder, and then strode into the Court of Punishment.

Black spikes thrust into the ground diagonally kept passing by. Lu Sheng, without looking at the elder who was looking at him from behind, jumped into the crack of the door.

But what appeared in front of him was not the same hall as before. Instead, it is a huge vortex of black energy that is constantly twisting and shaking.

Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, then opened them. The vortex in front of his eyes suddenly shattered, and his vision returned to the previous hall.

He looked around, turned left, and quickly entered the corridor by the window where the great elder had walked before.

Moving quickly along the corridor, within ten breaths, Lu Sheng rushed to the side hall full of taboo puppets.

Lu Sheng looked at the taboo puppets, which numbered at least thirty or more. Each of these puppets had scarlet eyes, scanning around.

The Great Elder used a special sachet to come in. But since he asked me to come back alone, there must be a solution, and it is a solution that does not require the sachet.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment, then suddenly stepped into the side hall.


He was extremely fast and rushed into the palace in the blink of an eye.

Strangely, all the taboo puppets turned a blind eye to him.

It turns out this was just a test of courage. I should still have the scent from before. Lu Sheng immediately wanted to understand the mystery.

For other disciples, this is indeed a good test, but for Lu Sheng, it is meaningless.

Pass through the side hall, and then the previous corridor without a floor.

Lu Sheng looked at the wall and saw that the previous footprints had disappeared.

Is this a test of memory?

Without hesitation, he stood up from the ground and landed lightly on the original position on the wall several times before falling easily to the ground on the opposite side.

Moving forward again is the last level - the small room before.


Lu Sheng opened the door, and the long knife that had been pierced into the stone came into view again.

Demon? He was expressionless. He should have been able to do it once he got here, he just had to return.

But Lu Sheng didn't want to simply go back.

He slowly walked towards the long knife embedded in the stone, reached out and gently held it.

Then pull it out.


A strange low sound, like the roar of a wild beast, came from under the knife.

The whole room began to vibrate slightly.

As Lu Sheng slowly pulled out the knife, the ground in the room began to tremble more and more. A twisted, weird black mist filled with evil whispers spread out from beneath the black stone.

A low, loud, and vibrating voice slowly sounded.

I have been asleep for five years


Lu Sheng slammed the knife back into place.

It's okay, I just came to take a look at this knife. He smiled. Go on.

The black mist was like water being sucked into a whirlpool, and soon it was all sucked into the gaps under the black stone. The trembling in the room quickly returned to calm.

A strong voice of unwillingness, anger, frustration, and pain turned into a subtle buzzing sound, trying to be transmitted through the ground.

But to no avail, the long knife seemed to be some kind of powerful seal, perfectly sealing and blocking the voice and emotions.

Lu Sheng looked at the knife and found that although there was Yin Qi on it, it didn't seem to be strong.

This knife also has some kind of powerful supernatural power, which is far beyond that of the mask, but the Yin Qi on it is far less than that of the mask.

So he stepped back decisively.

Although there is huge resistance when inserting it back, this resistance is negligible for his terrifying physical strength.

For ordinary people, even the children of aristocratic families and schools may not have the strength to insert the knife back.

But for Lu Sheng, it’s just like pulling out toothpicks.

Okay, it's time to go back. Lu Sheng turned around and strode out of the room without even looking at the long knife used for sealing.

By the way, let me promote my brother's book~~Urban Almighty Superstar, which will be on the shelves soon. If you are interested, you can check it out.

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