Extreme Demon

Chapter 216 Homework 1

There are too many levels to break through in one breath. My body is not used to it and needs to sink in. Lu Sheng felt that his body, which was originally in control, gradually lost control as he continued to improve the causeless skill. He knew that this was caused by the strengthening of the subtle muscles through the secret technique of Wuyin Gong.

If we talk about martial arts training, it can make the main muscles of the physical body expand rapidly and powerfully. Then the secret training of the family school is to exercise many detailed muscles and visceral muscles besides the main body.

One complements the other, complementing each other.

He could feel that his body was becoming more and more perfect and complete.

The human body has limits, and every living thing in the world has its own limits. The number of cell divisions is fixed. Although old cells can be destroyed through exercise and stronger new cells are generated. But the number of divisions determines this. The process cannot last forever.

Lu Sheng understood in his heart. I also have my own limits, this body is just a mortal after all.

Perfection means reaching the pinnacle of the body, with no progress.

Aristocratic families are also human beings in the beginning. Why can they reach higher levels? He suddenly thought of some doubts.

The light of the magic weapon is more like some kind of radiation. Perhaps it is this that causes the cells to mutate, allowing them to lose the limit on the number of times they can divide, thereby gaining terrifying rapid healing capabilities. But why do they not gain the ability to live forever? .

Forget it, don't think too much about it. The next step is to start practicing the Ghost Face Jue after you adapt to the changes in your body. Lu Sheng began to recall the content of the Ghost Face Jue, and stood up slowly. The cathode state quickly converged, and the causeless power was like ripples. It spreads throughout the body, causing the surface of the body to be quickly covered with a black film to isolate the external poisonous mist.

The poisonous mist and demonic energy quickly dispersed slowly without the source of attraction.

It's getting late, it's time to go back. Lu Sheng looked at the stone forest outside, stepped on his feet, and shot out of the cave. He connected several times on the stone pillars in the stone forest, and lightly passed through the river below, landing where he came from. .

It happened that the dull sound of the bell came through the wall from afar.

Lu Sheng was slightly surprised. Can the bells be heard here? He looked around and saw that the thick rock wall was naturally smooth, with light green fluorescent moss growing in some places, and there were no traces of man-made changes. This shows that this place is far away from the main activity area of ​​the school.

This bell. He pondered for a moment, without thinking any more, turned around and hurried in the direction he came from.


Hahahaha! Liu Shanzi, long time no see. How are you doing? Outside the Yuan Mo Sect Secret Art Hall, a short, fat, black-faced old man, accompanied by several middle-aged men and women in yellow single clothes, had not left yet. When he arrived, he greeted Liu Shanzi.

It turns out that the leader of the Jiu Zhong Sect has arrived in person. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. The great elder was expressionless. Now Yuan Mo Sect doesn't even have a gatekeeper. He doesn't even know that the other party has entered the school and arrived at the Secret Art Hall.

But I remember that I didn't invite Master Hong to come over, right?

The leader of the Nine Bells School is named Hong Mingqing. Since he took charge of the school, Hong Qing has worked hard to accumulate strength and use all possible means. Soon within a few years, the Nine Bells School developed and expanded.

Because compared to the original territory of the Lower Three Schools and the current scale of the Nine Bells School, that territory no longer meets its own specifications.

Therefore, they need a bigger and better place to practice, rather than having the strength of the third level school in vain, but still nesting in small manors.

So Hong Qing carefully selected his targets, and the headquarters of the Yuan Mo Sect, which was declining day by day, came into his sight, becoming the territory that the Jiu Zhong School most wanted to occupy and replace.

The leader of this sect is indeed here uninvited. He just has nothing to do. He passed by here and wanted to see Brother Liushanzi's current situation. Hong Qing laughed and said, It seems that Brother Liushan's situation is not good. .

Leader Bo Lao Hong doesn't have to worry about our sect's affairs. Liu Shanzi said calmly.

Speaking of which, Brother Liushan, don't you think it's hard? This huge Yuan Mo Sect is not happy with its population. With just a few people and managing such a large territory, I'm really worried about you. Hong Qing said with a smile. .

What do you mean, Master Hong? The great elder's expression darkened.

What I mean is actually very simple. As long as Brother Liushan makes the decision and cedes the Yuan Mo Sect's residence to our Jiuzhong School. Then we can help the Yuan Mo Sect maintain the school's inheritance in the Baimai Alliance. Hong Qing finally revealed his intentions.

Of course, it is impossible to say that he really wants to inherit the Yuan Mo Sect's treasure. It was Hong Qing who had been poaching the Yuan Mo Sect before.

As long as Liu Shanzi agrees, he can legitimately take over the Yuan Mo Sect's residence. In the future, he will help to preserve the inheritance and so on. But what if a disciple of Yuan Mo Sect voluntarily joins his Nine Bells School?

Liu Shanzi also knew what he was thinking. Both parties knew who was behind the scenes.

Brother Liushan, now there are only three people in the Yuan Mo Sect including you and just two disciples. You still want them to preside over such a large sect territory. This is not cultivating them, but harming them. As Hong Qing spoke, the topic suddenly changed.

Besides, the treasure land of Lingshan is for those who are able to live in it. Since Yuan Mo Sect no longer has the ability, it should make way for the development of the Jiu Zhong School instead of leaving it here in vain and wasting resources. In this way, maybe it can still be done It’s better to get some benefits in exchange than to get nothing in the end, don’t you think?”

This is a threat!

Liu Shanzi's anger gradually grew in his heart, but when he thought of the current situation of Yuan Mo Sect, he suddenly became disheartened.

Think it over carefully, Brother Liushan, this is the advice from my Jiu Zhong School to you. Hong Qing turned around with a smile and led a few disciples back and forth.

By the way, do you mind if I take my disciples to visit? Hong Qing suddenly turned around and asked.

I'm very concerned. The great elder said calmly.

Hong Qing didn't take it seriously.

That's fine. Anyway, there will be plenty of time to see in the future. He smiled proudly and led his disciple towards the entrance of the cave.

The great elder stood where he was, speechless for a moment.

Ever since Hong Qing took charge of the Nine Bells School a few years ago, he had been facing off against him. Neither of them can do anything to each other.

Just now

He is not so naive as to really think that by giving up the headquarters, he can get the support of the Nine Bells School.

Isn't it because the Nine Bells School secretly intervened to promote the Yuan Mo Sect to its current end? Otherwise, it will take at least many years for Yuan Mo Sect to reach this point.

The Great Elder knew very well that Hong Qing's visit was actually a threat. If they don't let out of the headquarters, he will kill them all.

It's just that even if you give up, won't you take action? A coldness flashed in the eyes of the great elder. He knew Hong Qing's personality very well.

In a corner not far away, Lu Sheng stood quietly, looking here from a distance.

Xiao Sheng, are you here? Liu Shanzi also saw Lu Sheng.

Teacher, who were those people before? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Oh, the people from the Nine Bells School are just here to visit our headquarters. You don't have to think too much and just concentrate on your practice. Liu Shanzi replied gently.


It just so happens that you are here too. Master, I will show you this secret art palace where my Yuan Mo Sect's secrets were once passed down. The great elder said with a smile.

Can I go in? I heard from Senior Sister He Xiangzi. Lu Sheng was interrupted by Liu Shanzi before he could finish his words.

You can go in, but it's a bit dangerous for you. There are many taboo puppets inside, occupied by the evil thoughts of the founder of the school who once went crazy, wandering around wantonly. The great elder gathered his mood and faced the only secret he was sure to inherit. A disciple of the art. The more we get along with him, the more he likes her.

Lu Sheng has a clear mind, knows many things at a glance, and has excellent qualifications. In addition, he has such knowledge and experience at the age of 20. This made him both happy and regretful.

Fortunately, I was able to find a successor at the last minute. It's a pity that it would have been nice if I could have met Lu Sheng earlier, but now, it's really too late

But no matter what, the more he got along with him, the more he fell in love with Lu Sheng. No matter what you teach him, he can easily understand it. This kind of student who doesn't let the teacher bother at all is something he has rarely seen even if he has been in charge of Yuan Mo Sect for so many years.

Then I'll trouble you, teacher. Lu Sheng said respectfully.

It is not an exaggeration for him to respectfully call the elder who taught him his skills teacher.

It's okay, let's go. Liu Shanzi took Lu Sheng and turned around and walked towards the huge Secret Art Palace.

The Secret Art Palace is huge, like a huge palace in a dark cave.

There is a main hall in the center, and there are auxiliary halls on each side. The main hall is much shorter than the auxiliary hall, but wider and larger.

Lu Sheng glanced around and saw that there were small window holes everywhere in the Secret Art Palace. The densely packed window holes were filled with darkness.

The great elder took him into the high wall gate outside the Secret Art Palace and entered a deserted courtyard.

There were metal spikes standing sideways in the yard. These spikes were like giant weapons stuck diagonally on the ground. The shortest ones were five or six meters high, and the long ones were seven or eight meters high.

There were many dark red chains wrapped around the spiked body, and the chains were faintly glowing red, as if they were not ordinary things.

This is the Court of Sin and Punishment. It used to be a slaughterhouse for those who stole secret arts. The Great Elder introduced casually, But just take a look now. No one has been able to find the secret arts from the current Secret Arts Palace for a long, long time.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded.

Come on, today, I will bring you here, just so you can see where our Yuan Mo Sect originated from. The Great Elder said calmly.

The original origin? Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then became slightly moved.

You are right. What I took you to see is exactly what our Yuan Mo Sect has been studying, the devil. The great elder's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

Lu Sheng nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, the Great Elder said nothing and led Lu Sheng forward, through the spike-lined Crime and Punishment Courtyard, and arrived at the gate of the Secret Art Palace.

He pressed his hands gently on the door and pushed it gently.


The heavy stone door was slowly pushed open through a gap. Just enough for two people to enter.

Let's go. From now on, don't make any noise. Just watch. The great elder whispered.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded.

From the moment he entered here, he felt a secret dangerous atmosphere permeating the air.

This made him slightly moved. You must know that he now has the strength of six lines even in the weakest cathode state. And these are not the six patterns here in Yuan Mo Sect, but the powerful six patterns that can really fight against the children of the aristocratic family.

As for Yuan Mo Sect's level, compared to other schools, the actual combat power of the same realm is two levels lower. Not to mention compared to the children of aristocratic families.

The children of the aristocratic family are always shrouded in the light of the magic weapon and the devil's blade, and the blood in their bodies is extremely strong. The same secret technique is much stronger in their hands than the children of the school.

Therefore, Lu Sheng's strength of six lines can actually be regarded as the peak of seven lines in the school.

It goes without saying that there must be a big secret hidden in this secret art palace that can make people at his level feel threatened.

The great elder led Lu Sheng into the door.

Inside the door is a large, empty and dark hall, like a palace.

There are blue flame torches stuck on the walls on both sides of the hall. The light blue firelight illuminated the entire hall miserably.

The great elder did not enter the main hall, but turned left along the side and entered a small path. Walk along the window corridor.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind him without saying a word.

I don’t know how long I walked, but gradually there were heavy footsteps in front of me. The footsteps were strange, like metal hitting the ground heavily.

The Great Elder didn't say anything, and Lu Sheng didn't want to ask. Since he said it in advance without saying a word, it must make sense.

The two of them walked along the window corridor and finally came to a side hall.

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