Extreme Demon

Chapter 213 Higurashi 4

Fortunately, it's a bit like coming from the North just after we got married. Lu Sheng smiled.

Junior brother, have you started a family? He Xiangzi asked casually.

Well, we're married. Lu Sheng nodded.

It's great. When I got married, I was only a teenager. After giving birth to two children, I was kicked out of the house because I was too stupid and made mistakes. If the teacher hadn't taken me in, I wouldn't have known where I would have gone. He Xiangzi looked at the heavy rain blankly and said softly.

Didn't Senior Sister grow up in the school since she was a child? Lu Sheng asked in return.

Yes, it was just that I was tricked by a man from an aristocratic family into leaving the school and getting married to him. At that time, I was angry with the teacher because of that man. Now that I think about it... He Xiangzi sighed.

Lu Sheng didn't expect that He Xiangzi still had such a past, and didn't know how to answer, so he had to remain silent.

The two of them were silent for a while.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the heavy rain was blown to the left by the wind. Amidst the sound of rain, there was a faint sound of rapid horse hooves.

Lu Sheng straightened up and looked along the entrance of the cave to the stone steps leading to the ground.

In the distance, I saw a knight in a raincoat standing on the ground, as if he had just gotten off his horse.

The knight was holding a small box in his hand and a knife on his back, walking quickly down the stone steps.

The person I was waiting for is here. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yes. He Xiangzi also saw the knight in coir raincoat coming on horseback.

The man walked quickly down the stone steps, came to the entrance of the cave, and respectfully handed the box in his hand to Lu Sheng.

Thank you for your hard work. Lu Sheng nodded, reached out and patted the other person. Suddenly, a trace of treasure bottle energy poured into his body, helping him get rid of the cold and strain.

This is what a subordinate should do. The knight replied in a low voice, bowed his head to Lu Sheng, turned around and left quickly.

Lu Sheng watched him return to the ground, mount his horse, and then quickly disappear into the rain curtain until he was out of sight. Then he turned to look at He Xiangzi.

By the way, Senior Sister, why haven't you seen Senior Brother Miguizi in the past two days?

Locust? He Xiangzi paused, showing a complicated expression. A few days ago, he wanted to sneak into the ancestral hall secretly to search for the secret of Yuanmo. When the teacher found out, he was furious and was severely injured and sent away.

Ah? Lu Sheng didn't expect that something like this would happen to Locust. No wonder I haven't seen him these days.

In other words, we are the only two in the school now? Lu Sheng thought for a while and said in surprise.

Yes He Xiangzi also fell silent.

The two of them looked at each other in silence and stood at the entrance of the cave for a while before Lu Sheng left and returned to his own cave.

On the way back, he saw the great elder standing alone in front of the stone pillar with the red symbol, standing silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Teacher. He stepped forward and greeted.

The great elder turned his head and saw Lu Sheng. It's Xiao Sheng. He seemed very tired and his eyes were a little cloudy.

Are you going to read a book again?

Well, I haven't finished reading the historical records I found yesterday. Lu Sheng nodded.

The great elder looked at the disciples in front of him. If a few months ago, he still had the intention to choose the successor, now, he really has no choice.

Locust actually broke into the ancestral hall and disturbed the purity of the ancestor for the sake of Yuan Mo's secret technique. Moreover, he also wanted to seize the secret technique of Yuan Demon without his consent. This kind of mind is simply uncultivated.

As for He Xiangzi, although he has no second thoughts about the school, his qualifications are really limited. You have to know a lot of visualization diagrams. If you are not qualified enough and the cultivation level is not enough, once the secret book is lost, you have to rely on the inheritor to meditate and redraw it.

Insufficient qualifications mean that once the original secret book is lost, this secret book will be lost forever.

So apart from He Xiangzi, the great elder suddenly found that he had no choice.

You have no problem with Wuyin Gong, right? the great elder asked in a low voice.

Lu Sheng nodded.

Fortunately, no problem.

The great elder looked at the disciple in front of him intently and was silent for a while.

Well, starting tomorrow, you will come to my cave an hour early.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

is teacher.

The great elder looked at Lu Sheng carefully for a while, until he looked puzzled, then turned around and left slowly.

Lu Sheng watched the other party leave, a little unsure of the great elder's thoughts.

After returning to the cave, he tidied up a little and rushed towards the library. In addition to studying, he also wanted to do a new magic pool stimulation today.

Early on the next morning, Lu Sheng arrived at the Great Elder's cave an hour earlier than before.

Boom, boom, boom.

He knocked gently.


The stone door moved slowly and silently. Lu Sheng walked in and saw that the Great Elder had been waiting for a long time. He was sitting alone on a futon on the ground, holding a roll of parchment in his hand and not knowing what he was looking at.

From today on, in addition to the Causeless Kung Fu, you have to memorize some other basic Dharma information with me. Is that okay? The Great Elder said in a deep voice when he saw Lu Sheng walking in.

Lu Sheng understood immediately and nodded seriously.


Okay, then, sit down like me. The great elder pointed to another futon not far in front of him.

Lu Sheng knew that the other party was planning to make him truly a core disciple. Now that the school had declined, there were only two disciples left, namely him and He Xiangzi. It is estimated that the great elder has no choice but to do anything.

What we are going to talk about today are the details of the sixth level of Wuyi Gong. Please remember it well. The Great Elder began to carefully explain the subsequent levels of Wuyi Gong to Lu Sheng one by one. At the same time, he took out the prepared observation. Think of the pictures and show them to Lu Sheng one by one.

After the great elder explained it carefully and without reservation, Lu Sheng finally understood what Yuan Mo Sect's current main inheritance system was like.

From the most basic Three Yin Techniques, to the Causeless Technique, to the subsequent Ghost Face Technique, Netherworld Technique, and finally the Devil's Heart Dao.

This is a complete and detailed inheritance.

And the entire inheritance is completely dependent on the magic pool, which is the so-called magic energy.

The demonic energy we call actually comes from an underground river composed entirely of highly toxic liquid. The Great Elder said calmly, This river is what we call the River of Poisonous Fog. All demonic energy is The special gas that escapes from the river of poisonous fog.

The magic pool is the stone wall where these gases have penetrated, corroding the leaky holes. Some holes have large leaks, which means the concentration is high. Some holes have small leakage, so the concentration is low.

Lu Sheng suddenly understood and asked again: In other words, the most fundamental part of our Yuan Mo Sect lies in the river of poisonous mist?

The Great Elder nodded: That's right, so we don't hesitate to build our headquarters in such an inaccessible area. When you can reach the point of practicing Tongyou Jue, I will tell you more about the secrets of our school.

Okay, next is a Dharma decision. You should memorize it carefully, it will be good for you.

The Great Elder didn't wait for Lu Sheng's response before he began to recite the law carefully.

Lu Sheng felt strange in his heart while listening.

Although the school is now weak, it is still one of the Hundred Lineages in essence. It can recruit students and disciples again. I don’t know why the great elder is so anxious, even if it is too late to train disciples again. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that he would be recruited as a core disciple so early and start receiving private guidance.

But since the other party took the initiative to do this, Lu Sheng didn't mind. Anyway, this kind of thing would benefit him without any harm.

More than an hour passed quickly, and soon it was the official morning class time. He Xiangzi walked slowly into the cave and was slightly startled when she saw Lu Sheng sitting down. Then she seemed to have thought of something and glanced at Lu Sheng a few more times.

Okay, now you two are the only ones left. If you have any questions, just ask them. The great elder sat still, looking down and calming down.

He Xiangzi didn't say a word, and Lu Sheng really didn't have anything to ask. What needed to be said and what needed to be asked were all asked clearly in front of him.

After the two simply sat in meditation for a while, they got up and left after the time was up.

From then on, Lu Sheng was forced by the Great Elder to recite and memorize some inexplicable magic formulas every morning. From time to time, he would be suddenly checked to check whether his memory was accurate.

Although the Great Elder felt a little weird, Lu Sheng didn't have much resistance. Who would dislike knowing too much?

In this boring life that was constantly repeated, he soon made a breakthrough again and reached the fifth level of causeless power.

By the fifth level, if there was no cathodic state to restrain the aura, Lu Sheng would look at the surface of the mirror, and the demonic thoughts that would naturally appear in the light would have been so strong that they would attract people's attention.

And the fifth-level physical strengthening special effects of the fifth-level Causeless Kung Fu gradually gave Lu Sheng a little bit of physical help.

As time went by, the great elder began to tell Lu Sheng some secrets and strange things, and gradually stopped mentioning the realm of cultivation.

Time passed slowly, and through this period of reading and understanding, Lu Sheng gained a lot of knowledge about the people around him and the school of thought.

Especially when he read a book called The Origin of the School, he also understood why the Great Elder was so eager to give him all the messy content.

It turns out that there is a Baimai Alliance in the school who meet every once in a while.

The Baimai Alliance is not so much a meeting and exchange, but an internal ranking competition between schools of thought to compete and exchange strength.

Otherwise, how did the upper three levels, the middle three levels and the lower three levels in the school of thought come about? It was divided among the Baimai Alliance.

From He Xiangzi, Lu Sheng learned that Yuan Mo Sect had failed to meet the minimum standards of Baimai for three consecutive years.

The so-called minimum standard of Baimai is that there must be at least one person who can serve as the successor representative of the school and can completely pass on the ideas and everything of the school when the leader of the school is absent. And reach a certain high intensity.

The battle of ideas is the most bitterly cold.

Therefore, the disputes within Baimai and between schools are also extremely cruel. Once the development direction of a certain school of thought is in crisis or questioned, they need to send people to stand up and argue.

And the way to argue is with fists. Use your fists to explain to doubters that knowledge is power.

You say you have advanced ideas, are you right? Then you send someone out and we practice. Let’s see how far the disciples guided by the correct concept can reach?

After all, we all established schools in order to get rid of the magical weapons and magic swords. The backward knowledge system needs to be eliminated. Only by constantly maintaining the latest knowledge can Baimai always maintain the best vitality, instead of being dragged into the coffin by the old and corrupt system.

This is the origin of the Baimai Alliance. Continuously strive for the strongest ideas. Let the old and stale pass away, so as not to waste your own resources in vain.

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