Extreme Demon

Chapter 214 Successive Breakthroughs 1

The Baimai Alliance is such a conference that introduces the old and brings out the new.

Lu Sheng soon discovered that the inexplicable magic spells passed down to him by the great elder were very similar to the characteristics of many Yuan Mo Sect's basic magic spells recorded in the library. If he hadn't read a lot and his memory had become better due to his physical development, he probably wouldn't have discovered it.

While the great elder was teaching, he would occasionally take Lu Sheng around the sect. He would not hesitate to take him to check out some hidden places.

He Xiangzi often stood aside but said nothing. She actually understood that the teacher had made a choice. So the only thing she did was to quietly handle the trivial matters for her teacher and junior fellow students.

The three of them spent more than two months in this weird atmosphere.

In the past two months, Lu Sheng cooperated with the magic pool. In the first month, he broke through the fifth level and entered the sixth level of Wuyi Gong. Then at the end of the second month, he quietly broke through the sixth level and entered The seventh level of causeless gong.

At this point, the consumption of Baoping Qi gradually failed to keep up. When it reached the seventh level, about 90% of the Baoping Qi was consumed in an instant.

Lu Sheng estimated that the eighth level of Wuqi Gong would require more treasure bottle energy. If I don't use Yin Qi to improve myself, I'm afraid it will damage the essence of my body. Moreover, the stimulation intensity of the demonic energy is not enough.

So his progress slowed down. And the attention began to shift to exploring the Yuan Mo Sect cave.

In some places, the great elder took him there, while in other places, he slowly explored alone.

The wind was blowing coldly and bitingly cold.

Between the empty magic pool caves, Lu Sheng walked forward slowly, his eyes constantly scanning the magic pool caves of different sizes on both sides.

In the copper basins in front of these magic pools, there are less than six incense sticks inserted, which means that the concentration is below six incense levels.

But that didn't help him. Ever since Lu Sheng learned about the previous training methods of his fellow apprentices, he roughly understood how perverted he was.

Although he only practiced in a small number of demon pool caves, the concentration of demonic energy attracted by flesh and blood was far higher than that of other demon pools. As a result, even the five-stripe and six-stripe demon pools were not as dense as the ones he faced.

You must know that he was able to draw all the demonic energy from this river of poisonous mist, leaving other brothers with no demonic energy to use. This level is simply not comparable to that of ordinary Wuliuxiang and his ilk.

If you follow what the teacher said, then the highest concentration of the Seven Fragrances in this section of the Poison Mist River Demonic Pond should be seven fragrances. The level of seven fragrances is this cave. Lu Sheng quickly found his purpose.

A magic pond cave with seven incense sticks in a copper basin.

Just standing outside the cave, Lu Sheng could feel the strong demonic energy slowly coming out. That kind of concentration is higher than the concentration of demonic energy that I used to bathe my whole body before.

Not even close. Lu Sheng said expressionlessly and sighed. It doesn't feel like half the concentration of the demonic energy I bathed in before. But let's give it a try first.

This is already the thickest place in this river of poisonous fog. If it doesn't work, then it really doesn't work.

He had no choice. The previous concentration could no longer meet his current requirements for the progress of the secret technique.

The seventh level of Wuqi Gong requires a much stronger intensity of demonic energy stimulation than before. If the previous concentration was increased five or six times, it might be able to barely meet Lu Sheng's needs at this time.

Looking at the cave entrance in front of him, Lu Sheng took a deep breath, strode around the copper basin and entered the cave.


The dark cave smelled rancid. There are some messy bone remains scattered on the ground. It is unknown what kind of creature died here. It was also corroded by the poisonous mist and gave off a foul odor.

But Lu Sheng didn't care about this. He opened his arms and allowed his body to attract the surrounding demonic energy.

There is no need for any magical traction, his own flesh and blood is the best source of traction. A large amount of dense devilish poisonous mist, like locusts seeing blood, gathered crazily and poured in towards him.


The massive amount of poisonous mist even formed wind. Because the traction force was too great, it flowed rapidly, forming the wind of poisonous mist.

They formed whirlpools of different sizes and poured crazily into Lu Sheng's body.

Well Lu Sheng, who had already adapted to this change, just frowned deeply at this time.

This concentration is only a little stronger than before. It seems that this is the limit of this river of poisonous mist. I need to go to a new section of the river. The magic pool extending there has a higher concentration. This is already It’s not suitable for my current progress.”

Lu Sheng knew very well that his need for stimulation of demonic energy far exceeded that of other disciples.

Others, like He Xiangzi, who is at the top of the ninth level of causeless skill, can only use the five or six fragrant magic pools. But he is different. His physical body is too strong, so the stimulation he needs is much stronger.

After standing in the cave for a short while, Lu Sheng became impatient. Such a concentration of demonic energy is of no use to him now.

He stretched out his hand suddenly.


The large amount of demonic energy was scattered by the wind of the palm, and was immediately interrupted. Lu Sheng also turned around and exited the cave.

After walking out of the Demon Pond Cave, he took one last look at the incense in the copper basin and remembered the locations of other Demon Ponds that the Great Elder had mentioned inadvertently.

It seems we can only go there.

Lu Sheng composed himself, and then walked deeper into the darkness without hesitation.

Demonic pools are essentially small holes on the bank of the River of Poisonous Mist. These holes seeped out a lot of the mist of the River of Poisonous Mist, so they were discovered by the ancestors of the Yuanmo Sect, who used these thin poisonous mist to practice magic. Secret skills.

This is where the magic pool comes from.

And since these magic pools are just rivers of poisonous mist, steaming water vapor. So how thick and poisonous is the real river of poisonous fog?

Lu Sheng wanted to know this.

There is a place in the Yuanmo Sect Cave where you can come into contact with the real river of poisonous mist.

He didn't stop all the way, and quickly swept forward along the Devil's Pond Cave, following the winding tunnels, covering a distance of about several miles.

Finally, we saw a dark forest of extremely sharp stone pillars ahead.

The Stone Pillar Forest is located in a large, empty cave. Below it is filled with thick poisonous mist and demonic energy, like a sea of ​​clouds. Under the dark sea of ​​clouds, there is the sound of slightly turbulent water.

The air was filled with a strong pungent smell.

Lu Sheng did not look at the stone forest, but looked towards the stone walls on both sides of the cave. Soon he found his target.

A small man-made cave.

There are no copper basin marks in front of these caves. They are all magic pond caves that the great elder said were dug by the strongest group of founders of the school when they came to practice.

You can have a small amount of contact with the water of the Poison Mist River. Only the top experts in the original school were qualified to practice in this magic pond cave.

This is the Bone Burial Stone Forest. Lu Sheng took a breath of air, feeling that even his lungs were a little burning.

Even in the air here, the concentration of demonic energy that pervades is stronger than the one he used to draw him to practice.

It's indeed a good place. Lu Sheng glanced around, using the light green luminous moss on the roof of the cave to give him a slightly clearer view of the surrounding scenery.

Suddenly, he jumped upright, lightly moved the Mingxu ground step, and in the blink of an eye, he shot out like a cannonball.


He used his right foot on a stone pillar and jumped up again. After leaping for a while, he used his left foot on the stone pillar to turn and shoot toward a cave in the deepest part of the stone wall.


Lu Sheng landed lightly in the cave. This small cave was only big enough to accommodate two or three people. It was dark inside, and the ground was full of pale bones, bone powder, and some pieces of clothing.

It should be the ancestors of the school who stayed behind. Lu Sheng guessed in his mind and felt the concentration of demonic energy in the cave.

It is several times stronger than before, and it can not only meet his current needs, but even the next few levels, which is probably no problem.

This is it. It's really a Feng Shui treasure! Lu Sheng found a cleaner place and sat down cross-legged, ready to let go of the resistance of Wu Yi Gong and let his body fully accept the stimulation.

Suddenly, when he sat down, he hit a hard object on his butt. He quickly reached out and took out the hard object to take a look.

Through the dim light of the moss, Lu Sheng could barely recognize that it was a ring. A very ordinary, ordinary black iron ring.

There are no patterns or decorations on it. It looks like a rough semi-finished product made of a small piece of iron rolled up.

But the moment he got the ring, Lu Sheng suddenly looked stunned.

What is this? He stood up again and looked down carefully.

Under him, a dry, almost hollow corpse arm was lying on the ground. The ring fell from the broken index finger of the arm.

But these were not the fundamental reasons that moved Lu Sheng.

What really surprised him was that there was actually Yin Qi on this ring!

Although it's not much, it's definitely Yin Qi! Lu Sheng slowly picked up the ring and observed it.

It can be seen that the owner of the ring took good care of this thing during his lifetime. Not only is there no scratch on the surface, but it can withstand huge corrosion without breaking even in today's poisonous fog. It has obviously been treated with some kind of special treatment. .

Lu Sheng checked it several times and was sure that it was ordinary black iron. As for why it remained rust-free for so long and how it was made, he didn't know.

Since we can find Yin Qi in this one, we must be able to find other ones. Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly, and he simply stood up and started searching in this small cave.

Because of the interference from the poisonous mist of demonic energy, his perception was greatly reduced, and he needed a very close distance to sense the presence of Yin Qi items. The previous ring was like this.

So Lu Sheng simply squatted down and groped on the ground with his hand.

After groping for a while, he actually found another thing containing Yin Qi.

It was a half-cut bronze mirror.

If there were at least ten units of Yin energy in the previous ring, then the content of Yin energy in this bronze mirror is even greater. There can be at least dozens of units.

There is such a harvest! Lu Sheng was overjoyed. I feel like I'm getting a pillow when I'm sleepy. I'm worried that I can't continue to improve my cause-free skill. Yin energy will come to my door soon.

In fact, he can now roughly understand how this Yin Qi is generated.

After collecting more statistics on its generation patterns, Lu Sheng gradually understood that two conditions were needed for the generation and condensation of Yin Qi.

First: Yin Qi items need to be extremely obsessed with and loved by the owner during his lifetime, and must be a beloved thing.

Second: before the owner dies, he condenses all his spiritual emotions into the objects and places them on the objects.

When these two conditions are met, it is very easy to produce Yin Qi items.

Moreover, the amount of yin energy on the item depends on the strength of the owner and the length of time that the owner has placed his emotions and spirit on it.

In other words, these two things were the favorite things of the ancestors here. Lu Sheng guessed in his mind.

Now that he has reached the seventh level of the Causeless Skill, he has already developed a certain resistance to the poisonous mist around him. Therefore, he can control himself not to attract the poisonous mist, so that he can sit quietly in the cave.

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