Extreme Demon

Chapter 212 Chapter 213 Higurashi 3

Yes, the second level. Lu Sheng's heart suddenly crossed. He had already told Shaoli that he had actually reached the third level and was about to move up to the fourth level.

However, considering that there were nine levels of martial arts in total, he said that he had reached the second level.

The elder's mouth was slightly open, but he couldn't speak for a while.

Who was the last disciple to break through so quickly? He couldn't remember clearly. That was a long, long time ago.

With such qualifications, he is able to come to Yuan Mo Sect, probably because Yuan Mo Sect has a library that is much older than most other schools, right?

In other words, he really came for the books. After all, it is very easy for the other party to join other university factions at will.

The great elder looked at the disciple in front of him who had only joined the school for a few months. He felt happy and dazed at the same time, and suddenly there was a feeling of darkness in his heart.

He had worked hard to find disciples with good qualifications, hoping to pass on the fire of the school in his last days, so that even if the headquarters changed hands and the school became extinct, it could still be passed on.

But now, when a real disciple with outstanding qualifications stood in front of him, the Great Elder suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of unreality, like a surprise like rain falling from the sky.

He also thought about whether Lu Sheng was an undercover agent sent by another school of thought, acting like this just to gain his trust. But this may have been rejected by him at the first opportunity.

If they are spies from other sects, in the Primary School, disciples like Lu Sheng would hide them, for fear of being deceived by others.

As for the university sect, they simply don’t care about Yuan Mo Sect’s foundation. They can find two, three, or even more Yuan Mo Sect headquarters at will, but it is not so easy to find disciples with good qualifications. All of them may be the top experts of the future school.

It takes a few months to break through to the second level. Other disciples also need at least a year. This qualification is very good, but you have to observe and observe, in case the inheritance of the school is entrusted to someone else. Suddenly the great elder remembered what was left. The remaining two disciples.

A flying locust can now see that his intentions are evil. He was wrong in the beginning.

The other He Xiangzi is honest and dull, even to the point of being a bit silly. His trust and loyalty to the school are absolutely top-notch, but his qualifications are actually after nineteen years of hard training, and he is still stuck at the ninth level of the Causeless Kung Fu.

Thinking of this, the great elder took a breath.

Are you feeling uncomfortable? Causeless Kung Fu requires demonic energy to stimulate the body's eyebrows. If the frequency is too high in a short period of time, the body will be unable to bear the load. That's why he asked.

Lu Sheng knew what he meant. Judging from the opponent's performance, it seemed that he was not in a normal situation and was still acting too fast.

Fortunately, nothing feels uncomfortable.

That's good, that's good. Let me see how you develop the causeless power. The great elder seemed a little more enthusiastic about this.

Lu Sheng was imagining the Yin Fire Face and moving his body. The tiny muscles on his body began to tremble slowly. He deliberately controlled this trembling, which was not much different from the second level.

The fire is self-evident, not bad, not bad! The great elder could see Lu Sheng's current state at a glance. It is already the most ideal level among the disciples of the school.

Next, let me explain to you the following key points of causeless power. He suddenly became a little enthusiastic. But his face remained expressionless.

Lu Shengduan sat down and carefully began to listen to his morning lesson alone.

Two hours passed quickly. When Lu Sheng came out of the cave, he unexpectedly saw Locust standing against the wall at the entrance of the stone steps.

Locust stared at him coldly, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.


He snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Lu Sheng watched as the locusts quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The days soon returned to the same rhythm as before.

Have morning classes, read books, practice Qigong, rest, have morning classes, read books, practice Qigong and repeat.

Lu Sheng's treasure bottle energy was quickly replenished. He can also improve his causeless power again.

Dang. Dang.

After returning from the library, Lu Sheng closed the door tightly and heard the bell ringing slowly outside.

Standing at the window, he looked out and saw that under the stone wall, a large area was gradually covered by shadows, and the red light on the stone pillars gradually dimmed.

It's night time again.


Lu Sheng closed the window, sat down on the bed, crossed his legs and began to meditate.

The treasure bottle qi has almost recovered. The great elder has also explained the following two levels clearly, and you can start trying to improve the causeless skill. Following the old rules, he concentrated and held his breath, and began to visualize the Yinhuo human face in his mind.

Dark blue.

The light blue box of the modifier appeared in front of his eyes.

Lu Sheng clicked the modification button with ease and saw that the entire modifier trembled slightly. Most of the skills in the box had buttons that could be improved one by one at the back.

He quickly found the new causeless power.

‘Causeless Kung Fu: Level 3, Special Effect: Level 3 Strengthening. ’

It's a very common basic exercise method, but it is the basis for subsequent exercises. It is simple and important. Let's try it first and see how much it improves my current physical body. A thought flashed through Lu Sheng's mind. Then slowly close your eyes, focus all your attention on the button behind Wuyi Gong, and click it gently.

Promote the Causeless Kung Fu to the fourth level.


The small box suddenly blurred, and Lu Sheng clearly felt that the treasure bottle energy in his body suddenly disappeared, almost one-sixth of it.

Soon the box became clear again and the content inside changed.

‘Causal-free Kung Fu: fourth level, special effects: fourth level of physical strength, level one of demonic thoughts. ’

Demon thoughts? Lu Sheng recalled the introduction to the technique, and the great elder's occasional mention that if the Causeless Kung Fu could reach perfection, there would be a smaller chance of cultivating demonic thoughts in advance.

The so-called evil thoughts are actually distracting thoughts, desires and other scattered thoughts.

These wandering thoughts are something that everyone has and cannot disappear. They can arise anytime and anywhere, and they can also die anytime and anywhere.

Practicing the visualization of causeless work is actually to concentrate, purify and exercise all the energy, thereby achieving the disguised effect of eliminating distracting thoughts.

But this does not mean that distracting thoughts will completely disappear.

Infer according to Lu Sheng's own set of theoretical logic.

The eliminated distracting thoughts will be forced to leave the main body of thinking. But this does not mean that they will disappear. If the spirit is strong enough and the distracting thoughts and evil thoughts are attached to the practitioner, they will naturally form some spirits that can affect people's minds and cause hallucinations. field.

This is the devil's thought. Lu Sheng opened his eyes, stood up and walked to the basin in the corner, looking at himself in the reflection of the water.

If before the breakthrough, he was an ordinary person who was hiding an extremely ordinary person because of his cathode state, then now he has a certain evil temperament about him, which makes people feel upset and fearful just by looking at him from a distance.

Is this the effect of the mental field? It seems to be similar to the legendary mental contagious hypnosis. His heart moved, and the effect of the demonic thoughts quickly faded.

In the water, he was as ordinary as before, almost like an ordinary person.

This is the effect of the cathode state. The powerful cathode state can converge all spirits, energy, and related physiological reactions.

Demonic thoughts are distracting thoughts and also belong to the spiritual category, so they are also controlled by Lu Sheng's cathode state.

In addition, the physical strength seems to be more integrated. The defense has been slightly improved, but it is still negligible.

He frowned slightly, but knew it was natural. His body is too strong. For him, a secret technique of this level, such as the Causeless Kung Fu, has a strengthening effect, which is already very good.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find content about martial arts that can be of great help to him. Therefore, Lu Sheng also placed his hope on the family's secret skills. If the secret skills failed, then he would really have no choice but to accumulate internal strength, search for Yin Qi, and continue to deduce it to see if he could find an unprecedented path in internal strength. path of.

But just judging from the intentions of those internal skills, it is difficult to hope that it will be possible to break through to the level of a magic weapon and a magic blade. After all, no matter how much the techniques are deduced, there are limits, which he has gradually felt. Not even the modifier.

Ninety-nine percent of the internal energy is still based on the category of gaseous internal energy, and there is no touch on liquefied internal energy. Many concepts and understandings of inner qi regulations are still superficial. This didn't help Lu Sheng at all.

Even the creator did not know many of the natural characteristics of the liquefied inner energy, and used his own erroneous thinking to infer and create a seemingly powerful technique.

There is nothing we can do about this. Some inner qi behave differently under different properties. Many laws and phenomena are only revealed after liquefaction. Lu Sheng also used this to deduce certain characteristics and essence of inner energy.

Just like modern science. Many theorems between microphysics and macrophysics are not universal.

The same is true for internal strength. After being liquefied, Lu Sheng immediately discovered that many of the stereotypes about internal strength were wrong and inapplicable at all, so he had to try again.

I hope the secret technique can bring me a new direction. Lu Sheng took a look at his current state, Go to the magic pool again at dawn. It should not take a few days to break through to the next level.

He took out a small box from under the bed. This was the elixir he asked someone from the gang to send him, Bu Yuan Dan.

Minggui elixir, which is used to replenish qi and blood, is mixed with many precious medicinal materials. It is extremely effective in nourishing qi and blood, especially in nourishing blood and yin.

These days, he relies on this to make up for the serious lack of food.

In this school of thought, although yin and yang are balanced in diet, the amount is too small. Lu Sheng consumes a lot of treasure bottle qi every time he goes to the magic pool, so he needs a lot of food and nutrition to speed up the recovery of his internal qi.

This school of thought alone is naturally far from enough. That's why we have this Bu Yuan Dan.

He poured two pills into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them. Lu Sheng returned to the state of meditating. The Wuyin Gong had just been improved, and he needed some time to rest his body to make up for the hidden injuries caused by the breakthrough improvement.

in the following days.

Lu Sheng still went to morning classes on time and regularly went to the magic pool to cleanse his body. The great elder also generously explained the follow-up techniques of the Causeless Kung Fu to Lu Sheng one by one.

Lu Sheng's performance also made him quite gratified. Lu Sheng could easily understand and remember everything he said.

In the blink of an eye, another seven or eight days passed, and Lu Sheng finished eating the Buyuan Dan. On this day, he had to go to the cave entrance to wait for someone to deliver it.

Through the school's special bird letter, he can easily deliver the letter to the Red Whale Gang. And learned about the situation in Bailing City.

Leaning at the entrance of the cave, Lu Sheng looked at the gray and pouring rain outside, feeling a little distracted for a moment.

Are you homesick? He Xiangzi came up behind Lu Sheng at some unknown time and imitated him by standing at the entrance of the cave and leaning against the wall.

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