Extreme Demon

Chapter 206 Secret 1

Go back to your cave**.

Lu Sheng immediately sat down cross-legged, concentrating and holding his breath, first sensing whether anyone else was looking around him. After confirming for a moment, he thought silently.

Dark blue.

The modifier interface suddenly flashed up and hovered in front of his eyes.

Sure enough. Lu Sheng had already expected it and saw the extra line of writing in the last box of the modifier.

‘Three Yin Methods: Not yet started. Special effects: None. ’

Sure enough, the modifier recognized this training method of the school as martial arts. I tried to practice the secret method in the small book I got from the umbrella girl before, but even if I asked Yingying to explain it carefully, I couldn't get the modifier to do it. Enter. Now this Three Yin Method can actually be considered as a martial arts category. It seems that I have come to the right place for this Yuan Mo Sect.

The yin energy is not enough, but I still have the yin-yang jade crane treasure bottle energy. This can replace the yin energy to a certain extent. Although it is not much, this basic technique should be fine. You can give it a try.

Lu Sheng sorted it out in his mind and decided to try to see if he could improve the Three Yin Techniques. If he can combine it with the training route explored by the family, he is looking forward to how far he can improve in the future.

I skillfully clicked the modification button on the modifier interface. Most martial arts showed improvement buttons, but the last three yin techniques did not move at all. Lu Sheng concentrated on staring at the box.

But to no avail.

Since it appears in the box, it means that the modifier can be modified. This is how I set it up when I was programming. If nothing else, it should be because I haven't started yet, so I can't improve it. The three-yin method should not belong to the category of external skills and cannot be improved. Directly improve.”

After clearing his mind, Lu Sheng was no longer in a hurry. Anyway, this thing did not involve the power of black film. With his current level of martial arts and his control over himself, it would only take a few days to get started or even improve.

There's no rush. Let's go ask other people first to see what taboos there are in the school. Thinking of this, Lu Sheng couldn't sit still. The library he wanted to go to the most was the library, but there seemed to be something weird there. I feel uneasy.

He got up, changed his clothes, and walked out of the cave. After walking a few steps, he saw He Xiangzi walking towards him, seemingly just coming up from the stone steps.

Junior Brother Lu, just in time, the master asked me to explain to you the taboos and precautions in the school.

Oh, Senior Sister He Xiangzi. Okay, I'll bother you, Senior Sister. Please come sit in my cave and talk slowly. Lu Sheng was about to go find Song Zian, but he didn't expect that He Xiangzi was sent here first by the Great Elder. , which is exactly what he wanted.

The two returned to the cave. He Xiangzi glanced at Lu Sheng's cave and saw that it did not have any fancy furnishings, and the things used were of ordinary styles, nothing special.

Junior Brother Lu, just call me Senior Sister Hexiang.

Regarding the taboos of the school, it is very simple. First, before night comes, try to return to your cave, ignore what is happening outside, and just have a good rest.

Secondly, there are a few places where you should not rush in rashly. There are three main types of places: the magic pool, the secret hall, and the unmarked cave.

Sister, please elaborate. Lu Sheng listened attentively.

He Xiangzi sat down and said seriously: The magic pool is a place where we can use external forces to polish it in the subsequent stages. It is a place where we can train to a stronger level. It is filled with countless highly toxic and corrosive smoke, and there are many extremely... It’s still early and you can’t come into contact with the active special power, but you will know about it later.

There is a big sign outside the magic pool, a huge dark gold copper basin with incense burning inside. As long as the incense is still lit, it means there is still power in the magic pool inside. Don't go in without being ready. To avoid injury.

He Xiangzi looked at Lu Sheng and added one last sentence.

Disciples have died in it before. If one's own bloodline is not developed enough and the power of one's own bloodline is weak, entering it is seeking death.

Yeah, I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

By the way, there is more than one magic pool. Pay attention to the sign outside. You can go in if the incense is not lit, but it is meaningless. It is still building power inside, but it is all empty. He Xiangzi continued.

After that, there is the Secret Arts Hall, just to the right of the stone wall where we live, through the magic tomb. There is no gatekeeper in the Secret Arts Palace, and 99% of the secret arts in it are gone, and the rest have been taken over by the master. After putting it away, it is empty inside. Except for some dangerous mechanisms from the past, there are taboo puppets wandering around. It is best not to go in if you have nothing to do, even the master is unwilling to enter.

Forbidden puppet? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

A kind of monster. If you have a chance, you can see it from a distance. He Xiangzi showed no expression. “At the end there are the unmarked caves.”

Unmarked cave? Lu Sheng repeated.

Yes, because our previous ancestors studied a lot of monsters, the remaining demonic energy caused a lot of trouble. This is how the unmarked caves came about.

Those caves are spewing out demonic energy all the time. Anything dangerous may happen inside, so don't go in. He Xiangzi solemnly warned.

Senior sister, since it is so dangerous, why don't we establish a school in another place? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Because the higher the concentration of demonic energy, the faster we practice. The more dangerous the place, the greater the benefits. He Xiangzi explained seriously. Just like a fire-attributed family building its family in the crater of a volcano, this is the truth.

Understood the magic pool, the secret hall, and the unmarked cave.

As long as you understand. When you break through the three yin methods, you can practice the causeless skill and use the magic pool to train yourself. At that time, the magic pool will be optional for you to enter. It will not be an absolute danger.

Thank you, senior sister. Lu Sheng thanked him politely.

You're welcome. We, our Yuan Mo Sect, although our resources are somewhat insufficient in the short term, we still have a very deep foundation. Junior brother, you will know if you stay longer. Don't make decisions that you will regret in the future just because of the short-term impact. He Xiangzi finally said seriously.

She obviously wanted to persuade Lu Sheng not to run away in a hurry, but what she said was not even remotely convincing.

Lu Sheng was speechless, but he still nodded outwardly.

Sister, don't worry.

Remember to practice the three yin methods, don't do it too hastily. The three times of morning, noon and evening practice should not be long, nor short, nor interrupted. If the power of your bloodline is strong enough, you will be able to ignite the three yin fires very quickly.

It only took most of us ten days to ignite the Three Yin Fires. This is already a long time, and no matter how slow it is, it won't delay you much. Don't be in a hurry. He Xiangzi continued to solemnly warn

Yes, senior sister, don't worry.

Then Lu Sheng asked about some detailed common sense. After asking for some key skills in the Sanyin method, He Xiangzi stood up and left.

After Lu Sheng waited for He Xiangzi to leave, he sat in the cave for a while. After completing the basic practice of the Three Yin Methods, he slowly got up and walked towards the library.


Under the oil lamp, Lu Sheng slowly turned over the pages of the book and read the contents carefully.

He just found this book from another bookshelf. The four big words on the cover were very tempting.

The Secret of the Divine Weapon

The content inside did not disappoint Lu Sheng. It explained clearly what the magic weapon and the magic blade meant to the family.

In the fourth year of the Song Dynasty, the first battle for national destiny after the founding of the People's Republic of China was the Battle of Tangsong.

The royal family suffered heavy casualties, and they fought simultaneously with the Jurong Kingdom and the Dayun Dynasty, which depleted the treasury resources. If this continues, the entire Song Dynasty will surely be defeated.

In the fifth year of the Song Dynasty, the royal family decided to put all their fortunes on the line and send out military envoys! ’

‘Nineteen soldiers made an all-out raid on the Dayun Dynasty, and at the same time created the illusion of a heavy troop concentration at the border of Jurong Kingdom to confuse the enemy.

In October of that year, Dayun sued for peace, Jurong withdrew his troops, and the remaining eight military envoys returned, and the country was at peace. ’

Gently holding the moldy pages of the book, Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

The commander of the army? This was a record of the top power of the Song Dynasty that he had truly seen. Perhaps it was because he was in a school, or perhaps because Yuan Mo Sect was now in decline and no one was strictly monitoring the library, so he had easy access to these materials.

But whatever the reason.

He seemed to know that the most powerful supporter of the Song Dynasty was the military envoys, not the heads of the aristocratic families and palaces.

After calming down, Lu Sheng continued to look down.

‘The power of the divine weapon and demonic blade can change the world. Suppress the national destiny. So where did such great power come from? How was the magic weapon formed? ’

The author of the book asks the question.

‘Under the light of the Divine Weapon, our blood changed and the power of the Divine Weapon penetrated into us. Then we practiced hard and practiced since childhood, and made sacrifices everywhere, and finally divided into a perfect system.

A complete system for training military commanders.

From the Jing level, the grain value is increased step by step, until the Snake level, from the lower third level, to the middle third level, to the upper third level, and then to higher levels.

This is our choice, because no one wants to become a slave to the magic weapon wholeheartedly, so we work hard to improve ourselves and choose to use the path of compatibility to try to master the magic weapon in turn and achieve the goal of controlling the magic weapon. The minimum requirements for the Demon Blade. ’

Seeing this, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a little heavy in his heart.

He could already vaguely see the huge system of the entire family.

This is a huge force with the divine weapon and the devil blade as the culmination, and everything is built around the power of the divine weapon.


He continued to turn over.

'The power of the divine weapon is too powerful. If you reach the third level above the snake, you will have the ability to stay awake in its escaping power, and then you can try to contact and master it.

However, it is like using the strength of a mortal to move a boulder weighing tens of thousands of kilograms. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of overturning. Therefore, the thicker the blood, the more consistent the compatibility, and the lower the risk.

And based on the origin of the magic weapons, it is not difficult to find that they all seem to come from some...' The writing at the back seems to have been deliberately erased, and even the pages behind it are blurred. It seemed as if someone had deliberately erased it.

Lu Sheng saw the critical moment and frowned.

Dang. Dang.

Just when he was about to carefully check the contents on the pages of the book to see if he could restore them, the bell rang.


In desperation, Lu Sheng closed the book, put it back on the bookshelf, turned around and walked out the door without hesitation.

He asked his senior sister He Xiangzi what the problem was here, but He Xiangzi didn't know. She just said don't stay outside at night.

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