Extreme Demon

Chapter 207 Secret 2

It was not that Lu Sheng didn't want to take the book back and read it slowly, but every time he took the book before he walked out of the door, he felt an inexplicable threat coming into his heart. It seems that there is an unknown danger that may be triggered at any time, so we can only give up.

After leaving the library, he flew across the suspension bridge as usual and went back to rest.

Except for bright sunny days, it is almost difficult to distinguish between day and night in the cave. Most of the time, except for darkness, there is only red light. The food was delivered to the door by some taciturn handymen. They ate either mushrooms or moss, and occasionally a few meals of meat, including earthworms and beetles.

Lu Sheng didn't have any other ideas. He came here not for enjoyment, but for safety. You can also get to know the family up close and understand the nature of the magic weapon and the magic blade.

Time passes day by day.

He also flipped through all the books about divine weapons in the library at a very fast speed.

But apart from understanding what level the Soldier Master was, I still found nothing about its origins.

On the other hand, the Three Yin Method soon showed signs of improvement. The so-called lighting of three yin fires actually means that the physical body forms three blocks where qi and blood are highly condensed and circulated.

Through visualization and muscle confrontation practice, these three areas can produce extremely high intensity in a short period of time. This is the so-called three yin method. It is also the minimum basis for subsequent basic laws.

It took Lu Sheng five days to reach the entry and advanced stages of the Three Yin Techniques.

But within just five days, it seemed that there was bad news coming from the outside world. There were a few fewer disciples from the school who had morning classes together.

The great elder seemed not to notice, and continued to explain the key points of practice to everyone.

After Lu Sheng was asked about the situation and checked the progress, he was also awarded a new basic method: No Cause Gong.

Causeless Kung Fu still involves visualization combined with self-confrontation training, but it is much more difficult than the Three Yin Methods and involves many internal organs and fine muscles.

Lu Sheng did not try to use the modifier, but honestly followed the exercise method step by step. He found that with his current physical strength and martial arts level, it was not difficult to master such basic training methods even without using modifiers.

Moreover, this basic method cannot be trained alone. In the middle and late stages, it must be stimulated by external forces from the magic pool.

Since he was not in a hurry anyway, Lu Sheng practiced step by step according to the records of the exercises.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Lu Sheng practiced basic methods every day, and then spent most of his time reading books. He had read through several shelves of books in the library.

It's all about the magic weapon and the magic blade.

He also understood what kind of existence the military commander was to the major forces.

Aristocratic families from all over the world compete to collect more magic weapons, just to master one more powerful weapon master.

The Weapon Masters have unimaginably strong bodies. Their bodies are similar to the texture of divine weapons and demon blades. Their power is so huge that only those of the same level are qualified to fight each other.

They are the pinnacle of bloodline power and the source of the family.

They control the huge magic weapons and magic blades to fight and fight. If the magic weapons are immortal, they will not die. This is the force that determines the destiny of the country.

According to what is said in the book, the complete form of each divine weapon is at least tens of meters in size. It is indeed impossible for ordinary people to master such a huge weapon without being a weapon wielder. Lu Sheng turned his hands over. book, continue reading below.

Pseudo divine weapon? Suddenly he was stunned and stared carefully at a term that suddenly appeared in the book.

‘The aristocratic family mastered the magical weapons, but eventually they were broken. After the fragmentation, the children of the aristocratic families were unwilling to decline and spontaneously formed various schools in an attempt to create magical weapons and maintain their own strength. This is where the worst of the school comes from.

The magic weapons they created were called false magic weapons, and their power was not even one percent of the real magic weapons. ’

The more Lu Sheng looked at it, the weirder he felt.

Well, why does it feel like the Mecha Divine Weapon Demon Blade is the mecha, and the driver is the wielder. The power of mechas and humans are naturally on two different levels.

No matter how strong a person is in training, even a top fighting master cannot resist a punch from a mecha that weighs hundreds or even thousands of tons.

He put down the book in his hand.

Then what are the pseudo-magical weapons here?

Junior brother, you are indeed here! What fake magic weapon? He Xiangzi walked in from outside the door, seeming to have something to do with him.

Senior Sister Hexiang? Why are you here? Lu Sheng stood up.

Master asked me to take you to find the magic pool. What kind of pseudo-magical weapon are you studying? We call it a holy weapon. Our school also has some fragments of that thing, but it is very dangerous. It is best not to come into contact with it. He Xiangzi contacted Lu Sheng The more I talk, the more familiar I become, and the more I speak, the more natural and casual I will be.

I'm just curious. Lu Sheng smiled, Senior sister, you also know that I come from the North, not from the Central Plains. I don't have much experience, so I am curious about everything.

Speaking of this, it's a pity that we don't have a complete holy weapon, otherwise we wouldn't be targeted and reduced to this point. He Xiangzi sighed with a hint of longing.

We also had holy soldiers?? Lu Sheng wondered.

Of course, ninety-nine percent of the schools in Baimai have it. He Xiangzi explained, It is said that we once had a holy weapon in our history. Later, we suffered a catastrophe. The holy weapon was gone, and there were heavy casualties. , the holy weapon was also broken into pieces, and only the fragments were left to be passed down.

I see. Lu Sheng nodded, Doesn't that mean our school is the weakest among the Hundred Meridians?

Huh??! He Xiang opened his eyes wide, realized the gaffe, and immediately covered his mouth, Actually, it doesn't matter, we still have the Great Elder. The secret technique of Yuan Demon passed down by him is also the key to supporting the school. Pillar. She stammered in explanation, trying to save it.

In fact, she didn't even believe what she said, and her tone was so vain.

Lu Sheng was speechless.

Now he finally understands what the situation of Yuan Mo Sect is now.

The holy soldiers who supported the school were gone, and the great elder had already tried his best to be able to support it alone for so long. But now, the disciples are still scattered and the school is exhausted.

How can human strength resist the holy weapons? Even the pseudo-magical weapons are probably far superior to the snake level. After all, the snake level is only qualified to contact the divine weapons.

According to what is written in a certain book, even if you are at the third level of the snake level and control a divine weapon, it is like using the power of a mortal to move a boulder. If you are not careful, you will be shattered into pieces and contaminated by it.

Come on, senior sister, aren't you here to teach me how to find the magic pool? Lu Sheng reminded.

Oh, yes! Yes!! He Xiangzi reacted.

The two of them quickly left the library, not crossing the suspension bridge, but heading quickly to the dark depths to the left.

After walking forward for about several kilometers, cave entrances of different sizes gradually appeared on both sides of the cave wall.

There are copper basins placed outside the entrances of these caves. Some of the basins are lit with incense, and the smoke lingers and disperses, but there is no smell at all.

Most of the magic pools are concentrated here. There are patterns and writings engraved on the outside of the copper basin. Remember, the more incense you insert, the greater the concentration of the magic pool in the cave. You can only use the lowest grade of less than three incense sticks now. Be careful how long you can hold it in.

Do not enter a magic pool that is not lit by incense. It is either empty or the concentration in it is far beyond imagination and cannot be marked. He Xiangzi introduced Lu Sheng carefully as he walked.

In addition, these magic pools are distributed everywhere. They are just more concentrated here. You may encounter magic pools in other places occasionally, so don't make a fuss.


Don't faint in there, remember. He Xiangzi gave one final warning, I have something to do, so I'll leave first. If you need anything, you can come to the caves in the second and third rows to find me.

Hexiangzi comes and goes as quickly as it comes.

Lu Sheng was left alone here, surrounded by smoking cave entrances to the left and right.

Saint weapons. His mind was still immersed in the previous content. Without the holy weapons, Yuan Mo Sect is at best a small martial arts gym for Baimai. It is dispensable. No wonder there is no one after it is suppressed. Help out.

There is only one great elder holding on, which is meaningless. As for this basic technique. After practicing it for so long, Lu Sheng felt that it was not as powerful as his own Chi Ji Jiu Sha technique. It was just to conceal his identity that he had to continue practicing one or two.

Ordinary children of aristocratic families are like mortals to military masters. The huge difference in essence makes them unable to resist. This is not the same magnitude at all.


Lu Sheng suddenly thought of a question.

No matter how strong the holy weapon is, it is pitifully weak compared to the real magic weapon. This is already their strongest method, so what can Baimai use to fight against the nine families of the Central Plains?

In other words, within Baimai, there are forces from aristocratic families involved.

It suddenly dawned on him.

Walking slowly to one of the caves, Lu Sheng carefully examined the copper basin in front of him.

There is a line of words engraved on the surface of the basin.

'three. ’

There were three incense sticks in the basin, and there was still a trace of smoke floating out.

Lu Sheng noticed that the incense burned very slowly, as if it was made of some special material. I stood at the entrance of the cave and looked around. It was dark inside and there was nothing there.


Walking along the side, he continued to search the cave, and this time he easily found one with two incense sticks.

Looking at the rolling black shadow at the entrance of the cave, Lu Sheng frowned, gathered his Wuqi Gong, his tiny muscles were condensed like iron, his energy and blood were running at high speed, and then he strode in.


In an instant, as if walking into boiling water, scalding and biting pain surged in from all over the body.

Lu Sheng had only taken a few steps into the cave when he stood stiffly on the spot, motionless.

He was surrounded by large amounts of black energy, which seemed to be alive and crazily penetrated through his pores and orifices.

Is this...?!? The severe pain quickly spread to his internal organs, and Lu Sheng even felt like he was burning, with severe burning inside and outside.

His flesh and blood were being corroded, and the muscles and internal organs all over his body were slowly dissolving under the corrosion of black energy.

Do those disciples with weak bloodline feel this kind of training?

Doubts flashed through Lu Sheng's mind, and the pain continued to surge, but he could still keep his head clear.

No, it shouldn't be possible. It should be a simple incompatibility. This is a poisonous mist that is more suitable for the family's blood. They themselves produce the power of black film in their blood. The power of black film and this black mist should be more compatible. So the stimulation they receive is far less intense than mine!”


As a last resort, Lu Sheng had no choice but to quickly mobilize the Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi and began to work frantically to restore his corroded body.

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