Extreme Demon

Chapter 205 Secret Method 2

Dang. Dang.

A bell rang from somewhere.

Lu Sheng put down the book in his hand and listened carefully. He remembered that Song Zian had mentioned that morning classes started when the bell rang.

But he had only been in for a few hours, so it was unlikely that he had morning classes.

Then, it should be the bell that reminds you to rest and return to the cave. Lu Sheng put down the book and stood up.

I haven't figured out the situation yet. After I meet the other brothers tomorrow, I will ask about the taboos and read the book again. He made a decision in his heart, quickly put the book back, left the small building, and returned to the suspension bridge.

Just as he was about to cross the suspension bridge, he suddenly heard the creak of the door.

Looking back, I saw that the originally open door of the library was slowly closing automatically.


The closed door still had its latch down.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, turned around and leaped into the air, passing over the suspension bridge in a few strokes and disappearing into the darkness.

Return to the cave and rest early the next morning.

White light pillars are projected from the top of the cave, illuminating many places throughout the cave.

Lu Sheng put on his clothes and walked out of the cave. He saw a man and a woman waiting in front of the great elder's cave door.

The man had handsome features and fresh clothes. He was dressed in white and had a jade belt around his waist. When he saw Lu Sheng coming out, he immediately raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

He's a newbie again. The man muttered softly.

The woman behind him has an average appearance and figure, giving people an extremely dull feeling. He also glanced at Lu Sheng but said nothing.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, then walked over and waited outside the door.

The handsome man frowned and looked at Lu Sheng again.

Unexpectedly, when Yuan Mo Sect reached this point, there would be new people willing to join. Without the supply of resources, he still has to work for the school and do tasks for free, and he also has to face the suppression of the hostile school Jiu Zhong School. If it weren't for the secret Yuan Demon secret technique hidden by the great elder, he would have been a locust. I have long been too lazy to serve.

‘Perhaps the disciple who was chosen by mistake will be unable to bear the temptation to leave soon.

However, if you are really here for the secret technique and want to pick peaches at this time, you have to ask me whether Locust will agree. ’ The handsome man had a calm expression on his face, but he was secretly cruel in his heart.

His expression remained calm, and he glanced at the woman behind him with the corner of his eye.

Now his biggest competitor is He Xiangzi behind him. Although this woman has poor qualifications and poor cultivation, she has a deep mind. Pretending to be honest and sincere is extremely deceptive.

Come in. At this time, the great elder's gentle voice came from the cave.


The stone door slowly opened.

The great elder Liu Shanzi sat on a futon in front of the table and sat on the ground.

There were also some futons placed in front of him, obviously for Lu Sheng and others.

Yes. Several people entered slowly.

Everyone, sit down. You'd better be here early. Seeing the locusts coming in, the great elder also showed a look of relief on his face.

Although the school has declined, there are still some disciples who are willing to support them. Among them, Mii Locust and He Xiangzi are the two most conspicuous ones.

Especially Locust, his character is not bad, and his qualifications are also not bad. There may not be an opportunity to revive the school in the future.

He Xiangzi was far behind. Although she was honest and careless, her qualifications and bloodline were too poor. Even if she worked hard, she still couldn't catch up with Fei Locust's progress.

The three of them bowed their heads in greeting to the great elder as a courtesy, then found their seats on futons, and then waited quietly.

Time passed slowly, and soon more disciples came in one after another from outside the cave. But after waiting for a full incense stick, more than half of the more than twenty futons in total were still empty.

As time went by, as he glanced at the empty futon, the expression on Liu Shanzi's face became colder and colder.

Okay, now let's start today's morning class. Lu Sheng is a new disciple and his progress is different. You can practice the basic technique of Sanyin Technique first. He Xiangzi, you come and teach him.

The rest began their morning routine.


More than a dozen disciples responded in unison.

Then they each closed their eyes, and streams of black air surged out of their mouths, then penetrated into their nostrils and continued to circulate.

He Xiangzi stood up and walked to Lu Sheng's side, sitting down on the futon next to him.

Lu Sheng's expression remained calm, but his heart was a little worried. He is not a child of a noble family, and the black energy is related to the black membrane at a glance. These disciples are all bloodline carriers, and it is normal for them to be able to mobilize the power in the black membrane. Although his power far exceeds theirs, he can't get rid of the power of the black film.

Junior Brother Lu, let's keep our voices down so as not to affect other junior brothers' morning classes. He Xiangzi said in a low voice.


Then He Xiangzi began to teach Lu Sheng about the techniques and steps of the Three Yins Method.

While Lu Sheng listened, he also roughly understood the cultivation methods of these disciples from aristocratic families.

The Three Yin Method is actually similar to the visualization diagram in martial arts, mobilizing physical strength through the spirit. Develop your body's potential.

Although the Three Yin Method is not very effective, and can even be said to be very weak, it is suitable for most types of blood training. Unlike other schools of thought, it can only be applied to a few types. He Xiangzi explained. There are ninety-nine secret techniques of our Yuan Demon Sect such as the Sanyin Method, which can be advanced step by step until we reach the highest Yuan Demon secret technique.

Yuanmo Secret Technique is the highest secret technique of our Yuanmo Sect. When trained to the extreme, you can develop 50% of the power in your bloodline. Although it cannot compare with the 80% or 90% development speed of other schools of thought, its universality far exceeds theirs.

Is the secret technique of Yuan Demon related to the legendary monster? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

He Xiangzi gave him a dull look. “It is said that it is, but that happened a long time ago, and we juniors don’t know much about it.

Junior brother, you'd better practice the Three Yin Methods first and break through the shackles as soon as possible. Don't let down your bloodline.

Thank you, senior sister. Lu Sheng could feel the sincerity in the other person's tone. There is no cover-up or hiding, she is just advising her junior disciples as a senior sister.

In his eyes, the strength of He Xiangzi in front of him could not exceed three lines. This was the result of her years of hard training.

Lu Sheng didn't know if the Shangyang family had revealed his strength to the Yuan Mo Sect. His apparent three-mark strength was considered elite even among the aristocratic families.

Now it seems that Shangyang Jiuli didn't say much. He was just inserted according to normal procedures.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng gathered his thoughts and began to carefully study the three yin methods taught by He Xiangzi.

If you delve deeply into this Three Yin Method, you will be able to discover some peculiarities. In addition to what the visualization method says, imagining three balls of Yin fire burning in the bottom of your heart, there is also a physical exercise similar to yoga, in which you fight against yourself.

These disciples seemed to be sitting still, but in fact their bodies were trembling slightly, and many muscles in their bodies were fighting against each other to exert force.

After careful comparison, Lu Sheng discovered that the reason why this Three Yin Method is so universal is because it does not involve anything ethereal, but is actually aimed at the development of the physical body.

Because those with the blood of aristocratic families possess the power of divine weapons and demonic blades, which are far stronger than ordinary people, so ordinary foreign objects have no training effect on them.

The only way is to train yourself.

This is the case with the Three Yin Methods. Use your own muscles to exercise yourself, and visualization is just to focus your mind, coordinate your body, and amplify the effects of exercise.

Lu Sheng studied it carefully and found that anyone can use this method as long as the physical body is strong enough!

This discovery immediately made him happy. Originally, he didn't plan to learn anything in the school. This time he came here to study in order to have a deeper understanding of the Plains of the Family and to come into contact with a stronger level of existence.

Unexpectedly, he could also use the secret techniques developed by the school for the bloodline of aristocratic families.

There are only two hours of morning class, which is a whole morning.

Soon He Xiangzi also finished teaching the method and let Lu Sheng try to exercise on his own. He also told him a series of practice tips and the signs of each stage reached.

After the morning class, the great elder got up and left. The dozen or so disciples who remained stood up one after another, and a few familiar people chatted quietly and sighed.

Several people left today. Brother Wang Zhen also left. Brother Xiaomei, Brother Shangguan and Brother Xue are all gone.

If this continues, how long can the school last?

Who knows. It has been two months since any training resources were distributed. A few days ago, someone said that they saw Wang Zhen interacting with people from the Jiu Zhong School outside. Is this related to this?

I've seen it too, it's true. Now that the mining area is gone, I can't blame everyone for finding their own way out. Even the Great Elder

Amidst the quiet conversations on the way, they roughly understood the current situation of the Yuan Mo Sect.

Because the mining area was taken away and the Jiu Zhong School continued to poach and target, Yuan Mo Sect's current situation was extremely tense.

Every few days, a disciple would quietly escape. At first, the great elder would hunt down and arrest people and punish them, but later on, he became disheartened.

The Yuan Mo Sect has a total of seventy or eighty people, but now only these dozen people are left in the past two months.

Occasionally, new disciples would join, and soon they would quietly leave because there was no supply of training resources.

Originally, the methods of Yuan Mo Sect were not as targeted as other schools, and the degree of bloodline development was not high. This aspect is a weakness. Now that there is no supply of resources, the speed of practice will be even slower, wasting many disciples' precious time.

The great elder also knew this, so he became discouraged and didn't bother to take care of it. Fortunately, the secret techniques he taught were only part of the ninety-nine basic techniques. Except for the three yin methods and the other two basic methods, the other great elders carefully kept them secret and never spread them to outsiders.

Although other schools may not value it, this is the root of Yuan Mo Sect. This must not be spread widely.

Even the basic methods are only taught to a few, let alone the promotion secret method and the highest elemental magic secret method. The Great Elder's only wish now is to select one of the remaining disciples who is loyal enough and let him pass on the Yuanmo Sect's only remaining Yuanmo secret method.


Standing in front of the stone pillar, the great elder looked up at the blood-red symbol.

Thinking back to the Yuan Demon Sect thousands of years ago, there were many Yuan Demon secret arts emerging one after another, with amazing talents. Each Yuan Demon secret method had at least hundreds of disciples.

At that time, there were not so many secret techniques for targeted training. Because of the strength of the people, Yuan Mo Sect could even reach the third level in Baimai. But now

After the catastrophe, more than 90% of the Yuan Demon secrets were lost with the death of those elders, and only the one inherited by his ancestor was still intact.

The elite disciples, stewards, and elders who supported the school's sect either died in battle or gradually aged and declined as the years passed.

In the end, it was he who had mediocre qualifications back then who became the strongest person in Yuan Mo Sect today.

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