Extreme Demon

Chapter 204 Secret Method 1

The senior sister who is like a murderer.

This was Lu Sheng's first impression of that white face.

As Song Zian continued to move forward, the cave gradually began to tilt underground, but strangely, the water in the cracks in the stones still flowed from the inside to the outside of the cave.

Don't touch the stream under your feet. It's highly poisonous. Even we can't resist it. Song Zian warned in a dark tone.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded. In fact, he had already seen the source of the stream without him having to say anything.

On the right side of the cave, a huge black python with a single horn was sleeping soundly with its head tilted. The black python's big mouth opened unconsciously, and a large amount of sticky saliva flowed out from the seam of its mouth.

Oddly enough, the saliva became clearer and thinner the farther away it was from the black python. Originally it was only as thick as an arm, but as it got further away, it became like a small river, growing more and more. Until the stone cracks in the hole are filled.

It is the protector of the school, called Mi. You can call her Miss Mi. Song Zian introduced, But Miss Mi is asleep most of the time and will be extremely manic when she wakes up. It is best not to get too close to avoid being eaten. Lose.

Lu Sheng nodded, somewhat speechless.

He continued to move forward again, and this time it took a while. Finally, there was light in front of him, and a huge stone wall came into view before Lu Sheng's eyes.

It was a huge and bright stone wall nest like a honeycomb. The dense black holes on it were stone caves several meters high. Each cave had a stone door and seemed to be habitable.

In front of the stone wall, stood a seemingly rough stone pillar with a large bloody symbol painted on it, shining with a gloomy and bloody glimmer in the darkness.

This is the core area of ​​our school. These hollows are all habitable. You will have to choose one of them to live in when the time comes. In addition, the great elder of the school is now in charge of all affairs. I will take you to see him first. Song Zian explained.

Lu Sheng nodded.

Good work.

The two of them walked up the stone steps on the right side of the stone wall step by step. Lu Sheng could clearly feel that entering here, there was a huge power similar to that of Bailing City, monitoring and scanning every inch of the nearby land.

That kind of power is extremely terrifying and huge, and you can't even see the bottom of it. The moment he walked up the stone steps, it was like walking into a ball of thick mud. His whole body was suppressed, and the internal energy movement began to become obscure and slow.

By the way, there are fragments of the sect's divine weapons here to suppress you. You may feel uncomfortable. It will be fine after you get used to it a little. Song Zian explained again.

Lu Sheng didn't say much, just nodded to express understanding.

The two of them went up and soon reached the highest row of caves in the stone wall, and stopped in front of the centermost cave.

Boom, boom, boom.

Song Zian knocked on the stone door.

Come in. A clear but calm old man's voice came from inside.

The stone door slowly moved open, and Song Zian strode in with Lu Sheng.

There is warm yellow candlelight inside, with yellow lamp holders standing on both sides of the cave. There are many yellow wood desks and chairs. There is a soft white carpet under the feet, and several clean white robes are hung on the wall.

An old man who was extremely old, with wrinkles on his face like tree bark, was sitting behind the desk with a paper book, reading slowly.

The people have been brought here, Great Elder. Song Zian said loudly.

Thank you for your hard work, Zian. The old man raised his head and smiled, his somewhat cloudy eyes falling on Lu Sheng.

Welcome, little brother Lu, if you are sure to stay, you can choose a cave to stay in. If you stay here for one night, you will automatically be confirmed.

I'm definitely staying. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Okay, I am Liu Shanzi, the great elder of Yuan Mo Sect. There are currently three elders in the sect, two are in charge, and the disciples are uncertain. Every morning, a bell will ring, twice before and after, which means the start of my morning class. You can choose to come and listen to the lectures, or you can choose to retreat in the cave by yourself, and no one will disturb you. Remember to hang a sign outside the cave during your retreat.

Lu Sheng nodded to express his understanding.

If you don't understand anything, you can ask Zian. He has always been in the cemetery on the side of the school's stone wall. The great elder Liu Shanzi introduced.

Okay, if there are no problems, you can go and have a rest first. Morning class will start tomorrow. He seemed to be a little uninterested. Although he was explaining things to Lu Sheng, it was just like a routine, and he forced a smile without any intention of getting close. .

Lu Sheng was led away by Song Zian.

The Great Elder Liu Shanzi sat at the table and watched the stone door slowly close, sighing slightly.

The school is deteriorating. Since the mining area was taken away by the Jiu Zhong School, the disciples in the sect have not been able to secure even basic training resources, and many of the original disciples have left.

It was already difficult for the school to recruit disciples, and now it is even worse.

Without resources, naturally no one would be willing to work for the school in vain. With the disciples gone and the patrols gone, the school cannot even maintain basic vigilance.

Now this new disciple sent by the Shangyang family may soon be disappointed and leave. After all, this is a school that cannot even guarantee the resources to practice, so what’s the use of joining?

Liu Shanzi let out a long sigh, stood up and walked to the side of the cave, looking out through the wooden window.

His eyes fell far away on the towering stone pillar below, and he lost his mind in a daze.

Outside the cave on the top floor of the stone wall.

Junior Brother Lu, pick one at will. Remember not to leave the cave after dark. There is no patrol team in the sect. If you encounter danger, you can only wait until dawn before someone will come to rescue you. Song Zian said to Lu Sheng with a smile. road.

Understood. Lu Sheng nodded, Also, I would like to ask my teacher, where is the library in the sect? I am personally very interested in miscellaneous studies.

The library is behind the stone wall. You can see it if you go around it. You can check the books inside at will, just be careful not to damage them. After Song Zian introduced it, he turned around and walked slowly down.

The way he walked was very strange. He did not walk step by step, but floated like a pan, without any ups and downs.

Lu Sheng watched after him until he disappeared at the end of the stone steps, then turned to look at the stone cave in front of him.

Some of the caves are open, some are closed. The open cave was gloomy and uninhabitable. If the window is closed tightly, there will be cold air blowing in front of the window from time to time, which is biting and cold.

This school of thought Lu Sheng didn't know how to describe it. He walked along the caves on the top floor one by one, and finally chose a cave at the end of the stone wall on the far left side as his residence.

The cave door is open, and inside there are tables, chairs, bookcases and wardrobes, but they are all made of stone. There was a big musty smell in the air.

Lu Sheng put his luggage into the cabinet and found the door lock mechanism on the stone door. The mechanism was a hemispherical shape attached to the stone door and required a key to open it.

The key is placed on the table in the cave. It is a metal bar with a complex structure.

Picking up the metal bar and hanging it on his body, Lu Sheng left the cave without stopping and walked down the stone steps.

Soon he stood in front of the stone wall lair again. Looking up at the stone wall with at least a hundred caves, he looked left and right. On both sides of the stone wall, he could see a path leading to the back.

Lu Sheng chose the road on the left and walked slowly along the path.

In the darkness, the faint white light emitted by the stone wall mixed with the red light emitted from the stone pillars, turning into a faint blood color, dividing the entire cave into two areas, one black and one red.

Red is the area illuminated by light, while black is still dark.

Lu Sheng soon reached the edge of the red light. He paused and continued to walk forward without stopping.

In the darkness, there was no light, but his powerful five senses could still see things around him clearly with the help of extremely weak reflections.

Along the path, Lu Sheng sped up and soon came to a cliff suspension bridge.

Below the suspension bridge is a deep gray-white mist, rolling like a living thing. Many of the wooden boards of the dilapidated suspension bridge are rotten and rotten. If you accidentally step on the air, you are likely to fall.

Lu Sheng stood at the end of the bridge and looked across.

Across the bridge, there stood a dark pavilion, which seemed to be the library that Song Zian mentioned.


Bursts of biting wind blew out from the abyss below, making even Lu Sheng feel a little chilly.

This feeling does not seem to be felt physically, but from the depths of my heart.

He calmed his breathing, took steps, and stepped firmly on the suspension bridge.


Suddenly he rushed out, his body was like lightning, his toes touched the iron ropes on both sides of the suspension bridge several times, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the suspension bridge which was hundreds of meters long.


Lu Sheng landed lightly on the opposite cliff, looked back at the suspension bridge that was swaying in the wind, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This Yuan Mo Sect. No wonder not many people are willing to come to recruit disciples. He shook his head, looked back and continued walking forward.

In front of him is a deserted building complex composed of several pavilions. The entire building complex is surrounded by tall black walls. The entrance is right in front of Lu Sheng, with a huge plaque hanging above it.

‘Diyuan Building’

The plaque reads upright and sharp in red fonts, written in ancient Song Dynasty style.

Lu Sheng glanced at the open door. It was empty. He could see that there was no one in the courtyard inside.

He was not polite, strode in, and immediately smelled a strong musty smell.


Pushing open the door of a building in the front, rows of dark bookshelves immediately came into Lu Sheng's view.

He randomly selected a bookshelf and saw that it was densely packed with books.

The History of the Song Dynasty, The Origin of Divine Weapons, Myth and Reality, The Theory of Celestial Phenomenon, Ice and Fire and Life and Death.

The books had been kept for who knows how long without maintenance. Lu Sheng pulled out a book of Origin Divine Weapons. It was covered with a large and fine layer of green mold, which made it rough and cold when applied.

He looked around and found a recessed wall lamp on the wall not far away. He walked over and lit the lamp holder with the flint he brought with him.

Suddenly a pale yellow light lit up in the building. Lu Sheng took the book and found a table and chair to sit down on. He then lit the oil lamp on the table and just read through it without caring about the green mold.

This book about the origin of the magic weapon tells the story of how the aristocratic family initially fought and fought against the great horrors in the world, and gradually gradually formed an existing balance with the monsters and monsters, earning a place for mankind.

Regardless of the content of praises and virtues, the records of several major historical events are very helpful for Lu Sheng to understand the entire history of the Song Dynasty family. However, there is not much text about the so-called Great Terror in the book. It is all mentioned in one stroke, and it does not seem to be a category of monsters and monsters.

Sitting here reading, several hours passed before I knew it.

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