Extreme Demon

Chapter 203 Yuan Demon

Feilai Inn.

Please take a seat, Brother Lu. Sitting next to the banquet in the private room was a young, handsome, dark-skinned, strong young man.

The young man looked at Lu Sheng entering the door, with a faint smile on his face.

I am Chen Quansong, who has been arranged by Lord Jiuli to receive you here. I am also one of the people in charge of the Shangyang family in Bailing City. If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact the local family power directly through me.

It turns out to be Brother Chen! Nice to meet you! Lu Sheng walked in alone, and a girl beside him helped him pull out a chair and sit down.

As soon as he entered Bailing City, he was led here by the men of the Shangyang family who had been waiting for a long time.

How are you doing, Lord Jiu Li? Lu Sheng asked politely. He had taken a lot of scapegoat for the Shangyang family in Beidi, and maybe Shangyang Jiuli would also be affected in the family.

Everything is okay. Your Excellency is currently concentrating on tempering himself, practicing hard in seclusion, and will not go out for a short time. Being able to ask me to come and receive Brother Lu at this time is already an incredible courtesy! I'm really envious! Chen Quansong is one of Shangyang Jiuli's several generals in the Central Plains. As a Central Plains sect, when he heard that Lord Jiuli actually developed quite a force in the North, he suddenly became cautious.

Originally, they were the only ones under Shangyang Jiuli's command, and they even had to accommodate them in many cases. However, now that there are branches in Chubei, Chen Quansong and others have a sense of crisis in their hearts.

Lu Sheng also saw what the other party meant.

In the eyes of the other party, his forces in the North actually belong to Shangyang Jiuli. In other words, he is now the general of the Lower North branch under Shangyang Jiuli, and he represents the entire Northland faction and these Central Plains factions behind him. The manpower of the branch is from different camps.

Brother Chen, there is no need to say more. Lu came here specifically to study and ignored other matters. Lu Sheng explained with a smile.

He was not interested in these intrigues under Shangyang Jiuli.

So, it's better to arrange how to enroll for XX as soon as possible.

His words clearly showed what he meant. He was not here to decentralize power. It's not because Shangyang Jiuli was dissatisfied with Chen Quansong and others and asked him to contain them. But I came here purely to study.

After understanding what Lu Sheng meant, Chen Quansong took a deep look at him.

That's good. According to Lord Jiu Li's arrangement, there is a list here. Brother Lu can choose to join at will. These schools are all schools we can arrange to enter. He said, taking out a roll of gray and white paper from his sleeve.

Lu Sheng took it and unfolded it.

The names of Baimai are densely written on the leather paper, all belonging to schools of different sizes. There are also notes in small print at the back, indicating which schools of thought are good at what.

Although it's not yet time for the recruitment test, for Lord Jiu Li's sake, this can still be done. Brother Lu, go back and take your time and take a look. There's no rush. ​​Chen Quansong advised.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

The two of them stopped talking about other things, and instead chatted about the differences between the customs and customs in the North and the Central Plains. Then talk about romance.

Time passed quickly. Before leaving, Chen Quansong secretly gave Lu Sheng a small bag of black coins.

This is a special currency that is circulated between aristocratic families. Generally, when trading rare items, gold and silver are not used, but black coins are used.

Chen Quansong was very considerate and arranged a separate courtyard for Lu Sheng, which was located in the inner city area of ​​Bailing City. From the window, he could see the towering Thousand Spirits Pagoda outside.

Thousand Spirits Pagoda is a thirty-two-story exquisite tower and the landmark of the entire Bailing City. There are many white bells hanging on it. When the wind blows, they will make a clear and sweet tinkling sound. It is a special design specially designed by the imperial court's Guantiansi to observe the weather.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the window, holding the piece of paper carefully and reading the information recorded on it.

‘Tianlian School: one of the three schools in Baimai. Majoring in poison and wind secret techniques. It can be arranged to enroll directly as a student, but you need to pass a qualification test to become a teacher. ’

‘Split Mountains and Qixing School: one of the three upper levels of schools. Majoring in Earth and Speed ​​Secret Techniques. Student status can be arranged, and the apprenticeship can be the same as above. ’

‘Jinxiu Sect: one of the three schools of thought. Majoring in none, he has dabbled in various schools, and is the school with the largest number of people. Can be arranged as an elite student to study in the inner courtyard. ’

Rows of names of schools and specialties are marked on it, as well as the identities that can be arranged for Lu Sheng, all written down.

But Lu Sheng looked at them one by one and didn't feel very satisfied.

Among the more than ten schools of thought, there are only two that he is satisfied with, Jinxiu Sect and Yuanmo Sect.

Of these two schools of thought, one is all about education, regardless of your status, as long as you pay the money, you will be accepted.

The other is the decline of the school, which mainly focuses on the secret law inheritance. It was originally a major research school on monsters. However, it suffered a catastrophe in its early years and lost more than 90% of its research, leaving only some useless documentary miscellany.

In the current Yuan Mo Sect, there are only a few old immortals who are holding on there. It won't take long, I'm afraid even the hundred meridians won't be able to enter. After the old man died, only the sect grounds were left.

The reason why Shangyang Jiuli arranged such an extra school was not for Lu Sheng, but because the great elder of Yuan Mo Sect had been kind to her in the early years. Now, the inheritance of Yuan Mo Sect is difficult to continue and is suppressed by the opposing school. She conveniently added Yuan Mo Sect to the recommendation list.

You must know that this list is not just for Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng stared carefully at the column of Yuan Mo Sect. The direction of monster research mentioned above made him quite curious. So far, he has seen ghosts, monsters, weirdos, and wealthy families. But I have never seen the devil.

Moreover, the identity of the organizer marked above also made him quite tempted.

The leader of the sect personally teaches his disciples.

The purpose of my coming to study is to understand the aristocratic family and the Central Plains, not really to learn their secrets of practice. This Yuanmo Sect is very suitable for me.

Because the school is weak, so with my background, the status I get when I enter is high enough, and the freedom is strong enough. Miscellaneous academic records and the like are what I want to read.

Also, the objects of their research are monsters, which happens to fill in my gaps in this aspect. He pondered for a moment, and pressed his fingers harder on Yuan Mo Zong.

That's it.

Lu Sheng turned around and looked at Yingying in the room.

You should go out as little as possible from now on. This is the base camp of aristocratic families. There are many masters and strong men. The one you meet during the day is just a limited-level master. I don't know how strong the nine families in the Central Plains are. I really want to mess with you. No matter what, I may not be able to save you.

The little umbrella girl nodded obediently.

Seeing that he understood, Lu Sheng didn't say much, but his eyes slowly fell to the towering Thousand Spirits Pagoda outside the window.

Ever since he entered the city, he had felt an overwhelming and looming sight of that gray-white tower hung with countless bells.

That line of sight was extremely huge. It continuously shot down from the tower, and in one glance it could cover dozens of meters in radius. It's not point-to-point monitoring, but block-by-block monitoring.

He didn't know what it was, but that aura was so strong. Not to mention Shangyang Jiuli and him, it was much more powerful than the phantoms of the Evil Jade Crystal Ten Spears he had seen before, like a deep abyss. ocean.

Even the depth of that aura cannot be detected.

Get some rest. We'll go to Yuan Mo Sect early tomorrow morning. Lu Sheng withdrew his gaze, closed the window and said softly.


The umbrella girl obediently walked to the corner, where her little bed was.

The next day, before dawn, Lu Sheng took the umbrella girl out early in the morning, leaving Ning San and Xu Chui behind, and asked them to rent a house in Bailing City and move out, and arrange it as their home in Bailing City. The residence here.

He came to Feilai Inn, found the people arranged by Chen Quansong, and under their guidance, went to the address of Yuan Mo Sect.


Hundreds of miles outside Bailing City, there is the Black Smoke Grand Canyon.

The khaki earth is full of cracked and hard lumps, everything is dry and the vegetation is extinct.

The Black Smoke Canyon is like a huge black scar, lying quietly on the yellow plain land, from which a steady stream of cold air flows.

In the middle of the canyon, on the inner wall of the crack, there is a huge black cave.

Lu Sheng stood behind the woman who was leading the way. He was standing in front of the cave, looking up at the plaque hanging on the top of the cave.

‘Yuan Mo Cave’.

There are three words engraved on the pitch-black plaque, which are written very neatly and with great momentum.

The entire cave is tens of meters high. Standing in front of it is like standing in front of the big mouth of a mysterious giant beast, and you may be eaten by it at any time.

This is the Yuan Mo Sect. The woman who led the way reached out and twisted a disk on the stone wall beside the cave.


Immediately, a subtle vibration was transmitted from the feet to the depths of the cave.

This place is very desolate. If you want to buy items, you need to go to Bailing City hundreds of miles away. There are no towns elsewhere, so remember.

In addition, people in the Yuan Mo Sect... The woman shut up before she could finish her words.

A dark wind suddenly blew out of the cave entrance. A young man with a pale complexion and red eyes slowly revealed his face from the right side of the cave entrance and looked at Lu Sheng.

Teacher asked me to pick up the new junior brother. This young man looked gloomy and looked completely different from a human being.

Which one of you is Lu Sheng? His voice was low and slow, with a weird tone that might make him cry at any time.

I am. Lu Sheng took a step forward.

My name is Song Zian, please come with me. The man turned around, slowly disappeared into the darkness, and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Lu Sheng asked the umbrella girl to follow the leading woman back, while he followed Song Zian alone into the huge cave.

The cave was dark, with only the faint green light from Song Zian's body in front illuminating a little bit of the ground.

Lu Sheng followed him closely and moved forward. The feet kept stepping on uneven boulders. In the darkness, a stream flowed through the gaps between the stones, making a soft gurgling sound.

I don’t know how long I left, maybe a stick of incense, maybe half an hour. At least a few hundred meters to a thousand meters away.


Suddenly Lu Sheng seemed to hear something.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a small sunken hole on the right side of the cave wall.

In the small hole, he saw a woman in a white dress, facing him, standing upright in the middle of the hole, holding an ax upside down in both hands.

The woman's head was wrapped in white cloth, and her facial features and hair could not be seen. She just stood upright and quiet in the cave. She seemed to be able to see Lu Sheng, and her face moved slightly as he moved.

Lu Sheng noticed that there was a basin placed next to the woman, and there seemed to be red blood stains on the edge of the basin.

That's Bai Mian. According to his seniority, he should be your senior sister. Song Zian said in a low voice.

Lu Sheng looked away expressionlessly, and after walking forward for a while, he suddenly turned back and looked at the woman again.

From a distance, he could still see the woman still looking at him, motionless.

It was obvious that her head was covered tightly with white cloth, making it difficult to breathe, let alone see, but Lu Sheng felt that the other party was still looking at him.

She likes new people coming. Just get used to it. Song Zian said in a low voice.

Really? Lu Sheng stopped talking. This Yuan Mo Sect seems to be different from what he imagined.

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