Extreme Demon

Chapter 200 Leaving 1

The wind and snow were passing by at high speed, and Lu Sheng chased the white clouds in front of him.

That cloud is a huge white wolf moving and leaping at high speed.

Mountains and forests pass by on both sides, and the ground is constantly undulating. I don’t know how many hills and mountains I have passed.

Time continued to pass, and Lu Sheng didn't know how long he had been chasing. The white wolf in front finally landed lightly. Quietly, like real clouds, it fell on the edge of a large ice lake.

Its huge body was squatting like a mountain by the lake, and its huge blood-red eyes turned back to look in the direction of Lu Sheng.

You follow me, what do you want? The giant wolf's voice was not loud, but it traveled far and reached Lu Sheng's ears accurately, as if someone was speaking in his ear.

What do you want? Lu Sheng was stunned.

I am Gendi, the greatest White Wolf King. Tell me your wish and the price in exchange. If you are willing, I can help you realize it. The giant white wolf said in a low voice Lu Sheng's incomprehensible words. Since you're catching up, you should know my rules.

Lu Sheng looked at the white wolf. The opponent gave him a strong sense of oppression. This giant wolf was much stronger than all the opponents he had seen before.

Just judging from what it said, the other party should often engage in certain transactions and exchanges, and its reputation is not small.

He composed himself, What can you give me?

The White Wolf King arched his head and approached Lu Sheng with his huge wolf head.

Me? Wealth? Jewelry? Power? Even, open your inner desire

Its huge head was only a few meters away from Lu Sheng, as if it could be bitten and swallowed with just one mouth.

I don't want any of this. Lu Sheng thought for a moment, then suddenly said, I want strength, power!

The other party didn't seem to recognize his identity. His hidden aura in the cathode state was extremely strong, and the power he displayed was completely different from that after his actual transformation.

Oh? The White Wolf King looked at him carefully, Why do you want power?

Lu Sheng smiled and said, In such troubled times, do you still need a reason?

That's right. White Wolf King nodded. But your strength is already good. If you want to exchange for stronger power, the price you have to pay will be greater.

As long as you can get it, the price doesn't matter, I can afford it. Lu Sheng said calmly.

He was just talking nonsense, he was just following what the white wolf said. Strength and so on, if the other party can really help him, it will be a surprise, but if not, it doesn't matter. He just saw such a big white wolf passing by when he was experimenting with martial arts, and he was happy to follow him.

The White Wolf King is also a little confused. As the master of Xinyouhui, many people, ghosts and demons have always come to him, seeking transactions, obtaining things, and some who want power, but they have never been as indifferent to him as the human being in front of him. fear.

The reason why it came here was just a coincidence.

After the mysterious man said those words to him before, he mysteriously disappeared.

But he didn't believe everything that person said, and even if it was really the Shangyang family that was responsible, he couldn't do anything about it now. The other party was one of the nine families in the Central Plains, and its strength was far beyond its imagination. Even revenge would only hurt its skin at most. , but it will anger this huge force.

The White Wolf King was angry, but had no choice but to receive an invitation from a friend and find an opportunity to take revenge on the Shangyang family, so he left the group and headed towards the hinterland of the North.

Unexpectedly, I met another human from the Northland on the way. What's interesting about this human being is that he can actually keep up with his speed all the way.

There was a group of one-eyed people who came to me for a deal, exchanging loyalty for power, and I gave it to them. There were other groups that also used all kinds of precious things in exchange for power, and I agreed to develop their potential. White Wolf Wang said in a low voice. I can give you power, but it depends on what value you can offer in exchange. He didn't know Lu Sheng, nor had he seen his portrait. The only thing he worried about in Beidi was the hidden power of the Shangyang family.

The opponent killed two of his deputy sect leaders in a row, so one can imagine that a lot of strength was deployed here.

However, although he was wary of the Shangyang family, he still didn't pay much attention to the small mortal force, the Red Whale Gang.


Lu Sheng was immediately interested. The other party turned out to be a character similar to a big businessman in the demon tribe.

I want the power to have no side effects. It cannot affect my own mind. He thought for a while and took out something from his pocket. I will take this in exchange.

This is it. The White Wolf King suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at the thing in Lu Sheng's hand. A fragment of the divine weapon? It seems to be a fragment of the Yin Shen Chapter.

What Lu Sheng took out was the dark yellow metal piece he had obtained from the officiant Bai Zhan. At that time, he also got dozens of units of Yin Qi from it.

However, after studying it for a long time, I couldn't use it. Now I remembered that I could take it out and give it a try.

Gloomy Chapter? Lu Sheng secretly wrote it down in his mind. His expression was unhurried and unhurried.

So how much power can I buy with this?

The White Wolf King looked at the metal piece carefully.

This fragment is quite large. I can give you three options.

Oh? Lu Sheng was stunned. Please explain.

The White Wolf King raised his head and exhaled gently. The huge white mist was like a white cloud, surrounding the two of them, like a barrier, blocking all sight of the outside world.

First, it gives you power directly, but it is borrowed from my body. The advantage is that it is fast.

Second, infuse you with demon power. Make you a half-demon. But it will affect your lifespan.

Third, I will give you natural and earthly treasures, but the loss in absorbing, digesting and converting them into strength is huge.

The White Wolf King thoughtfully gave three choices. All three have advantages and disadvantages.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, he couldn't use this thing anyway, and the fragments of the divine weapon were not in short supply for someone of the Shangyang family's level. These were originally belongings to a chief priest of Wuyou Mansion, and they were probably originally intended to be rewarded to The level of the people below is not too high.

I want heavenly materials and earthly treasures. He thought for a moment and said.

For power-enhancing treasures, I have some that strengthen the physical body and some that strengthen the inner energy. Which one do you want? asked the White Wolf King.

Lu Sheng thought of the medicinal materials marked on the treasure map, and he used that as a comparison. I want the Four Spirit Flowers from a higher vintage.

Okay. The White Wolf King tilted his head and shook out a palm-sized white box from the hair on his neck.

The box seemed to be held tightly by invisible hands, flying down smoothly and slowly floating in front of Lu Sheng's eyes.

The 30,000-year-old Four Spirit Flower corresponds to the fragment of the divine weapon in your hand. The White Wolf King is still an innocent child in doing business. This has been the theme of Xinyouhui for many years.

As mysterious merchants among demons, they never sell fake goods although their prices are high.

Lu Sheng took the box and opened it to see a small green flower with four petals with translucent branches and leaves lying quietly inside.

The faint fragrance, like mint, quietly penetrated into his nose, as if it could always penetrate into his heart and spleen.

Thirty thousand years Lu Sheng looked calm on the surface, but he was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

You know, even the treasure map given by Li Shunxi, the most effective treasure medicine in the North marked on it, is not half as effective as the Four Spirit Flower in front of you.

If the one in front of me is really 30,000 years old.

If handled properly, this Four Spirit Flower can offset dozens of units of his Yin Qi consumption. Maybe you can improve your overall internal strength again.

This time he improved Qinggong Mingxu Gong, but he forgot that he could also use Yin internal energy to offset the consumption of Yin energy. However, the Yin Baoqing energy later was almost consumed, and all of it was used to restore the hidden injuries of the body that had been suddenly upgraded and transformed.

But he can slowly use the negative inner energy to improve low-level martial arts. It’s just too time consuming.

How is it? The White Wolf King looked at Lu Sheng, waiting for his answer.

Deal. Lu Sheng nodded and threw the metal piece in his hand forward.

An invisible force suddenly held up the metal piece and flew towards the White Wolf King.

Then, the deal is over. If you need anything next time, you can come to the Ice Island to find me. After saying this, the White Wolf King hid the metal piece in his fur, jumped up, and disappeared into the sky like a large cloud in the blink of an eye. In the snow.

Lu Sheng didn't chase him, he just watched him leave quietly this time. The harvest from this trip was enough for him to digest when he returned.

The clouds all over the sky suddenly collapsed.

On the vast expanse of ice, a vague and slender figure stood there quietly, looking up at the falling clouds.


The White Wolf King slowly emerged from the clouds.

The Shangyang family bullies me too much, Ice Fox King. The Nine Central Plains families are indeed strong enough, but that doesn't mean I have to swallow my anger. The White Wolf King said in a low voice.

The slender figure was silent.

The White Wolf King didn't speak again for a while, just waiting quietly for the other party's decision.

The Ice Fox King is one of the true strongest demons in the North.

If he, the White Wolf King, is the strongest person in the Ice Sea Islands, then this one in front of him is recognized as the strongest in the entire Northland, and even by several surrounding demon kings including him.

It is precisely because of his existence that the nine families of the Central Plains can be restrained from plundering the endless resources of the Northland and the Ice Sea.

Waited for a long time.

Will it be useful if you go? the figure finally said.

It's useless. The White Wolf King showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile, But it is still okay to kill a few of the geniuses from the Yang family.

In the battle for the Red Dragon Tribulation, even several of my princesses were seriously injured. There is no point in your taking action at this time. The figure said calmly.

The White Wolf King immediately stopped smiling. No one understands the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Ice Fox King better than him. Even he himself couldn't throw his children out, let them kill each other, and then fight with the ants like garbage weeds for the opportunities they should have easily obtained.

So? He also calmed down.

Go back. The figure said calmly.


The White Wolf King suddenly felt chilled. Although the two deputy sect leaders are just two of the stronger vassal races to him, he can just choose them later.

But from this incident, he tested out the attitude of the Ice Fox King.

Aloof, as long as something doesn't happen to the demon kings, or the situation changes drastically, he won't take action. It will even prevent him from taking action.

I understand. The White Wolf King was silent for a long time, and finally backed down. You will regret this.

No one can make me regret it. The Ice Fox King said calmly. You do not understand.

The White Wolf King snorted coldly, turned and left.

In the wind and snow, the figure still stood still, just looking at the huge white wolf in the distance without saying a word.

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