Extreme Demon

Chapter 199 Accident 2

After getting used to it for a while, Lu Sheng felt that he had memorized all the steps of the Mingxu Gong and had a precise grasp of the mental techniques. He memorized the remaining two levels before sitting down cross-legged.

Dark blue!

He directly called out the modifier.

A light blue box emerged, and indeed there was a box for Mingxu Gong at the end.

‘Mingxu Gong: Not yet started. ’

Let's start raising the Mingxu Gong to the third level. Lu Sheng directly clicked the start modification button on the modifier, focusing on the Mingxu Gong box.

As he concentrated, the box suddenly jumped. I have never started, so I jumped to the basics at once. The Yin Qi only consumed one unit.

Come again. Lu Sheng continued to concentrate.

Sure enough, with two swishes, Mingxu Gong jumped directly from the entry level to the first level, then the second level, and the third level.

Lu Sheng also began to feel numbness and itching in the muscles of his legs, crotch, and waist, as well as a slight pain, which soon disappeared.

His current physical strength is so high that if he can practice this Qinggong force in an instant, it is just an ordinary load for him and there will be no damage.

It's done. Lu Sheng stood up and felt a lot of Mingxu Gong usage and footwork experience pouring into his mind.

He tried to take a few steps forward.

Puff puff!

After taking three consecutive steps, Lu Sheng reached the end of the secret room in the blink of an eye. When he was about to hit the wall, he suddenly moved to the left.

Sure enough, the whole person turned to the left, rushed out a few meters, and then quickly retreated. For a while, Lu Sheng was moving left and right in the secret room, changing directions quickly.

Sure enough, it is much more flexible than before. In the past, if you wanted to change direction, you had to slow down first, and then change direction. But now you don't need to slow down, you can also turn directly, or even go backwards and forwards. This Mingxu Gong is quite good.

Lu Sheng was quite satisfied.

Then, comes the real highlight. He picked up the second book of Qing Gong, this time the Cloud Bow Technique.

The Cloud Bow Technique is a light skill that is good at accelerating linear speed and has the effect of increasing explosive power. It also doesn’t involve internal energy, just external energy.

Lu Sheng only practiced once, memorizing the mental skills and footwork, and then saw a box appear on the modifier.

Then he picked up the third book, 'Pegasus Step', 'Light and Heavy Yi Qigong', 'Sanhe Lixian Gong', and 'Chaotic Wind Technique'. As time went by, he memorized all the Qing Gong. Then add it to the modifier box.

After Lu Sheng memorized all the Qing Gong, he focused his attention on Mingxu Gong again. Seeing the deduction button behind the Qing Gong, he took a gentle breath and calmed down his eyes.

Deduce the Mingxu Gong to the fourth level. As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Sheng pressed the deduction button and felt a slight shock in his body.

The numbness and itching in the legs returned. A feeling of extreme lightness and dexterity spreads through the legs.

He was not moved at all. The fourth level of Mingxu Gong that flooded into his mind was the technical footwork of the Cloud Bow Technique. It increased the burst speed compared to the third level, and the skills in the box also changed to a new look.

‘Mingxu Gong: fourth level, special effects: burst level one, dexterity level three. ’

Come again! Deduce Mingxu Gong to the fifth level! Lu Sheng looked at the modifier in front of him and continued to click buttons.

The modifier box trembled slightly, then the box blurred for a moment, and emerged clearly again.

‘Mingxu Kung Fu: fifth level, special effects: burst level two, dexterity level three. ’

Lu Sheng kept his eyes still and continued to click the button to reach the next level.

Deduced the Mingxu Gong to the sixth level.

The box blurs again and then becomes clear again.

‘Mingxu Gong: Sixth level, special effects: level three burst, level three dexterity, level one shock. ’

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed when he saw this new special effect. After feeling it carefully, he suddenly discovered that the shock was simply absorbed from the anti-shock skills of the Ji Yang Dao hard skill he practiced.

Come again! Continue to deduce the seventh level of Mingxu Gong.

‘Mingxu Gong: seventh level. Special effects: Explosion Level 4, Dexterity Level 4, Shock Level 2. ’

As the levels go up.

The consumption of Yin Qi also gradually began to increase. By the ninth level, Yin Qi finally increased to the point where it consumed two units at a time.

Deducing the tenth level of Mingxu Gong! Lu Sheng looked at the box calmly with a hint of expectation.

His legs have gradually swelled, and the muscles like steel wires are gradually forming agglomeration. A large amount of yin and yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi has gathered to accelerate the healing of muscles and bones.

The modifier box became blurry again, and it took three breaths to clear it again. When he reappeared, Mingxu Gong had completely changed.

‘Mingxu Gong: The tenth level, special effects: ground stepping level one, dexterity level seven. ’

This is actually happening! Lu Sheng was shocked. This special effect was a powerful special effect that appeared in the martial arts game when he was playing mobile games in his previous life. It could tear the earth apart and create a shock wave-like effect. It is a range attack and is very powerful.

The shock wave formed by the ground stepping was similar to the earth bulge created by the chief priest Bai Zhan.

Is the power of pure external skills even approaching a certain level of the demon's secret skills? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly rolled up his trousers, and the skin on his exposed legs turned black at some point. Muscles like armor were inlaid on the sides of his legs. Between the black muscles, there were blood-red blood vessels, distributed like a network. On the thighs and calves, there was still the sound of violent blood flow.

At this time, the legs are no longer like human legs. The muscles, blood vessels and fascia are strong to a certain extent, and the changes produced have exceeded the cognitive form of ordinary people.

I have consumed more than a dozen units of yin energy before, and I can continue. Lu Sheng calmly looked at the box of Mingxu Gong. At this time, Mingxu Gong had absorbed hard skills, external skills, other light skills, and even internal skills. Some of the things are included, and there is a faint feeling of internal energy coming from the outside into the inside. It is no longer just ordinary Qinggong.

Exercise Mingxu Gong to the eleventh level. Lu Sheng said quietly.


The box blurs, then becomes clear again.

‘Mingxu Gong: Eleventh level, special effects: ground stepping level two, dexterity level eight. ’ This trip consumes two units of Yin Qi.

Lu Sheng remained calm and began to improve all the way again.

The twelfth floor, the thirteenth floor, the fourteenth floor, the fifteenth floor, the sixteenth floor, the seventeenth floor, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

The twenty-level Mingxu Gong has once again undergone a qualitative change. At this time, simply calling this light skill Mingxu Gong is far from being able to encompass its effects.

‘Mingxu Gong: twentieth level, special effects: unknown level one. ’ All the special effects disappeared, and only a line of red text was quietly displayed behind the special effects bar.

Lu Sheng finally stopped the deduction.

He looked at his legs. The muscles and bones of his legs had not changed much from before. The only difference was that something was growing violently in the center of his knees and soles of his feet.

Lu Sheng quietly felt the intense consumption of Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi in his body. The large amount of Vase Vase Qi was used to repair the greatly strengthened changes in his body.

As time passed slowly, as the changes in his legs became more and more obvious, Lu Sheng finally understood the change trend of his legs.

Even without pants, his legs were as hard and bright as if they were covered with a layer of black metal armor. The originally normal soles of his feet were the most changed.

The toes become pointed and the nails become sharp and sharp, becoming as flexible as the palm of the hand. The soles of the feet became slender, and a red diamond-shaped crystal grew out of the soles of the feet, as if they were embedded into the armor.

Around the calf, there is a circle of spiked knives that look like armor plates, dark and ferocious, surrounding the entire leg. Looking down from above, you can see that the gaps in the middle of these armor plates are filled with countless thin and dense holes like gun barrels.


Lu Sheng stood up, his lower body seemed to be wearing a set of ferocious and thick black armor.

This kind of special effect. He looked at the unknown special effect in the Mingxu Gong special effects column again, and his intuition told him that this thing must not be used here.

It can be more powerful than the ground pedal with a range of shock. The power of this special effect definitely takes into account the effect of lightness and lethality. You have to find an open place to try it.

The Yin Qi is almost consumed, with only a few units left. Lu Sheng didn't care either. He had truly experienced the effect of Mingxu Gong. It was light, agile, and full of incredible explosive power.

That's almost it. He pulled off his trousers and covered his legs with his robe. The power of the cathode state operates rapidly, and the black nail spikes that originally grew quickly adhere to the skin, and the skin once again grows a thin film similar to normal skin color, covering the legs.

Soon, the powerful hidden effect of the cathode state was fully exerted.

Lu Sheng's legs looked like they were wearing armor and quickly returned to their normal human form. The only thing that couldn't be disguised were the sharp toenails and the slender and flexible soles of the feet.

He stood up and walked to the secret room door and raised the latch. Amidst the rumbling sound, the stone door slowly moved open.

I want to go out for a while. Lu Sheng ordered.

Yes! I will prepare my carriage and horses immediately! Konoe replied quickly.

No, I'm going to relax by myself, so there's no need to follow me. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Northland, Lingque Peak.

In the heavy snowfall, the mountains and plains were covered with snow, and it was clear.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the snow, and the footprints he had just made behind him were quickly covered by heavy snow.


A white shadow streaked across the sky and emitted a long cry.

Lu Sheng raised his head and squinted at the big white bird flying by. He was about to remove his disguise and try the power of Mingxu Gong.

Suddenly, a large shadow moved quickly over his head, covering his entire body in the blink of an eye.

That's... Lu Sheng's eyes instantly contracted.

What passed over his head was a huge white wolf.

The wolf's body, as huge as a hill, was mixed in the wind and snow, and they were almost indistinguishable from each other, but they were still clearly visible to Lu Sheng's powerful eyesight.

The white wolf was extremely fast. In almost an instant, it passed Lu Sheng and pounced into the distance. Like a large white cloud.

It's just passing through here. The dozens of meters long body looks like a prehistoric beast, rushing towards the distance with a terrifying and intense sense of oppression.

The giant wolf disappeared in an instant, disappearing into the wind and snow in the distance.

Lu Sheng watched the other party leave and pondered for a moment.

He suddenly raised his feet slightly.

Boom! ! !

The snow on the ground suddenly exploded with cracks, and large amounts of snow powder exploded into the sky.

With Lu Sheng as the center, large spiderweb-like cracks spread rapidly in a radius of more than ten meters. The huge repulsive force took him into the sky, chasing in the direction of the giant white wolf.

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