Extreme Demon

Chapter 201 Leaving 2

When Lu Sheng returned to the Red Whale, he immediately found his senior brother Hong Mingzi in the alchemy room and asked how to deal with the precious medicine Siling Flower.

After knowing the specific details and sequence, he asked Hong Mingzi to cooperate with the pharmacist to help refine the elixir together.

Hong Mingzi and others felt like they had found a treasure that was 30,000 years old. Originally, they suggested that Lu Sheng refine it several times, because the medicinal properties of this treasure were too strong and overbearing, and the elixir produced by refining the entire plant was too powerful to be taken.

But Lu Sheng asked them to refine it directly.

In desperation, the Red Whale Gang began to collect other medicinal materials to prepare the elixir.

Fortunately, at this time, several Tianyuan elders who went to search for the precious medicine also came back, bringing back medicinal herbs that were thousands of years old.

Pharmacists select auxiliary medicines, that is, ministerial medicines, etc. to assist the Four Spirit Flowers.

After three days and three nights of non-stop refining, a furnace of four spiritual elixirs was finally released. Because it is not a difficult elixir to refine, it is only designed to remove side effects and enhance the efficacy of the main medicine, so refining it is not laborious.

But this also exhausted Hong Mingzi and others. For this reason, Lu Sheng took the initiative to transfer Qi to several people and passed on his skills for a year as a reward.

As for the elixir, no one except him could bear its effects.

The overbearing elixir that was supposed to be divided into dozens of uses was turned into a batch of elixirs at once.

Taking the Four Spirit Pills, Lu Sheng entered the secret room again.

With a rumble, the stone door closed.

Lu Sheng sat cross-legged in the middle and without hesitation, he drank a Four Spiritual Pill in one gulp.

The elixir is like a snowball, melting in your mouth, melting into a trace of cold liquid, and flowing into your stomach. Lu Sheng sat cross-legged without any reaction.

One hour passed, two hours passed.

He took out a four-spirit pill again, raised his head and drank it.

Then another two hours passed.

The third Four Spirit Pill was taken again.

In this way, Lu Sheng didn't stop until the fifth Four Spiritual Pills were taken.

At this time, a large amount of water vapor began to appear all over his body, which was the water in his body being evaporated out of his pores, forming mist.

The power of the Four Spiritual Pills was extremely terrifying, and it surged through his body like a wild beast. However, Lu Sheng's meridians and blood vessels were also extremely strong, and they were only slightly cracked, and then the treasure bottle Qi quickly healed.

The power of the medicine was quickly digested and absorbed by his body, and all was consumed and circulated by the huge thousand-year cultivation, turning into wisps of pure inner energy and integrating into his body.

The inner Qi transformed by the power of the medicine was evenly transformed by Lu Sheng into the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong inner Qi and the Yin and Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi.

The seemingly huge medicinal power, in fact, after conversion, can only absorb less than one tenth, and the rest are all impurities, which can only be eliminated.

Then, after being compressed and liquefied, the internal energy, which is less than one-tenth of the medicine's power, will shrink a lot.

By late night the next day, Lu Sheng had refined all the medicinal power, and his cultivation had actually increased by an average of three hundred years.

The Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong and the Yin and Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi have added an average of three drops of gas liquid. It is equivalent to the overall improvement of internal strength by more than one level.

And another harvest also surprised him.

The Siling Flower itself has a strong yang attribute, and is a medicinal material for heat and even heat poisoning. The heat and poison in the 30,000-year-old Siling Flower is even more terrifying.

This heat poison is also the key to allowing Lu Sheng to truly condense his inner strength.

While the heat poison was refining the medicinal power, it was faintly integrated into the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong, making its power also have stronger heat poison.

Originally, the heat and poison of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong was extremely terrifying, but because Lu Sheng had been dealing with demons, ghosts and children of aristocratic families, it had no effect.

But now, coupled with the heat and poison of the Four Spirit Flowers, Lu Sheng felt that the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong seemed to have undergone some kind of qualitative change.

Although there is no breakthrough in the level of cultivation, the power of Chiji Nine Evils Technique has been improved again. The liquefied texture has faint signs of becoming more viscous. Under the corresponding pull of Yin and Yang, the Baoping Qi has also become denser.

Without specific comparison, Lu Sheng didn't know how strong he was now.

In addition, judging from the previous effect of stepping on the ground, after performing the Mingxu Gong, stepping out with one foot is an enhanced version of the effect of stepping on the ground. And it’s not just one point or two points that have been strengthened.

He simply named Mingxu Gong Mingxu Ground Stepping Gong.

After a small retreat, when Lu Sheng came out again, the competition was over.

The top ten selected disciples joined the Scarlet Sun Sect one after another and became nominally members of the Scarlet Sun Sect. But in fact, he was taught by many Tianyuan elders.

All the Tianyuan were just sheltered by Lu Sheng's banner. Lu Sheng has now become a symbol of the Northland. Many people think that he is definitely not a pure human being, but most people don't care, because Lu Sheng relies on martial arts to show off his power, and that is enough.

After the competition, there was the initiation ceremony. Lu Sheng added Yinhe nets to these new disciples one by one. Then preparations for the wedding began.


You also want to practice martial arts? Lu Sheng looked at Chen Yunxi standing in front of him in surprise.

The two of them were left alone in the city's Xiang Shang Pavilion, which was a place specializing in selling sachets and gouache. However, the top floor of the Xiang Shang Pavilion was reserved by Lu Sheng, leaving Chen Yunxi to choose at will.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Yunxi actually made such a request to him.

Yes! I don't want to lag too far behind you! Chen Yunxi said seriously.

Behind? Lu Sheng looked at the girl in front of him. This was the first time he understood what she was thinking.

Yes. Chen Yunxi was calm and solemn. It was obvious that this decision was not made temporarily.

It's okay to practice martial arts. This is a good thing. Lu Sheng pondered for a moment, But, can you bear the hardship?

Even if he has the Yinhe Network, he can teach Chen Yunxi his skills, but so what? Techniques, moves, and techniques cannot be achieved overnight. The only result of hastily teaching Kung Fu is to create a weird character who is strong internally but weak in all aspects.

Moreover, it is very dangerous for people who have no foundation at all to directly accept the cross-qi lift to become a master.

Without its own foundation, it means that an unexercised body needs to bear the consumption and replenishment of huge internal energy in the body, which will cause huge hidden injuries and burdens.

Just like a child holding a firearm with shocking recoil, if he uses it once, his body will be injured by the huge recoil.

The blood vessels and meridians in the body will also cause irreparable damage when passing through high-quality internal Qi.

If the frequency is too many, not to mention maintaining health, even a normal lifespan may not be guaranteed.

In order to strengthen the body, it is necessary to start with the most subtle inner Qi and nourish the body simultaneously so that it can adapt.

When Lu Sheng improved his internal strength, he accidentally went too far and it took him a year to recover from his injuries.

Therefore, when he teaches Qigong and Qi, he teaches it to people with a solid foundation. It's not just about finding someone who can pass the Qi and become a master.

What kind of martial arts can I practice at my age? You, the best master in the North, still don't give advice to a little girl. Chen Yunxi felt better when she saw Lu Sheng agreed.

It depends on whether you cultivate internally or externally. Lu Sheng said simply, and began to introduce the difference between internal and external.

Chen Yunxi happily chose the internal skill that could last forever, and asked Lu Sheng to teach her a simple skill to consider carefully first.

This requires qualifications, and not everyone can practice internal skills casually. So try it first and see if it works.

Lu Sheng was not optimistic about Chen Yunxi. If she had the qualifications, she would at most be able to transfer some inner energy to her after she entered the door to help heal internal injuries and hidden injuries. If she had more qualifications, it would harm her.

Just like Ning San, although he is strong now, he doesn't dare to use it at will, and he will be injured every time.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Sheng discussed the wedding with Chen Yunxi, and the Lu family and Chen family were all ready. The wedding day will be chosen within the next few days.

Lu Sheng also revealed his intention to leave the Northland and go to the Central Plains. Although their father, Lu Quan'an, and others were reluctant to give up, they also knew that Lu Sheng had his own path and direction, and it was no longer at a level where they could interfere arbitrarily, so they could only accept it.

But they didn't plan to follow Lu Sheng to the Central Plains. This was the headquarters of the Lu family and the Red Whale Gang.

Chen Yunxi wanted to follow Lu Sheng, but she was persuaded by him. She was an ordinary woman, and it was extremely inconvenient to follow her around. She could easily become a bargaining chip for threats.

Time flies, a few days pass in the blink of an eye, and the wedding day finally arrives.

Huh! Lu Sheng sat in the bedroom of the Lu family and sighed.

Why do you sigh? Qiao'er carefully combed Lu Sheng's hair and helped him straighten the wrinkles in his clothes.

Lu Sheng was wearing a bright red groom's suit, a red exquisitely carved headband, and a gold pole on his back, which was used to lift the bride's head.

I sigh because Lu Sheng lamented in his heart.

When it was time to get married, he remembered an extremely terrible question.

Chen Yunxi is just an ordinary person. Can he withstand any bodily fluids secreted by his body?

You know, he was not as powerful as he is now. The cells in the blood dripping out could even swallow up a small pit in the metal.

Now that it is so strong, the activity of this body has reached an unimaginable level. Once a drop of that liquid enters Chen Yunxi's body,

Lu Sheng suddenly felt gloomy.

Should Chen Yunxi transfer her Qi first and reach the extremely powerful level in a short time? No, unless she reaches the Jing level in one breath, there is no chance.

And that’s because the physical body is not strong enough and the cells are not active enough.”

The eldest son is finally getting married. He will give birth to a big fat boy earlier. The Lu family can be considered to have an heir. There is only one heir for such a big Red Whale Gang! It's such a happy event! What a joy! The family relatives outside were discussing loudly. What happens after that. Everyone was beaming with joy. The sound faintly spread into the room.

Big fat boy. Lu Sheng's headache became more and more serious.

He rubbed his brows, not knowing how to solve this problem. He is too strong. If he and Chen Yunxi really enter the bridal chamber and control their strength carefully, it might be fine, but at the last moment they will have to unite to have children. At that juncture, if something goes wrong.

It seems that I can only avoid pregnancy for the time being. Lu Sheng finally made a decision in his mind.

Some aristocratic families whose bloodline has faded have also merged with mortals. On this trip to the Central Plains, we may be able to find a solution in this regard.

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