Extreme Demon

Chapter 198 Accident 1

Lu Sheng opened the secret books in front of him one by one and looked at them carefully. There are not many words in the secret book, and the main content focuses on visualization pictures.

He concentrated on memorizing the true meaning of martial arts in the visualization pictures one by one, and absorbed some things that could be integrated into his system and skills. Those that could not be integrated could also expand his vision and path in the future.

With his current level of cultivation and knowledge in martial arts, his vision is so high that ordinary Tian Yuan can hardly imagine it.

Compared to worldly Tianyuan masters, he is equivalent to a peerless old monster who has practiced hard for thousands of years without dying. His skills are astonishing, and he can be called the strongest warrior in the world.

Fusion martial arts can only be used when I am deducing and improving martial arts. But now I only have more than fifty units of Yin Qi, and it is not enough to improve any one item. Lu Sheng frowned.

Dark blue.

He quickly called out the modifier.

A light blue box appeared in front of his eyes, and the rows of martial arts on it were displayed in detail. This modifier, which was rooted in his brain and body, changed completely according to his own true state.

Lu Sheng looked at it from top to bottom.

In addition to his three most powerful martial arts, Ji Yang Dao, which determines the strength of the physical body, and Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong and Yin Yang Jade Crane Bao Ping Qi, which determine the internal Qi cultivation.

The rest are a series of moves and techniques, such as the red whale sword technique, the seven-day sky-changing sword, the nine-nine-eighty-one swallow chasing wind sword, the black tiger sword technique, etc.

This category is purely the use of moves, which are external skills that make full use of internal strength and hard skills.

Speaking of which, when I fight, what I use the most is the divine power of the Seven Days Sword, but this sword technique only has two moves. Many times I have to rely on my strong body to fight hard.

It's just that this method of relying solely on speed and strength is very inefficient. Maybe I should find a move system that suits me.

Lu Sheng thought of the concealment method of his mind that he couldn't detect before, and how he could only move straight forward during the battle, and his movement skills were insufficient.

And what if we encounter an enemy from a distance? Lu Sheng suddenly thought, Although the possibility is very small, it is impossible not to encounter it. If I encounter this type of enemy, my speed is not as fast as the opponent, and the distance is enough. If you don’t, you will really have to get beaten.”

He sat in the middle of the secret room, meditating for a moment, looking at the pile of secret books in front of him.

These martial arts are all in their own system and are extremely complete. If they are divided and combined rashly, the power will not be amplified, but will only be weakened. In this way, you can only choose to practice one of them directly. Lu Sheng thought for a while, Yin Qi Although it is not enough to improve the major skills, these concentration skills are still easy to improve.

As long as you learn some martial arts skills to deal with it, and then use the internal strength to increase its power, it will be as powerful as the Seven-Day Heavenly Sword.

In that case, let's choose an external skill that can attack from a distance and a light skill that can increase speed. Lu Sheng glanced around the secret book and suddenly reached out and picked up a booklet.

‘Thousand Demonic Shadows’

This is a powerful light skill that the demon Tianyuan is good at. He once relied on it to escape from the pursuit of the family many times, but in the end he died at the hands of his friends who were also Tianyuan.

That friend is Ouyang Qi who is now defecting to Lu Sheng.

The reason why Ouyang Qi tricked his friend to death was because he unexpectedly discovered that the demon Tian Yuan was secretly plotting against him and planning to steal the true skills he had learned. So he struck first to gain advantage.

However, because this Qianji Demonic Shadow Qinggong is strong, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Therefore, after Ouyang Qi tried, he was unable to practice, so he simply dedicated himself to Lu Sheng.

Opening the booklet, Lu Sheng glanced at it for a few moments, then immediately frowned.

The first page of the booklet contains the requirements for practitioners.

‘The three uses of distraction, before practicing any light exercises, only those who weigh no more than 100 kilograms can practice this exercise. ’

There is a note at the end: 'After completing this exercise, if the weight exceeds 110 kilograms, the exercise will be invalid. Remember. ’

Lu Sheng flipped through the records at the back and found that this Qing Gong was indeed extremely complex. It added arithmetic similar to mathematics into it, requiring those who performed the Qing Qing Gong to pay full attention when walking, and always follow the climate, astrology, geography, etc. factors to calculate its own orientation.

No wonder no one can succeed except that devil. Shaking his head, Lu Sheng put down the technique and picked up another book of Qing Gong.

‘Jade Xu Step’.

The name of this Qing Gong is also extremely ethereal. The visualization shows an old Taoist riding a crane, soaring in the sky.

However, the requirements for performing the exercises are similar, and the weight is also required not to exceed 150 kilograms. And also keep your virginity.

Lu Sheng is getting married soon, and he is still a virgin just for the sake of a light skill. Isn't this nonsense?

He once again put aside the Qing Gong and went to the secret book to look through it. This time there was no independent Qing Gong in the secret book, but some footwork that matched other internal skills, all of which needed to be combined with the special effects of the internal skills they majored in in order to be effective.

Lu Sheng browsed through it and felt that it was basically difficult to find Qinggong that could adapt to his transformed body shape.

Don't look at his normal body shape now, similar to that of an ordinary young man, but that is an illusion caused by the highly compressed muscles and bones.

Once he let go of control of his body, Lu Sheng would instantly return to his original height of two to three meters. That is his normal true form.

The five-meter body shape after transforming into the anode state is the result of continued improvement and expansion based on that true body.

My real body weighs at least three hundred kilograms and no more than one hundred and fifty kilograms. It's really impossible. Lu Sheng frowned and put down the secret book, feeling a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly remembered the arsenal of the Red Whale Gang. He had memorized many martial arts in the arsenal, including Qinggong.

Although those Qinggong are only at the level of Tongli, they don't even have the level of Tongyi.

But I have Yin Qi! If there is no Qing Gong suitable for me, then I will create one myself! Thoughts surged in Lu Sheng's mind.

I can absolutely use some Qinggong that doesn't require weight as the main body, and use Yin Qi to deduce a set of Qinggong that suits me!

He was immediately interested.

I have strength and explosive power, but because I am too heavy, I can only choose basic light exercises that do not focus on weight. Most of these light exercises are simple force techniques.

He thought carefully about the Qing Kung Fu in his arsenal in his memory, which mainly included those that did not pay attention to weight.

However, what he memorized was only a few selected stronger ones. He only briefly looked at the concepts and practice methods for the rest of the exercises, and could not even remember the detailed explanations.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng pulled the rope on the wall.

An invisible inner energy suddenly flew out, and he was tied to the rope and pulled down. Jingle Bell.

A bell rang outside.

Inform Xu Chui and send me the secret book of Qing Gong from the arsenal.


There was an immediate response from the guards outside. , and then the sound of footsteps leaving in a hurry.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes to recuperate his energy and adjusted his breathing for a moment. Soon, there was a slow knock on the secret room door.

My subordinate Xu Chui, the secret book has been delivered. Xu Chui's voice sounded outside.

These secret books are only at the Kung Li level, and there is no fear of Xu Chui leaking them. As the leader of the Flying Eagle Hall in the gang, it is easy for him to exchange his contribution points for such light skills.

However, Xu Chui's strength has already reached the peak of Kongli. Now that Lu Sheng has taught him his skills, under normal conditions, his actual combat power is comparable to that of Ningshen, so he will not care about these low-level secrets.

Send it in. Lu Sheng said calmly.

As his voice fell, the air in the blood network in the secret room suddenly condensed into a bunch, lifting the fallen metal door latch of the secret room.


The stone door moved away, Xu Chui walked in respectfully, placed a delicate small box in front of Lu Sheng, then bowed and exited.

The stone door closed and the door latch fell again.

Lu Sheng stood up, walked to the box, and opened it. There are books on Qing Gong quietly placed inside.

A series of light skills such as the eight-step cicada-catching technique, the lifting technique, floating on water, the gecko technique, walking on the snow without leaving a trace, the flying swallow technique, the floating technique, etc. were all placed before Lu Sheng's eyes.

He picked them up and read them one by one, and skipped any ones he saw that required weight and body shape.

Soon, he turned out several brochures one after another that did not focus on weight and body shape.

‘Cloud Bow Technique’, ‘Pegasus Step’, ‘Light and Heavy Yi Qi Gong’, ‘Three Combined Li Xian Gong’, ‘Chaos Wind Technique’, and ‘Ming Xu Gong’.

These six light skills are all just at the level of general strength. They don't even have the true meaning of martial arts. They are just a system of scattered footwork skills.

You must know that with the true meaning of martial arts, the martial arts will become a whole under the unity of the true meaning. The strength will be used in one place and the strength will be used in one place. The power of Tongyi level martial arts is naturally much stronger than Tongli.

What I want is faster and more flexible, not just straight forward Qing Gong. Lu Sheng sifted through it carefully, and his eyes finally fell on Mingxu Gong.

Among these Tongli techniques, the effect achieved after completing this Mingxu technique is the most in line with his requirements.

After the Ming and Void Skill reaches its peak, one can walk either in the light or in the dark, with uncertain reality and emptiness, and can change direction at any time, and the overall speed will also increase to a certain extent. It was also vaguely mentioned above that if you have internal strength practitioners, you can use luck to reach certain parts of your body to increase your footwork speed.

This is extremely rare in Tongli Qinggong.

It's him! Lu Sheng picked up the secret book and carefully opened the first page.

This Mingxu Gong is divided into three levels.

After the first level is completed, you can change directions freely when running. The speed is slightly improved,

After completing the second level, you will be able to change directions freely when running and sprinting with all your strength, and your overall speed will increase a bit.

After completing the third level, when sprinting with all your strength, you can advance and retreat at any time, and switch between movement and stillness. The overall speed is increased by nearly half.

Lu Sheng stood up and began to walk vigorously in the secret room according to the practice method of Mingxu Gong.

This shows that Xu Gong is more about the force technique of exercising local muscles, and the muscles used are also subtle muscle groups that normal people would never think of or use.

After Lu Sheng practiced for a while, he felt his legs were sore and itchy, and many small muscle groups that were not used at all in daily life were mobilized. In addition, he weighed more than 300 kilograms, so his muscles were a little unbearable when he exercised for the first time.

But it won't be a problem. Lu Sheng thought, and mobilized the yin and yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi, and quickly circulated it through the tired and broken small muscle groups. After consuming a little internal Qi, he sat down and rested for dozens of breaths, then stood up again. The soreness and itching in the muscles completely disappeared.

Come again!

He began to practice the steps of Mingxu Gong again.

This practice step is a bit weird, it’s awkward for some reason. Lu Sheng's leg muscles became numb and itchy five or six times. He repeatedly used internal energy to quickly recover and heal, and then he gradually mastered the trick.

Mingxu Gong's mental method and the secret of exertion are also very awkward. You have to exert force in the most difficult direction. If you are not careful, you will sprain your hamstring.

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