Extreme Demon

Chapter 197 Decision 4

Zhao Jiaojiao was covered in bandages soaked in medicine, and one leg was fixed by a wooden board, high above the bed.

Seeing Lu Sheng arriving in person, Zhao Jiaojiao blinked her eyes immediately. She couldn't get up, and even her vocal cords were injured and she couldn't make a sound. The response can only be expressed in the blink of an eye.

The internal organs are fine, but the muscles and bones on the body are so badly injured?? Lu Sheng stepped forward to check for a moment, and he was slightly shocked by the injury.

At least most of the fascia throughout the body was torn and torn, bones were broken and shattered, and muscles were pulled apart. Strangely, the blood vessels and internal organs were still intact.

Lu Sheng looked at Zhao Jiaojiao on the bed.


Suddenly he stretched out a hand, appeared on the bedside like lightning, and pressed it on Zhao Jiaojiao's forehead.

A large amount of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi quickly poured into his body.

Zhao Jiaojiao closed her eyes, and her whole body began to twitch and tremble violently. Her body almost greedily absorbed the negative energy passed by Lu Sheng, and used it all to restore her body.

Lu Sheng absorbed half of the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi in one breath. Immediately, Zhao Jiaojiao's injuries all over her body showed signs of recovery, and a large amount of internal Qi surged, promoting the vitality in her body.

Lu Sheng's Baoping Qi is almost unrivaled in its pure texture and powerful efficacy. This internal strength has been integrated with so many skills, and it has become an evil skill that is completely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After a cup of tea, Lu Sheng slowly took back his hand.

Tell me, what happened? How did you get hurt like this?

Zhao Jiaojiao's trembling slowly stopped, and she glanced at Lu Sheng tiredly and gratefully. Speak slowly.

My subordinates are going to investigate that day. She coughed a few times, as if her throat had just recovered and she hadn't fully adapted yet. I encountered a strange beast, and after a life-and-death struggle, I finally escaped. The beast must have been seriously injured, otherwise I would never have seen the gang leader again.

Exotic beast?

Yes. Zhao Jiaojiao recalled, The alien beast was as tall as a human and had wings, like a black bison. Its blood was like ice, very cold!

Lu Sheng frowned. He had never heard of such a strange beast, not even in myths and legends.

My subordinates fought to the death with him, and finally bit him hard and drank a lot of blood. The injuries were so serious that he was frozen and unconscious. When he woke up, he was already rescued. Zhao Jiaojiao. What she said was very concise, and Lu Sheng didn't see any sign of lying in her eyes.

Do you still remember the place where you met that strange beast? He suddenly asked.

Zhao Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then opened her eyes wide. She actually couldn't remember where she met the monster.

Your body. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Zhao Jiaojiao's head. It's very cold. It's not a normal body temperature, but much lower than that of an ordinary person.

Really? Zhao Jiaojiao was startled, she didn't feel anything at all.

Have a good rest. Lu Sheng said nothing more.

Yes, thank you Gang Leader for taking care of the injury. Zhao Jiaojiao watched Lu Sheng and others leave. Continue to rest in the hospital bed.

After leaving the room, Lu Sheng took Yu Lianzi and others out of the belly of the ship.

Observe Zhao Jiaojiao carefully for me. If there is anything strange between her and ordinary people, tell me in time.

Yes! Yu Lianzi said respectfully.

In addition, we cannot stop arranging people to search for the treasure. In a few days, sort out the current situation of the Martial Alliance and leave it to me. Lu Sheng said calmly.

A few Tianyuan elders who have just joined have taken action regarding the precious medicine. As for the Martial Alliance? Yu Lianzi didn't know what Lu Sheng wanted to do.

How much Tianyuan is left in the Martial Alliance now? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Less than half is left, and some left directly. So far, five Tianyuan have joined our gang. Yu Lianzi replied quickly.

But Lu Sheng knew that it was much more than that.

More of those Tianyuan who left the Martial Alliance joined the Scarlet Sun Sect. A total of fifteen people joined the Red Sun Gate. And there are really only a few people left in the Martial Alliance.

It doesn't matter if the rest don't join. You will be responsible for the safety issues during the marriage process. Don't make any mistakes in the cities. Any conspicuous outsiders who enter the Northland must know the approximate source of the information as soon as possible. Lu Sheng warned. .

Yes, don't worry! Yu Lianzi nodded.

I'm going to retreat first. I'll sort out the materials and put them in the study drawer. I'll look at them. Lu Sheng ordered.

I understand! Yu Lianzi said respectfully.

Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction. He went into seclusion not to induce a new realm of deduction, but to integrate the martial arts of the newly acquired Tian Yuans.

The Tianyuan Sect, which was newly added to the Chiri Sect, followed the sect rules customized by Lu Sheng, and in order to exchange for Lu Sheng's revised Chiji Jiusha Kung, they all surrendered the top martial arts they were good at.

These martial arts are basically at the level of concentration. They are one of the abilities of these Tianyuan masters, and they have also greatly enriched the arsenal of the Chirimen.

Lu Sheng planned to select some that he could use from the more than ten martial arts that directly lead to Ningshen, and prepared to practice in seclusion again.

His yin energy is now not enough to enhance the extreme yang path and inner energy. Simply use it to deduce the fusion of new martial arts, which can also achieve the purpose of improving strength.

Speaking of which, except for the Chiji Kung Fu, the gate-holding magic technique of the Chiri Sect, he has never practiced any other spiritual concentration martial arts at this level. Even the Thousand Trees Burning Heart Palm obtained from the trade with the Martial Alliance was nothing more than Tongyi.

After receiving the Thousand Trees Burning Heart Palm, he found that he had not made much progress in his martial arts system. Lu Sheng knew that his current level was no longer what ordinary martial arts could fuse and deduce.

After we get married, we will take my family and leave together. As long as I get stronger and stronger and stay alive, nothing big will happen to the Lu family even in the North. No one can bear the anger of me and Shangyang Jiuli. Lu Sheng understood.

After Yu Lianzi left, Lu Sheng asked Ouyang Qi to report on the progress of the competition, and then announced another retreat.

He needed to get everything in order before leaving Northland.

Using up the last of his yin energy, deducing and integrating new martial arts, and improving himself as much as possible, this is his final goal.


In a huge, dark forest.

Wisps of white smoke kept floating and wandering in the forest.


A long and shrill wolf howl suddenly sounded, and large groups of white wolves suddenly passed through the dark forest.

Each of these wolves is larger than ordinary wild wolves, and their eyes shine with a faint red light in the darkness.

They ran and howled, their voices rising and falling, and they moved forward in the white smoke.


It seemed as if some heavy pillar was smashing down, like a giant was trampling something.



Bang! !

Heavy trampling sounds were heard one after another, constantly mixed with the sharp howls of wolves, which was dull and depressing.


In the forest, a pair of huge blood-red eyes, several meters high, slowly opened.

The eyes were narrow and cold, emitting a faint red light, even dispelling part of the surrounding darkness.

Chaolong is also dead. What kind of power does Beidi have? The blood-red eyes made a deafening sound.

The passage from the Three Saint Sect was not brought back either. The loud voice did not have much emotion. It seemed that compared to the death of the two deputy sect masters, it was a pity that the passage was not brought back.

Although two deputy sect leaders have died, for the powerful you, Xinyouhui is still strong. It has no impact. Isn't it? Suddenly a calm man's voice suddenly sounded from among the wolves.


A strange gust of wind blew open, and the white mist slowly dissipated. The moonlight filtered through the dense forest and fell behind the huge eyes, illuminating a huge creature.

It was a huge white wolf.

Its body is as tall as several stories, and its huge body is like a white house, standing upright in a forest of giant trees.

The giant wolf's pale fur didn't have much luster, and its pair of narrow, scarlet eyes stared at the person in front of him coldly and cruelly.

It was this person who spoke just now.

Oh? The giant wolf slowly lowered its head and approached the man with its jagged canine teeth, as if it could swallow him up at any time in one bite.

Wisps of white mist filled the surroundings again. In fact, it was not white mist at all, but the water vapor it slowly exhaled.

Who gave you the courage to stand in front of me without fear? the giant wolf said slowly and lowly.

The Xinyouhui has been passed down for so many years and has followed the ancient covenant. I believe that Your Excellency, the White Wolf King, will not be so reckless. The man also said slowly.

Although his size and height were almost the same as one of the white wolf king's fangs, this man was not afraid at all and just stared at the huge wolf king calmly.

Besides, I have made a special trip to tell you who stole the passage. The man raised his head and revealed a face that was clearly the man who had gone to the tea gang to investigate the matter of the Three Holy Mirrors.


The fine red smoke floated slowly in the secret room, and wisps of it vaguely formed a large net. The entire secret room space is shrouded in it.

Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the middle, with more than a dozen various secret manuals and martial arts books placed on the ground in front of him.

These are the secret books written by the Tianyuan elders. Unlike ordinary warriors, when their martial arts reaches the Tianyuan realm, they have been able to write martial arts secret books that are not inferior to the original ancient books.

Especially the visualization diagram of the true meaning of martial arts, Tianyuan master can perfectly restore the original meaning of the secrets of the martial arts, and even optimize it.

After all, the secret book is just about concentration, but they have already broken through and reached Tianyuan.

It's a pity that writing martial arts secret books is also a huge burden for Tianyuan. Otherwise, he can make money by mass production. Lu Sheng's eyes slowly passed over the row of secret books in front of him.

‘Xuanguangshenshen Palm’, ‘Sun Quicksand Sword Technique’, ‘Returning Saint Technique’, ‘Golden Wind Jade Dew Technique’, ‘Blue Wind Xuanwu Hook’, ‘Eight Gates Imperial Fist’, ‘Yunsha Palm’.

Each of the special skills of concentration has a very domineering name, which obviously places great hope on the creator, hoping to be as domineering as the name.

It's a pity that even Tianyuan is just a bigger ant in the world. Lu Sheng sighed slightly.

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