Extreme Demon

Chapter 194 Decision 1

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Bao Ping Qi has a very strong healing ability, but it is only for Lu Sheng himself. He has never healed injuries to outsiders through the Qi transfer.

However, now it seems that the effect is not bad. Lu Sheng watched Dong Qi's complexion gradually turn rosy and made a judgment in his mind.

After about a moment of incense, Dong Qi's breath gradually calmed down.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and felt that the Yinhe Net of Inner Qi had naturally formed a net in Dong Qi's body at some point. As long as she worked hard to practice her inner strength in the future, she would definitely achieve something.

A very small amount of Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi did not cause Dong Qi to mutate, and he was still in a normal human form.

Gang leader!

Hearing that there was no movement, Xu Chui and others hurried over and knelt down on one knee. Seeing the devastation all over the ground, they were all secretly shocked by the fierce battle just now. I don’t know how the gang leader fought with Master Buxiao, and even demolished most of the house.

Clean up the battlefield. Master Buxiao here is settled. Also, take Dong Qi to rest. Lu Sheng ordered one by one, We still need to go to that village.

That village? Ning San and others became confused.

I dare to ask the gang leader, hasn't that village been solved? Xu Chui asked in a low voice.

Solved? Of course not. We just solved the weirdness of the master who doesn't laugh, but the real source is still there and has never been touched. Lu Sheng showed a smile. He remembered the content on the stone tablet and part of it. , it is hinting at the true origin of the master of Buxiao, and at the same time, it is also hinting at where the passage leads to.

A group of people quickly cleaned up the place. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. The owner of Buxiao turned into black ashes and Chaolong completely dissipated, so they could collect some ashes. In addition to large areas of ruins and rubble, there were only two living people, Dong Qi and Lu Sheng.

Then the Tea Gang lost a house and could just build it again later. This little money is nothing to the wealthy tea gang.

After a brief explanation, Lu Sheng took Xu Chui and others straight to the small mountain village. The journey was non-stop, and by the time we arrived at the top of the mountain village, it was already dawn.

The mountain village was empty and quiet, without a trace of people.

Lu Sheng stood at the entrance of the village and scanned the inside with squinted eyes. Even with his five senses, he couldn't detect anything strange here.

Ning San walked to a stone house, knelt down and pinched a handful of black soil on the ground, put it under his nose and smelled it.

There have been people here before, three of them, and they passed by separately.

Can we find their traces? Direction of travel. Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

No. If Elder Chen is here, maybe it is possible, but I just learned a little bit about him. Ning San is a very studious person, so he has never been to an academy or anything like that, but because he studied everywhere and asked for advice, he learned a lot. There are quite a few abilities gained.

Elder Chen had helped Lu Sheng track down the rebels who had escaped from the Martial Alliance, and played a major role in Lu Sheng's killing of the chief priest Bai Zhan. The tracking capabilities are amazing. So after Ning San found out, he took the initiative to get close to him and asked for skills in this area.

Three people Lu Sheng thought for a while, Could it be those three people from Yan Kai?

Go in and search. He waved.

A group of Red Whale Gang members took orders and rushed into the village. The village was not big, with only seven or eight stone houses, and they were quickly searched.

Reporting to the gang leader, there is no one inside. A guard said loudly.

Are you really there? Lu Sheng frowned.

It's true that he's not popular at all. Konoe replied in a low voice.

Lu Sheng glanced at the house on the slope at the entrance of the village, and he vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong with that house. But the feeling was so weak that he couldn't catch it.

Three Holy Mirrors, Zhao Jiaojiao and the others are still missing. Could it be that the Three Holy Sect is responsible? His eyes narrowed.

Leave manpower stationed in Qingcha Town to guard this place and not allow anyone to enter. Lu Sheng ordered.

Yes! Xu Chui agreed.

Let's go back. Lu Sheng looked at the sky and knew that there were no clues at the moment. Without special methods, there was no way to find the Three Saints Mirror, not to mention that Zhao Jiaojiao and others were very likely to be pulled into the Three Saints. mirror small space.

He still remembered being pulled into the harvested rice fields.

At this time, although Zhao Jiaojiao could not be found, Lu Sheng felt something in his heart. The sense of distance from Yinhe Network told him that Zhao Jiaojiao was not dead.

After searching for a while and finding nothing, the Red Whale Gang had no choice but to leave manpower behind and contact the Tea Gang to hire people to start building a temporary stronghold here.

Lu Sheng took the people back to the headquarters. He didn't stop at all along the way. Holding the bead in his hand, he always felt that there was something in it that was constantly disappearing and passing by with time.

As soon as he returned to the Red Whale, he locked himself in a secret room.


A colorless flame burned slowly in Lu Sheng's hand, then slowly placed under the black bead, burning it with high temperature.

The mist inside the bead began to roll violently, and that strange feeling, as if something was passing away, became even more intense.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Sheng stared at the beads intently and sat cross-legged on the floor of the secret room, motionless for two days.

In the past two days, he had been carefully feeling the changes in the beads. To be precise, he was feeling the aura escaping from the beads.

It has been more than two days since he returned from Qingcha Town, and he seems to be almost catching a pattern.

The midnight hour every night is almost here. Lu Sheng calculated silently in his heart.

At a moment's notice, this bead will undergo a strange change. Under this change, it will cause more obvious drastic changes through the burning of the inner energy. This is what Lu Sheng observed during this period.

Now, it's time for him to truly verify this change.

Time passed slowly, and the moonlight outside the secret room became colder and colder.

Lu Sheng stared at the beads motionless, as if his entire body had turned into a sculpture.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew out of nowhere.

Lu Sheng was stunned and looked around. He didn't feel the direction the wind was blowing from. He squinted his eyes and looked around. Soon, he discovered what caused the change in airflow.

It's that bead.

The bead, under the burning of the inner energy, is getting bigger and bigger.

From the size of an egg, it slowly floated up and expanded, and soon became as tall as a person.

The passage inside the bead also enlarged, and soon appeared in front of Lu Sheng's eyes.

The hissing sound of air blew out from the bead, which was the wind Lu Sheng felt just now. This is the air flow in the channels inside the bead.

It's really amazing. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and touched the bead.

With a pop, his hand seemed to have penetrated a layer of soap bubbles and naturally entered the inside of the bead.

Do you want to go in? This is the passage Chaolong is looking for. Lu Sheng asked himself in his mind.

He looked carefully at the passage inside the bead. The road was hidden in the mist and stretched hazily into the depths where there was no end.

His heart moved, and Lu Sheng took a step forward.


His whole body was directly submerged into the bead, and he stood in front of the passage in the mist.

He looked back.

There is still a secret room behind him, but it seems to be separated by a layer of glass.

In front, there are two stone tablets, one on the left and one on the right, standing beside the passage. They could not be seen clearly through the fog just now, but now they can be seen clearly when they are closer.

The stone tablets are ordinary gray-white stones with some words engraved on them.

On the left is 'troubles, sorrow, loneliness, sadness, and suffering.' ’

On the right side are ‘sorrow, jealousy, emptiness, rage, and difficulty. ’

The characters engraved on these two stone tablets are all in ancient Song Dynasty style. It seems that they are from an unknown age, and the carvings on them are somewhat uneven.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the stone tablet, looking at the passage through the thick fog, and then looked back at the secret room behind him.

The secret room is like a door at this time, a door back to reality, and this passage is like leading to an unknown world.

Lu Sheng hesitated.

He really wanted to go in and have a look, but just by looking at Xin Youhui Chaolong's grand gesture, he knew that the place this passage led to was definitely extraordinary. If he is really a demon or a bloodline of a noble family, maybe he should go in and have a look no matter what.

But he's not, he's purely human.

What is good for monsters and monsters may not be bad for him. And just by standing in front of the passage, he felt a strange, inexplicable aura.

This breath was like the moisture splashed down by a waterfall. It was sticky and kept trying to stick to him, as if it had a life of its own.

His intuition was warning him, as if the place this passage led to might not be good for him.

Standing in front of the stone tablet, Lu Sheng hesitated for a long time. Finally, he slowly retreated until he reached the entrance of the secret room.

Since the Three Holy Sects control such a passage, there will definitely be opportunities in the future. I can't rush in. Entering when everything is unknown is very likely to cause trouble. He never fights with uncertainty. Except for the first battle where he was helpless, in almost all other actual battles, he would take the initiative when he had the upper hand.

This is his principle and his way of doing things.

After looking at the mysterious passage for the last time, Lu Sheng gritted his teeth, turned his head, stepped out of the bead, and returned to the secret room.


The moment he stepped out of the bead, the black column and the passage suddenly twisted, like a black vortex in the water. In just a few breaths, it quickly shrank, faded, became transparent, and disappeared.


After a crisp sound, there was nothing in the secret room in an instant. The black beads completely disappeared, not even the wreckage.

Lu Sheng stood there, recalling the feeling just now. That mysterious, unknown, and dangerous feeling made him unable to forget it for a long time.

I'm not ready yet, I haven't reached my strongest state yet, and I don't know how long this passage will take. If I rush in, with the lifespan of those monsters and monsters, I will accidentally spend several years or more. Then where am I? Everything in the Northland will be ruined. What's more, there is some unknown danger hidden inside. We can't take risks.

Lu Sheng felt no regrets.

There are still many things that need to be dealt with in the Northland. He wants to create an absolutely safe nest for himself, a strong home, and a base camp where he can remain invisible and recuperate even when he is seriously injured.

In this chaotic and dangerous world, to establish such a thing would undoubtedly require strong force and power.

Next time, when I figure out everything about the Three Holy Sects, there will always be a chance to go in again. Lu Sheng looked at the empty secret room and his expression calmed down.

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