Extreme Demon

Chapter 193 Channel 2 (Thanks to the leader of the Big Moon for the reward~)

Too light! Too light, too light, too light, too light!!! Lu Sheng's hands kept grabbing at the green light that flashed past at high speed.

Chaolong kept dodging and counterattacking from time to time, leaving bloody wounds on Lu Sheng's body, but such bloody wounds were quickly healed by his powerful self-healing ability.

The walls of the houses in the courtyard were smashed to pieces by the two men as they chased and fled.

There was a faint light from the torch outside. It was the people from the Tea Gang who were awakened and came to check, but immediately the guards from the Red Whale Gang came to stop them.

They had seen Lu Sheng's terrifying form after his transformation. In order to prevent the gang leader from accidentally injuring him and leaking information about his strength, they immediately stepped forward to stop the Xians from approaching.


Lu Sheng held up the entire large stone roof with both hands, and the huge eaves of the roof, which was more than ten meters wide, smashed it hard against the courtyard.

Boom! !

As rubble flew, green light broke through the roof and stabbed Lu Sheng in the face.

Lu Sheng opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth were exposed like closed saw teeth.

it's over.

He opened his mouth.

boom! ! !

A crimson breath spurted out from Lu Sheng's mouth like a beam of light. It was the highly condensed Chiji Jiu Sha Gong inner energy.

With such a dense inner air column, the pure temperature of the internal light can reach thousands of degrees in an instant! Not to mention the massive amount of positive burning power contained within.

The green light and the red air column collided head-on, and they were caught off guard and had no time to dodge.

Green rushed upstream. Halfway through, he was blown down by the huge impact and hit the ground.

With a bang, two deep holes appeared on the ground, which were the marks left by Chaolong's legs digging into the ground.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye, and when he reappeared, he had already hid behind a broken wall.

At this time, all the skin on his body has been transformed into a light green carapace, plus the cicada-wing blades on both arms, as well as the strange changes on his face, he is basically an insect-man with a strange shape.

It's just that the insect man was panting rapidly and violently at this time.

He was slightly hunched over, the ends of the blades on both arms were showing signs of melting, and the carapace on his body was covered in black burns. Some of the carapace even cracked, oozing light green blood.


This was Chaolong's only feeling at this time. He turned his face sideways and looked at the five-meter-tall monster like a giant beast from the edge of the broken wall.

How many years has it been? How many years has he encountered such a difficult opponent?

Even if he uses his innate secret skills and gains super fast speed and extremely light weight, he still can't defeat the opponent. Chaolong could feel his lungs burning, and his arms were extremely sore from over-cutting the hard material. He knew that he couldn't stay in this state for too long, otherwise his body would collapse without a fight.

The Nine Heavens state has reached the snake level. Even Chaohu can't ignore my power at this time. Why. Why.

He looked up at the monster that was destroying everywhere.

Huge roars were heard everywhere, dust and gravel, accompanied by a low and huge roar, kept stirring in the ears.

Where is it? Lu Sheng's violent and manic voice kept ringing, Where is it? Cute little insect~~

Chaolong gasped violently, trying hard to suppress his heart that was about to jump out of his chest due to overload.

Suddenly his eyes opened and he darted away to the right.

Boom! !

The broken wall where he was hiding was smashed into pieces by a huge hand.

There is nothing behind the broken wall.

Lu Sheng held the Buxiao master's neck with one hand, slowly raised his other hand from the gravel, and looked around with his lantern-sized eyes.

Oh, it's not here. He said disappointedly.


Behind another ruin, Chao Long spat out a mouthful of green blood. He gently squeezed out a piece of gravel embedded in his right chest.

His face suddenly became darker and darker. Although it was just ordinary gravel, with the help of Lu Sheng's terrifying power and the fact that he was hit by the air column just now, most of the black film on his body was dissolved. The power caused by gravel is amplified.

That passage is mine, my passage!! He gritted his teeth and his eyes became firm again.


Suddenly a deep voice sounded from behind him.

A big hand was overwhelming, and before he could react, it pressed down hard from the top of his head.

Boom! ! !

The huge force even caused the entire ground of Qingcha Town to tremble slightly.

Lu Sheng's right arm sank deeply into the ground, reaching his shoulder.

He mentioned it again.

Suddenly, a green humanoid figure with a broken body was pulled out from the ground.

This time it's really over. He hung the dying Chaolong in front of him.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Chaolong said weakly, barely opening his remaining intact eye. If you win, the passage is yours.

What passage? I don't understand what you are talking about. Lu Sheng said inexplicably.

Suddenly he remembered something and looked around in the surrounding ruins. He soon found Dong Qi unconscious on the ground in the corner. The tea gang leader had been buried unconscious by a pile of rubble.

Lu Sheng's body size shrank rapidly, quickly returned to its original size, and returned to the cathode state.

He is very satisfied with the current level of strength.

If the cathode state is a combat power of ten, then the anode state, which is a transformation, is a value of two hundred. The state of yin and yang unity can already reach between three hundred and four hundred. In the state of yin and yang unity, if the inner energy and liquid are still burned, it can even jump to close to a thousand.

And Qian Qian is the peak strength of Hongfang Bai, the master of Hongfang, who has become crazy after being blessed by the fragments of the Red Dragon Tribulation.

Unfortunately, that state could not last long, and because it was not his true strength, he was defeated by Lu Sheng head-on.

Holding Chaolong's hand, Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment, but still did not kill him. Chaolong seemed to know too many things, and he was even related to the Three Saints Sect.

He knew exactly what the relationship between that passage and the Buxiao Master was.

Lu Sheng compared him and felt that he, the Red Whale Gang, had failed a lot and seemed to know nothing.

Why don't you kill me? Chaolong slowly exited the green carapace state and returned to his normal body.

What good will killing you do to me? Apart from enmity with Xin Youhui, there is no point. Lu Sheng slowly mobilized the Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi and injected it into Chao Long's broken body bit by bit.


Streams of blood suddenly spattered out of Chaolong's body.

He opened his mouth wide, showing a violent, twisted expression of pain.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, felt that this time the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi caused great resistance to the layout of the Yin-Hene Network. It was as if Chaolong's body was like a swamp full of mud. Every point of advancement of internal energy required ten times the normal consumption.

Can't it be controlled? Or is the internal energy insufficient? Lu Sheng was confused and slowly increased the internal energy output again.

puff! !

Chaolong suddenly raised his head and spat out a large mouthful of blood, then his whole body went limp, his head tilted to one side, and fine blood openings slowly opened all over his body, and a large amount of green blood seeped out.

His vitality was rapidly weakening. Lu Sheng watched helplessly as he lost a lot of blood, and there was nothing he could do.

However, after a moment, the look in Chaolong's eyes finally dimmed completely.

he died.


Chaolong's body suddenly turned black, hardened, and then quickly withered into black pieces in his hands on the road. The fragments shattered into black powder, slowly falling to the ground.

Well Lu Sheng took back his hand and frowned. How could we encounter such strong resistance? This kind of resistance does not seem to be the result of Chaolong's own will.

He originally didn't want to kill the other party, but wanted to control him. If he could have one more snake-level subordinate, many things would be much easier.

But the result was something he didn't expect.

What a pity. What about this one? Lu Sheng looked at the owner of Buxiao who was still holding his other hand.

Because he had shrunk in size and returned to normal, in order to prevent this guy from breaking free, he had already crushed all the bones in his body, completely rendering him in a vegetative state, unable to move.

But what surprised Lu Sheng at this time was that although the master of Buxiao had no bones, he was still struggling desperately. There was a faint black light in his body and abdomen.

It was a black halo with a light silver edge.

Passage Lu Sheng suddenly had an idea, stretched out his hand, and dug hard into Buxiao's master's abdomen.

His fingernails quickly turned into sharp blades, and with a single dig, he dug out a large mass of flesh and blood from the Buxiao master's abdomen.

The flesh and blood smelled of decay and dryness, almost like a rotting corpse that had been dead for a long time.

Lu Sheng carefully peeled off the flesh and blood, revealing the black light in the center.

Shining with black light is a crystal bead the size of an egg, a black translucent crystal bead.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng noticed that there seemed to be something inside the bead. A strange throbbing made him slowly pick up the bead and put it in front of his eyes.

Through the translucent texture, he saw that there was a passage inside the bead.

In the gray mist inside the beads, this passage winds like a snake, spreading deep into the mist until it reaches an invisible end.

Very strange feeling.

Lu Sheng put down the bead and everything in front of him returned to normal.

Picking up the bead and putting it in front of your eyes, the passage appeared inside again, as if the bead was connected to an unknown, mysterious and inexplicable place.

Such a small passage, if you can enter this bead and walk along that road, is it the passage Chaolong mentioned? Lu Sheng had a realization.

A road hidden in beads leads to an unknown place hidden in the mist.

This made Lu Sheng feel that there must be a big secret hidden in it. Otherwise, the vice-president of Xinyouhui would not have traveled thousands of miles to come here just for a weird smile released by the Three Saints Sect.

The condition for opening the passage is to tell a joke, right? Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the legend of the master who doesn't laugh.

Although the person who told the joke escaped to safety temporarily, he still died later. He looked at the owner of Buxiao whose beads were dug out on the ground. At this time, the body had actually rotted and withered, and was about to turn into ashes.

Apparently that bead is the real core secret.

Now we are at odds with Xin Youhui. But unlike Hongfang, I have the powerful Shangyang family behind me, so even Xin Youhui may not be able to do anything to me.

Moreover, the strength I have shown is only at the level of three lines. As long as I don't tell, no one will know that I killed Chao Long. Although I'm not afraid, it would be nice to have less trouble.

Lu Sheng slowly walked to Dong Qi's side. The woman was buried in the rubble by piles of rubble and was already dying. It seemed to be an injury like internal bleeding.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, but still didn't let her die. This woman was a talented person and could manage the tea gang to make money all by herself. It would be a pity to die like this.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Dong Qi's forehead. A trace of Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi quickly penetrated into his body to see if he could be saved.

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