Extreme Demon

Chapter 195 Decision 2

In the blink of an eye, heavy snow fell, two months later.

The Red Whale Gang has taken over the Northland. Neither the Wuyou Mansion nor the imperial court can stop Lu Sheng's masters from expanding like wolves and tigers.

Lu Sheng, the Sword King of the North, is so famous that no matter where he is in this land, you can often hear people talking about him.

He is the number one master in the secular world and the strongest warrior that no one can defeat. He is also a master of swordsmanship.

Its reputation has spread so quickly. Of course, the spontaneous spread among the people plays a role, but more importantly, it is due to the expansion of the Red Whale Gang's power, the gang's aggressive expansion of members and the recruitment of vassal forces.

There are more and more younger brothers waving flags and cheering for the crowd, and naturally Lu Sheng's reputation is getting higher and higher.

However, the power of the aristocratic family was taken into account by the Nine Rites of Shangyang, and they all stopped and did not try to get into trouble.

As long as Shangyang Jiuli is still in the family, her strength will determine Lu Sheng's absolute rule in the North.

Lu Sheng himself practiced martial arts every day, practicing sword skills and internal skills, and began to recruit more disciples from the Scarlet Sun Sect.

He also directly announced that he was the leader of the Scarlet Sun Sect, and publicly held a competition to select disciples within the sect in Yanshan City.

Anyone is eligible to participate in the selection. As long as they can pass the trial, regardless of age, cultivation, or character, as long as they pass, they can join the Scarlet Sun Sect and learn the unique skills within the sect.

Of course, Lu Sheng was not personally in charge of this selection competition, but his senior brother Hong Mingzi, who started holding this competition personally after getting his permission.

Surprisingly, many Heavenly Elders in the Martial Alliance also took the initiative to serve as evaluators. They also recognized the strength of Lu Sheng's number one master.

Several of them, Tian Yuan, even joined the Red Whale Gang and became the Red Whale Gang's foreign envoys because they admired Lu Sheng's personal strength. Without Zhao Jiaojiao, Lu Sheng had several more Tian Yuans under his command.

And after joining the Red Whale Gang, these masters applied to join the Red Sun Clan and received Lu Sheng's permission.

He personally presided over the initiation ceremony for his duties, and just a few days after these people joined, their friends in the Martial Alliance discovered that these people who joined the Red Whale Gang actually showed signs of breakthroughs in strength. .

This discovery was quickly confirmed.

One of them, Tian Yuan, learned the secret method after joining Lu Sheng's Red Sun Sect, and finally broke through the bottleneck that had troubled him for many years and marched towards a new realm.

Although it was only a small step, Tianyuan who made this breakthrough was also very old and had extremely accumulated skills, but this performance also greatly stimulated the old immortals in the Martial Alliance.

As a result, more and more mortal masters began to leave the Martial Alliance and quietly joined the Red Whale Gang and the Red Sun Sect. Lu Sheng's potential forces are getting stronger and stronger.

The Selection Conference of the Red Sun Sect, coupled with the Tianyuan masters from the Martial League who continued to join the Red Sun Sect and began to become active again.

After the entire Northland settled down, it suddenly fell into a lively situation. The hidden monsters and ghosts were hiding even deeper. Once the Tianyuan masters broke through, they might even threaten the powerful ones at the Ju level. Ordinary ghosts were no match at all. .

Everyone at the Jing level has their own sanity and knows that the Red Whale Gang is huge. If one fights, two or three will come. In the end, there is a terrifyingly powerful gang leader and the support of the Shangyang family behind him. If you really want to resist, you are courting death.

So gradually, the people in the North also felt a more peaceful environment. In a short period of time, merchants, merchants, and even bandits were invisible. No one dared to commit suicide in front of a large group of active Tian Yuan who only joined the Red Sun Gate and wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Even if there was such a stupid young man, he would be killed and swept away as soon as possible.

In the second month after the heavy snow fell, the entire Northland gradually began to regain its prosperity, approaching the state before the famine.


The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

On the top of Chiling Peak in the Dongshan Mountains, there is a deep mountain tower belonging to the Red Whale Gang.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the window, looking at the snow-white and dazzling world outside, feeling slightly emotional.

This is no longer a simple heavy snow, but a snow disaster. Dangerous situations have been sent to the court from various places. In many places, the heavy snow has collapsed the beams of the houses, causing many deaths and injuries.

Yu Lianzi and a tall, middle-aged man who looked like an old master stood behind Lu Sheng. Report the situation with your head down.

The old man was dressed in green clothes, with some green patterns such as rice ears and leaves tattooed on his cuffs. He had an emerald jade hairpin inserted into the bun on his head, and his expression was solemn.

His name is Ouyang Qi, and he is known as the headless python in the world. He is a top Tianyuan master who is said to be ruthless and capable of killing people without a second blow. He once made a name for himself in the ordinary world of the Central Plains. Later, he was hunted down by high-ranking masters from the imperial court. Flee to the North.

Now he is the first top master in Tianyuanli of the Martial League to defect to Lu Sheng.

This person was originally not very gregarious in the Martial Alliance. Because of his ruthless personality, his habit of burning, killing, looting, and bloodthirsty, he was rejected by other Tianyuan.

After hearing that Chirimen was recruiting people regardless of their conduct, he was the first to take the initiative to try to join. Unexpectedly, Lu Sheng accepted it regardless of his past conduct.

Where's Qi Lao? How's everything going on there? Lu Sheng looked at Ouyang Qi again. He uses this person because the other party has very strong management ability, and he can't make any mistakes even if he has Yinhe's network.

Ouyang Qi lowered his head and replied: The competition is going on as scheduled and has not been affected. The pre-selected disciples selected from various places are already on their way to Yanshan City. It is initially estimated that 262 people will pass the pre-selection.

There are more than two thousand people participating. They have already been selected for the primary election, but only a few passed? Yu Lianzi was stunned.

It's already very good. According to my expectation, this number is more than what I expected. To select a strong person who can fight ghosts, ordinary character and qualifications are not enough. Ouyang Qi said coldly.

Yu Lianzi hesitated and did not dare to say more. He was far inferior to Ouyang Qi in strength. If he were not both a general under the gang leader, but one on one outside, the old man could kill him with one finger.

Okay, now that my senior brother is in charge, it's not a big problem. What we need are disciples who don't care about good or evil, as long as their willpower is strong enough. Lu Sheng said calmly.

But the leader, regardless of good or evil, can be said to treat everyone equally, and will not be affected by external judgments. But what about respecting the teacher? What if you encounter that kind of person who teaches the skills and does not cherish them, but is a traitor who deceives the teacher and destroys the ancestors? What should I do? Ouyang Qi also couldn't understand Lu Sheng's intention.

No matter he is good or evil, loyal or not, as long as he enters the threshold of my Red Sun Gate, he will not be able to make the decision. Lu Sheng said calmly.

These words made the two of them feel chilled, and they did not dare to ask any more questions.

The control of Yinhe Network is basically incomprehensible to these ordinary disciples. The layout of the Yinhe Net mainly relies on the Yin and Yang Jade Crane Baoqi Qi.

The quality of the Aquarius Qi determines whether these people are able to discover and expel the Yinhe Net. The Yinhe Net, which has a thousand years of skill, has almost zero chance of being discovered.

For these selected disciples, Lu Sheng planned to let them use the Yinhe Net to continuously practice their internal skills from the beginning. In this way, the deeper their skills become, the more deeply their internal skills will be integrated with the Yinhe Net. Over time, Yinhe will The integration between the Internet and themselves will become deeper.

And because of the essential gap in skill, they were unable to break through the Yinhe Net left by Lu Sheng.

It was a terrorist network that Lu Sheng had gathered with thousands of years of skill. Unless they also reach a thousand years of skill. But they don't live that long at all. This is simply impossible.

That's why Lu Sheng has this confidence.

He wants to turn the entire Northland into a large warehouse for him to absorb internal energy.

Even if the purity of the impurities in the power is different, absorbing one year's power can only yield one month's worth of inner energy. But that's just one person.

If there are twelve people practicing one year of internal strength at the same time, then for Lu Sheng, after absorbing them, it will be one year of internal strength.

If there are one hundred and twenty people, it will be ten years.

If there were 1,200 people, it would be hundreds of years!

Gathering sand into a tower, accumulating a little becomes a lot.

Lu Sheng didn't care whether such behavior belonged to the evil sect.

I am saving them. There are many people who are not even qualified to practice martial arts at all, but I gave them the opportunity to change their destiny.

He viewed his actions as rent collection.

He used his own inner energy to build a house for others (Yinhe.com). The others lived in it and enjoyed the joy of becoming a homeowner, but they had to pay rent to him at a fixed time. It was as simple as that.

Okay, everything will go according to the original plan. If there are no big changes, don't come to see me. Just execute it. Lu Sheng said calmly as his thoughts returned to the present.


Yu Lianzi and Ouyang Qi retreated respectively. When they left, they gently closed the door.

Lu Sheng stood quietly in front of the window for a long time.

Suddenly he raised his hand and stretched out the window.

Puff puff puff.

A dark strange bird, like a crow with a snake head, flew towards here from a distance. The flying snow in the sky cannot stop its progress at all.

The strange bird gently fell into Lu Sheng's palm.

There was a copper pipe tied to the bird's leg. Lu Sheng took it off and gently unscrewed it.

Inside the copper tube is a small roll of paper.

Lu Sheng looked at the bird, put it aside, and unfolded the note with both hands.

‘The Baimai Conference is held in Tianwang City in the Central Plains. I control the family resources and have several recommended places. You can choose whether to join the practice.

Baimai claims to have hundreds of sects, but in fact there are only eight or sixty-four meridians. The Shangyang family's methods are not suitable for you and cannot be taught, but you can choose to practice the general methods studied by Baimai.

I can recommend you to go to Chopai. ’

Shangyang Jiuli didn't write much on the scroll, perhaps because of the limited space, which made Lu Sheng confused.

Yingying, do you know Baimai? Lu Sheng put away the scroll and whispered.


The wardrobe slowly slid open, and the little umbrella girl knelt inside and pressed Lu Sheng's clothes hard. There was a pile of unfolded clothes piled in a mess next to her.

I know. Yingying heard the voice, looked up at Lu Sheng, and pressed on Lu Sheng with all her strength without stopping.

These clothes were extremely thick. She was petite and lacked strength, so she had to press her whole body on them, holding in her face until her face turned red.

She was just reborn and was as weak as a child. In addition, she absorbed too little resentment and gave most of it to her sister. The rest was used to grow in shape. At this time, she was just an ordinary person, at most. It's just a matter of lightness of footwork and running faster.

Seeing the little umbrella girl pressing her clothes there, Lu Sheng didn't mean to torture her, but now that he had more and more secrets, ordinary maids could no longer meet his needs, so he simply let the little umbrella girl take over. this location. Anyway, he couldn't let the umbrella girl go.

Thank you to the drunk loser for another 10,000-point reward last week... It has been for several weeks. It is indeed a true favorite of this book~⊙ω⊙, like it~ and the book review area has become a trend~ everyone is China's speed~

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