Extreme Demon

Chapter 192 Passage 1

Using people as bait?


Sharp armor-like blades automatically popped out of Chaolong's arms, and the sharp silver blades shone brightly in the moonlight.


The two of them moved almost at the same time.

The knife and both arms brought out two black lines at the same time, crossing fiercely and violently.

Chiji Kamui!!

Lu Sheng cut off the head with a backhand knife. The red light spread on the blade, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a dense red knife network, covering the entire courtyard overwhelmingly. Head towards Chaolong Gai.

We don't have to fight. It's pointless.

Chaolong quickly retreated and jumped out of the range of the blade with a somersault. But the corner of his clothes was still flashed by the sword, igniting a small flame.

He stretched out his hand to pinch the flame and let it go out. The smoke passed by his face and was blown away by the wind.

What is your purpose? Lu Sheng put away the knife and stood quietly in the courtyard, as if the knife just now was not swung by him at all.

Even in this cathode state, his weakest state, he can still achieve the power of his previous full-strength explosion with a single strike.

Purpose? Chaolong was stunned.

Moonlight fell from behind the moving clouds, illuminating his face. This is a strong man who looks very dull.

You can't tell his age clearly, but you can see that his muscles are so strong that they are almost exploding. He is nearly two meters tall, and his muscles are as if they are made of steel. In the middle of the short gray hair, there is a Y-shaped symbol, covering the entire scalp.

Since you already know the weirdness here, you should also know the rules of the Three Saint Sect. This passage was made by our minds. Chaolong said in a low voice.

Passage? Lu Sheng was stunned, not understanding what he meant at all.

Yes. Suddenly Chaolong seemed to have thought of something, and he looked astonished. No wonder that person said that at that time. The promise he asked us to make was originally here.

Suddenly, the way he looked at Lu Sheng changed. Becoming more indifferent.

I'll take the liberty to ask.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. What do you want to ask?

Chaolong slowly took two steps forward.

There once appeared a Three Holy Mirror in this place. Did you break it?

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly thought of the bronze mirror he had obtained from the tea gang.

Seeing his expression, Chaolong seemed even more sure.

It seems it's you. The Three Holy Sect deliberately established the location here again. There is indeed a reason.

The passage is mine. If you want to fight with me, then I have to kill you first. The spikes on his arms suddenly protruded and became longer, almost reaching his heels.

Dong Qi stumbled out at this time. When he saw Lu Sheng and Chao Long, he was overjoyed and ran towards them crazily.

Help me, help me!!! she shouted.

In the room behind him, the figures of the two Buxiao masters flashed and suddenly merged into one. Then he rushed towards the door with an expressionless face.

Lu Sheng didn't even look, he jumped back, rolled towards the master who didn't smile, and slashed with his sword.

Mine! The passage is mine!! Chaolong roared.

He kicked off his feet, and a cloud of white mist exploded behind him. As if he had changed his appearance, he also appeared in front of Buxiao's master, and the sharp blade of his right arm was grabbed downwards.

Bang! !

The two of them were in mid-air at the same time, kicking each other fiercely.

This kick happened to hit the sole of the opponent's foot, and more white ash exploded between the two. The huge impact caused the two of them to fly backwards to the left and right at the same time.

I have no intention of snatching any passage from you! Lu Sheng was confused. I originally thought it was Chao Long who was causing trouble, but now it seems that it is the Three Saints Sect who is provoking the dispute behind the scenes.

Then get out of the way. After I solve the weirdness of not laughing, I can give you some compensation. Chaolong said coldly.

You can take action, but I will never take action! Lu Sheng took two steps back. Judging from the other party's reaction, there seemed to be some misunderstanding this time.

Are you serious? Chaolong narrowed his eyes.

Of course. Lu Sheng took two steps back, just in time to block Dong Qi behind him.

Chao Long glanced at him intently and slowly walked towards the master of Buxiao.

call! !

Suddenly, Chaolong's figure flashed, the ground collapsed, and a figure instantly appeared beside Lu Sheng.

But I think it's safer to kill you first and then collect the passage!!!

clang! !

The two men connected with each other with swords and hands, making a loud noise.

It’s this weird and silent way of moving again! Lu Sheng almost didn't react, and at the last moment he used the blade mixed with the blood net to forcefully prevent the opponent from piercing.

The concealment method that Xin Youhui sent to him last time made him completely unable to detect it. Now this Chaolong actually moves in a similar way.

Chaolong's arms rotated at high speed, and the blades on his arms were like a whirlwind. He slashed dozens of knives in one second and landed hard on Lu Sheng's blocked blade like a violent storm.

The two of them attacked and defended, moving quickly, and with a bang, they directly hit the side courtyard wall.

A huge gap opened in the wall, revealing the rock garden pavilion next door.

boom! !

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and Chaolong, who had just knocked Lu Sheng out of the courtyard, flew backwards at an even faster and terrifying speed, and landed on the ground with a bang, his legs stepping on the ground, causing the whole courtyard to roar.

Kill me? Just you?? A black shadow slowly emerged from the dust in the broken wall.

It was Lu Sheng who had just been beaten and left the courtyard.

At this time, his body began to twist and swell. His originally delicate and delicate body seemed to be releasing something. His muscles, bones, and skin all began to expand violently, turning black and hardening.

A large amount of muscle growth accumulated, squeezing his entire upper body bigger and bigger, and there were even two huge muscle balls on his back.

His temples on both sides arched, forming two bulges like horns, one long and one short. The muscles on his back swelled, and a row of black and gray muscles quickly pierced out like back spines.

His height and body shape also changed from an ordinary figure, growing bigger and bigger, getting taller and taller, reaching five meters in the blink of an eye.


The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth split open, revealing the sharp white teeth that had changed inside. The densely packed two rows of fangs no longer resemble humans at all, but look like some kind of ferocious carnivorous dragon beast.

Come on. Let me see, how are you going to kill me!?

Bang! He stepped out, his huge soles stepping on the courtyard, and the whole courtyard seemed to be shaking.


Suddenly, a black shadow shot from the side, and it turned out to be the master of Buxiao. His face was expressionless, and he clawed at Lu Sheng's back.

Get away!! Lu Sheng slapped the Buxiao master away with his palm-like hand. His huge body suddenly rushed towards Chaolong.

Come on, aren't you going to kill me??!

Boom! !

He punched the ground where Chaolong was.

The ground suddenly exploded, and a large amount of earth and gravel flew away. It was knocked into the air and suddenly disappeared like a dragon, appearing behind Lu Sheng.

Stab the heart!! He growled, clasped his palms together and stabbed forward, hitting his vest in the middle.

It's a pity that today's Lu Sheng, even in the weakest cathode state, has strength above five lines. This has also led to the current transformation, which is even more terrifying, directly breaking through to the snake level.

And this transformation is not as balanced as the combination of yin and yang. The strongest point of this form is not speed, reaction, or explosion, but defense and strength.


Like stabbing wood, Chaolong's expression changed, and he was shocked to find that his hand could only penetrate the opponent's skin a little deeper.


Lu Sheng's huge body suddenly hit him with an elbow and turned back.

boom! !

A huge elbow hit Chao Long, as thick as his waist, almost turning his whole body into a U shape.

The terrifying power exploded in mid-air, and circles of ripple-like dust spread out.

Chaolong smashed into the ground in the blink of an eye, and a huge pit several meters wide exploded on the ground with a roar.

Is this what you said about killing me? Xin Youhui's Chaolong? Lu Sheng walked to the edge of the pit and lowered his head to look inside.

If possible, I don't want to use this form, because this form is too ugly. It's a pity that you forced me.

Lu Sheng reached out and touched the pit. A badly mangled human body was quickly pulled out from inside.

Surprisingly, it was Chao Long who had just been knocked unconscious.

Compared to Chaohu, who is also the vice-president of Xinyouhui, you really disappoint me. Lu Sheng recalled Chaohu who was a Cyclops, who could even fight with the prosperous Hongfang Baisi, and The one in front of me is just the pinnacle of the seven lines, and it has not even broken through to the snake level.

What should I do with you? Lu Sheng held Chaolong in front of him. His body was nearly two meters tall. Compared to him, he was no different from an adult or a baby.

free oneself!

Suddenly Chao Long shook, and a layer of skin peeled off his body. A smaller Chao Long slipped out of Lu Sheng's hand and fell to the ground.

With a swish, many thin blades like cicada wings suddenly popped out from the outside of his arms. The translucent blades were densely packed, like crystals.

Chaolong's face also turned into a ferocious black face like an insect, especially the mouth, which was directly transformed into a slender black barb that extended to his chest and abdomen.

I originally planned to save my strength to deal with the passage, but now it seems I have no choice. Chaolong opened his arms and his eyes suddenly lit up with a faint green light.

Cicada-Winged Flying Dragon·Nine Heavens!!

Uh-huh! !

A green light as fast as lightning flashed past Lu Sheng's chest.

Bang! Bang bang bang! !

Lu Sheng's huge body took several steps back. A large number of sparks splashed on his chest, and a shallow bloody mouth appeared on the black skin on his chest.

He was not seriously injured, but the huge impact caused his body to become unstable.

Hahaha!! Interesting! Interesting!! Lu Sheng laughed wildly, and the hot blood network around his body shrank crazily, and then condensed on the surface of the skin, forming a light translucent red film.

Come on! Kill me! If you can do it!! His big hand suddenly grabbed the green light that landed on the ground.


Another green light flashed across, and Lu Sheng missed it, at the cost of an additional wound on his arm.

But the strange thing is that the wound on his chest has almost healed now.

This time the arm was hit, and dark red and golden fire sputtered out of the wound at the same time. It was not only the high temperature caused by high-speed friction and collision, but also the instinctive rebound of the Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi, combined with the burning caused by the high temperature of the blood network.

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