Extreme Demon

Chapter 191 Don’t Smile 10

Yan Kai opened his mouth, not understanding what was going on.

Brother Yan Kai. Rongrong also squeezed in from the door at this time. What's going on? She looked at the scene in front of her with confusion.

The heavy rain became heavier and heavier, and the thunder became louder and louder. As a last resort, everyone went into the main hall to take shelter from the rain.

The main hall was dilapidated, with cobweb stains everywhere on the walls. The only thing that was intact in the middle were a few tables and chairs.

The scarred man sat down on the chair, reached out to grab a thick branch, and flicked the bonfire on the ground.

I have just arrived here and encountered such bad weather. I originally planned to go to the city not far away to find my brother, but now I think it will be postponed until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Chen Ziguang and the three of them were silent. It was common sense not to reveal anything casually when going out. Although they didn't know, their identities were basically exposed just by the way they were dressed.

So you came here to take shelter from the rain? Yan Kai suddenly realized.

Then what do you think it is? The scar-faced man looked confused.

Well, let's not talk about it. It's okay not to say anything. Yan Kai guessed that he might have been confused by something before.

He looked at Duan Rongrong and senior brother Wan Hezi. They were both normal, no different from usual.

Speaking of which, the fog was so heavy just now.

The fog was indeed very heavy just now. The scar-faced man also nodded, But it suddenly dispersed, which was a bit weird. In this wilderness, everyone should be more careful.

Yes, yes, brother, you are right. Chen Ziguang nodded in agreement.


A bolt of lightning flashed across, illuminating the outside of the house in white.

A group of people were baking clothes around the fire and chatting.

Only then did Yan Kai know that the scarred-faced man was named Sun Zhukuang. He was a Jianghu man who came from other places to join his elder brother. According to him, he was a member of the Giant Eagle Sect.

The two scholars and a bookboy were heading to a nearby city to take the exam.

The fire was warm, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning were flashing outside, and the temperature dropped rapidly. This northern land is close to the ice ocean, the temperature is already extremely low, and it is even more cold in autumn and winter. If there is no fire, one night of freezing can take away half of a strong man's life.

This house is quite big. There are three single rooms connected together. I will occupy one single room first, and you can arrange the rest by yourself. It's getting late, so I went to bed first.

After the scar-faced man Sun Zhuankuang chatted, he yawned and stood up.

Brother Sun, please excuse me. The three rooms will be allocated to three groups of us. Chen Ziguang and Sun Chankuang chatted happily and quickly stood up and clasped their fists.

You're welcome. Shouldn't we help each other when we go out? Sun Zhuan laughed wildly.

It's getting late, let's go have a rest. Xu Pei also stood up and said.

Okay, let's take a rest. Yan Kai stood up and said with a smile.

He glanced at Duan Rongrong and Wan Hezi. The two of them also stood up, and three groups of people entered the three single rooms on the side of the stone house.

Let's rest on the ground tonight. The bed board can't be used anymore. It can only be used to light the ground. Yan Kai wanted to ask the two about the previous situation, but when the words came to his lips, he did not say them out.

Brother Yan Kai, I saw a person exactly like you in the heavy fog before, running towards the depths of the village. If I hadn't heard your voice in the yard, I might have been led away by that person. Already. Duan Rongrong suddenly whispered.

Yan Kai's eyes flashed and he nodded. Be careful. Observe first before making a decision. Don't be impatient.

Junior brother, you should go back early tomorrow morning. I was the one responsible for this matter, and it is up to me to resolve it. Wan Hezi understood seriously.

Senior brother, don't say this. Yan Kai shook his head. Be careful, there is something weird here. Protect yourself first, and don't make a hasty decision about anything else you see.

Yes, I know. Wan Hezi nodded.

The three of them had their own thoughts, so they found a corner to rest with their backs against each other.

Qingcha Town.

Lu Sheng came out of his bedroom early in the morning. Before dawn, he stood in the courtyard and quietly watched the lightning and thunder in the sky.

The little umbrella girl jumped out from a corner of the yard, glanced at Lu Sheng timidly, then walked to the well in the middle of the yard, and began to fetch water from the bucket bit by bit with her little hands.

The creaking sound of the rotating shaft kept sounding.

It's Yingying. You got up very early too. Lu Sheng could tell what state the umbrella girl was in without looking back.

.No need to sleep. The little umbrella girl replied in a low voice.

Lu Shengshi laughed.

Yes, I forgot.

He looked towards the mountains and forests in the distance, which was the direction where the village stood.

Do you know that village? Speaking of which, you should be older than Hongfangbai, but you haven't heard any news about that village?

Yes. I'm sorry. Yingying bowed her head and apologized.

It's okay, I'm just asking casually. Lu Sheng said with a smile, That place is not something you can enter just casually. I need to find out what is there, what can be obtained, and why Chaolong is running like this. Come from far away.”

. Yingying didn't understand Lu Sheng's thoughts. In her opinion, no matter how strong she was, could that place still compare with her sister's heyday?

Lu Sheng even defeated his sister in full glory. In this land, there was no need to fear anything.

Forget it if you don't understand. Lu Sheng shook his head. His identity was sensitive and he had to improve himself as quickly as possible. Only when your strength reaches a point where no one can match and no one can threaten you. Then you don’t have to worry about the troubles of demons and other troubles from the family.

After all, his power is enough to overturn the world's ruling system.

Before that, meaningless actions and outbursts are dangerous. Every time you take action, it becomes easier for others to see through.

Yingying went back after fetching water. Lu Sheng stood in the yard for a while and then walked towards the study.

In the study, Dong Qi from the tea gang is already waiting there.

Reporting to the gang leader, Master Buxiao has appeared again! Another person disappeared mysteriously last night. Judging from the traces left behind, Master Buxiao should be there.

Oh? Lu Sheng suddenly became interested, Why did that person disappear?

Dong Qi lowered his head and said solemnly: In his own home, his family said that he suddenly heard a scream in the middle of the night. He got up and looked around, and found that the man had disappeared. This is the sixteenth murder case so far in the town.

This case is very difficult. Even the only survivor is dead. Lu Sheng slowly narrowed his eyes.

People in the town are in panic now, and they don't know how to deal with it next. Dong Qi looked at Lu Sheng with a hint of hope, hoping that he could come up with a solution.

No hurry. Where is Chaolong? Lu Sheng asked with a smile.

His whereabouts were not found. Yan Kai and the other three are also missing, which is very strange. Dong Qi said doubtfully.

Gang leader! Before Dong Qi could finish his words, Xu Chui rushed in at once, with a hurried look on his face.

Someone in the gang is also missing! His first words made both Lu Sheng and Dong Qi change their expressions slightly.

Almost. Alright. A cold light flashed in Lu Sheng's eyes. But still no action. Stand still, take the people out first to take shelter.

Yes! Xu Chui agreed immediately.

The Red Whale Gang made no move, and some members of the gang themselves were missing. It was as if nothing had happened. However, under the leadership of Xu Chui, most of the people slowly evacuated Qingcha Town and headed towards Huanpei City.

Day by day passed.

Qingcha Town has returned to peace again, and it seems that the legend of the master who does not laugh has disappeared.

But Lu Sheng understood that it was not disappearing, but just lurking.


Lightning and thunder.

Dong Qi slowly straightened up from the bed. She was woken up by the urge to urinate. The wind and rain were blowing outside in the middle of the night, and the sound was very loud. The thunder sounded like someone playing drums outside the door.


The window suddenly turned into a miserable blue.

Huh. Huh.

She took a few slow breaths, rolled off the bed, and put on her shoes.

Gently opening the door, Dong Qi needs to go through the living room of the house to go to the hut. At night, the originally lit wall lamps and lanterns were extinguished due to the strong wind.

She stood at the door and pulled her collar, feeling a little chilly.

Hurry up and come back soon. She thought in her heart.

After leaving the bedroom, she hurried into the living room and walked towards the latrine.

Suddenly, she unexpectedly discovered that the lantern in the living room was actually on.

Bursts of dim light illuminated the entire living room in a blur.


Dong Qi slowly closed the bedroom door behind him and scanned the living room one by one.

It's so late. Did the servant forget to blow out the lantern? A thought came to her mind.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone sitting quietly on the table and chair facing the door in the living room.

A tall, slightly fat, middle-aged man with a straight back.

Because the light was dim, Dong Qi was far away and could not see clearly who the person was.

Suddenly, from a distance, she saw the man stiffly and slowly turning his head to look at her.

She couldn't see the man's face clearly from a distance, but vaguely, she seemed to be able to see that the man's eyes were dark, like two holes.

Who? Who's there? Dong Qi's heart suddenly thought. She didn't remember knowing a man with such a figure.

His right hand quickly pulled out a short knife from his pajamas behind his back.

Tell me a joke. Suddenly a voice came from the man.


Don’t you laugh at your master? ?

Dong Qi's body suddenly stiffened, and the sound didn't come from the front at all.

She slowly turned her head and saw the wooden door of the bedroom that she had just come out of. She didn't know when it had been opened.

A man with the same appearance was standing at the door. This time she was closer, and she finally saw clearly what was behind the dark eyes of the man.

They were simply two black holes. There were no eyeballs in the eye sockets, there was nothing, just two blood holes. The black ones could see the holes inside the body.

Dong Qi trembled all over and almost failed to hold the dagger in his hand. Her face turned pale, her whole body was cold, and her underwear was quickly wet with sweat.

Slowly take two steps back.

ah! !

She suddenly screamed, turned around and ran towards the door.

Outside the door, in the middle of the courtyard.

Lu Sheng slowly grasped the knife stuck on the ground and stood up. Look at the tall body slowly approaching behind you.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Chaolong.

The man behind him paused slightly.

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