Extreme Demon

Chapter 190 Not Smiling 9

Gently brushing away the dirt on the stone tablet, Lu Sheng grabbed it with one hand and lifted it. With a pop, the stone tablet was pulled out of the ground.

A large amount of soil debris fell from the black stone tablet more than one meter high.

At the bottom of the stone tablet, there are a few lines of words. Although they are blurry, they can still be barely legible.

‘Walking in one’s own loneliness leads to the pain of despair. joy, life, death, hope’

Underneath this sentence were some subtle explanations. Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and scanned them one by one, and finally understood why he and others could not find this so-called non-smiling master.

What is this? A boring weird game? He put down the stone tablet and looked around.

Everyone, go back to Qingcha Town. This investigation is over.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Red Whale Gang was stunned, but the gang leader's order could not be violated. No one had any doubts, and they all bowed their heads and obeyed respectfully.

Xu Chui and Ning San looked at the stone tablet carefully. They didn't know the ancient Song Dynasty style, and they didn't know what the gang leader saw, nor did they understand what the words on it meant. But they knew that it must be the content of this stone tablet that made the gang leader change his mind.

The group of people retreated quickly, leaving only a few people behind, staying here to guide the way.

Lu Sheng asked the people who stayed behind to guard the entrance of the village and told them never to go in. Many members of the Red Whale Gang have the experience of fighting against weird and ghostly creatures, especially the guards who guard Lu Sheng, so they know what to do. It also reassures people that they are equipped with a lot of medicinal powder produced by Danfang to resist hallucinations. Ordinary hallucinations have no effect on them.

Without stopping at all, Lu Sheng took Yan Kai and the others back to Qingcha Town. Although the three of them were confused, they knew that the Red Whale Gang must have their reasons for such actions. After all, the Red Whale Gang had elder-level masters who were trapped in strange situations, and their lives and deaths were unknown. They would never let this case go easily.

As Chao Long said, you can only see what you want to see in that place at a fixed time.

In the tea gang's study, Lu Shenglian stood with his hands in his hands and said calmly to Yan Kai, Xu Chui and others beside him.

A fixed time? Speaking of which, the previous legends about the Unsmiling Master all happened in the middle of the night. Could it be that this is the only time the Unsmiling Master will appear? Yan Kai whispered.

Mr. Yan Kai, are you interested in this legend? Lu Sheng looked at him with a smile.

Well, a little. But since Gang Leader Lu is personally involved, there will definitely be no problem with this matter. Yan Kai said politely.

But that Jiao Chaolong who traveled eastward actually traveled so far away just to come to this small town to find the master of Buxiao. There must be some hidden agenda. Duan Rongrong reminded in a low voice.

It doesn't matter. I'll go there in person sometime in the evening. It doesn't matter how many people go to that place. No matter how many people there are, the things they face are the same. Lu Sheng shook his head.

Do you need me to accompany you? The little umbrella girl appeared out of nowhere and suddenly walked out from behind a bookshelf in the study.

No, it will be solved soon, soon. Lu Sheng said with a smile. Let's reduce the number of people on this trip. But it doesn't have to be today.

The others didn't know what he meant, but since Lu Sheng, the gang leader, spoke like this, the others didn't dare to say anything.

After everyone rested in the Tea Gang for a while, the Tea Gang also found the person who spread the rumors.

As expected, the man had been dead for several days, and his body was discovered in his home after it stunk. When the tea gang found him, the family's neighbors learned that he had been dead for quite some time.

All clues are broken. Everything fell into chaos again.

Time flies, and days pass in the blink of an eye.

Yan Kai and others saw that Lu Sheng was not planning to move anymore, and there was no sign of Chao Long in the town. Knowing that he must be guarding there, they became anxious.

Yan Kai tried asking Lu Sheng several times in front of him, but he didn't get an actionable answer. After waiting for several days, he had no choice but to take his senior brothers Wan Hezi and Duan Rongrong and quietly go to the small village again.

There is heavy fog in the mountains and forests, and there is white mist everywhere.

Yan Kai, Wan Hezi and Duan Rongrong returned to the village on a familiar road.

The mountain village was silent in the mist, and no human voice could be heard around it. It was eerily quiet.

Yan Kai stood at the entrance of the village, lowered his head and looked around.

Where are the people? Aren't the people stationed by the Red Whale Gang and the people from Xinyouhui all here? Why can't you see any of them?

If you want to complete the task of investigating Chaolong, you must follow Chaolong's team all the time. He wanted to borrow power before and successfully established a connection with Lu Sheng, but the subsequent development was not as expected. The Red Whale Gang actually withdrew most of its personnel and then stopped moving.

Lu Sheng seemed to be waiting for something. Ever since he saw the stone tablet, he had been standing still.

Yan Kai and the others were helpless. The Dugu family's reward list had a time limit. If it keeps dragging on, Wan Hezi will be the most troublesome.

In desperation, the three of them could only act on their own.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Yan Kai turned around and exchanged glances with Duan Rongrong.

Senior brother, don't go in this time. When Rongrong and I go in alone at night, you can use your ability to peek outside and find the person. Don't worry about anything else. Yan Kai said in a low voice.

How can that be done! Wan Hezi shook his head solemnly, I did this alone, and I took over the reward list alone, and it has nothing to do with Junior Brother Rongrong and you guys. I can go in alone for this matter. When it comes to telling jokes, Senior Brother is still Somewhat confident. He forced a forced smile.

Senior brother. Yan Kai saw Wan Hezi's determination. Wan Hezi was sometimes very out-of-the-box, but when he was serious, he was absolutely reliable and persistent. The decision he makes when he is serious will never change.

Stop talking. I know that you are doing it for my own good, junior brother. However, one person is responsible for this matter. I will bear all the trouble I caused myself. Wan Hezi said decisively. After saying that, he stepped on it without hesitation. When we entered the village, we almost disappeared into the thick fog in the blink of an eye.

Senior Brother! Yan Kai and the others were caught off guard and hurriedly chased after them, but the strange thing was that Wan Hezi, who had just left them, disappeared after just a few steps.

At this time, it was dark and quiet, the white fog was hazy, and there was no sound of footsteps around at all.

Yan Kai pulled Duan Rongrong and groped along the wall. My hand pressed against the cold and rough stone wall of the village, and from time to time I would touch some greasy moss. If I was not careful, I would not be able to steady my hand.

Both of them were a little anxious. This was a place where the elder masters of the Red Whale Gang were in trouble. Even though they were experienced, they had to be cautious and move forward slowly, rushing in like Senior Brother Wan Hezi did. Too dangerous.

Rong Rong, follow me!


Yan Kai calmed down a little when he heard the answer behind him. The two of them had been able to travel around safely. The biggest reliance they relied on was the keen response of the blood in their bodies to danger and threats. There was no reaction in the body at this time, but I thought everything was fine.

Holding Rongrong in hand, Yan Kai slowly groped along the stone wall, staring at the surroundings with high vigilance with his eyes and ears.


Suddenly, a figure flashed vaguely in front of him, it seemed to be senior brother Wan Hezi.

Senior brother! Yan Kai shouted, pulling Rongrong and chasing him.

The figure did not stop, turned suddenly, rushed up a stone staircase, and then turned into a stone house.

Yan Kai paused for a moment, looked forward attentively, and saw a trace of Wan Hezi's clothes.

Without hesitation, he gritted his teeth and let go of Rongrong's hand.

Rongrong, wait outside the door, I'll go after senior brother!


Duan Rongrong's voice came faintly.

Yan Kai didn't think much, pushed open the door and rushed into the stone house.

Inside was an empty courtyard, with no trace of Wan Hezi, and no one knew where he had gone.

Yan Kai slowly pulled out the sword from his back and stared at the surroundings warily. Step by step, he walked towards the main hall of the house.


Bang bang bang.

Suddenly big raindrops fell quickly.

The thick white mist began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if blown away by the wind. Within a few breaths, all the fog completely dissipated.


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and the thunder rolled and rumbled. The rain fell in heavy torrents.

Only then did Yan Kai see clearly the environment he was in.

He was standing in a courtyard inside a stone house. Directly in front of him was the illuminated main hall of the stone house. The wooden door of the stone house was closed, and through the window paper, a person could be faintly seen sitting inside.

He narrowed his eyes and backed up slowly. The fog dissipated so quickly that it went against the grain of nature.

And the scene that appeared in front of him, the man sitting in the main hall, was very similar to the way the legendary master who never smiled appeared.

He wasn't ready to face the legend here yet.

Oh, there is light here, here here!! Come quickly! In the heavy rain, three young figures in long clothes hurried towards the stone house.

The illuminated stone house is definitely like a beacon in this dark and rainy weather. It means that people can take shelter from the rain and drink hot tea.

Chen Ziguang and Xu Pei originally planned to go to a town not far away to rest, but it was too late and they still couldn't catch up. They were accidentally delayed again on the way. At this time, before they arrived in the town, they met It was raining, so I had no choice but to run to take shelter from the rain.

After running to the eaves outside the stone house, the scholar's long clothes on both of them were soaked.

I hope the clothes in the backpack didn't get wet. Who would have thought that the ox cart broke its axle? Alas, this trip was really troubled. Chen Ziguang sighed.

No, I've taken the exam three times, and this is the first time I'm so embarrassed. Xu Pei also sighed helplessly.

The two of them brought a book boy with them, a scholar who went to Fucheng to take the exam. I just didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that it happened to rain heavily on the way.

Go in and ask for some hot water from the owner here. Chen Ziguang suggested.

Boom, boom, boom.

The book boy quickly went up and knocked on the door.

With a creak, the door opened, opened by the person inside.

Yan Kai looked at the three people outside the door in surprise. Someone would come at this time.


May I ask if this is the master? Xu Pei quickly stepped forward and asked politely.

No, I'm just here to take shelter from the rain. Yan Kai couldn't figure out the details of the three people in front of him, so he hid it.

It just so happens that we are here to take shelter from the rain. Chen Ziguang and the others' eyes lit up.

Who is outside? Suddenly a loud voice came from the room. The wooden door of the main hall of the stone house was opened at once, and a tall, scarred man with a steel knife on his back strode out.

Are you here to take shelter from the rain too? He stared at Yan Kai and the four of them warily.

Well Yan Kai didn't expect that the person sitting inside was actually this scarred man. Suddenly he was stunned.

Junior brother! I'm here! Another person walked out of the room at this time, and it was Wan Hezi. He was holding a broken porcelain piece in his hand, and he was putting it to his mouth as if he was drinking water.

Why did you come here alone, where is Rongrong? Wan Hezi asked doubtfully. The fog all cleared up just now. When I entered the door, I saw this brother drinking water and resting in the house, so I asked for some. Then I heard a sound coming from outside.

It turns out that everyone is taking shelter from the rain. The scar-faced man also suddenly realized, If you don't mind, please come in and have a rest. Although this house is dirty, it doesn't leak at least.

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