Extreme Demon

Chapter 189 Not Smiling 8

Rather than making up some random lies, Yan Kai decided to tell the truth. After all, this is nothing shameful.

Seeing a trace of curiosity on Lu Sheng's face, he continued: When we arrived here, we met Young Master Sheng by chance. We wanted to remind him quickly that that person is extremely scary and dangerous. Once we encounter him, we must not conflict with him. Be extremely careful.”

Oh? Lu Sheng looked at him with a half-smile.

Although these words were to remind him that the other party was in danger, as the leader of the largest gang in the North, he was also the leader of the Red Whale Gang and the Sword King of the North.

In front of such a person, saying these words is not like a reminder, but more like a provocation.

Yan Kai didn't care whether he heard the meaning or not, and said: That person is the deputy leader of the Eastern Powers Xinyou Club, known as Dongyou Jiao and Chaolong.

Chaolong? Lu Sheng's heart moved, and he thought, Chaolong, Chaohu, these three names were connected, and he immediately had an idea in his mind.

Interesting. He curled his lips. After seeing the intentions of Yan Kai and the others, they probably wanted to use their own protection to deal with this Chaolong.

In this case, the three gentlemen might as well join me. Our Red Whale Gang is somewhat weak in this Northland. He did not expose it, but just followed the other party's advice.

Yan Kai immediately breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the first step was completed.

When investigating Chaolong, especially when following him in such a sparsely populated place, the chance of being discovered is too high. If they follow Wan Hezi and follow Wan Hezi foolishly into the mountains, the final outcome will definitely be to be caught by Chaolong. by him.

Now that you can mix in the Red Whale Gang's team, you will be much safer.

After some small talk, the team started moving forward again. Lu Sheng also learned from Yan Kai and the other three that Chaolong actually came here for Master Buxiao.

This is a bit strange. He came all the way from the east just for such a non-smiling master? Is it possible that there are some secrets hidden in it that he doesn't know about?

The team advanced slowly, all the way through the mountains and forests, splitting the vegetation and forcing a way for the sedan.

After a while, the gang members who were opening the way suddenly stopped moving and quickly stopped.

Right in front of the Red Whale Gang, a group of people also appeared in the distance.

This group of people were dressed in light blue uniforms, with white scarves tied on their right arms. Their eyes were shining brightly and they were full of energy. Coincidentally, their team was also carrying a sedan, but it was different from the black sedan of the Red Whale Gang. , theirs is white.

Xu Chui slowly placed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and looked at the other party quietly.

In the opposite team, a shirtless burly man also looked at him expressionlessly.

Neither team is weak, but the moment they met, they sensed that the other side was not easy to mess with. The Red Whale Gang is better because there are more people, while the opponent has fewer people, but their individual aura is better.

Both teams had no intention of causing trouble. They were afraid of each other and retreated as soon as they touched each other, moving in different directions.

The leader is from the Red Whale Gang. The strong man beside the white sedan reported back in a low voice.

Don't make trouble, find Buxiao as quickly as possible, and then go back. We don't have time to stay here. A deep and dull man's voice came from the sedan.

Yes. The strong man lowered his head and responded.

Through the gap in the sedan curtain, Lu Sheng saw the white sedans passing by each other. Although the two sides were far apart, for a strong man of his level, even hundreds of meters would only take a few blinks of an eye. He smelled a familiar scent in the sedan.

Xinyouhui People from Xinyouhui have also had contact with him. The other party's concealment methods are extremely powerful, but that's all. Chaohu, as the deputy leader, was also killed by Hongfangbai head-on. And it was still besieged by many people.

They are also here to investigate Master Buxiao. Yan Kai walked beside the sedan and suddenly whispered.

Then just let them go. If that's the case, we'll meet again in the future. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Soon, the two teams paused before making contact.

The pause was short, and both sides stared at each other's manpower with restraint and vigilance. Then under the orders from behind, the two teams passed by each other, and each disappeared into the forest.

As time went by, the Red Whale Gang circled the mountain forest several times, and finally arrived at a small village that seemed to be in ruins.

This is it!! The gang member who led the way shouted loudly, Elder Qi, we just saw Elder Xu leading people into here, and he never came out again.

Xu Chui looked at the village attentively, especially the small stone house at the entrance of the village, and there was a faint aura that made him uncomfortable.

Turning around, he looked at Lu Sheng in the sedan behind him.

Lu Sheng had already opened the sedan curtain, but he didn't look at him at all. Instead, he looked past the crowd and towards the empty space on the right side of the team.

Xu Chui followed Lu Sheng's line of sight, and sure enough, he found some discarded torches on the ground over there.

A member of the gang walked over, picked up a torch and looked at the handle. Sure enough, it was the mark of the Red Whale Gang.

This is it. Xu Chui confirmed and looked back at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

Search! Immediately, the members of the Red Whale Gang dispersed, quickly poured into the village, and began to search for clues from house to house.

The three of them, Yan Kai, looked at each other, walked to the entrance of the village, squatted down and began to check the clues on the ground and walls.

Lu Sheng got off the sedan and suddenly looked up. In the forest on the left, the team that had been separated from before suddenly appeared.

The white sedan in the middle of the team was slowly lowered to the ground.

It's useless, Master Buxiao never appears during the day, you can only meet him at night. A dull voice came from the white sedan.

Only appear at night? Who are you? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

We don't mean any harm, the voice in the sedan continued. We found the place, we will come back tonight.

The white sedan slowly lifted up and left in the distance.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wan Hezi, who was not far away, suddenly felt cold on his body. He looked up and saw the strong man beside the white sedan staring at him from a distance, his eyes as sharp and cold as the tip of a knife.

Following his gaze, there was also a deep, huge pressure, as if a big hand was grabbing his heart.

Wan Hezi was shaken all over, and he quickly began to sweat. His face turned pale, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were dull, and he unconsciously covered his throat with his hands and began to exert force.


Suddenly there was a soft sound.

Xu Chui stood in front of him expressionlessly and looked at the strong man. The handle of the knife in his hand slowly pulled out a gap.

Wan Hezi was like a drowning person, breathing heavily. Only then did Yan Kai and Duan Rongrong notice something strange about him.


Wanhezi, are you okay!?


A cold snort floated from far away, and Wan Hezi knew that this was a warning to him. If he dared to follow him again, he would kill him.

He was extremely grateful for his junior brother's decision. If he hadn't joined the Red Whale Gang, he might have been frightened to death by the other party's murderous aura just now.

That feeling, you can't escape, you can't hide, your body doesn't obey you, you can't even escape.

Strong killing intent. Ning San came closer with a solemn expression.

He had obtained Lu Sheng's internal energy for eighty years, and now his actual strength was enough to compete with Ning Shen. Although his realm was only Tongyi, the power he exerted was already stronger than Xu Chui's.

After all, Xu Chui is just the pinnacle of Tongli.

Of course, this is only the strength of the two people in their normal state. If they really want to go all out, their half-demon-like state is their real trump card. That is a trump card that will be revealed only as a last resort.

Lu Sheng glanced at Wan Hezi. This man was actually Yan Kai's senior brother. Compared to his junior brother, wasn't he too weak?

The white sedan walked farther and farther and soon disappeared deep into the forest.

Looking back, Lu Sheng motioned to Xu Chui and Ning San, and they walked into the village together, searching for traces of the village together with the Red Whale Gang.

Lu Sheng walked slowly into the village and randomly entered a stone house with a broken door. The inside was filled with thick cobwebs, damp moss and translucent insect sloughs everywhere. In front of the broken window, there were piles of dead leaves flying in. Some of the leaves were rotten, as if they had been wet by the rain, and they were rotten and moldy.

Lu Sheng casually walked to the bed in the stone house and pressed it gently.


The whole bed suddenly collapsed.

The wood has rotted away, and there are no human traces here. Ning San followed behind and whispered, My subordinates have studied this before, and the wood generally used to make the foot of the bed is Fengxian wood.

This kind of wood can effectively resist moisture and decay. It will take at least ten years for it to rot to this extent.

Are you sure? Lu Sheng touched the head of the bed. The wood was indeed very hard.

I have asked many carpenters for advice, and the answers I got are mostly the same. Ning San whispered.

Get out. Lu Sheng said calmly. He now somewhat believed what the white sedan said.

After a search, the Red Whale Gang found nothing. All the stone houses were in ruins, and it didn't look like anyone had entered or left them at all.

As for the traces left by Elder Xu and others, they are nowhere to be found.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at the mountain village.

Gang leader, there are words here! Suddenly someone from the gang shouted loudly.

Lu Sheng rushed over quickly, and under the guidance of a gang member, he discovered that there was a stone tablet with only a small part exposed in the mud at the entrance of the village.

Everyone quickly dug out the stone tablet, and a few lines of words were clearly written on it.

‘Happy Village. Everyone can find their own happiness.’ The words behind it were rubbed away by something, making it difficult to see clearly.

Lu Sheng knelt down and reached out to touch the writing on it.

Song style in ancient style. He whispered.

Gang leader, what is written here? Xu Chui asked in a low voice.

Ning San also looked at Lu Sheng curiously. He knew that the former gang leader was a real academy talent. In addition, judging from his appearance just now, he should recognize this word.

This is the ancient Song style that was popular during the Song Dynasty during its heyday a thousand years ago. Lu Sheng stood up and said calmly, But this ancient Song style uses traditional Chinese only when offering sacrifices. Normally, it is not used. You should use words like this. He looked puzzled.

This Happy Village seems to be more than just not laughing at the owner's weirdness.

Is it possible that this village is not for people to live in at all? Ning San muttered.

When Lu Sheng heard this, a possibility suddenly flashed in his mind.

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