Extreme Demon

Chapter 188 Not Smiling 7

Then, the question now is, how to find the person who spread the rumors. Since he has experienced not dying without laughing, he will definitely know more relevant information. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said.

In this regard, our tea gang can help the village. Dong Qi quickly stepped forward and said.

Yes, the Tea Gang is deeply rooted here, and its connections and intelligence network are definitely better than ours. With Gang Leader Dong here, we should be able to find that person quickly. Li Qiong affirmed.

Then I'll leave it to you. Let's have a night's rest and go see what this so-called non-smiling master is tomorrow, Lu Sheng said casually.

Yes. Everyone responded.

With the help of the tea gang, everyone found a resting place to rest. Dong Qi organized a luxurious banquet that cost a lot of money, and various dishes, mainly tea, were served one after another, and everyone in the Red Whale Gang had a fresh meal.

Lu Sheng and Little Umbrella Girl were not interested, so they went back to their rooms to rest early.

In the exquisite and luxurious bedroom, Lu Sheng was half-lying on the bed, playing with an irregular fist-sized piece of metal in his hand. The metal seemed to be a fragment that had fallen from something, and there were incomplete and fine patterns on it.

The small metal kept turning over in Lu Sheng's hands, glowing with a faint red light.

Unlike the metal fragment from last time, this fragment from the Red Dragon Tribulation actually has no Yin Qi. Lu Sheng was quite confused.

Without Yin Qi, this fragment would be quite useless to him.

Playing with the fragment at will, he still remembered the terrifying strength that Hongfang Bai used in his final burst.

Holding this piece in his hand, it felt like he was holding a ball of meat, and there was an inexplicable, weird and evil murmur inside.

The sound echoed in my ears, and it took a lot of effort to hear it. After playing with it for a while, Lu Sheng found nothing, so he hung it up with a thread and strung it around his neck.

He tried many methods to activate the power of the Red Dragon Tribulation Fragments, such as injecting inner energy into them, or putting them into high temperature or cold, but none of them had any effect.

This thing feels like an ordinary stone, but it feels like metal.

There was no words all night, and early the next morning, a group of Red Whale Gang members gathered around Lu Sheng and headed for the mountain forest where Chen Zongtao and Elder Xu had visited before.

The terrain along the way was steep and uneven, and the carriage was replaced by walking and sedan chairs. Lu Sheng left the umbrella girl in the tea gang and followed Chen Zongtao into the mountains with Xu Chui and others.

After leaving Qingcha Town, in a barren mountain on the edge, everyone quickly found the place where Chen Zongtao and his two men had stayed before.

The sun is whitening and the shadows of the trees are swaying.

The Red Whale Gang and a group of people walked smoothly along the slope and landed on a flat grassland in a few steps.

This is it!! One of Chen Zongtao's accomplices yelled out of breath. “We also left bark marks here before to prevent us from getting lost at night!”

The man trotted to a big tree, stretched out his hand and gently peeled off a piece of bark. There was a fish-shaped notch under the bark, which was the secret code of the Red Whale Gang.


Suddenly, the sound of branches being trampled was heard nearby.

There's someone! Someone from the gang suddenly shouted. Who!? The person in front shouted loudly and alertly.

Xu Chui and Ning San were guarding both sides of the sedan. After hearing this, they both raised their eyes and looked in the direction of the woods at the same time.

More than a dozen gang members on the periphery spread out and looked around.


One of the gang members chopped open a bush, and a figure suddenly appeared.

No! Don't be nervous, we are just passing by here, just passing by! A good-looking Taoist with a long beard hurriedly jumped out of the grass on the side of the slope.

Two men and a woman wearing Taoist robes slowly walked out behind him.

The man had an upright face and exuded a sense of perseverance and awe-inspiring righteousness. He was clearly Yan Kai, who had just arrived here.

The delicate and beautiful woman was naturally Duan Rongrong who was following him.

Yan Kai looked at the red whale gang mark that had been peeled off the tree bark, as well as a circle of gang members scattered around.

The auras of the two people guarding the sedan made even him feel creepy. They were definitely not ordinary characters.

Xindao is indeed the largest gang in the North. Just two random characters make me feel afraid.

After gathering his thoughts, he took a step forward and cupped his fists.

I'm Yan Kai. I'm an old acquaintance with Gang Leader Lu. We have something important to do. I hope to see Gang Leader Lu. Could you please let me know.

The three of them stood there and waited. Several of the gang guards exchanged glances with each other. They silently changed their pace and surrounded the three of them. Then one of them separated and walked towards the sedan.

Yan Kai saw that the guard whispered a few words to the person beside the sedan. The person beside the sedan pondered for a while, then walked to the window of the sedan and whispered a few words inside.

Then he seemed to have received instructions and directly gave some instructions to the gang.

Go over there. One of the gang members shouted in a low voice.

A passage slowly opened in front of Yan Kai and the others.

The three of them glanced around and saw that everyone in the Red Whale Gang had solemn expressions, tall and straight postures, and extremely energetic. At a glance. If you pull just one person from here, you can resist more than a dozen ordinary gang members from the outside world.

When the three people passed through the passage, they could also feel the scrutinizing and warning eyes scanning their bodies like needle pricks.

Tiger and Wolf Master! Yan Kaixin commented, secretly frightened. Soon, he walked slowly to the sedan and stood there.

The sedan curtain was slowly opened, revealing a familiar young figure who had hardly changed much. It was the eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Sheng, whom he had met before.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the sedan chair like an ordinary rich man. His face was a little pale, and he seemed to have seen less sunshine. The figure is shrouded in a wide black robe, and a golden pine crane with fluttering wings is embroidered on the chest.

It turns out to be Mr. Yan Kai. Lu Sheng looked at the three of them with a smile. We said goodbye that day, but I didn't expect to meet again here. What a coincidence.

Yan Kai narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Sheng, who looked like an ordinary person in front of him. He seemed to have the same lack of force as before, and he was still the weak young man troubled by ghosts.

But for some reason, when he saw Lu Sheng, his heart suddenly sank, and a biting chill spread to his vest inexplicably.

Although he couldn't feel anything, Yan Kai still felt extremely heavy pressure when facing Lu Sheng. The pressure made him breathless, and his body even began to feel numb.

He heard Duan Rongrong's rapid breathing beside him. Duan Rongrong's premonition of danger was stronger than his, and the pressure she was experiencing at this time was definitely more and deeper than him.

That strong, unspeakable sense of depression made the three of them unable to say anything for a while. It takes a lot of courage just to stand in front of the road.

Such a strong perception. Just as the hearts of Yan Kai and the others began to accelerate, and their whole bodies began to sweat.

Lu Sheng's unexpected praise finally lifted the heavy and oppressive feeling.

call! !

Duan Rongrong was the first one to almost collapse to the ground. But he was immediately supported secretly by Yan Kai.

The three of them exchanged glances and felt relieved, knowing that this trip was indeed the right one!

After learning that senior brother Wan Hezi had robbed the Dugu family's reward list, Yan Kai began to think about how to solve the matter.

The Dugu family is not a force to be trifled with. Compared with the strength of their group of spirit slayers, they can easily kill dozens or hundreds of characters of their level in one breath.

In other words, since senior brother Wan Hezi has accepted the reward list, he must completely complete the above investigation.

There is only one content on the reward list, and that is to investigate the purpose of Chaolong, the vice-leader of the Xinyou Club.

The Dugu family and Xinyouhui are two major forces that are hostile to each other. It is unusual to have this reward list. Wanhezi's original idea was to use his bloodline ability to secretly follow Chaolong, and then take a peek at the right time. After knowing the situation, he should be able to deal with the conflict.

But this idea was rejected by Yan Kai. Naturally, such a generous reward from the Dugu family would not be so simple to complete.

He asked Wan Hezi to tell the contents of the reward list. Sure enough, what they wanted was not just to know Chaolong's purpose, but also the details of the manpower he brought with him on this trip, his current status, and his purpose and arrangement.

This makes it extremely difficult, and if you try to fool the bounty list casually, the only consequence will be that senior brother Wan Hezi is thrown into the furnace as fuel.

After some thinking and planning, Yan Kai thought hard and finally came up with a way. Able to investigate the information to the greatest extent possible.

This method is to use force!

Right now, the only force in Qingcha Town that could compare with Chaolong was the Red Whale Gang.

Unlike Chaolong who entered secretly, the Red Whale Gang came in with great fanfare. Wan Hezi followed all the way, but barely knew that Chaolong came for the legend of a master who does not laugh.

There are also masters from the Red Whale Gang who have disappeared because of this legend, so there is a possibility that the two will intersect. There is also room for Yan Kai to make a difference.

I wonder why Mr. Yan Kai came to this barren mountain? Lu Sheng looked at Yan Kai and Duan Rongrong at this time.

Compared to when they were in Jiulian City, the two of them are obviously more mature now, but not much has changed. As for the other third person, he simply ignored him.

What Mr. Sheng is doing is actually the same as ours. Yan Kai said cheerfully. But we came here earlier than Mr. Sheng. He deliberately used the previous name for Lu Sheng, just to get closer. After all, he had helped Lu Sheng a lot back then. Lu Sheng's sister Lu Qingqing might not have been able to be found and rescued if it hadn't been for Yan Kai.

Oh? Lu Sheng was stunned, Maybe Mr. Yan Kai has any other clues. If you can tell Lu, whether it's money or something else, please feel free to mention it.

Yan Kai shook his head and glanced at Duan Rongrong and senior brother Wan Hezi. They were hiding behind him and did not dare to move because their senses were too strong. The other one was trembling and cold, that was pure cowardice. It was unreliable to rely on two people, he had to come in person.

It can be seen that Lu Sheng still treats him very gently and still cherishes the old friendship, then the matter will turn around.

Actually, to be honest with Mr. Sheng, we came here following a dangerous person from other places. Yan Kai said seriously. My senior brother Wan Hezi accepted a reward for investigating this person and followed him all the way from the east. But I didn't expect that they also came to this town specifically for this legend.

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