Extreme Demon

Chapter 187 Not Smiling 6 (Thanks to the leader who wants to be handsome for the reward)

Speaking of which, I am following Chaolong to investigate the whereabouts of the Red Pardon Pearl. There is a reward from the Dugu family in the East China Sea. You know that your senior brother and I have no other skills, but peeping... Hehehe. Wan Hezi laughed evilly.

Yan Kai sighed helplessly.

Senior brother, are you sure you want to follow Chaolong all the way down?

Of course! I'm the one who took over the reward list for the Dugu family.

What!? You actually accepted the reward list??! Yan Kai was shocked and stood up with his eyes wide open.

Even Duan Rongrong next to her covered her mouth, obviously frightened.

Are you crazy!? Wan Hezi! Yan Kai couldn't help shouting, furious. Do you know what the consequences will be if you take over the bounty list?!

Um, what are the consequences? Wan Hezi looked at the two of them blankly.

If it is not completed, the body and soul will be separated and turn into the vicious soul fire fuel for the Dugu family's weapons! Yan Kai was so angry that his chest almost exploded.

Ah!??? Now Wan Hezi knew the trouble and was completely dumbfounded. When he first unveiled the list, he was proud that he was fast enough.

The rewards on the list released by the Dugu family are so generous that it is simply unheard of. When he first saw it, he rushed towards it as fast as he could in his life, and then caught it.

At that time, he was still wondering why everyone around him looked at him strangely.

Now he finally understands

It's over. Wan Hezi felt that his whole body was weak and cold, and he no longer had any strength. Ruined

You, you! Yan Kai simply hated the iron, pointing at his senior brother and not knowing what to say.

Junior brother Rongrong. This time is the end of my life. I have never tasted the taste of a woman in my life. Why don't you, Rongrong, dedicate yourself to her. Wan Hezi murmured with dark eyes.

I want to tell Sister Bingyuan! Duan Rongrong stood up immediately.

Don't! Don't!! Wan Hezi suddenly came back to his senses with a sad face. I was wrong. Isn't it okay that I was wrong? Forget it, this is me courting death. When I turn around, I will go to Dugu's house to see if I can find any chance of turning a corner.

What should we do now? Duan Rongrong was angry and funny. She could tell that Wan Hezi was just joking and barely joking, but after knowing the truth, he was obviously at a loss. That's why she looked at Yan Kai.

She knew that Brother Yan Kai would never let her down.

Although Wan Hezi was always a mean person, he had helped them and saved them more than once.

For the current plan, we must first find out what mission our senior brother has taken. Yan Kai said helplessly.


The sedan was slowly lowered in front of the tea gang's gate.

Ning San respectfully opened the sedan curtain, and the little umbrella girl jumped out first, stood aside holding a red umbrella, and looked back.

Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the sedan and looked at the tea gang leader Dong Qi who was waiting at the gate. There was also Commander Fei Lian on the side.

Dong Qi has met the gang leader Lu. Fei Lianjun Li Qiong has met the gang leader! The two of them greeted each other.

Lu Sheng nodded, Dong Qi had met him before, and Li Qiong of the Fei Lian Army was promoted because he was a member of the gang who had joined the Fei Lian Army a long time ago. Speaking of being promoted, it was because of him that he unified the North. The influence of the land is.

Nowadays, in the north of the Song Dynasty, the Red Whale Gang is the dominant family, and behind it stands the Shangyang family of the nine families in the Central Plains. Shangyang Jiuli broke through the palace master and stepped into the snake level. With her talent, once she breaks through, she will never be just a subordinate. triple.

As Shangyang Jiuli's general, Lu Sheng naturally became more powerful as the tide rose.

How is the situation? Is there any news about the missing elder? Lu Sheng walked into the tea gang headquarters and asked as he walked forward.

No. Elder Xu has no news so far. Foreign Affairs Envoy Chen has received the news and is looking around, but there is no one. The leader should wait for Foreign Affairs Envoy Chen to arrive and ask carefully. Li Qiong from Fei Lian Army replied in a low voice. .

Lu Sheng walked slowly on the wooden corridor and looked sideways at the small rock garden beside the corridor.

There were a few children chasing and playing in the small garden. The noise was quite loud, and they looked here curiously.

Um, I'm a junior to the elders of the gang. I don't know the proper etiquette. I'll go right away. Dong Qi was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. She had clearly ordered everyone to leave and isolate the surrounding area before she came out, but there are still children here. , in case it collides with Lu Sheng, who is now the leader of the gang. She knew that this person had a seemingly gentle temper, but once he started taking action, he would not recognize his relatives and would kill him as soon as he asked.

It's okay. Lu Sheng raised his hand, but he didn't mind at all.

This is the second time I've come to this small tea town. He said calmly, without any hint of emotion or anger.

Yes, last time, the gang leader came to solve the problem of Liulijing. It has been so long since I thought about it. Dong Qi said respectfully.

It won't be long. Lu Sheng smiled, Where is Zhao Jiaojiao?

Li Qiong quickly replied: Foreign Affairs Zhao has already gone out to investigate the situation and has not returned yet.

Oh? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. Interesting. Even Zhao Jiaojiao is trapped here. An elder and a foreign envoy. Our Red Whale Gang actually trapped two people here at once.

Dong Qi and Ning San, Xu Chui and others around them did not dare to speak out. Now Lu Sheng was becoming more and more powerful. Just his words and deeds could put great pressure on people, and they could not tolerate being nervous.


A guard rushed in quickly.

Foreign Envoy Chen has returned and asks to see the gang leader!

Bring him here. Lu Sheng ordered.

Soon, a white-haired old man with a pale face and a haggard expression hurried in. He knelt down on one knee in front of Lu Sheng and lowered his head to apologize.

Subordinate Chen Zongtao, please pay homage to the gang leader! Ask the gang leader for punishment!

Get up, what are you guilty of? Tell me the specific story in detail. Lu Sheng said calmly.

In a low voice, Chen Zongtao began to speak slowly about his experiences.

That day, my subordinates and Elder Xu Chuanzhou went into the mountains to look for clues. Because we heard that the master of Buxiao had been haunting late at night, we kept looking for him late at night.

While searching, his subordinates suddenly heard Elder Xu yelling for help, and rushed over. When they arrived at the place where the sound came from, they found nothing.

Not only Elder Xu, but also the group of people he brought with him all disappeared without a trace.

You mean, from beginning to end, you didn't know or see how Elder Xu disappeared? You just heard a roar? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

That's right! Chen Zongtao lowered his head and said in fear.

Lu Sheng looked at him and said nothing.

Just looking at him like this for a long time, Chen Zongtao's vest became more and more cold sweat, almost soaking his vest.

Bang! !

Suddenly, Chen Zongtao was kicked into the air and hit the pillar of the house hard, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt out on the spot.

The others were so frightened that they trembled, and Xu Chui and Ning San also had their eyelids twitching. Dong Qi closed her eyes and didn't dare to look anymore.

Ask again. Lu Sheng walked up to Chen Zongtao calmly, Did you really only hear the sound and not see Elder Xu?

Chen Zongtao rolled to the ground and quickly turned over and knelt down, his mouth full of blood.


Answer me!! Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly opened and his voice shouted sharply.

Chen Zongtao was so frightened that he couldn't hold on anymore.

My subordinates have seen Elder Xu!! His voice even sounded crying. The old man in his seventies actually cried like a child at this time.

Did you see Elder Xu's plea for help? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

Yes, my subordinates saw it. But at that time, I was really too afraid of that stone house. Chen Zongtao burst into tears and snot from his nose. So many people were swallowed up in one go. Not even a shadow was left!! He knelt and crawled to Lu Sheng's feet.

Gang leader, it's not that my subordinates are greedy for life and afraid of death, but it's really that there is really no chance of winning. If you go up, you will only die! In order to save the lives of your brothers!

Take him down and help with the matter. Lu Sheng gave a calm order.

Several guards quickly stepped forward, clamped Chen Zongtao on both sides, and dragged him down.

Chen Zongtao was trembling all over and did not dare to move. He was carried down like mud by the two men.

No one interceded for him. Lu Sheng punished him not because he refused to save him, but because he knew the truth and refused to report it.

This kind of important matter, which is related to the life and death of comrades in the gang, is actually for the sake of personal gain, and the knowledge is not reported. According to gang rules, he will be punished with double knives. The crime did not lead to death, but two knives were stabbed into both sides. If not seriously injured, at least half of his life would be lost.

Let him say everything he needs to say, and then we go directly to see what is in this mountain that dares to touch the people of our Red Whale Gang. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yes. Xu Chui slowly stepped back and rushed towards Chen Zongtao.

Now let's talk about the legend that has been circulating in Qingcha Town recently. Lu Sheng looked at Dong Qi.

It's the legend of Buxiao. Dong Qi lowered his head and said respectfully, Recently, some people in our tea gang have disappeared in the middle of the night. They are obviously not in the mountains, but they still disappear inexplicably. Many people disappear just at home.

There are rumors that there is a stone house in the mountains, and the owner of Buxiao lives in it. Someone breaks into the house by mistake, wakes him up, and asks him to leave the mountains.

The master who doesn't laugh comes to the town, and someone must tell a joke that can make him laugh out loud, otherwise he will keep killing people everywhere.

Are you kidding? Lu Sheng was stunned.

Yes. Dong Qi nodded, It is said that once you meet a non-smiling master, you must tell a joke in a very short time to make him laugh, otherwise you will not be able to see the sun the next day.

Lu Sheng shook his head and smiled, looking around.

Do you believe it? There is such a legend?

Ning San thought about it seriously.

My subordinates believe that it is most likely true. Since Master Buxiao has spread such rules and reputation, it means that someone must have survived under him, so this rumor has spread.

It makes sense. Lu Sheng nodded.

The rest of the people around him nodded in agreement.

There are so many people building reward buildings...what are you doing? =_=, it makes me feel embarrassed...

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