Extreme Demon

Chapter 186 Don’t Smile 5

What? What's wrong with this mirror? Lu Sheng was stunned and saw Hongfangbai's reaction was a little strange.

The problem is huge. I have heard of an organization that is composed entirely of weirdos. They are extremely hidden and are called the Three Saint Sect. Hongfangbai whispered, This organization is very mysterious and not easy to mess with. You If you see it, it's best to go around. I don't want to be implicated by you and suffer disaster.

With your strength, you are actually afraid of these Three Saint Sects? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

They are very difficult to deal with. You won't know it until you have been in contact with them. Their methods are extremely weird. There are so many types of weirdness that it is impossible to count them. There are so many obsessions of living beings, and the weirdness they produce will be all kinds. Wait until you meet You'll understand when you get there. Hong Fangbai said simply.

Lu Sheng recalled the incident when he met the mirror. Indeed, he was actually pulled into the mirror in the end, and the other party also had three forms. He would fight if he didn't agree, which was indeed difficult to deal with.

Forget it, you won't believe this. What you have encountered before should be their collectors, soldiers who specialize in collecting essence. If you encounter that kind of white glazed mirror, be careful. . Hong Fangbai jumped off the table, Okay, I'm going to take a shower. I've said everything I need to say. It's up to you.

Lu Sheng didn't stop her, he just watched her leave the study and fell into deep thought.

In this world, apart from aristocratic families, there are also many forces among demons and monsters. There is the Xinyu Society, the Wuyou Society, and the Three Saint Sects that have emerged now.

After all, this Three Saint Sect is also a strange force.

He sat quietly for a while.

There are still more than fifty units of Yin Qi that are useless. Maybe we can improve the Ji Yang Dao again.

Dark blue.

The modifier box slowly appears.

He glanced at his current state.

‘Ji Yang Dao: three stages. Special effects: Strength bonus level 13, shock level 10, defense enhancement level 10, burning level 6’

Ji Yang Dao is the culmination of all hard skills. It is completely composed of external skills, which determines the strength of my physical body and my physical abilities.

The last time he upgraded to the third stage in one breath, combining the inner energy of Yin and Yang, he could form the Destroyer form. Now, it seems that the Yin Qi is not enough.

He didn't see the deduction button behind Ji Yang Dao, and was a little disappointed. Then he looked at the internal strength.

‘Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong: Ninth level, special effect: inner energy detonates, strengthens the blood network. ’

‘Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi: Ninth level. Special effects: Yinhe Net, cathode state. ’

Although the techniques were separated on the modifier, Lu Sheng clearly felt that the inner energy in his body was fused together, yin and yang were integrated, outer yang and inner yin.

The main body is the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong on the outside, and the inner body relies on the yin and yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi to stabilize the body and not be burned by the excessive explosion of the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong.

Without the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi, Lu Sheng would not be able to freely control and withstand such high-intensity Yang internal energy.

In other words, if I want to improve my internal skills now, I must improve both the yin and yang internal skills as much as possible. He thought about this, Now there are only more than fifty units of yin energy left, and I can only improve one of them at most. No. There may be problems with the balance. It is better to keep the Yin Qi first, and then improve it together after accumulating more.

He stood up and slowly put the book on the original bookshelf.

Someone's coming.


A guard pushed open the door and knelt down on one knee.

Prepare the carriages and horses and head to Qingcha Town. Give me the order to have Xu Chui accompany you and bring a guard. Lu Sheng ordered. These guards have a very high right to know, and each of them is selected from the gang. The elite dead warriors had a fanatical worship of him and were even planted with a Yinhe net. So loyalty is unquestionable.

Yes! Konoe took the gang leader's token and exited.

Lu Sheng originally planned to go there concealing his identity, but after thinking about it, it was better to bring people there with carriages and horses. There are advantages to having more people.

After giving the order, he stood alone in the study, looking at the sky outside the study window. Light clouds drifted across the sky, blocking the autumn and winter sun.

After standing still for a moment, he sighed, opened the door slowly, and walked out of the room.

Three days later, Qingcha Town.

In the wine shop in the town, beside the huge wine vat, a Taoist in Tsing Yi slowly took out some small copper coins from his pocket and counted them.

He looked up at the busy drinkers in the wine shop with a solemn expression, and pinched his fingers to make a fortune-telling gesture.

This man looked dignified in appearance, with a solemn expression on his face. He looked like a Taoist master at first glance. He also had a neat black goatee on his chin.

He twirled his fingers and calculated, and his solemn expression suddenly became more solemn.

There's not enough money.

With such a big man standing in front of the wine vat by the gate, the owner of the store had naturally noticed it a long time ago. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he saw the man's expression becoming more and more solemn, the owner of the store began to feel a little nervous. Thinking of the strange thing that happened in the town recently, he quickly arranged for the waiter and took the initiative to step forward.

Taoist Priest, may I ask, is there anything wrong with my shop and wine shop? Why are you standing at the door with a solemn expression?

Hearing this, the Taoist took a deep breath.

My name is Wan Hezi. I passed by your store by chance. On a whim, I twirled my fingers and found something was wrong.

May I ask what's wrong? The store owner is also a believer, and he was immediately worried after hearing this. He hurriedly asked Hu Xiaoer to invite the Taoist into the wine shop.

Wan Hezi half-assed it, and after being invited into the wine shop, he was about to sit down and talk in detail.

Senior Brother Wan Hezi?? Suddenly a drinker stood up slowly and looked at the Taoist in surprise.

Wan Hezi looked at the sound and was also stunned.

Junior Brother Yan!? He rolled his eyes and leaned over with a smile on his face. It turns out that Junior Brother Yan is also here, what a coincidence! What a coincidence!

The man who stood up was none other than Yan Kai, who had traveled all over the world. He had a ruddy complexion and the same Chinese character face, but compared to Wan Hezi, Yan Kai's face was obviously much more upright.

Yan Kai looked at Wan Hezi dumbfounded. He knew that his senior brother was not very capable, but he liked to cheat and pretend to be a superior person. Looking at him now, he looked sanctimonious, and he was obviously planning to trick the wine shop owner into getting some drinks.

Come on, come on, senior brother, sit here. We haven't seen each other for so long, so we just want to sit down and chat. Where have you been in these years? Where is the master? Why can't you find anyone on the mountain?

When Wan Hezi saw someone treating him, he immediately ignored the wine shop owner and gave him a few casual words before squeezing over to sit with Yan Kai.

Duan Rongrong, who was originally sitting next to Yan Kai, was squeezed away and immediately pouted, feeling very unhappy.

Hey, Rongrong is here too, come on, let senior brother take the lead! Wan Hezi's eyes lit up when he saw Duan Rongrong, and he wanted to move over to take advantage.

Senior Brother Wanhezi, aren't you afraid that I will tell Sister Bingyuan? Duan Rongrong folded her arms and snorted coldly.

Well Wan Hezi, who was very excited just now, became embarrassed when he looked. He took his hand back angrily.

And Brother Yan Kai is your junior brother, it doesn't mean that I am also your junior sister. No wonder Sister Bingyuan doesn't want you, tusk tusk tusk. Duan Rongrong sat farther away from Wan Hezi with a look of disgust on her face.

Hey, don't be like this, senior brother, I have my own reasons too. Wan Hezi was helpless.

By the way, senior brother, did you also hear the legend spread in this town when you came here? Yan Kai directly transmitted the message into the secret passage at this time.

This secret of sound transmission is still a secret of their bloodline, and only people with the same bloodline can use it.

Hearing this, Wan Hezi also nodded and said with a solemn expression on his face again, also transmitting the sound into the secret.

To be precise, I am chasing an extremely powerful person. Have you heard of Chaolong from Shinyoukai?

Chaolong? Xinyouhui? Yan Kai asked doubtfully, That's not true. Senior brother might as well say it clearly.

Wanhezi sighed.

This Chaolong, on the eastern coast of Song Dynasty and on the archipelago, can be called a big man who can stop children from crying and has a terrifying reputation. You can never imagine how powerful he is. Every move of this person affects the east The situation of the demon clan forces.

It's just that not long ago, for some unknown reason, this person suddenly went west and came to this northern territory. He also didn't know why.

Yan Kai didn't know how strong Chaolong he was talking about was, but his trip was for another purpose.

No matter why he came here, it has nothing to do with us. This time I am here to investigate the legend of the Unsmiling Master circulating in Qingcha Town.

Master who doesn't laugh at you? Wan Hezi frowned, You're talking about a man who tells jokes in a stone house in a village in the mountains.

Exactly. Before Yan Kai could finish his words, he suddenly heard the sound of hoofbeats coming from outside the wine shop.

A large group of well-dressed men in black, surrounded by a fleet of exquisite horse-drawn carriages, slowly moved forward on the street. All the townspeople and vendors were driven to both sides to avoid the group.

In the center of the motorcade was a gorgeous sedan with black and red trim, carried by eight powerful men as they marched slowly.

The most shocking thing is that there are officers and soldiers of Fei Lian Army guarding the team outside.

This team is so grand! Wan Hezi glanced at it and couldn't help but sigh.

Yan Kai saw the flag standing above the motorcade.

It's the Red Whale Gang! Why are they here?

And it's the gang leader who is on patrol! Duan Rongrong also recognized the flag. They had been in the Northland for a while and had many dealings with the Red Whale Gang.

This gang is truly the largest gang in the North, and its leader is an acquaintance of theirs, Lu Sheng, a young master of the Lu family who they had met before.

It's the eldest son of the Lu family. Duan Rongrong said solemnly, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Yan Kai.

It shouldn't be Lu Sheng, the North Sword King. Yan Kai said solemnly.

The Sword King of the North? With such a great name, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue? Wan Hezi disagreed, If the Jiao Chaolong who traveled east heard about it, the Sword King of the North would probably suffer.

That's not necessarily the case. Yan Kai shook his head, The rise of the leader of the Lu Shenglu Gang is simply a miracle. His strength is unrivaled in the North, and he is ruthless and has a deep background. With such strength and power, it is absolutely impossible. They won't be ordinary humans. If we really have to fight, the outcome will be unpredictable.

No, you don't understand the horror of Dongyou Jiao Chaolong. Wan Hezi shook his head, When you see him actually take action, you will understand why he can dominate the entire Eastern Islands and why there are so many masters living in Under his shadow. Now that he recalled the original scene, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Yan Kai didn't argue with him. He could see that this senior brother had been scared out of his wits by Chao Long. But he had met Lu Sheng and knew that this man was like a giant owl, acting unscrupulously and extremely directly and brutally. In addition, this place is also within the Northland. If the Lu Gang leader is displeased here, the consequences will be self-evident.

If these two really faced off, he didn't think Lu Sheng would lose.

No matter what, these two are big shots we can't afford to offend. Just don't offend them. Yan Kai said in a low voice.

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