Extreme Demon

Chapter 185 Not Smiling 4

Elder Xu actually disappeared? All ten people who went to search with him were trapped in the mountains? He gently crumpled the letter into a ball, and with a click, the fire flashed, and the letter turned into black ashes. The seams between his fingers slowly fell apart.

Now that Hongfang has dissipated and Wuyou Mansion has retreated, the remaining ghosts have been swept away by many masters sent by him. Stronger monsters will not appear so quickly in a short period of time.

As for the powerful and somewhat sane ghosts, without the protection of Hongfang, they all know the reputation of the Red Whale Gang and will take the initiative to retreat if they give their name.

And those ghosts that are weaker are naturally weaker, and many of the masters in the gang can deal with them now.

Zhao Jiaojiao and Xu Chui continued to clean up the ghosts at this level.

The entire Northland has unprecedented stability and peace. And his Lu Sheng's reputation is getting better and better day by day, like the sun is in the sky.

Under this great trend, elder masters disappeared unexpectedly. This is the most serious provocation against the Red Whale Gang.

Lu Sheng briefly explained and pointed out some mistakes made by Lin Honglian and Yuan Zhong, and asked them to practice on their own. He turned around and went straight to the gang leader's study.

Sitting in the study, he carefully looked through the documents piled up on the table. Since the last time he got a reply from Zhao Jiaojiao, he had not received another message in more than ten days.

With Zhao Jiaojiao's personality, she either encounters difficult problems or goes around killing people, getting too excited and forgetting about the real thing.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Sheng ordered: Let Ning San come to see me.

Yes. Konoe quickly followed the order.

Ning San, who was soon in the Red Whale, quickly walked into the study covered in sweat.

Ning San has met the gang leader! He knelt down on one knee with a respectful expression.

Have you understood it yet? Lu Sheng was quite surprised. Ning San was also one of the people who passed through his Yinhe Net. With the Yinhe Net, the masters of the inner sect can practice inner qi much faster than before, but even so, Ning San, a guy who was originally at the level of Tongli, actually mastered it so quickly. This surprised him. According to normal principles, it would take at least several years to reach this level.

I'm lucky enough to understand the true meaning of martial arts. I have understood the Chuanshan Quan practiced by my subordinates. Ning San said respectfully. He didn't just accumulate inner energy to improve to Tongyi, but relied on his own understanding.

Although the inner energy of this kind of Tongyi is far inferior to that kind, the foundation is more solid. With the same skill, the power they can exert is much stronger. Of course, it's just that the realm has been reached. In fact, if the internal strength is not cultivated, the strength is still insufficient. It’s just that there is no bottleneck in realm.

At the beginning, Lu Sheng himself understood the true meaning of the Black Tiger Sword Technique and entered the gate of enlightenment.

On the other hand, Xu Chui, whom Lu Sheng had always placed high hopes on, had never been able to comprehend the meaning. In the end, he relied on forcibly infusing his skills to cross this level.

Since you have understood Tongyi this time, you can come with me. Lu Sheng ordered. Ning San is a person with a sharp vision. He is good at handling all kinds of trivial matters in front of and behind him. It is also very convenient to take out many things.

Um, my subordinate just broke through, isn't it a little too early? Ning San hesitated.

It doesn't matter. Lu Sheng smiled. I'll lend you a piece of my true power. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary.

He slowly raised his right palm and walked to Ning San.

Bang! ! !

In an instant, a thunderous palm hit Ning San in the middle of his forehead.

Hiss. Large amounts of Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi poured into Ning San's body crazily.

After the battle between Lu Sheng and Hongfang Master, he absorbed hundreds of years of skill from the Tianyuan masters in the Martial Alliance, and now poured it into Ning San crazily in one breath.

Ning San was trembling all over. As his internal energy surged, a large number of muscles and fascia were swelling and twisting, and his bones and joints began to undergo abnormal changes.

Like Xu Chui, Ning San received a large amount of Yin inner Qi and Yin Yang Jade Crane Vase Qi in a short period of time. At this time, Ning San also caused physical changes.

Hundreds of years of skill poured in crazily, and only eighty years of inner energy poured in. Ning San spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth, his breath quickly depleted, and he saw that he had reached his limit.

Lu Sheng quickly stopped.

Eighty years of inner energy, coupled with his own inner energy training, basically reached the limit of Ning San's body.

After receiving so much inner energy in such a short period of time, Ning San's left hand was slightly unable to bear it. The forearm and elbow area gradually swelled and bulged, and the skin turned black and red, and even subtle spikes of black gradually appeared. hair.


The strength in my left arm became stronger and stronger, and it began to shake. Ning San couldn't help but press his arm to the ground to suppress its violent trembling and beating.

Relax. Relax. Lu Sheng smiled. This is your own potential being unlocked. I'm just playing a supporting role.

Under the control of Yinhe Net, Ning San quickly felt that the resistance of his left arm gradually weakened, and soon he was able to freely control this new left arm.

The black hair and black-red skin quickly shrank and recovered, turning into their original normal human form.

Ning San had already learned from Xu Chui that the gang leader had the ability to develop people's potential, so although he was surprised that his arm had changed, he was not too panicked.

Thank you, Gang Leader, for your guidance!! He knelt down and said loudly and excitedly.

Just like this, he felt that his strength had increased by an unknown amount.

Lu Sheng nodded.

Get ready, follow me later. Go to Qingcha Town. A master of the inner family that he had laid the Yinhe Net disappeared. This meant that he was missing the fruit of harvesting inner energy. Whether it was for the sake of the stability of the Red Whale Gang and the Northland, or for the improvement of his own internal strength in the future, Lu Sheng had to go and check it out.

In addition, you may be able to find some Yin energy to absorb.

Yes! Ning San said respectfully.

After he respectfully retired, the study became quiet again. A petite figure slowly walked out from behind the bookshelf.

Sure enough, this evil method can not only control people, but also turn them into a semi-demon form. The little umbrella girl looked solemn.

Half-demon? You are wrong. They are still humans. Lu Sheng smiled.

Do you think I would believe someone who is like a demon? A half-demon is a half-demon, and there are many strong people who are trying in this area. The little umbrella girl said coldly. By the way, the magic technique I practice needs to swallow resentment. You promised to help me regain my strength!

Of course, so, do you want to go with me? This incident will cause a lot of resentment. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Don't worry about me leaving you? the little umbrella girl said coldly.

It's good to know. Lu Sheng pinched her little cheek.

Under the Yinhe Net, the little umbrella girl tried to move and dodge, but it was useless. Her body stood in place against her will, letting Lu Sheng knead her, and even pretended to be cute and took the initiative to rub Lu Sheng's hand.


On the smooth face, a small piece of pink flesh was pinched and then released.


The little umbrella girl's mouth was not closed for a moment, and a breath of air was squeezed out, making a strange sound.

You!!! Her face turned red all of a sudden, turning purple. I'll kill you!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lu Sheng's eyes.

Lu Sheng turned a blind eye to his anger, avoided being grabbed, stood up, and flipped through books on the bookshelf.

The little umbrella girl stood there and could only roar, but no matter how her upper body moved, her lower body remained fixed in place, motionless, and was controlled by the Yinhe Net without any response.

As far as I know, weirdness should be the most traceable trouble. I wonder what weirdness is from the perspective of you demons? Lu Sheng asked lightly.

Promise me not to humiliate me again! I'll tell you! The little umbrella girl was weak in resistance and said sternly.


Promised too quickly

The little umbrella girl opened her mouth, but the subsequent series of persuasive reasons were useless, and the result came out.

Lu Sheng briefly told the story about Qingcha Town.

What do you think is possible about this matter?

Obviously weird. Hongfangbai calmed down and snorted, Most weirdos have extremely powerful obsessions. If they cannot satisfy their obsessions, they will not stop. What we call controlling weirdness is just that. It uses certain methods to make it think that certain designated living people have invaded its territory, but it is not really controlling.

Then do you know how the weirdness is formed? Lu Sheng asked again.

You have to ask Yingying about this, I'm not weird, I know shit! Hongfangbai said disdainfully. Based on what I've learned over the years, it's okay if some of them are isolated and easy to guide and control, but if you encounter one of the most troublesome types.

Although she was unhappy with Lu Sheng, she still answered very cooperatively.

Speaking of it, compared to that kind of weirdness, I think you are more like the biggest weirdo! I just don't know who is more powerful among them? said Hongfang Baiyin with a quizzical smile. stand up.

I'm looking forward to what it will look like when you encounter them.


Lu Sheng slapped her to the ground.

Little guy, please don't pretend to be an adult. Lu Sheng said casually, Also, what is the other type of weirdness you are talking about?


Bang! !

Lu Sheng slapped him again.

After a period of struggling and beating, the little umbrella girl sat down with her cheeks red and swollen, staring at Lu Sheng with an angry look on her face.

That kind of bad weirdness is something other than Yingying. It's like withered black flowers and sewage under the bridge, giving people a very unclean and filthy feeling. Hongfangbai hummed, I once fought against them. They wanted to capture Yingying, but unfortunately I interfered with them, and I couldn't catch up after that.

Oh? Catch weirdos? Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow, Is there any way to identify them?

Hongfangbai nodded.

Yes. Their sign is that wherever they go, everyone around them will naturally absorb their essence. They can't sleep at night and have a serious loss of energy and spirit. It looks like they haven't slept well.

Oh?? Lu Sheng was suddenly stunned. He seemed to have seen something similar somewhere.

It's in the tea gang.

He recalled that the mirror

Have you ever heard of a mirror with a phoenix, a fox, and a cat engraved on the back? Lu Sheng said slowly and softly.

Phoenix, fox and cat? You're not talking about a glass mirror, are you? Hong Fangbai suddenly opened his eyes wide.

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