Extreme Demon

Chapter 184 Not Smiling 3

Qingcha Town.

The sound of galloping horse hooves kept coming, and the townsfolk in the town took cover one after another, and the vendors pushing carts also gave way.

On the not-so-wide street, a group of black-clad men and women were galloping on horseback. The leaders were two old men with gray hair and beards but carrying strange weapons.

These people are more or less embroidered with varying numbers of red fish-shaped patterns. The few are Pisces, and the many are even Five Fishes.

The two old men at the head were embroidered with the image of a white whale.

In just ten breaths, these dozen riders disappeared from the street in the blink of an eye. Many vendors and townspeople came to their senses, and some familiar people asked each other who the galloping horse was.

Among them, the old man at the tea stall, who was always well-informed, looked at the direction the knight was leaving and sighed.

This is such a troubled time. He shook his head.

Why did Mr. Zhou say that? Aren't those people who passed by just now from the Red Whale Gang? The Red Whale Gang is the largest gang in the North. They are mostly responsible for maintaining order and stability, but what's wrong with that? Sitting and drinking tea One of the guests wondered.

Of course the old man recognizes those adults from the Red Whale Gang, but you don't know that the two leaders are big shots at the level of the White Whale. The old man at the tea stall said in a deep voice, I have been in this Qingcha Town for three full years. This is the second time in ten years that an expert who has seen the beluga logo has come here.”

Oh? Then old man, when was the last time you saw it? Is there any difference between this white whale logo? I only know that the more fish patterns there are, the higher the status in the Red Whale Gang. Another strong man came closer and asked road.

The old man at the tea stall shook his head.

The white whale symbol is something that only elders and internal and external affairs envoys are qualified to use. That level is one level higher than that of the helmsman, and is close to the level of deputy gang leader.

Our small town can actually have such a big shot. Apart from big things happening, what else could be possible?

After hearing what he said, the expressions of the tea drinkers who were just listening to the excitement suddenly changed.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a while, someone slowly spoke.

Could it be because of the recent frequent reports of missing persons?

Is it that matter that failed to come to fruition even after reporting it to the official?

A big shot in the Red Whale Gang will never come here looking for trouble and come here out of boredom. Although our Qingcha Town is good, it can't compare to the prosperous Huanpei City and Yanshan City.

Everyone just said something to each other and quickly judged the possibilities.

It's been such an eventful time. The old man at the tea stall sighed again, lowered his head and continued to greet the guests.

Deep mountains, night.

Torches were constantly roaming the mountains, searching for targets.

The red firelight looked extremely bright and dazzling under the cold moonlight.

Xu Chuanzhou looked solemn, holding a pair of three spikes, walking in the forest and looking around with a pair of tiger eyes.

I found it. There is a bright light in front of me, it seems to be the light of a white lantern! A member of the gang suddenly shouted loudly.

Where!? Xu Chuanzhou strode towards the direction of the gang members.

He and another elder were ordered by the gang leader to come to investigate the news. Originally he was supposed to hold his troops back and catch up with Zhao Jiaojiao who had already set off, but he still couldn't hold himself back and led his men towards the deep mountains where legends often spread.

This time, he brought more than ten masters here at once, all of whom were confidants of Hongrong Village under his command.

If it wasn't for the purpose of showing off his abilities in front of the gang leader, he wouldn't have brought out his personal power.

Xu Chuanzhou knew clearly that the Red Whale Gang was now dominating the Northern Territory and was suppressing other forces. The leader of the Gang was called the Sword King of the Northern Territory. His martial arts skills were superb and his strength was unrivaled. If he could earn some attention during the peak period of the Red Whale Gang and come into the sight of Gang Leader Lu, it would be a great step forward for the Xu family's future foundation.

So after weighing the pros and cons, he pulled out his private soldiers in one fell swoop to resolve the anomaly that occurred here quickly and effectively.

The faster the speed, the more likely it will attract the attention of the gang leader.

After a few leaps, he quickly reached the disciples who made the noise.

It's right there! The gang pointed to the depths of the dense forest.

Xu Chuanzhou looked around and saw a looming white light.

Everyone, follow me! He shouted suddenly.

Among the masters, the weakest are all at the Pisces level, and they are still good masters who can rule a neighborhood outside. This is the time to take advantage of the opportunity to make a contribution.

Now that all kinds of strange things in the Northland have been cleared up, it is not easy to find a place where they can make contributions. Each of these gang members are eager to try and are extremely active.

More than a dozen people and more than a dozen torches lined up in a long snake, and soon they arrived in front of a small village.

The village was built on a black stone ground like old tree bark, with stone houses scattered on the uneven slopes.

The white light came from a large stone house on a slope.

Xu Chuanzhou took a quick look and saw that in front of the door of the stone house was a stone staircase sloping downward. Under the swaying white light and firelight, he could see that the stone steps were some years old and were still vaguely covered with moss.

Let's go and take a look. He ordered. Half the people are guarding outside, Hongzi, Xiaoyi, Xiaochen, you bring people in with me!

Yes!! Several confidants responded one after another.

They are masters of the Red Whale Gang, and Elder Xu has profound skills in the Yan Kung Fu, especially after receiving secret training from the gang leader a while ago, it is even more unfathomable when he comes back.

I had easily investigated several strange things before. So they are quite confident at this time.

Xu Chuanzhou and a group of people slowly walked up the stone steps, came to the white-lit stone house, and knocked gently on the door.


The wooden door opened by itself without closing it.

Inside is a spacious small courtyard.

Xu Chuanzhou narrowed his eyes, pulled out a three-pointed thorn with his backhand, and strode in.

There was a crowd of people behind him, holding torches, pulling out the long knives on their backs, and walking into the yard vigilantly.

There is someone in the room! A member of the gang with sharp eyes saw the figure sitting in the main hall at a glance.

Xu Chuanzhou walked slowly to the center of the courtyard and looked around. He noticed that there were no traces of footprints on the ground. There were even no footprints in front of the door. They were all covered with thick moss. It didn't look like someone had walked there.

There was silence all around, except for the crackling sound of burning torches.

Xu Chuanzhou pondered for a moment.

I am Xu Chuanzhou, the elder of the Red Whale Gang in the North. No matter which force or faction you belong to, if you commit crimes near Huanpei City, don't you think too little of our Red Whale Gang? he suddenly said loudly. road.

There was silence in the main hall, no reaction. The figure printed on the window paper remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard it at all.

When Xu Chuanzhou saw this, he suddenly became angry.

Bump the door! He waved his hand.

Suddenly, a subordinate quickly came to the door.


With a loud shout, he slammed against the wooden door, but the door was not closed in the first place.

The man accidentally rushed forward and easily opened the door. He entered the main hall in a blink of an eye and almost fell to the ground without losing his balance.

The strange thing is that after the door was opened, there was no one in the main hall. The figure reflected on the window paper before was nowhere to be seen.

Search for me!! Xu Chuanzhou said coldly and waved his hand.

Since the turmoil subsided a while ago, the Red Whale Gang has been running rampant in the Northland. In the past, they had to take care of the Red Fang and some other forces, but now it seems that all other forces are avoiding them.

Many things subside on their own before they cause any trouble. That was the strange thing he encountered last time.

Perhaps it will be similar this time. Xu Chuanzhou thought to himself. Holding two thorns in his hand, he slowly stepped into the main hall, and each of his subordinates began to scatter around to search for traces of people.

The main hall was bright, with white lanterns placed everywhere, and the light was bright. There are also many strange and various decorations hanging on the walls.

Directly opposite the gate, there stood a huge ancient mirror.

This is...? Xu Chuanzhou frowned and walked closer, looking at the mirror carefully.

The mirror is an extremely rare colored glass mirror, which is very precious. If such a large piece of colored glass mirror is auctioned on the market, it can be said to be almost priceless and worth a fortune.

Elder Qi, there is no one in this room. Several subordinate leaders quickly came back to report.

Xu Chuanzhou turned around and glanced at the people who came back to him.

Suddenly he frowned.

Where's Xiao Chen?

Several people looked at each other.

I didn't see him. He just said to go take a look in the yard outside the house. A female disciple whispered.

Outside the house? Xu Chuanzhou frowned even more tightly.

Let's go out and take a look first. He had a bad feeling. From the first time they entered this place to now, it seemed like something was lurking in the darkness, staring at them quietly.

A group of people were about to exit the main hall.

Bang! !

Bang bang bang bang! !

Suddenly, all the doors and windows in the whole house were slammed shut, as if someone was slamming them shut from outside.


The latch on the door slammed down, and the group of people was suddenly locked in the house.

Retreat! Xu Chuanzhou shouted sharply and took the lead to rush towards the door.


It was as if someone blew out the light at once.

The entire main hall, along with all the torches, was instantly extinguished.

The room suddenly became quiet, as if there was no one inside.

Time passed slowly. The courtyard was quiet. Elder Xu and others who led people in suddenly stopped making any movement.

Bang! !

Suddenly, the wooden door was knocked open, and a figure covered in blood rushed out half of the body, but was immediately grabbed by something behind him and dragged back into the house.

Just wait, the Red Whale Gang will never let you go!! No matter who you are! No matter who you are!! The figure roared, and it turned out to be Xu Chuanzhou. He was covered in blood and scratched the ground with his hands. Two long blood marks appeared. With a sudden movement, he was dragged into the house again.

Bang! !

The door was closed tightly, and there was no sound in the room.


A lot of people have disappeared in a row? Lu Sheng looked at the martial arts performances of several fellow disciples in the school grounds, and listened to the guard's low-pitched report.

Elder Xu and Foreign Affairs Minister Chen have both rushed in that direction, but there is no news yet. Konoe said in a low voice.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Foreign Minister Chen and Elder Xu were both new high-level officials he promoted. When there was a problem in Huanpei City before, he sent these two to help deal with it.

But I didn't expect that more than ten days had passed and there was no news at all.

Report. At this time, another guard rushed over and presented a letter in his hand with both hands. Urgent news from Huanpei City!

Lu Sheng reached out and took the letter, unfolded it and took a few glances at it. After reading the contents of the letter, his expression suddenly darkened.

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