Extreme Demon

Chapter 183 Not Smiling 2

Huanpei City was right on the edge of Qingcha Town, which made Lu Sheng feel inexplicably touched.

“This news was sent out more than a month ago, which means that this incident happened more than a month ago, or even earlier.

At that time, I was still busy plotting against the Red Shop Master. Lu Sheng tapped the table gently, and he smelled an unusual smell.

It's rare for a sub-rudder to disappear like this. Even if demons are rampant in this world and ghosts appear frequently, for a master of the sub-ruler's level, even if ordinary ghosts want to sneak attack, they may not be able to really keep him. If he can't defeat him, he still has to escape. OK.

Even if you can't escape, you can send a signal firework alarm. The more dangerous and weird places are all marked, so you won’t be able to break in without making any noise.

Lu Sheng quickly flipped forward and pulled out a letter from some urgent reports from Zhao Jiaojiao.

‘There are rumors that a mysterious mansion has appeared in the mountains, and there are woodcutters and medicine gatherers. It is said that no one who goes in is seen coming out again. I suspect a new ghost has appeared. Be prepared to test it out. ’

Lu Sheng closed his eyes slightly. He had an intuition that there might be some kind of connection between the two.


Qingcha Town, Tea Gang.

Gang leader Dong Qi was sitting in the lobby, restless. She held a cup of green tea in her hand, but she didn't take a sip.

The urgent news just reported by the deputy gang leader made her worried.

Recently, large areas of tea trees have dried up and their growth is getting worse. No reason can be found. This year's harvest may be affected.

But she also went to see the specific situation in person, and she really didn't know the reason.

Dong Qi stood up and put the tea cup on the table. Feeling depressed, she walked out of the lobby and went to the yard outside to relax and get some fresh air.

Gang leader, there is a man outside the door. He can help us solve the disease of tea tree wilt! At this time, a guard from the gang stepped forward and whispered.

Dong Qi was stunned.

The tea tree was showing signs of sluggishness, and she hadn't even had time to release the news. How did the other party find out about it and come to her door?

Could it be that there is another traitor in the gang?

She put her hands behind her hands and hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Ask him to go to the living room. I'll be there shortly.

Yes. The men left.

Dong Qi calmed down a little, drank a few sips of tea, and then walked towards the living room.

As soon as she entered the door, she was attracted by the figure standing in the hall at first sight.

It was a young scribe with a slender figure and a handsome face. He was full of confidence and calmness. He was holding a black umbrella in his hand and was standing in the hall, admiring a picture of the sunset hanging on the wall.

I met Gang Leader Dong in the lower section of Xichen. The scribe clasped his fists and smiled at her, Hearing that the tea mountains were withered, Xi Chen has always been confident, so he recommended himself to the door. I hope Gang Leader Dong won't be offended.

What the hell! Dong Qi smiled, Sir, you have a keen eye. If you are really capable, I will reward you with generous gifts from everyone in my gang.

You're welcome, Gang Leader. Duan Xichen smiled. Suddenly he seemed to ask casually. Speaking of which, this tea gang headquarters seems a bit spooky. I heard it was haunted a while ago?

Dong Qi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

It's so haunted. It's just some dirty things happening within the gang.

Really? Duan Xichen showed a hint of curiosity. Can you tell me about it? Just leave it to me regarding the tea mountain.

Dong Qi couldn't bear to leave his eyes, just listening to him talking made her heart warm and comfortable, making people want to satisfy the other party's request without realizing it.

It's all in the past, but since sir wants to hear it, I'll tell you.

Deep in the mountains.

The thunder was rolling, the rain was pouring, and the dark mountain forest was swaying under the weight of the wind and rain.

Ouch ouch!

At the foot of a dark slope in the mountain, Zhang Wulang lay in the ravine and groaned, the rain mixed with muddy water soaking his lower body.

When his legs rolled down the slope, they were already covered with blood. At this time, they were soaked in mud, water and sewage, making them even more painful and swollen.

At this time, I reached out and touched it, and the skin on my legs and feet was a little numb.

It's broken. You have to get up quickly. If you lie here any longer, you may not even be able to save your life! He got up with difficulty. He had fainted due to hitting the back of his head and accidentally missed the best opportunity to go back.

At this time, there was heavy rain and thunder, and the mountains and forests were so dark that the roads were almost invisible. There were cut-off bushes and thick tree trunks everywhere.

It will be difficult to find the way home again.

We can't stay here. After so much blood was shed before, it will inevitably attract wild beasts. Zhang Wulang has been collecting herbs and hunting in the mountains all year round, and is very experienced in this area.

He slowly climbed up and limped out of the slope and ravine, looking around, trying to see the way back through the flashes of lightning from time to time.

But he suddenly fell down the hillside and was no longer on the path he usually walked on. Coupled with wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and darkness in the middle of the night, in this harsh environment, it is difficult to find a way back to the sky.

But he knew that if he didn't persevere, he might not survive one night in this deep mountain wilderness, and he would freeze to death tomorrow.

The temperature in the north is not high, and now it is autumn and winter, the temperature is even lower. Not long after Zhang Wulang woke up, he felt cold and trembling all over. Some parts of the body may become cramped and stiff as soon as he stops moving.

Is anyone there? he tried shouting.

But the wind and rain were blowing, and there was a strange whine and thunder, and his little voice couldn't travel far at all.

Zhang Wulang had no choice but to drag his tired body and try his best to hide in a place with more shade. However, he avoided the rain and the cold wind blew on his wet body, but he was still freezing.

While walking in the forest, he suddenly looked up and saw a little white light in front of him.

Light? Is there someone there?? Zhang Wulang was overjoyed, and immediately quickened his pace and rushed towards the place where the light came out.


Lightning flashed across, turning the world pale for a moment.

Zhang Wulang dragged his tired body with difficulty, and finally walked out of the sheltering forest and came to the bright front.

What appeared in front of him was a dilapidated small mountain village. Stone houses are scattered across the ground, located on the black field like old tree bark.

At a glance, the white light came from a large stone house at the entrance of the mountain village.

The stone house is in a higher position, higher than the other stone houses. There is a sloping stone step to the left connected to the main door.

Zhang Wulang swallowed his saliva, and with ecstasy in his heart, he accelerated even faster and walked towards the light.

In such a deep mountain, you can still encounter human beings, which is simply great luck.

Is there anyone!!? Excuse me!! He shouted loudly and quickly walked to the stone steps of the stone house.

The stone houses in this village were all dark, but this one had lights on, and it happened to be close to the entrance of the village, so he simply went straight here.

Excuse me! Is anyone there?? Zhang Wulang shouted again when he didn't hear the answer.

He climbed up the stone steps with difficulty step by step, and finally came to the wooden door of the stone house.

Boom, boom, boom.

He knocked hard on the door.

With a creak, the wooden door was not closed, and he knocked it open.

Zhang Wulang's heart skipped a beat. In such a dangerous mountain, it was not normal to open the door in the middle of the night!

You must know that there are many ferocious beasts in the mountains. If you leave the door open at night, if jackals, tigers and leopards are attracted, it will be a life-threatening disaster.

But now that there was a thunderstorm and he was suffering from hunger and cold, he couldn't think too much.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Wulang opened the door and walked in.

Behind the door is a spacious courtyard. Further inside the courtyard, directly in front of the door, is a main hall lit with white light. Through the window paper, you can see that someone seems to be sitting there.

Zhang Wulang suddenly felt hopeful.

‘Perhaps the owner was careless and forgot to close the door. And my previous shouting might have been because the thunderstorm was too loud and I didn’t hear it at all. ’

He closed the door behind his back and walked limping towards the main hall.

Help!! Is there anyone!?? He felt his body was getting more and more painful and shouted quickly.

But the rolling thunder sounded again at this moment, completely overwhelming his shouts.

Zhang Wulang had no choice but to walk quickly towards the main hall.

He walked under the eaves in one breath. The wind and rain were mostly blocked by the stone house, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

My name is Zhang Wulang. I accidentally slipped and fell in the mountains at night and fell into a coma. I hope my host will let me stay one night and I will be rewarded in the future! He shouted loudly into the main hall.

Outside the white paper window, you can clearly see a person sitting inside.

Right in the center of the main hall, the man's shadow was reflected on the window by the light, sitting motionless, as if he was asleep.

Is anyone there? Help!


Master, help!

Zhang Wulang shouted again and again and patted the door.

But there was no sound inside.

He suddenly became afraid.

‘Could it be possible, could it be possible, that I encountered a ghost! ? ’ Zhang Wulang’s face slowly turned pale and he became a little uneasy.

at this time.


The door opened.

Zhang Wulang was overjoyed, walked over quickly, and stepped through the door.

The main hall is brightly lit and warm as spring, and the house is also extremely exquisite, completely different from the rough stone house outside.

The wooden furniture, tables and chairs also have carved patterns. There were some unknown and strange ornaments hanging on the walls, and in the middle of the main hall, a middle-aged man was sitting.

A chubby, expressionless middle-aged man.

Tell me a joke. The man suddenly said.

Zhang Wulang was stunned and stood at the door without reacting.

What...? He looked at the other person, wondering if he had heard wrong just now. My name is Zhang Wulang. I am a herb collector who lives nearby. I accidentally fell down a slope and fell into a coma. I have no way to go home, so I have to come here for help. Hope you can.

Tell a joke.

The middle-aged man said it again.

This time Zhang Wulang heard clearly, and he felt something was wrong. I looked around and saw that there was no one else in the hall except this man.

In the middle of the night, this man was sitting alone in the main hall where he was entertaining guests, motionless and expressionless. It felt a little weird no matter what.

I, I, can't tell jokes. I'm sorry. Zhang Wulang felt a chill coming up in his heart, and his legs and feet began to tremble faintly.

Tell a joke.

The third time, the man's strange and calm voice sounded again.

Zhang Wulang collapsed a little. He backed up and tried to exit the door.

Me, me. He was sweating heavily, and his breathing began to be rapid and disordered.

Bang! !

Suddenly, the door slammed shut.

The lights in the main hall suddenly went out, and everything fell into darkness.

I don’t know how long it took.

White light lit up again in the dark main hall, and everything returned to calm.

A figure sitting on the main seat was reflected on the window paper, motionless.

Other than that, there was no other person in the house.

Help. Help!! Suddenly, there were waves of footsteps coming from outside the stone house.

A distressed man covered in mud and water stumbled into the courtyard. When he saw the lighted main hall, he was overjoyed and rushed over.


The wooden door opened and closed.

Tell me a joke. The voice came out of the window again.

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